Young-Minded Hustler

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Young-Minded Hustler Page 3

by Tysha

  “Nigga, kiss my ass,” Cherise spat and braced herself for impact.

  As expected, B-Boy reacted by sucker-punching Cherise square in the face. He kept punching and she started swinging. Cherise had become a middleweight-class boxer in the five years she’d known B-Boy. Even he noticed she was no easy win for him anymore. It was obvious B-Boy had snorted or smoked something. His buzz gave him the blind courage to take the fight to a place of no return.

  B-Boy had Cherise cornered. He wrapped his hand around her neck and slammed her on the hardwood floor. As soon as Cherise’s body made a thud, B-Boy began stomping her, aiming directly for her stomach.

  “Bitch, I told you not to have a fuckin’ baby.”

  “Boy, stop, stop!” Cherise screamed. The screeching in her voice snapped B-Boy out of the black. Cherise lay in a puddle of blood. The pain was immeasurable. Before she could catch her breath, Cherise felt drenching wetness between her legs. She instinctively knew what had happened.

  B-Boy stood over Cherise, watching as she miscarried his baby. He responded to her cry for help with an evil smirk. He walked away from her, only to return a few minutes later with the telephone.

  “Here, it looks like you better call 911 before your ass bleeds out,” he said callously.

  B-Boy left the house, leaving Cherise where she lay.

  Emergency services were very familiar with the Jackson /Peters home. The police warned Cherise repeatedly that her boyfriend would kill her one day. The domestic violence had been going on for years. Cherise was never the one to call for a squad. Neighbors always called when her toe-curling screams became too much. That night had the most serious injuries the medical transporters had witnessed. They were amazed she was still alive after the amount of blood loss suffered.

  “Ma’am, where’s your boyfriend?” a voice asked.

  “Did Michael Jackson do this to you again? Miss Peters, where is B-Boy?” The officer on duty had responded to countless calls made on Cherise’s behalf. He prayed she pulled through one more time and it would be her wake-up call to leave.

  Cherise was in shock and unable to talk. They had to get her to the hospital as soon as possible, if she had any chance of survival.

  After three pints of blood and a D & C, Cherise was in stable condition. As expected, she’d lost the baby. Her body needed rest and she slept through the night. She finally opened her eyes midmorning the following day to find Shy sitting on the side of her hospital bed. Shy offered her best friend a weak smile.

  “How do you feel?” Shy spoke softly.

  “Shy, he didn’t want me to have the baby. He stomped me; he made me lose my baby,” Cherise cried hysterically. The hurt, anger, and rage erupted. She began to hyperventilate, scaring Shy half to death.

  “Nurse, help me please!” Shy yelled into the hallway.

  The nurse injected Cherise with a sedative to calm her down. Her heart was broken right along with her spirit. She kept asking herself why B-Boy couldn’t love her right. Nothing she said or did ever seem to be right. B-Boy found fault with every aspect of their life together and it always fell on her shoulders. Cherise had little self-esteem and thought B-Boy was the only man she was meant to be with. Time after time, B-Boy called her names and swore if she ever left him he would kill her. He threatened to torture her forever if another man tried to step into his spot.

  Cherise noticed Shy and Melvin hugged up together in the hallway, talking. They appeared to be having a serious conversation but Cherise could not hear what it was about. Based on the current circumstances, she was sure it had to do with her and B-Boy. Shy had tried to help Cherise reverse the emotional abuse she endured. That moment her self-esteem improved, B-Boy always wooed his way back in. Cherise didn’t believe Shy could possibly understand her life.

  The caliber of man Melvin aspired to be was appealing to Cherise.

  Melvin and B-Boy were totally different.

  She understood why Shy stayed by Melvin’s side. Their type of love was one in a million. From Cherise’s point of view, Shy had the perfect life. At times, she hated her best friend for having all the things a woman deserved. Melvin took care of her in every way possible. Cherise would trade places with Shy in a split second. Maybe if Shy got beat a few times she wouldn’t be so quick to judge.

  Cherise wanted to have a baby to fill a huge void in her life. That’s why her pregnancy was so important. B-Boy had once again swooped in and destroyed her dream. Just once in her life, Cherise wanted to experience unconditional love. She knew a baby would love her no matter what. Cherise felt she’d suffered enough being raised by an irresponsible mother who couldn’t care less if she ate or had clothes on her back. Tears began streaming down her face as she thought about all the heartache and difficulties of life.

