Lovely Wicked

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Lovely Wicked Page 8

by Kari Gregg

  "People will see," she protested on a soft whisper, squirming backward. Her ass hit his crotch, ground into him, and lit him up. Like a firecracker. With her, his fuse was that damned short. "Only Sam," he said, skimming a kiss up her neck, to her cheek. "It's December, babe, and wicked cold. After dark. No one else will be out there."

  She shivered when he rubbed her nipple between thumb and forefinger. The blinds inched along the track, revealing the inky midnight of the undeveloped woods that abutted the apartment complex. Mitch's eyes fought to adjust, blinded by the brightness of his apartment. He couldn't see Sam, but they'd be spotlighted to anyone outside.

  She twisted, shooting a puzzled frown over her shoulder. "Sam's watching?" He tunneled his fingers over her lace-covered cunt and slipped a finger under her panties to toy with her. "Yeah. He wanted to." He nibbled at the corner of her mouth. "I want him to."

  She blew out a long, surrendering sigh. "Okay."

  He kissed her.

  Mitch hadn't expected her to fight hard. Her eagerness had been transparent to him, her objections just a carryover of what she thought sex and morality should be, but he hadn't anticipated her to yield so quickly, either. He wouldn't argue, though. He was too grateful and desperately eager himself. So he angled his mouth over hers and pulled her panties down, sliding them along her thighs so they fell to her ankles. Perfect.

  He reached for his zipper.

  Sam stepped into the splash of light thrown into the woods from the un-shielded glass door. The other man's breath plumed in the night air, his cheeks red with cold. He'd pulled on a thick parka against the frigid temperatures, but hadn't buttoned it. He climbed the first step of Mitch's postage-stamp-sized deck, no more than five feet away. Mitch's heart thudded at the hungry glitter in Sam's eyes.

  Out in the dark, Sam lowered his zipper the same time Mitch lowered his. Liv's breath caught.

  "Watch him," Mitch said. Unnecessarily, because he was reasonably sure she wouldn't have been able to tear her gaze away when Sam tugged his dick out of his jeans.

  Sam pumped his cock.

  Mitch lined his up with her sodden pussy and thrust inside.

  She moaned.

  Mitch moaned himself, pumping in and out of her in time with Sam's slow, sure strokes. Mitch's senses reeled. The hot clench of Liv's cunt over him as he fucked her, Sam's tight grip as he worked what looked like at least eight fat inches, maybe nine. Longer than Mitch. Mitch knew his limitations, his imperfections. Principally because his second wife had gotten a ruler out to measure him once. Seven and a half inches. Hard, his dick stretched to exactly seven and a half inches. Sure, he knew what to do with those seven and a half inches. Liv had no complaints, anyway. She threw her hips back, whimpered and mewled like a well-fucked kitten every time he shoved into her. But the cock fairies hadn't blessed him with as much as Sam.

  He loved watching him. Sam worked his dick, head already glistening with semen in the yellow wash of light. The other man's jaw clenched in the darkness, but he didn't come. Even when Liv stiffened, her mouth rounding to a shocked O and her pussy fisted so good, so tight around him. Sam still didn't come. He waited, hand pumping, until Mitch threw his head back and rode out his own orgasm, until Liv's rigid body deflated.

  Until they both stood on the other side of the glass to watch his eyes go blind, see his dick jerk and spurt gobs of thick white semen onto his hand and Mitch's deck. Liv's pussy fisted around him while she watched Sam come.

  Oh yeah.

  She was ready for this.

  Mitch leaned forward, whispered into her ear. "Go lay on the couch." Mitch had shifted boxes and garbage bags to one side of the living room to unearth his sectional sofa. Too big for his tiny apartment and he'd uncovered only part of it. There wasn't enough room. But he'd spent a day uncovering four sections and steam cleaning the scratchy nap of the cushions.

  "What?" Liv asked, her voice weak and still shaky.

  Mitch didn't bother repeating himself. She'd heard him. He eased his dick out of her and, his gaze still fastened to Sam, shoved her ass toward the living room. Her bare feet slapped the linoleum of the dining room floor.

  Sam hadn't bothered to stuff his softening dick back into his blue jeans so neither did Mitch. He stepped to the latch of the sliding glass doors and flipped the lock so the man could enter. Bending, Mitch removed the security bar on the tracks that kept intruders from popping the door, and propped the bar against the wall. Sam stared at him, hand on the exterior door handle.

