The Computer Who Loved Me

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The Computer Who Loved Me Page 8

by Lloyd G Miller

  "Say, it's 5:00. Let's watch the news."

  "I see you haven't lost your romantic flair," replied Sharon in her seductive voice. There were two minutes of coverage in the local news at 5:00 and a brief mention of the breakthrough in the national news at 5:30. Sharon had climbed up on the bed that Kyle had elevated into a lounge chair position. When Sharon was at his side, he was in heaven. However, his moment of pleasure was interrupted by the room telephone.

  "Hello, this is Kyle."

  "Kyle, this is Dr. Monroe. I'm at the Madera, California, County Hospital. Someone sent me on a wild goose chase. Did the operation turn out okay?" Dr. Monroe spoke with anger and frustration.

  "Great. Were you able to hear the news conference?"

  "What news conference?"

  "The one that Nate Carpenter and Dr. Waters held."

  "So, that's his game. He had someone call me, claiming that my parents had been in an accident in Madera and then soaks up the glory while I'm gone. I've had one of the worst days of my life and he becomes an instant celebrity. I expected as much." Kyle thought about how Dr. Waters had actually given the credit to others, including Dr. Monroe, but decided not to say anything. Dr. Monroe had spoken loudly enough that Sharon was able to follow the conversation. She reached over and took the phone from Kyle.

  "Dr. Monroe, this is Sharon. There is no doubt that Dr. Waters is up to something. I don't think it's just publicity. He didn't milk the publicity thing like he could have. I don't know why he wanted you out of town, but there must have been a good reason. He's a very clever man. He wouldn't do the obvious. It would be wise for all of us to watch our backs."

  "You're right, Sharon," replied Dr. Monroe, starting to calm down. "The worst thing I could do is act as if I suspect Dr. Waters of anything. I can't let my emotions rule the day. That's probably just what he wants. We have to find out what he's up to without his knowing it. Thanks for the advice. May I speak to Kyle again?" Sharon handed Kyle the phone. "Kyle, I didn't mean to rain on your parade. Are things working as you had hoped?"

  "They couldn't be better. I never realized how helpful directional hearing could be. I've practiced throwing small objects randomly in the air with my eyes closed. I'm amazed at how easily and accurately I can perceive the landing place through stereo hearing. The wireless phone capability is great. Without it, the public wouldn't be able to see any kind of an impressive demonstration. I've been going wild with ideas of how to more fully use the processing power we put in my head."

  "There's always been a lot of processing power in your head. It just wasn't digital and didn't run at a two gigahertz."

  "Thank you. When will you be back?" asked Kyle.

  "I'll see you early tomorrow morning. Goodbye until then."

  Chapter 10 – Malpractice

  CompuSonic went public at the end of the week. They sold one million shares at $10 each. The three partners were credited with shares proportional to their monetary and intellectual contributions, their combined total also being one million shares. Kyle's portion was over four hundred thousand shares. All one million shares sold in the first hour of trading. After that, the price rose to over $50 a share. In one day, Kyle's net worth jumped to twenty million dollars.

  The fact that Kyle and Josh were part owners of CompuSonic had still not been made public. Kyle and Josh felt it important to wait to get their degrees before letting the university know what they had done. They didn't feel that they had done anything wrong, but they were not sure the administration would see it that way. Both finished all of the requirements for graduation, including their oral exams and the dissertation write up and approval. As Kyle was cleaning out his desk in the graduate study room, Dr. Waters approached him. "Kyle, you've never asked how your blood test turned out."

  "I guess I've been concentrating too much on graduating to think about getting a job." Kyle still was careful not to reveal his connection to CompuSonic, besides he could both teach and work for CompuSonic as a consultant if he wanted. Since beginning his romance with Sharon, he had begun to greatly enjoy the social events at the university.

  "Let me help you carry those boxes to your car," offered Dr. Waters.

  "Thanks." Kyle still had a hard time picturing Dr. Waters as a bad guy. He was always so nice. They walked carrying the boxes.