  “Hey, girl, it’s about time you woke up,” Shy smiled sweetly.

  “How long was I asleep?” Cherise asked as she wiped the tears from her face.

  “Over eight hours now. The doctor said your body needed the rest but your vital signs are good. They had to give you a blood transfusion. You’re lucky to be here,” Shy explained.

  “When can I go home?”

  “I’m not sure, but the police want to talk to you. Cherise, you have to stop this madness before he kills you,” Shy said with sincerity.

  Cherise was quiet. Shy was right but Cherise didn’t want to hear it, not from a woman who couldn’t possibly understand her plight. Shy wondered if her advice would’ve been better received from a counselor.

  “That girl knows I didn’t mean to do that shit. She just don’t know when to shut her mouth. I didn’t mean to make her lose the baby,” B-Boy arrogantly said. He startled Shy and Cherise. B-Boy was the last person they expected to show up at the hospital.

  “What? Did you come to make sure she didn’t put a warrant out for your punk ass?” Shy spat.

  “Don’t start no shit. I’m here to see my girl and make sure everything’s okay,” B-Boy lied.

  “Bullshit!” Shy hollered.

  Cherise was too weak to intervene. Though envy had her head twisted, Cherise knew Shy always had her back and was only looking out for her. Shy often stood up for Cherise against B-Boy. Shy stood firm when Cherise wouldn’t stand up for herself. B-Boy never disrespected Shy because of Melvin. B-Boy knew not to cross that line.

  “You beat that baby out of her. There’s no way you give a damn about Cherise. You never have,” Shy continued.

  “I ain’t tryin’a hear dat bullshit. You need to mind your own business.” B-Boy took a step toward her as he spoke.

  “She almost died because of you. Black eye, busted lip, and a miscarriage; you went too far,” Shy voiced.

  “Bitch, who da fuck you think you talkin’ to?” B-Boy’s voice raised two octaves.

  “No, bitch, who da fuck you calling a bitch?” Melvin stormed into the room, taking B-Boy by surprise. He wrapped his hands around his friend’s neck and slammed him into the wall. “Nigga, I will snap your weak-ass neck. Don’t ever step to my wife like that again. You understand me?” Melvin’s grip tightened around B-Boy’s neck, cutting off his air supply. Melvin was furious.

  B-Boy struggled to breathe, though his efforts were in vain.

  Shy and Cherise looked on in shock. B-Boy had stepped too far across the line. Melvin would not stand for that level of disrespect. He was willing to sacrifice his life and freedom for Shy.

  “Mel, babe, stop, let him go,” instructed Shy.

  “Nigga, you’re a bitch. What type of man beats on a woman? You’ve never gone toe-to-toe with a man but you beat on her like she’s some random nigga off the street. I should end your miserable life right now.” Melvin seethed.

  “Come on, babe, let him go. He’s not worth it.” Shy spoke slowly in attempt to calm Melvin and grab his attention. She knew him better than he knew himself and if he wasn’t reeled in soon, life would never be the same.

  Melvin heard Shy but didn’t respond to her request.

se’s nerves were on edge and she didn’t know how much more she could take. Even as she lay in the hospital bed B-Boy put her in, jealousy washed over her heart. Melvin had B-Boy in check; she just wished it was her he was protecting.

  “Melvin, I’m okay, baby, let go of him,” Shy repeated.

  The police were headed for Cherise’s hospital room in search of B-Boy when they heard a ruckus. They stepped into the room with weapons drawn. Cherise screamed at the sight of the guns.

  Shy’s concern quickly turned into frustration. Melvin rarely allowed Shy to see that side of him. It would’ve been nothing for Melvin to kill B-Boy. Melvin was well versed in the killing of men and B-Boy knew it.

  B-Boy continued to struggle against Melvin’s strength.


  “Let him go, sir, and step out of the way. We’re here to pick him up,” a young officer stated.

  “Listen to me, Melvin, please. Let him go,” Shy angrily instructed.

