The Computer Who Loved Me

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The Computer Who Loved Me Page 19

by Lloyd G Miller

  "I saw Kyle's car outside and thought I'd let you both hear the good news. I'm getting married."

  "That's great, Josh. Anyone we know?" asked Kyle.

  "I doubt it. Her name is Becky Larsen. Her older brother was my best friend growing up. I've known her since we were kids. She was too young for me to ever ask out, but I took her to the prom once when her date got sick. We used to always joke that when she grew up we would marry. She's on a LDS mission in Chile right now."

  "If she's on a mission then how did the romance advance?" asked Nate.

  "We corresponded. We already knew each other well. She often tagged along with her brother when we did things as boys. We've always liked each other, just not in a romantic way. We just took it to the next level by mail. Here's a picture of her." Josh showed a picture of two women in long dresses and wearing nametags. "She's the tall one on the left." Becky was very tall and looked almost like a tent in her long dress. She did not look very shapely.

  "Very nice," commented Kyle.

  "Ditto," added Nate.

  "I have to run," said Josh. "I'll see you guys later."

  "Keep us updated on the romance," called Kyle to him as he walked to his car.

  "Whoa, is it just me or was Josh's girl about two notches below his normal standard?" asked Nate after Josh left, finally able to speak his mind.

  "She is no 'Bay Watch Babe' for sure, but I'm sure Josh has a good reason for wanting to marry her. Obviously, it isn't looks and with his newfound wealth, it certainly isn't for money. Maybe something you said years ago is the key. Didn't you say once that you wanted to marry a girl just like the one 'good ol’ Dad did'?"

  "Yea, but my mom's gorgeous."

  "You've never met Josh's mom, have you?" asked Kyle.

  "Never even seen a picture of her, except maybe a family photo Josh used to have over his desk, but I don't remember what she looked like."

  "Picture Becky 30 years, and 8 or 10 children later and you have her. But let me tell you; the woman radiates love and goodness. She even helped me win Sharon by insisting that Josh and his sister teach me to dance. She's an angel in the flesh. And Josh's dad is nuts about her. You should see them dance together. I think Josh knows what he's doing. He wants a family like the one he came from and this missionary will help him do it. I wish him all the joy and happiness he can find."

  At the medical school, Kyle and Ann avoided speaking to each other. Only occasionally was conversation required and then they spoke to each other like strangers. However, they often caught themselves looking at each other. Kyle was intrigued that a computer mind could be so human-like and sexy. Ann wasn't just beautiful; she oozed sex appeal from every pore. Men were intoxicated with her. Mere boys, ten years her junior acted like star struck teenagers around her. Kyle admired how adeptly she handled them, giving encouragement to none but never hurting feelings or being rude. However, once a young man tried patting her on her curvaceous derriere. She deftly grasped his hand and twisted it into a very painful position. "You try that again and you will end up with a broken arm, expelled or both." She said nothing more about it and the young man was so embarrassed he distanced himself from Ann and never bothered her again. The incident made the rest of the men find her even more fascinating. She was like a woman out of a spy movie to them, a woman of mystery. By the second semester Ann's novelty began to wear off a little and some of her following dwindled, mainly because no one had gotten anywhere with her. Most moved on to easier pickings, but all continued to watch her. During the second semester, Kyle began to sit closer to Ann and even engage her in conversation, mainly concerning schoolwork and technical issues. Once Ann commented, "I see you have managed to do in reverse what Annie did. Congratulations."

  "Thank you," briefly responded Kyle, not wanting to let others know what they were talking about but impressed with Ann's perceptiveness.

  Kyle continued to have dinner frequently with Nate, now often joined by Nancy. Usually her daughter, Felicity, accompanied her. One night, after Nancy had gone home, Nate made a special request of Kyle. "It really hurts a girl's self-esteem to be dumped. Nancy is feeling kind of low. I know that you found Nancy attractive and interesting years ago, would you mind asking her out and showing her a good time? It would mean a lot to me, Kyle. This time, no restrictions, other than to be the perfect, virtuous gentleman that you have always been. I love the woman so much it hurts. She deserves the best, someone like you."