  "The good news is that you have several nationalities represented in your blood. The bad news is that none of those nationalities are given preferential treatment. African, Native American, Hispanic blood, if in high enough quantities, can open many doors. Still, you could possibly get a position with the university. The hiring of your fiancée helped to fill out the diversity quotas and the university has a policy of giving preference to spouses of staff members since it helps to retain them." As they exited the building, Dr. Waters saw a dog tied to a parking meter. "The University has an explicit policy against dogs on campus, yet you see them everywhere! I've complained to the administration but to no avail. If you're going to have a rule or law it ought to be enforced."

  "I agree with you there. I don't know when I'll see you again, Dr. Waters, but I do want to thank you for all of your help. You've certainly gone the extra mile."

  "I like you Kyle. You're a fine young man. I may let you do a favor for me sometime. Keep your wits about you and good luck." They loaded the boxes in Kyle's car and parted. As Kyle drove off, he wondered what sort of favor he might be asked to perform.

  Josh and Kyle both went through graduation ceremonies and received their degrees. Kyle and Sharon had planned a June wedding to take place at a cabin in Lambs Canyon that Sharon's parents had purchased. The waiting period had elapsed and Kyle was able to sell some stock. He sold 40,000 shares at over $50 a share. Finally, Kyle had money to spend.

  To celebrate the company's good fortune and for additional publicity, CompuSonic had arranged a banquet in honor of the major players, including Dr. Monroe, Dr. Waters and Keren Vaish. It was a formal affair to be held in a banquet room at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City. Josh managed to get Keren to accompany him as his date. It would save some other young woman from sure boredom and allow him to feel like he had succeeded in dating a girl from India, adding to his bragging rights. Of course, Sharon accompanied Kyle.

  Kyle and Sharon arrived at the event with Kyle dressed in a black tux and Sharon wearing a striking, full-length black evening gown. They quickly spotted Josh and Keren who were already seated and joined them. As they were passing pleasantries, Kyle noticed a slight hushing of the conversations around them. Dr. Monroe had just entered, accompanied by his strikingly beautiful wife, Annette, who wore a breath taking red gown with plunging neckline and bare back. As Kyle took in Annette’s voluptuous figure he suddenly winced as Sharon’s sharp elbow caught him in the ribs. She gave him the look that said, “Enough of that.” In a few minutes, Nate joined them.

  “Holy hooters, did you get a load of Dr. Monroe’s wife?” enthusiastically offered Nate trying to whisper in Kyle’s ear. “I may have to change my criteria of tall and blond. What a babe!”

  As they consumed dinner, the group enjoyed lighthearted chatter. "So Nate, do you run into Nancy often?" asked Kyle.

  "No, but I did see her in a grocery store. She married some tall, good-looking business major. Get this! She's dropped out of school to help put him through. It just broke my heart to hear that. I don't think you ever realized what a fabulous mind she has. She has tremendous recall ability. She can tell you the names of every major actor in every one of my videos. I'll never find another girl like Nancy." Suddenly, Kyle's face took on a queer expression. He appeared to tense up every muscle in his body.

  "Is something wrong?" asked Sharon. Kyle didn't reply. His body jerked erect, bumping the table and spilling water from the glasses. He stiffly moved to a large brass vase containing artificial flowers that was sitting next to the wall. He awkwardly reached down and gathered up the flowers. He clumsily dropped them onto the floor. He then reached into the vase and removed a revo
lver. Keren, who had been watching, screamed and pointed at Kyle, drawing the attention of those who had not yet noticed the spectacle. Kyle's right arm jerkily began to rise as his body turned and faced Dr. Monroe. Sharon sprung to her feet and began shaking Kyle and shouting, "Kyle, Kyle, what's the matter?"

  Kyle managed to force out the words, "Pot! Head!" Sharon was bewildered, but Josh seemed to understand. He quickly grabbed the brass vase and turned it upside down. Simultaneously, a passing waiter had rushed forward to try to wrestle the gun away from Kyle. Both reached Kyle at the same time. Josh covered Kyle's head with the vase as the waiter grabbed the gun. Kyle's body went limp and as the waiter pulled the gun from his hand, it went off. At first, it appeared that no one had been hit, but then Annette Monroe slumped back in her chair, blood oozing from her forehead. Sharon whipped out her cell phone and called 911. Dr. Monroe began to attend to his wife, as the skilled physician that he was. He looked for Dr. Waters to request his assistance, but he was nowhere in sight.