  Mitch nodded.

  Turned his back.

  Threaded his way through the maze of boxes and junk to the living room. He reached Liv compliantly stretching out on his couch before Sam slid the door open.

  Her eyes widened, her attention jerking to the sliding glass door they couldn't see from the living room because of the wall of boxes. "Mitch—"

  "Shh, babe," he said, dropping to his knees on the carpet beside her. Oh God, he was getting hard again. His dick was already twitching. His skin tingled at what he knew was coming, how good it would be. Liv's body tensed, she started to rise, but he stopped her with a gentle but firm hand planted between her gorgeous breasts. He pushed until her lower back kissed the armrest, her body propped to a sitting position so she could see Sam move into the cramped room. "It's twenty degrees tonight, too cold to leave anyone with their dick hanging out," Mitch said.


  Mitch shook his head. "Relax," he said and skimmed his fingers to her left nipple. He tugged at it, his balls tightening at her gasp. Smiling, he glided his hand down. To her hips.

  His gaze shifted to Sam when he sat at the other end of the sectional. Inches separated his blue-jeaned hip from Liv's bare toes. Sam's eyes drank in Liv's tits first, his hands fisted at his sides. Then, he focused on the dark triangle of hair below her navel. Sam jerked his chin.

  This was Mitch's show, but Sam knew where he wanted to be.

  Mitch wanted him there, too. Wanted to watch him there, his blond head nestled between her thighs, with Liv panting and moaning. And coming.

  Her body had gone stiff as concrete under his touch, but Mitch slid his hands between her clenched thighs, pried them apart. He lifted one. She resisted, but only a second. She let him spread her open. "That's it. Let him see. Let him have a good look." He propped her calf on the spine of his couch, then stroked her soft skin on his way back to the V of her legs. "He's earned that, hasn't he?" He rubbed at her sensitive clit, forcing a whispery gasp from her throat. Her nipples beaded to hard nubs. Behind him, Sam blew out a shaky breath and cursed under his breath. But Mitch wasn't done.

  He abandoned Liv's warm, wet pussy and instead, slid his hand down her other thigh, pushing it wider. He bent to kiss her knee, then slid his lips down the calf he settled against the side of the sectional, kissed the toes he planted to the carpeted floor. Until Liv's cunt was achingly bare and completely vulnerable to Sam's ravenous gaze.

  The high piles of boxes blocked some of the overhead light he'd left on, but the shadows weren't so deep that Mitch—or Sam—couldn't study the pink folds of her sex, already sensitive and swollen from the fucking Mitch had given her in front of the sliding glass doors. They couldn't fail to notice the semen that seeped from her wellused slit. Her neatly trimmed curls glistened with her own juices. Sopping wet. And ready.

  Mitch kept her ankle handcuffed in his grasp, holding her still as Sam shifted on the sectional to take a better look, but Mitch did bend to pluck a nipple into his mouth. He bit at it to make her shiver, laved it with his tongue.

  Sam leaned forward and when Mitch spared a glance, the other man studied Liv's sodden pussy with hot, narrowed eyes. "You didn't use a rubber." He arched an eyebrow at Mitch.

  Mitch let go of her nipple, blew on it so she squirmed. "Liv and I have known each other forever. She's on the pill and we both know we're as clean as a nun's crotch." He snickered when Liv sniffed at his crudeness. "I can shoot into her whenever I like." Mitch felt her shudder when Sa
m reached for both thighs, spreading her wider. Had to be uncomfortable. Mitch noted the telltale shaking of her muscles as Sam pushed her even wider still, but she didn't so much as murmur in protest. Instead, her chest rose in shallow pants, her gaze already blurring with the utter brazenness of offering her pussy for Sam's inspection—and any other damn thing he wanted to do with it.

  She was loving every minute of this, winding herself tighter and tighter as he and Sam shared and studied her.

  "I'm clean," Sam said, stroking her silky thighs.

  Mitch had played a pick-up game of basketball with Sam earlier in the week, when they'd hatched the plot to get Liv hot and naked for them both. They'd discussed condom etiquette then. Sam had sworn he was free of STDs and had offered tests from his doctor to prove it. Mitch didn't know if Sam had retrieved copies of the lab results yet, but asking to see them now would definitely break the mood so he simply said,

  "Maybe. Maybe not." His eyes told the other man, next time. "Lean in closer."