  "I'd be happy to ask her out, Nate, but I think you're the man for her," responded Kyle.

  "Don't play with me, Kyle. I've never had your looks. Besides, Nancy is too good for me. Just treat her right and let nature take its course." In a few days, Kyle asked Nancy out and she readily accepted on condition that he take her dancing as part of the date. He took her to dinner and then dancing at a private club that he and Sharon had joined. They had a wonderful time and Kyle was beginning to feel like he could love again, especially with a bright and beautiful woman like Nancy. As he returned her home, he contemplated kissing her at the doorstep.

  "Kyle, I had a wonderful time. You're a great dancer and a fun guy. I'd love to go out anytime you want, but just remember that I'll never love another tall, good-looking guy. I prefer the short, dark, less than handsome type of man. The kind that will be true and faithful, forever." Then she kissed Kyle on the cheek and went inside.

  With all of his buying and selling, Kyle owed millions in taxes, which forced him to sell more stock to pay the taxes, resulting in additional tax obligations for the new year. In the past he had mainly had to worry about paying social security tax, being self employed. He had promised himself when he was poor that if he ever became wealthy, he would not complain about paying taxes. He gritted his teeth and sold the stock and paid the taxes, knowing that he would have to repeat the process in the coming year.

  By the end of the second semester, Kyle was sitting next to Ann in every class. The other men could see that Ann treated Kyle very differently from them. Most concluded it was because he was older and similarly widowed and wealthy. Most realized that Ann was out of their league and moved into a role of following the development of the budding relationship. They were not accustomed to such patience between two students attracted to each other. Several of them had already bedded several coeds while these two had only managed to sit closer to each other. This slowness of development made the relationship even more intriguing. The last week of the semester Kyle began walking Ann to class and spending more time with her. She was so easy to talk to and so much more socially mature than were the women his age. He liked that in a woman. She also had an excellent sense of humor. She knew thousands of jokes and funny stories and always knew exactly when and which to use. She had Kyle laughing again. "What are your plans this summer, Ann?" inquired Kyle as they sat on the cool grass between classes.

  "I will take all of the summer school classes that I can. How about you?"

  "I'll do the same and also work on the car I’ve been thinking about. I decided to build my own electric car rather than buy one. I know it isn't cost or time effective, but I have plenty of time and money."

  "Would you like some help. You know that if I don't know something I can quickly find it out."

  "I'd love the help. But I have to ask you one thing. If it weren't for your prime directive would you still like me?"

  "Who said I like you, maybe I just like to work on cars?" teased Ann.

  "Come on, Ann. I'm not one of those silly classmates. You're a very attractive woman to me, but I have to know if I'm attractive to you on my own or if you are just following programming."

  "My programming doesn't say I have to get romantically involved with you. Annette had no such programming and she thought you were a stud, unlike Carlton, who, although very handsome was never the hunk that Annette truly wanted. She always found you more attractive in your virile sort of way, at least after you bulked up. She would not have minded you putting on another twenty pounds of muscle." She wrappe
d her sensuous fingers around Kyle's upper arms. "She liked and I like an intelligent he-man. It is a hard combination to find. Besides, we are an attractive version of Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein. We were made for each other." With that, Ann wrapped her hands around Kyle's neck and kissed him affectionately. Kyle looked up and saw that a crowd had gathered and were watching intently. When the crowed saw they had been caught in the act of eavesdropping, they broke into applause. The couple retreated to their next class. The whispers flew in the classroom and Kyle was comforted that there were only two days left of class. After their last class that day, Ann took Kyle's arm and whispered to him, "There is something we need to do before things advance any further between us. Come to my house for dinner at six tonight."

  Ann had a simple, yet delicious, dinner waiting for Kyle at her home. During dinner, Ann explained their unfinished business. "I have been watching you since the tragic deaths of Carlton and Sharon. Other than in the ambulance, I have not seen you outwardly grieve for your loss. I think you need to. I cannot complete my grieving alone. We both loved Carlton and Sharon. It is only natural and appropriate that we share in that grieving together."