  "Josh, you have to get me to the communications laboratory!" echoed Kyle's voice from the vase. "Dr. Waters must have wired up my whole voluntary muscle system and implanted another processor next to the first. We need Dr. Monroe to check this out. If Dr. Waters did implant additional circuitry in me it's a cinch that he has plans to destroy the evidence."

  "You mean, like your head exploding?" asked Josh.

  "That would be a worst-case scenario but not unlikely. We've got to remove at least the processor package. I doubt that the connection chips are dangerous, just the processor package. Let's get moving. I can't see a thing."

  "Josh, you get him to the lab and I'll get Dr. Monroe there," commanded Sharon. Josh and Kyle left. They drew lots of attention as they exited the hotel with Kyle wearing a brass vase on his head. The paramedics had arrived and were placing Annette on a gurney. Sharon approached, "Dr. Monroe, you naturally want to accompany your wife, but Kyle needs you right now. You can do nothing for your wife. Kyle may die without you."

  "Are you crazy, woman, out of my way!" shouted Dr. Monroe hysterically.

  Sharon turned her back to him and whispered to herself, "Well, when diplomacy fails...." She turned, combining the momentum of her turning body with that of her right arm, to land a sharp blow to Dr. Monroe’s chin with her elbow, knocking him unconscious. As he slumped, she caught him on her shoulders. She kicked off her high-heeled shoes and carried Dr. Monroe from the room. Years of daily visits to the weight room plus a surge of adrenaline gave her the strength. Fortunately, she and Kyle had driven her car and she had the keys in her purse, which had been in her left hand during her "persuasion" of Dr. Monroe. She spared no rubber as she sped to the university. On the way, Dr. Monroe began to come to.

  "Where am I?" muttered Dr. Monroe.

  "You are on your way to save Kyle's life."

  "You hit me! Why did you do that?" questioned Dr. Monroe still trying to make sense of what had happened.

  "Kyle thinks Dr. Waters implanted a second processor in his head while you were on your way to Madera. He figures it will explode or something if it doesn't get transmission for a certain period of time. Since we don't know how long that is, we can't waste any time!"

  "Of course, you're right." Dr. Monroe removed the cell phone from Sharon's open purse and called the university hospital. "I'd like to speak with Dr. Sanchez.” He pressed the mute button and explained to Sharon, "I think that the University Hospital can help us.” He unmuted the phone. “Carlos, this is Carlton Monroe. I need your help in a big way to save a young man's life. I must perform surgery in a copper lined room in the engineering building. I need all of the supplies necessary to perform the surgery transported there, as soon as possible. You'll have to break all of the rules. We need the equipment in minutes, not hours. Dr. Saxton will pull up to the east loading dock to receive them. If you fail, this fine young man will surely die." Dr. Monroe hung up and turned to face Sharon. "Drive us to the U-Haul rental on 300 West and 800 South. You rent the van and I'll drive on to the university." Sharon changed course in the Viper and raced to the rental agency. She screeched to a stop upon arrival and leaped from the vehicle. Dr. Monroe slid over to the driver’s seat and sped away.

  Inside the communications laboratory, Kyle had been able to remove the brass vase. He had sent Josh to his apartment to retrieve two spare preprogrammed processors. Dr. Monroe arrived about 15 minutes after Josh had left. "Dr. Monroe, I don't think we can trust the processor that you implanted. We'll have to remove it along with the one that we suspect Dr. Waters implanted. Josh should arrive shortly with two preprogrammed processors from my apartment. Hopefully, Dr. Waters used exactly the same processor as we used. If we reconnect the interface chips to the second new processor we'll be better able to evaluate what has been connected and able to disconnect them, if needed. Of course, we can only retract the 'snakes' if we can find the record of their connection paths. As you know, the 'snake' chips have no memory of their own to facilitate retraction." Josh came running into the lab with the processors.

  "Josh, I need you to call all of your friends and meet Sharon at the loading dock," requested Dr. Monroe. "We have a lot of equipment to bring up. Call Sharon on her cell phone to see how she's coming. Tough break having to have head surgery again, Kyle. Your hair was just starting to look all right. I wouldn't want your wedding pictures."

  "That's okay, Dr. Monroe. Nobody will be looking at me in the pictures anyway."

