Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 7

by Reign (T. Styles)

  “It’s too late. The damage has already been done.”

  “Master please don’t kick me and mommy out of the church. She loves it and I do too.”

  “I just want you to know, that whatever happens is all your fault.” He pointed to the chair. “Go sit back down, over there. I’m going to call your mother.” He had an idea and her reaction would determine if he could still use her or not. Everything was a game with him.

  Tyisha hopped down off of crazy’s lap, gripped her cell phone and dawdled toward her seat. She felt weak and this was more pressure than she’d ever experienced in life. Rufus picked up the phone to call his secretary, while he gave Tyisha another dispirited look. “Kelly, call over to the Woman’s Ministry and have Marge brought to my office right away. It’s important. Thank you.”

  He hung up, pulled his bible out and thumbed through the pages. He wasn’t reading anything. It was just his way of reminding the child, that he was a holy man, who should not be questioned or mistrusted. And since she’d done both by his standards that put her in a bad way with him.

  The little girl trembled so badly, that he thought she would spontaneously combust. Five minutes later, Marge walked into his office with a heavy look on her face. Being called to Rufus’ office wasn’t necessarily a good thing and she knew it. Quite a few people were fired after digging too far into his personal business and she hoped she wasn’t about to be ousted too.

  Closing the door behind herself, she looked at her child and then at him. “Is everything okay, Master?”

  “No, unless you believe your daughter participating in rumors is okay.”

  “Of course it isn’t!”

  “I didn’t think so, which is why I’m very upset with her.” He closed his bible. “You know, when I initially selected her for the program, I thought she would fare well. I thought she was a child who was respectful, and could appreciate what a great opportunity this was, and now I believe I’ve made a great mistake. And this is terrible considering how many children applied for this program.” He looked at Tyisha and then back at Marge. “Hundreds, and I chose your daughter, but it doesn’t look like you’ll be getting the scholarship.”

  She already spent the money in her mind so this was totally unacceptable. “What…I don’t understand. You’re throwing her out of the program?” Her eyes alternated from him to her. What was she going to tell everyone she bragged to, if Tyisha was no longer selected? “Maybe there’s been a mistake, Master. Tyisha is a child but she’s far from a bad one.”

  “There’s been no mistake, Marge. I know what I heard.” He looked at Tyisha. “Has there been a mistake, young lady?” Tyisha was as still as a mannequin.

  “Well what did you say?” Marge nudged her shoulder when she didn’t open her mouth. “You hear me talking to you?” The way Marge was acting, you would’ve thought that the freak was Tyisha’s father instead of a phony pastor. “Master, what did she say? I’m sure whatever it was, was a misunderstanding.”

  “Ask her yourself.”

  “Tyisha, what did you say?” Silence. “Tyisha, do you hear me talking to you? What did you say?”

  That was the fourth time her mother asked her what she’d said, and each time she ignored her. His plan worked. After he told her that a lie shouldn’t be repeated, she refused to repeat it even to her own mother.

  “You know what, Marge, judging by the look on her face, I think she’s learned her lesson. I’m so sure that I’ve decided in this moment to give her a second chance. But if she messes this up, she won’t get another.”

  Marge’s eyes remained on her daughter but she could feel something off in the room. There was a thick veil of deceit and maliciousness, but she loved money so much, that she would let it pass. So instead of going with her intuition, she decided to sell her daughter to the devil for a small price. “Okay, as long as you’re sure, Master. The last thing I want to do is fail you and I know Tyisha feels the same way.”

  “I know you do.” When the line leading to his secretary rung he picked up the handset. “Yes, Kelly?” His eyes moved over Tyisha’s lips and her small legs. He was going to have so much fun with her, he could feel it. By the time it was all said and done, she’d be one of his top earners.

  “You have a call, Master.” Kelly explained.

  “Well I’m busy right now. Have them call back later.”

  “I tried to but she said it’s important.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Her name is Yvonna Harris.”

