She Became My Water

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She Became My Water Page 9

by Amy DeMeritt

  When her tongue enters my center, I moan and my hips thrust against her. Oh my god, I feel like I am having sex for the first time! It has always been a wonderful turn on to have a beautiful woman’s face between my legs, but none have been this good at actually performing the act. I actually had a couple girlfriends that wouldn’t do this at all; they didn’t like to give it or receive it – that’s a little fact I would have liked to have known before we climbed into bed.

  Bailey may be shy in some aspects, but she is definitely not shy down between my legs. Oh god, her tongue, lips, and teeth are moving over me like a sculptors’ hands move over a mass of clay, turning it into something amazing.

  I’m surprised by the sounds she’s encouraging to exit my lips. I’ve never been a very “loud” lover. Occasionally, a woman can elicit a deep moan or quick gasp, but heavy breathing is typically all that emits from my mouth during sex. However, Bailey is making me moan and gasp nearly non-stop. Strangely, hearing myself is turning me on even more and making everything feel so much more amazing.

  Bailey alternates over and over again between licking, sucking, nibbling, and dipping inside me. I start to feel a powerful orgasm building and my body starts to tense and tremble as it prepares to unleash the mass of energy building in my center. Bailey suddenly palms her hands firmly up my stomach and over my breasts while she continues to work her mouth between my legs. At the same time that she sucks my clit firmly, she firmly rolls and pinches my nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

  “Oh god!” I gasp and my body starts to shudder. I moan loudly and my hips buck and spasm. I can almost see the giant ball of blue energy between my legs erupt as my orgasm shoots through my body like a billion electrical currents.

  Bailey slows her mouth and just gently licks the flat of her tongue over me a few times, making me spasm and jerk. She slowly crawls up my body and lowers herself down against me. I’m still breathing heavy and my eyes are blurry and unfocused from the power of the orgasm, but I can see Bailey’s smiling at me in a happy affectionate way.

  “You like my personality that much, huh?” Bailey laughs hard and firmly presses her lips against mine for a moment. “I thought that was understood last night.” I smile really big and roll her over to get on top of her. “It was, but thanks for the amazing reminder.”

  Bailey smiles and pulls me down into a kiss. While we kiss, I run my palm down the front of her towards her center. Bailey inhales and parts her legs before I even reach her core. I slowly and gently cup my hand over her center, just barely resting it there. Bailey inhales and her hips slightly rise against my hand, begging for a firmer contact between us.

  I pull back from the kiss, and slowly work my way down her body while I hold my hand lightly against her. I firmly trace my tongue around her nipple, and with each rotation of my tongue around her nipple, I slowly push two fingers between her lips, but don’t penetrate her. Bailey bucks her hips against my hand, trying to pull me inside her, but I remain teasingly just outside of her.

  I can feel how wet she is and its making it very difficult not to thrust inside her, but I don’t want to rush this. Last night we made love together, but this morning is my chance to explore and enjoy all of her.

  As I kiss down her stomach, Bailey arches her back and inhales deeply. When I reach her hips, I firmly run the flat of my tongue over the slightly protruding curve of the strong bone. Bailey moans and shifts in the bed under my touch. I slowly push her thighs open wide and smile when I see her.

  Bailey has a rosy pink center with a ring of darker red around her entrance. Her outer lips are thin and perfectly clean of any hair or stubble, as if she was just recently waxed clean. Every millimeter of her delicate folds are covered in her arousal and my mouth waters wanting to taste her. Her hips slightly rise in a silent protest to my procrastination to deliver the release she needs. I smile and bend down to her beautiful sex. As soon as my tongue traces up her and over her clit, we both moan. Bailey is wonderfully reactive to every flick, suck, and lick of my tongue against her.

  While I work my tongue against her clit and lips, I slowly push my thumb inside her a few times. I press the bent side of my forefinger against the space just under her entrance and press down inside her with my thumb to pinch the sensitive flesh. Bailey gasps loudly and moans, “Oooh, mmm…” I tug on this spot several times while I trace the tip of my tongue around her clit.

  Bailey releases a loud sound of pleasure and her hands dig down into the bed as her back slightly arches. “Piper! Oh god. Ooh!” I moan against her clit as I suck it into my mouth and gently nurse it, coaxing her orgasm to the surface.

  I tug on the lip of her entrance again and Bailey bursts loudly in ecstasy. I pull my thumb out of her and gently massage her bikini line and inner thigh as I gently run my tongue over her full sex. Bailey moans, and with shaking hands, she reaches for me, gently placing her hands against the sides of my face. “Piper, come hold me now.”

  I crawl up next to her and Bailey wraps her arm and leg around me as her head rests on my chest. She inhales deeply and nuzzles in closer.