  "I know what you mean. No one looks at me in mine." Suddenly Dr. Monroe was reminded of his wife. "Excuse me, Kyle. I need to check on Annette." Josh was on the laboratory phone, so Dr. Monroe went to his office to call.

  "Looks like we're in luck," shouted Josh from across the room. "It seems there is a disaster plan at the hospital that includes a portable operating room. It's also heavily shielded to protect the equipment in case of electromagnetic pulse. Sharon can tow it here or we can go there. By the way, she says to tell Dr. Monroe that he hung up before Dr. Sanchez had time to think about the portable operating room. He didn't know how to contact him."

  "Let's just go to the trailer instead of hauling it here," suggested Kyle. "Go get Dr. Monroe from his office and come back for me. I don't think I can find my way around with the vase on my head." Just then, Dr. Monroe came back.

  "Dr. Sanchez left a message on my voice mail telling me about a shielded operating room they have," he breathlessly uttered.

  "Sharon just told us, she's on her way to give us a ride. Shall we go?"

  "I'll go on ahead to make sure everything is ready," said Dr. Monroe. As Kyle, with a vase on his head, and Josh exited the building towards Josh’s car they noticed a black Mustang drive by. The passenger caught sight of Josh and in spite of the vase on his head, recognized him. They turned into the lot and parked. Kyle’s two least favorite athletes emerged and ran in their direction. Kyle and Josh retreated into the building; they figured they would have home field advantage in the engineering building. They ran into a classroom and Josh called Sharon to explain the situation.

  "Don't worry about a thing. I can take care of these guys. Wait for my call." Sharon had called a taxi earlier to drive her to the university. She arrived and entered the building. She found the two athletes running down a narrow hall. She positioned herself strategically were a desk was left in the hall, narrowing the passage. She leaned against the desk and pulled up her long dress on her right thigh and extended her leg blocking the hall. The two skidded to a stop. "What two wonderful specimens of virile manhood have we here?" she said in her sexiest voice. "Wouldn't I just love to get it on with one of them. But how to choose?" She kissed one of the dumbfounded young men and then the other. "I can't tell by just a kiss. I need to look closer. How about you two studs step into the men's room here and strip down so you can show me what you've got. I'll join you and pick a winner." The two leaped to the men's room and fought to be first to get through the door. When the door closed behind them, Sharon called Josh. "Meet me at y
our car." She then dialed another number. "Hello, campus security, I would like to report a couple of gays engaged in lewd activity in a men's room on campus."

  At the hospital's portable operating room, they received assistance from Dr. Sanchez and one of his nurses. They decided there was no time to prep Kyle. They left his short hair in place and only did a rudimentary job of sterilizing the area. An infection would be easier to treat than an exploded head. As soon as the skin was peeled back and the skull plug removed that had not had time to completely fuse to the rest of the skull, they could see that Kyle was exactly right about what was in his head. Dr. Monroe first removed the processor package that Dr. Waters had implanted. It had a bulge on one side. Dr. Monroe opened the trailer door and flung the processor into an empty parking stall. Being disconnected and in radio range it exploded before it even hit the ground. Kyle had been right about everything. The original processor was then removed. It was removed from the trailer for safety, but it wasn't thrown away. The two new processors were connected to the interface chips. They had been programmed to assume that the nervous connections had already been made. Before going under, Kyle had instructed the original processor in his head to send a message via radio transmission to the spare processor destined to replace the one inserted by Dr. Waters. He instructed the spare not to output any signals to the interface chips. That way it would not cause muscle actuations as it tried to communicate sound to Kyle's audio nerves to which it anticipated being connected. Following the operation, Kyle was transported back to the same area in the hospital he waited in after the first surgery. This time he awoke to see the beautiful face of Sharon hovering over him, still dressed in her evening gown.

  When Kyle had recovered enough to speak, he inquired into Mrs. Monroe's situation. "She may live, but she's suffered significant brain damage," was Sharon's answer. "She's in a coma, right now. Dr. Monroe is with her. He said you can page him at the hospital if you need him. Honey, you look really tired. It's very late. Go to bed and I'll see you for breakfast." Sharon kissed him goodbye and left. Kyle was soon transported to a room and helped into bed. He let himself drift off to sleep.


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