  Rufus was stuck. He was realizing that it wasn’t so much fun when the rabbit had the gun. Originally he thought for sure that Gabriella and Penny would be able to kill Yvonna, which is why he dispatched them to Vegas. But when he found out they were all murdered by Yvonna’s hands instead, he realized he had to take her seriously. Things got worse when Pastor Robinson was killed a few short months later.

  “Sir? Are you there?” Kelly asked, after a long period of silence.

  He was there but he was trying to quarterback the situation in his mind. He didn’t even know where to start. And how had she gotten his office number? He knew she had his cell phone number, thanks to Penny who left it in her coat pocket the weekend of Vegas, but he changed that a long time ago. And nobody but his circle had the office line. “Give me one second, Kelly.” He looked up at Marge and Tyisha and placed his hand over the handset, “I have to take this call, but I’ll be in contact.” When they left he said, “Patch the call through.”

  He took a deep breath and tried to take charge of the situation. He was Rufus Day, the world’s most wealthy pimp and evangelist. Why should he be scared of some girl who was too stupid to realize by fucking with him, she was signing her own death certificate?

  With as much confidence as possible he asked, “What do you want, Yvonna?”

  “Now is that any way to speak to someone?” Yvonna said coyly. “Especially to someone you have a past with?”

  “I don’t have time for games.”

  “When did that change? Because the last thing I remember was me telling you that I was coming for you, and you saying that you’ll be waiting. Is that still true?”

  “Where are you?”

  “We’ll have our time soon enough, Rufus, but for now, I just wanted to know how my favorite pimp was doing?”

  He tried to remain calm, but the fact that she knew his name, and had his new number, meant she was closer to uncovering more about AFCOG than he wanted. “I never told you my name. How did you know it?”


  “What will it take to make you go away?” He asked, opting to reason with her. “How much do you want?”

  She laughed. “You don’t have enough money for me.”

  “I doubt that, Yvonna. Everybody has a price.”

  “And you couldn’t afford mine.”

  “I doubt that very seriously.”

  “You shouldn’t doubt me. And I’m sure if Ron Max could talk, he’d vouch for me.”

  Chill bumps formed over his skin and he felt the strong urge to vomit. “You don’t even know what you’re doing do you? If you did, you would run away while you still can.”


  “Hello?” He looked at the handset as if he could see where she’d gone. Placing it back to his ear he screamed, “Hello!” When he didn’t get a response he slammed it down. He needed to think and he needed to think quickly. Picking back up the handset he said, “Kelly, get Ron Max on the line.”

  “One minute, Master.”

  As he waited, his nails click clacked over his desk. It seemed like forever waiting on Kelly. He looked at his wall and all of the pictures from the celebrities he met in his lifetime. He wasn’t prepared to give up this lifestyle and trade it for prison or the grave. He would see to it that she was killed, even if he had to do it himself.

  It took two minutes for her to return to the phone. “Master, I’m sorry it took me so long but…”

  “But what?”

  “I kept calling
Ron Max because every time I called someone would pick up the phone and say…they would say…uh…”

  “What is it?!”

  “To tell Rufus Day to go fuck himself.”

  The pressure in his body reached heights causing him a severe headache. He didn’t want to make his next call, knowing things could get out of hand. But considering his current status he didn’t have a choice. “Kelly, get Charles Bank on the phone right away. Tell him I need his services as soon as possible.”


  All of the drama had Swoopes’ mind wrecked. Having to relive the memories of what he endured as a child made him understand more that AFCOG needed to be taken down, but also that he would never live a normal life. The mission had become his everything and he often thought about his life after they finished, he didn’t have a plan.

  Since Yvonna and the clan decided to stay in Ron Max’s house until morning, he decided to shower. When he walked into the guest bedroom’s bathroom, a soft steam cloud touched his face and when it cleared, he was looking at Yvonna’s naked body. She had taken a nap earlier and he thought she was still sleep.