  Melvin gave in and released his hold. B-Boy was on the verge of passing out. He fought to catch his breath as the police handcuffed him. The officers knew B-Boy well. They’d had the pleasure of arresting him multiple times; plus, B-Boy often worked as an informant.

  Shy stood in front of Melvin, fearful he would also be arrested. The police had witnessed the assault. In the grand scheme of things, they did not care, nor did they want the extra paperwork.

  “Reese, tell them it wasn’t me,” B-Boy told Cherise. “I wasn’t even in town.”

  “Miss Peters, is this the man who beat you?” the first officer asked.

  Cherise was silent. She looked around the room at the assuming glares her visitors were giving her.

  “Cherise, please press charges against him. You almost died this time. He is going to kill you one day.” Shy felt helpless.

  Again, Cherise was quiet. Her hands touched her stomach in search of a baby. Tears filled her eyes. She felt as if she were being judged.

  “Miss Peters, did this man do this to you?” the second officer asked.

  “No, it wasn’t him. It was a masked intruder,” Cherise lied as tears streamed down her face.

  Melvin shook his head and walked out of the room. Shy could not believe her ears. Cherise had become a stranger to her. She looked into her best friend’s eyes and saw nothing but emptiness. Shy couldn’t even feel sorry for Cherise. This bitch must enjoy getting her ass beat.

  “We’re still arresting him for an outstanding warrant,” the first officer told Cherise before pushing B-Boy out of the room.

  Shy was outdone, disappointed, and angry with Cherise. She had tried her best to save her friend. It was now out of her hands.

  “Do me a favor, the next time he beats the shit out of you, don’t call me. You obviously love the drama. You take care of yourself, Cherise, and get well soon. Maybe B-Boy will be back to take care of you.”

  Cherise knew Shy’s words were an empty threat. Just like she kept returning to her abuser, Shy remained friends with Cherise.

  Chapter 4

  Actually, I Love You More

  Melvin sat on the couch with Shy’s swollen feet resting in his lap. They were bringing in the New Year together. Shy was close to her delivery date and the doctor had her on bed rest. Carrying twins was playing havoc on her back. Boredom and isolation were getting the best of her. She wanted Melvin around her all time. She craved his attention.

  “I can’t wait for the babies to get here. I want my body back,” Shy pouted.

  “Baby, you look beautiful. You’re sexy to me,” Melvin assured Shy while rubbing her stomach.

  “You’re just saying that. I’ve gained eighty pounds and can’t see my own feet.”

  “Stop that. You’re giving me two sons. I don’t care if you tip the scales at three hundred pounds, I love you, always.”

  Melvin was consistent with his compliments. He sincerely loved how Shy wore her pregnancy. Melvin had spent a fortune on her maternity clothes but they were worth every penny. She still kept her hair done, eyebrows arched, and feet soft. Shy had always been fine to him; carrying twins to term didn’t change that.

  “Which one of your girls stopped by the crib today, Bossy?”

  A nurse Melvin hired took care of Shy, and her friends checked in on her every day.

  “Terry and Cherise came by too. Cherise brought the baby to see me. I can’t believe he’s walking already.” Shy smiled thinking about her godson.

  “Yeah, little man is getting big,” Melvin commented.

  “Cherise is taking good care of him. She’s lucky to have had a baby after that miscarriage. I doubt if she’ll have any more kids. Raequan is lucky he doesn’t have his sorry-ass daddy around. I hope B-Boy rots in prison.”

  “That nigga was always reckless. I’m still tripping on how bad he fucked up.”

  “Pulling a home invasion.” Shy shook her head. “Pitiful but typical.”

  “All the houses in the world and his ass kick in the door of the DA. He deserves that twenty-five to life sentence”

  “For Cherise’s and the baby’s sakes, I pray he does the life. Twenty-five years isn’t long enough,” Shy remarked.

  “You know your girl’s still running shit for him, right?”

  “What do you mean?” Shy asked, confused. She didn’t understand how or why Cherise was still risking her freedom with B-Boy locked up. Cherise needed to get a grip on her life for her son’s sake.

  “I don’t know how, but she’s been sneaking drugs into the prison for him. Cherise never stopped running drugs for B-Boy’s supplier. That’s how she’s been eating.”