  "Mitch—" Liv sputtered and wriggled as Sam bent down, between her legs. So close, she had to have felt his hot breath on her. "I'm not sure about this." Mitch planted his palm over her heart to hold her down again, enjoyed the wild beat of it against her chest. "I am."

  Chapter Eleven

  Sam sniffed her cunt. "Fucking without a condom leaves a god-awful mess. I don't know that I could fuck a pussy this sloppy."

  Which was the biggest load of horseshit Mitch had heard in awhile. Sam's dick sprung from the open V of his jeans, already hard and thick with how eager it was to fuck Livvy even sloppier.

  Her eyes narrowed. Her lips thinned. "I beg your pardon?" Pissing Liv off when they were getting her ready to take on two men did not strike Mitch as wise. "He's just mad that he can't fuck you bare, babe." He grunted at Sam, whose smooth-shaven cheek brushed her inner thigh. "If it bothers you so much, clean her up first."

  "What?" She squawked in outrage.

  "Don't mind if I do."

  His mouth shifted, swallowing her clit in one greedy gulp.

  Her body tightened like a drawn bow, spine arching, and a keening wail tore from her at Sam's first outrageous lick.

  No, assault.

  With his dick standing at eager attention, he'd apparently decided not to waste any more time because he ate at her like a starving man. His lips sucked. His tongue stabbed and ground down on her pink flesh so that she shuddered and moaned. Mitch spotted a sharp flash of teeth that scraped her engorged clit and she all but screamed with fierce, primal joy.

  Mitch damn near came just watching her, but he wasn't so far gone that he forgot his part in this. No how, no way. He and Sam had discussed, in minute detail, how this first encounter would play out, what each of them would do, and how they would do it to her.

  So Mitch lowered his mouth to Liv's fantastic tits. He feasted on them, every bit as greedily as Sam devoured her pussy.

  They didn't let her up after the first orgasm slapped through her. They didn't even ease up after the second, when the sounds that came from her throat sounded more animal than human.

  That only made them want to pick up the pace, increase the aggression, push her to the edge.

  She screamed with the next orgasm, but Mitch had shifted his lips higher, pinching her nipples as he swallowed her shriek with his mouth. Sam didn't raise his head until her body collapsed, exhausted and sated. "Help me move her," he said through gritted teeth, his voice hoarse with need. Mitch rolled her boneless body off the sectional to the floor. She lay against him, panting and limp, too drained to so much as whimper as he turned her face down, into his waiting crotch.

  Sam grabbed her ankles, straightened out her legs with a hard yank, then shucked his jeans down his thighs before sliding between them.

  "Rubber," Mitch reminded him, lifting Liv until her elbows locked and her palms flattened to the floor.

  Sam fished a condom from the front pocket of his jeans, tore the wrapper, and rolled it over his dick while Mitch pushed to his knees, his own jeans still gaping around his swollen cock. He inched forward until his dick brushed Liv's cheek. Sam crouched over her, nudging her thighs wide with his knees. He bent, his hand guiding his dick to her pussy.

  Mitch threaded his fingers through her hair, cradling her neck by the nape and leading her kiss-bruised lips to him. "Suck me."

  Sam and Mitch pushed into her simultaneously.

  She groaned, the sound vibrating down Mitch's dick like a fricking tuning fork. He moaned, senses swirling at the hot wet of her mouth surrounding him. Oh God, he was doomed. He'd never want anything except this, only this, forever and ever and ever. The fiery wash of her breath over him as she panted, her grunt as Sam pumped into her. The slow, awkward lick of her tongue over the head of his cock as he withdrew then pushed forward again, deep, past her lips.

  Mitch didn't mind that she was too drained and stunned from her orgasms to blow him.

  That wasn't what he'd wanted.

  He'd wanted to fuck her mouth.

  Her involvement or expertise in the matter was purely irrelevant. So that's what he did.

  He fucked her face.

  Sam fucked her cunt.

  And she stretched out between them, shish ka-bobbed by their cocks, quivering and moaning.

  And, unbelievably, coming again.

  Oh God.

  Of the two of them, Mitch came first.


  There was just something about the increasingly frantic scramble of her tongue over his dick, her sweet attempts to suck him as he humped her face, that wound him up. That and her shuddering groans as Sam slammed in and out of her. He'd never heard anything as sexy as the slap-slap-slap of Sam's hips mashing into her ass or felt anything as profound as her answering moans shivering down his cock. Mitch didn't try to make it last, to stop the orgasm from happening. He threw his head back, pushed his dick down her throat. He grunted, spilling hot, thick, and wet into her.