  He knew her to be crazy, but what he didn’t remember was how beautiful she looked wearing nothing. “My bad.” He averted his eye a little to offer her respect. Never moving anywhere without his black eye patch, the other was concealed. “I thought you and Bricks was using the master bathroom. My fault.”

  She grabbed the blue towel hanging on the rack, wrapped it around her body and tucked it in the front so it would stay in place. “We are, but since he’s taking a shower now, I decided to grab one real quick in here.” She walked past him and their arms touched lightly. “It’s all yours now.”

  Before she left, he tenderly grabbed her hand. Realizing touch wasn’t something they shared, he quickly released his hold. “Sorry ‘bout that.”

  She cleared her throat. “Not a problem, but what is it?”

  “I wanted to ask, what was up with you earlier today? On more than one occasion, I caught you talking to yourself. And then when we were in the kitchen with Elika and Tata, you was talking like you was somebody else. I mean, I remember hearing that you had mental issues, but I can’t lie, I ain’t see nothing like that shit before.”

  “So what?”

  “It got me noid that’s what, especially since you ‘spposed to be in charge of this shit.”

  “I don’t know what you talking about, Swoopes.” She saw her clothes on the toilet and grabbed them. “And as far as me handling this mission, if you don’t like how I run shit, bounce.”

  “I’m so tired of you and that nigga of yours giving me an ultimatum. Trust, if I want out, I know how to move.”

  “Just as long as you know.”

  Originally he hadn’t meant to upset her, but since she was carrying it like she didn’t give a fuck, he decided to match her mood. That was until he saw a raised scar on the back of her shoulder, with several names on it. The name that stood out the most belonged to him. “Hold up, is that my name…On your back?”

  She turned her head slightly to look at the back of her shoulder, as if she didn’t already know the deal. Still full with attitude, she said, “Don’t worry about what I got on my body. Because anything over here don’t concern you.” Remembering how he eyed her nudity earlier she completed her statement with, “And that means my pussy too.”

  He threw his hands out in front of him and chuckled. “I don’t know what you mean by all that, ‘cause you got me fucked up if you think I’m coming at you.” He looked at her seriously. “Now you still haven’t answered the question, what’s up with my name on your back?” With a serious stance he added, “And who are the other people?”

  Frustrated she let out a puff of air. He wasn’t going to let the matter go and she didn’t feel a need to hide. He already knew she hated his fucking guts at one point in life, so it was best to keep shit real. “As you already know, I couldn’t stand you and you couldn’t stand me. That’s when I added your name on my back. It was a long time ago, Swoopes. Nothing for you to get all un-smiley-faced about.”

  He scowled and for a brief moment, was mentally taken back to the days when they were at war. “What is it...some kind of list…Of the people you planned to kill?” She turned away from him. “You might as well keep it real.”

  “What you think, Swoopes? We were never fucking. Unless you consider the time you raped me, sex.” His body mechanics told her that he was ashamed of what he’d done. “So why else would I have your name on me?”

  “I never got a chance to tell you, but I’m sorry about that shit. Everything we went through as kids had me mad at the world. And to be honest, I don’t even remember that night, just what the YBM members told me. I had to get drunk just to do that shit to you. I like rough sex, but I don’t have to rape nobody.”

  “You could’ve fooled me.” She paused, with her hands on her hips. “And am I supposed to feel better that you fisted me and fucked me raw and didn’t remember? Let’s not even talk about you letting the dog fuck me too.” She exhaled and shook her head. Hearing the past reminded her that they had no business being in each other’s company. There was too much pain and too much hurt.

  “You not ‘spposed to feel better, Yvonna, but I just want you to know that I’m sorry. On what’s left of my life.” He stepped out of her space and said, “So you had my name on your back ‘cause you was gonna kill me for what I did to you that night?”

  “First off this is old,” she said, tapping her shoulder with one finger. “And don’t act like there wasn’t a time, when you didn’t want to kill me too.” She looked at him and rubbed her hand over the wet sink, just to have something to do. “You would’ve killed me quick if you could’ve found me.”