  "I don't know how to do that. I didn't even outwardly grieve for my mother," Kyle paused and began to tear up, "except that time at dinner with Sharon."

  "My point, exactly. You needed Sharon to help you grieve for your mother and you need me to help you grieve the loss of your wife and my best friend and my husband and your best friend. I don't have to tell you how wonderful they were. How much they meant to me. I never had a close friend in my adult life until I became friends with Sharon. We laughed and cried together. We had fun like a couple of teenage girls. We even got scared together."

  "I was the most important person in the world to Sharon," began Kyle. "I can't tell you how much that meant to me. She would have given her life for me. She did give her life for me. She knew I'd try to save Carlton. She took my place and gave her life in the process." Kyle began to lose his composure. "I've been lost without her." By now, Kyle was heaving in sobs. Ann had quickly moved to his side and put her arms around his shoulders. She said nothing. She just let him weep. He stood and they embraced each other as they wept together. After several minutes, Kyle finally stopped weeping. "Wait a minute," he suddenly broke forth. "When did you and Sharon ever get scared together?"

  "I guess she never told you of our fears. Do you remember the serial rapist that was allegedly castrated last summer? We were convinced that Annie did it."

  "Well, did she, you or whatever?"

  "We don't know for certain since Annie and Annette both were missing several hours of memory. It was just like we talked about at the dinner, except that it wasn't just a tack on a chair. Carlton got a call from Dr. Sanchez, chief administrator of University of Hospital. He told Carlton that he had over paid him for the use of the portable laboratory. The invoice indicated that it had been used the same day as the missing memories. Carlton didn't know what he was talking about, but Sharon and I were sure that Annie had performed the castration in that operating room. What other explanation could there be?"

  "I don't know. Are there any other clues?"

  "Yes, there was a bandaged incision on my abdomen, right here." Ann pointed to the place. That is why we both got tattoos of a small rose. We figured that in the struggle the rapist stabbed me there."

  "I wondered why Sharon did that," Kyle chuckled. "She hated tattoos. She always told me how absurd they were and how glad she was that I didn't have any. Then she came home with one. Well, actually, I didn't even notice it for weeks. Sharon was always very modest around me. I had to keep reminding her we were married. Show me your scar, if you don't mind, that is." Ann lifted her blouse just enough to reveal the tattoo. Kyle examined it very closely and felt it. He began to laugh hysterically.

  "What’s so funny," Ann demanded. Kyle lifted his shirt and pointed to an almost identical scar on his abdomen. Now Ann began to laugh too. "I get it now. You had an appendectomy, and so did I. Annie must have shut down Annette to do the operation and then wiped out her own memories so she would not have to lie to Annette. She could not take a chance on Annette going to the hospital since it might be revealed that she was brain dead. Who knows what the 'Annette' program might have done at that point if she knew what had really happened? She was upset enough that Annie had used her body for several weeks."

  "Speaking of use of your body, there's one thing that I don't understand. We only connected a minimum of lower body sensory nerves, yet you seem to have full feeling."

  "I used the larger 'snakes' to grasp whole nerve bundles and slowly pull them to the 'snake' chips where connection could be made. In some cases, I moved the bundles several centimeters. Over a period of weeks, I was able to become fully connected. The Mrs. Monroe program thought that her brain was recovering from the bullet wound. She never suspected what was happening."

  The rest of the evening was spent in pleasant reminiscing. When Kyle left at a little before eleven that night he felt like a tremendous burden had been lifted from him. He felt whole again. He also was in love with the most unique, beautiful and intelligent woman in the world. She was about five years older than he, but that was of no more concern than was Sharon being three years older. He knew Ann was the only woman for him and he was confident that his affections would be reciprocated. Kyle actually sang as he drove home.

  The next night the couple celebrated the ending of school with dinner and dancing. Kyle wanted an excuse to hold Ann in his arms. She felt wonderful to him as they held each other. He nearly proposed on the dance floor.