  The pleasure was so sharp, so intense, it seared him to the marrow of his bones. His toes curled. Every muscle in his body clenched. He shoved her head down on him. The orgasm was so good, so sweet, wrung from deep inside his body, he was helpless, completely helpless against it.

  He fed her, fed his cum down her throat, and she lapped him right up. Every single drop.

  She licked and laved, sucked at him, skating her swollen lips along his limpening dick to kiss his balls as his grip in her hair loosened. He let her. Fought to calm the thunder of his heart in his chest.

  And he watched Sam finish.

  The features of the man's face had drawn tight, the muscles of his neck cording. The arms bracing him over Liv's ass shook, sweat glistening on them. He had to be close. The cheeks of Liv's ass had pinked under the pounding of his hips and even with her single-minded attention to his dick, she whined and cried out so Mitch knew Liv was feeling every one of Sam's nine inches. He didn't think she'd come again before Sam blew. Didn't care if she did. The night was ripe with possibilities and she'd fulfill hers, with as many orgasms as they could wring from her. By morning, her body would be thoroughly used and spent.

  But for now, the feral sounds she made set wild sparks glittering in Sam's blue eyes. He picked up the pace, his thrusts into her so aggressive he threw her forward, burying her face in Mitch's crotch.

  "Fuck her harder, Sam."

  Sam lost control.

  He growled, lurched forward. Met Mitch's gaze, lips curled back against his teeth, and hammered his dick into her. Liv cried out against Mitch's sac, staggered under the force of Sam's pounding cock.

  "Oh, oh, oh," she chanted into his lap.

  Mitch petted her, rubbed at her scalp, soothed her. Whispered his dirty, heartfelt praise of her.

  And watched her take every inch of the brutal fucking Sam gave her. Sam bucked forward, collapsed over Liv's ass. He roared with the intensity of his orgasm. His lean body jerked, hips instinctively pumping, pinning her to the carpeted floor with his dick hilted
in her cunt. If Mitch's grasp in her hair hadn't tightened, she would've scrambled out from under Sam and his ravaging cock, but Mitch held on, held her still, made her ride out the tide of Sam's satisfaction.


  Mitch's pulse thundered in his ears.

  He'd told Sam that he wanted rough. Liv liked a hard fucking and Mitch had dearly wanted to see Sam take her so violently that her pussy tingled for a week. That's what Mitch had told Sam. They only met up once each week, every Friday. Mitch had wanted Liv to feel it, the power of their wild fucking, every day they were apart. Sam had surpassed even Mitch's sweatiest expectations.

  Still blowing out pants, his face tucked to her shoulder, Sam's grip on her eased, his hands smoothing the red marks his fingers had dug into her hips. "Holy shit. Holy fucking shit, that was intense."

  Mitch stroked her hair. Fought the trembling of his body. "You okay, babe?" Liv's body relaxed.

  Her chin shifted to take his limp cock into her mouth for a sweet, intimate suck.

  "I've got rug burns on my knees," she said, then blew on his dick. Mitch's eyes crossed.

  Sam laughed. Still planted deep inside her, he swiveled his hips so that she whimpered. "How's this?"

  "Sore," she said and moaned against Mitch's cock.

  He unscrambled his brains. Piss, damn it, and fuck. He'd wanted her aching, but not this fast. "We'll take it easier the rest of the night. Not so rough." She looked up from his dick, uncertainty glimmering in her eyes. "Sam's staying?"

  As if that had been the cue he'd been waiting for, Sam reared off her, grimacing as his cock slid free. "The whole weekend, if you'll let me." He stripped off his condom.

  "Mitch said you usually only stay Friday night, but we thought"—he shot a careful glance at Mitch—"if we promise to be good, nothing but good to you, that you might stay until Sunday."

  She stared up at Mitch, bit her lip. The mouth that had swollen from his kisses, from sucking on his dick. "You want me to stay the whole weekend," she said. Mitch swallowed raw nerves. "I want you to stay until Sunday. We both do." Sam jerked his jeans back up over his hips, but he didn't zip them as he stalked into the kitchen. He tossed the used rubber into the trash and swung the refrigerator door wide. "Do you have any bottled water?"


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