  “Well I guess it’s over. But tell me this, how do you feel about me now?” He paused. “I don’t want to have to worry about you stabbing me in the back when I close my eyes.”

  “What are you asking me, Swoopes? Just come out with it.”

  “I’m asking can I trust you?”

  “Why you in the bathroom questioning my bitch?” Bricks said walking up to him. He didn’t know if the conversation was pleasant or disagreeable…nor did he care. Yvonna and Swoopes remained silent as they looked at one another. “You heard me, mothafucka!” Swoopes’ eye settled on Bricks. He was sick of him stepping into his space. “What’s up with that shit?”

  Swoopes sighed. “One day you gonna realize you don’t run me. You better hope when the day comes, you crawl away from the situation alive.” Swoopes stepped out of his path and turned the water on in the shower to get the right temperature.

  “So you threatening me?” He said to the man’s back.

  “Baby, come on.” Yvonna said pulling his hand, hoping he’d leave with her out the bathroom. Outside of the slight movements her tugging caused, the man didn’t budge. “Please, Bricks. I’m tired and all I want to do is get some rest.” Hearing the hurt in her voice he relented. Bricks gave Swoopes one last look, before they both walked out, leaving Swoopes alone.

  “Bitch ass nigga.”

  Unaccompanied, he closed the door and placed his gun on the back of the toilet bowl. He wondered at that moment why he didn’t smoke Bricks and be done with him all together. Bricks was a killer no doubt, but Swoopes had done things most grown men couldn’t fathom.

  He eased out of his grey sweats, turned the shower on and allowed the warm water to roll from his head to his toes. Placing both hands on the wall before him, his chiseled body under the showerhead looked like an ad for Polo, eye patch included. Remembering their conversation, he tried to shake the way Yvonna’s body looked out of his mind. There was no denying that although he’d never admit it to another living soul, he was attracted to her. After all she was his equal.

  When he pictured her perky breasts, he lathered up his dick and jerked himself slowly back and forth. Running his thumb over the tip, he made quick repeated motions in the hopes of bringing himself to a good nut. T
he roundness of her breasts. The way the beads of water trickled down her back, on the path to her ass, as she reached for the towel, had him done. Evil or not, Yvonna was the truth and suddenly honesty consumed him. What he wouldn’t give for one real night alone with her, just as long as it would be forgotten in the morning.

  He was almost about to cum, when Ming knocked on the door and walked inside without an invitation. From the outside of the shower she said, “Swoopes, can Ming join you? Ming was waiting for you to come to bed, but you’ve been in here so long.” Ever since the clan had gotten together, Ming had been actively pursuing him. Although he’d fuck her from time to time, that’s as far as he wanted to go. Ming on the other hand had visions of a long-term relationship dancing in her head.

  Swoopes wiped the water beads out of his eye and in an irritated voice asked, “What are you doing in here?” He looked at the closed blue shower curtain. “I’m busy!”

  “Come on, Swoopes! Let me suck and fuck that dick. You know you like how Ming does it.” She paused to let their past fuck sessions vouch for her credibility. “Don’t be alone when you don’t have to. Girls need love too.”


  “You’re quiet, so Ming is going to take that as an invitation.” She slid into the shower and stood behind him. He wondered how she got naked so quickly. She eyed every muscle in his perfectly formed back. Instead of attacking his masterpiece right away, she opted to wrap her arms around his waist. Because she was short, her face rested right above his ass. “This feels right. Doesn’t it?”

  Unable to deal with emotion he turned around to look at her. His body change broke her embrace. Bending his head slightly to address her cute face he said, “I thought you came in here to get serious.”

  “Ming just wants to hold you, Swoopes.” Her eyes were filled with pain. “Everybody forgets that I’m here. That I need attention and that I’m lonely too.”

  “What are you talking about? Bricks and Yvonna the only people in a relationship.”


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