  In a back alley in Los Angeles, two men got out of their cars. Each carried a briefcase, one full of money and the other full of cocaine. The taller of the two men set his case on the hood of his black Chrysler 300. The other set his case alongside the first. They both popped open the latches and lifted the lids. Each inspected the others goods. “Let’s do it,” said the taller man. They closed the cases and exchanged them. Suddenly, one swatted his neck as he felt a sting. Soon both men were fighting off bumblebees. In a panic, they each dropped their loads and ran for their lives. The bees continued to chase them, now herding them more than attacking them. A rope ladder descended from the dark sky. A young man scampered down the ladder and leaped to the ground. He opened each case, dumping the money into a backpack from which he pulled a can of charcoal lighter fluid. He soaked the drugs with the liquid and tossed a match into the case. He threw the backpack on his shoulders and hurried back up the ladder as it ascended into the black night.

  Chapter 19 – Mourn with Those Who Mourn

  Kyle drove to the home of his in-laws without calling ahead. Now that Ann had helped him resolve his own grief, he had to do the same for Sharon’s loving parents. He had not spoken to them since the funeral and had been of little comfort then, being so wrapped up in his own grief and anger. Kyle stood nervously at the door and rang the doorbell. Verona opened the door and looked up at Kyle with a look of confusion. “Mother, I am so sorry for the way that I have neglected you and Robert. I have been so lost since Sharon’s death. I have driven the car that you gave to Sharon and lived in the home that was her graduation present from you and Robert and have made no effort to comfort you, nor considered that you might want the car and the condo. Please forgive me. I have been a fool.” Kyle held out the car keys. “The title is in the glove box.”

  “Thank you, Kyle, but I think that Sharon would have wanted you to keep the car and live in the condo.” Suddenly she burst into tears and threw herself into his arms. They embraced and each sobbed like a small child.

  “I loved her so much! I was never happier than when we were together. She was a wonderful friend and wife. Now you and Robert are the only family I have left.” Robert, who had been listening from just inside came out onto the porch and threw his long arms around Kyle and Verona.

  “Come in, Kyle. We have missed you.”

  After a successful visit with
Sharon’s parents, Kyle went on to visit Carlton’s parents and siblings. Last of all, he visited Carlton’s youngest sister, Megan. Megan was the baby of the family and was younger than Kyle. She had married young, had two children and was widowed when her husband was killed in an automobile/bicycle accident. In spite of the age difference, she and Carlton had been very close. Kyle visited one evening after dinnertime. He rang the doorbell of the modest home. He could hear Megan’s five-year old, Amanda, running to the door. Megan caught up with Amanda and was there as the door opened. Megan stared at Kyle. “Kyle?”

  “Yes, I am pleased that you remember me. I’m here to apologize. At the funeral, I was so overwhelmed with my own grief that I failed to offer comfort to others. I should have been especially attentive to your needs, realizing that within a couple of years you had lost both your husband and your closest sibling. I am so sorry for your loss.”

  “Come in, Kyle. Have a seat. Can I get you anything?”

  “Just a glass of water, please.” Kyle sat down on the sofa and looked around at the modest but tastefully decorated room. Amanda shyly approached him, followed by her younger brother, Carl, who had been named after Carlton. They were very cute children. Amanda had long dark hair that was prettily arranged. She had lovely big brown eyes. As Megan reentered the room with a glass of ice water, Kyle looked up and realized that Amanda looked very much like her mother who had Carlton’s striking good looks but in a feminine version. She was tall and slender, with an olive complexion. Her face was perfectly formed with beautiful, large brown eyes, a well-formed nose and mouth. Kyle stood and took the proffered water.

  Megan sat in an over stuffed chair next to Kyle’s end of the couch. “Kyle, I was as much at fault as you. I too, was overcome with grief. After my husband’s death, I had relied heavily on Carlton for emotional support. Carlton became a father image for my children. They miss him as much or maybe even more than I do.” Amanda had worked her way to between Kyle’s legs. He reached down and gently picked her up. He placed her on his right knee with his right arm around her. Carl quickly filled the vacancy between his legs. Kyle picked him up and placed him on his left knee. Megan smiled. “That is just how they would sit with Carlton.” She started to tear up.


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