  “I thought she was doing well at the catering thing. She just leased a building and said business was soaring,” Shy said, confused.

  “Come on, baby, you know better than to believe some bull like that. I know she’s your girl but Cherise lies when it suits her. She’s not going to tell you that the business is for money laundering and dope cooking,” Melvin pointed out while still massaging his wife’s swollen feet.

  Shy had heard enough. Cherise never ceased to amaze her but Shy assumed having a baby would change her best friend’s mentality.

  “Enough about them. Baby, do you love me?”

  “With everything inside of me,” Melvin assured his wife.

  “It’s countdown time. Eight, seven, six . . .”

  “Happy New Year, baby girl,” Melvin said, leaning over to kiss Shy.

  “Happy New Year, baby.” Shy returned Melvin’s kiss. “Don’t stop now; you done got me moist, boy,” flirted Shy.

  Melvin laughed at Shy. Her sexual appetite had increased during the pregnancy. Though they enjoyed a healthy and frequent sex life, Melvin had no complaint.

  “I heard that having a strong, intense orgasm will send a woman into labor. Let’s test out that old wives’ tale.”

  Melvin helped Shy into the bathroom. After showering together, they climbed into bed. Melvin waited patiently for Shy to get comfortable. Various-sized pillows enveloped her once she got settled. She was too big to lie flat on her back. Melvin massaged cocoa and Shea butter over her body, paying close attention to her stomach, hips, and behind. The feel of his sons kicking when he touched Shy’s stomach felt empowering. He fell in love all over again.

  Shy enjoyed the feel of his touch. No one did for her like Melvin. He took very good care of her in every possible way. His love made Shy feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. Shy placed her hand over Melvin’s, guiding it up to her tender breast. He gently fondled her extra plump breast before wrapping his thick lips over the nipple. He suckled like a baby, causing Shy to moan in pleasure.

  “You like that?” Melvin asked.

  “You know I do, boy.” Shy giggled.

  “Let me make you feel even better.”

  Melvin slid down on the bed and positioned himself between Shy’s thick, silky, soft thighs. He slowly planted wet kisses on the inside of Shy’s legs, slowly building up the anticipation of what she knew was to com
e. The warm, wet sensation of her lover’s tongue on her clit relaxed Shy’s entire body. She smiled at the way he was making her feel.

  “Oh, boy, you’re so nasty,” Shy moaned.

  He sucked Shy’s clit and put a finger inside of her. Her legs tightened around his head. She grabbed the back of his head and said, “Baby, eat all you can. This is your buffet.”

  Melvin did just that. He ravished Shy like he hadn’t had a meal in days. It was like a game of hockey with her pearl tongue. He played until her juices flowed like a tropical spring. Melvin’s pole was hard as a steel rod. Shy rolled onto her side as Melvin lifted her leg, giving him access to her guilty pleasure. The sensation of becoming one with the love of his life felt like heaven. Melvin was slow, methodic, and careful with his woman. Knowing it might be their last time together for at least six weeks, he paced himself. Shy’s pussy was like a drug to Melvin. The only thing on his mind while he was inside of her was staying there. He knew that after he withdrew, all he’d think about was getting back in it.

  The walls of Shy’s pussy tightened. She gripped the bed sheets and held her breath for as long as she could. When she let go, her juices drowned Melvin’s dick, forcing him to shoot his essence inside of her treasure. They lay panting, drenched in each other’s bodily fluids, feeling fulfilled and exhausted.

  After his heart rate returned to its normal pace, Melvin washed Shy up and then himself. He crawled into bed and spooned with the woman he loved more than life itself.

  “I love the way you take care of me,” Shy said softly.

  “Good night, baby girl, I love you.”

  The expectant parents-to-be slept peacefully for a few hours. Shy was awakened by horrible lower back pains.

  “Melvin!” Shy screamed.

  “What’s wrong?” Melvin jumped up, instinctively reaching for his gun.

  “Get me to the hospital. It hurts,” Shy cried.

  Twelve hours of hard labor produced two healthy baby boys. Prince Jayden McGee came into the world at 12:05 A.M. on January 2, 1993, weighing in at five pounds, three ounces. His identical twin brother arrived sixteen minutes later. Jayden Prince McGee weighed four pounds, seven ounce.


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