  This is one of those perfect moments that you never want to end, but you know is going to end much too soon. The feeling of Bailey’s body against mine, her breath on my chest, and her eyelashes gently caressing my chest each time she blinks, is sending radiating joy through my body.

  Bailey slowly lifts her head, kisses my chest, and then looks up at me with a smile on her face. “See, I told you I was a sap for the mushy stuff.” I look at her confused and she smiles wider. “This tattoo…” She gently runs her hand over the inside of my thigh. “And your requirement to know each other’s personality to let me be like this with you.” I laugh and squeeze her closer. “Well, just so you know, I’ve never let another woman be like this with me this quickly either.” She quirks an eyebrow at me. “Did you mean to specify women in that statement? I thought you’ve never been with a man before?” I shake my head. “I haven’t. I specified ‘woman’ because ‘person’ would insinuate that a man is an option, which they definitely are not.”

  She smiles and gently kisses my lips. “I don’t know why, but it’s always caused me more jealousy for a woman to have known a man than if she has known another woman before me. I started talking to a bisexual girl my first year of college. I liked her, but every time she tried to move to the next level, I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t get passed the fact that she had been with men and could be again. It’s hard enough to accept that a woman may leave me for another woman, but when she might leave me for a man that’s harder to risk. I think a woman leaving me for a man would hurt way more. In the back of my head I would be worried that she only left because of her need to seem normal and accepted by society.”

  “That actually happened to me and it did hurt just like you think it would.” She frowns and gently kisses my lips and presses her palm against my cheek, before asking, “What happened?”

  “Her family was very anti-gay – to the point of actual hatred towards gays. She was in the closet with her family because she was worried she would be disowned if they knew about her. Well, her brother was starting to suspect something and I’m pretty sure he followed us one night because he just happened to show up at the bar we were at with some friends. He walked over mid-kiss and she quickly started pretending like she was really drunk and grabbed the first guy that walked by and started making out with him. She never called again. I actually saw her a few weeks later out with that same loser she started kissing on at the bar.”

  “Ugh, that’s disgusting. How long were you together?”

  “Only a couple months. We have a couple mutual friends so I hear about her sometimes. She’s still with that same guy, but she still fools around with women on the side in secret.”

  “I’ve never understood why it’s so hard for some people to accept that being gay is a real thing – that some people are just attracted to the same sex and not the opposite. Scientists always look to lesser anim
als to see how we are different and why we are so superior. I’m not even a scientist and I can see the difference.” I look at her confused and she props herself up more. “Ok, so here’s my theory.”

  She smiles really big and shifts some so her thigh presses into my center – I don’t think she realizes it and I’m not complaining.

  “Science has shown that the human brain is far for complex than other animals, like our ability to have this conversation for example. Animals can use certain sounds to alert other animals to certain things, but they can’t actually have conversations. They have some level of critical thinking ability, but they’re not going to figure out how to make electricity. They have the ability to feel certain emotions, but not all emotions. So, if the human is so much more complex than animals in their ability to think and feel so many more things, then why can’t people accept that we could want to mate with the same sex? We’re like the only animals that have sex purely for pleasure, so again, why can’t we be gay? For other animals, sex is an instinct to breed and continue the species. For humans, we are drawn to sex mostly for pleasure and other emotions that animals typically do not experience.”

  “That’s all very true, but sadly too many people refuse to see it that way. If they did, you’d have the religions of the world up in arms to knock that logic back into the ground with their supernatural explanations.”

  “I think I’m going to write about this. My editor told me I can pick the subject for my next piece and told me to make sure it’s very controversial. I think this is perfectly oozing with controversy.”

  “I can’t wait to read it.”

  She smiles really big and places her hand on my stomach. “So, I think we were getting up to eat breakfast before you distracted me with your mushy affections for me.” I laugh and kiss her lips. “Ok, come on.”

  We climb out of bed and I hand her a tee shirt as she had requested before she unexpectedly took us on a pleasure journey. While I put on a tee shirt and cotton shorts, I watch as she slips into the tee shirt and then lifts her arms to put her hair into a ponytail. I smile as the fabric of the tee shirt rises enough to reveal her center. She grins watching me watch her. When she finishes with her hair, she takes my hand and pulls me out to the kitchen.

  Bailey leans back, resting her elbows on my counter, with a very happy, serene smile on her face. She looks stunning in my slightly oversized tee shirt that’s barely hiding her center, hair sloppily tossed into a ponytail, and her perfectly smooth legs loosely crossed in front of her.

  I reluctantly steal my eyes away from her and open my fridge to see what I can make us for breakfast. Bailey’s not a picky eater so I could probably make her just about anything and she would be fine with it, but I’d prefer her to have something she really loves the morning after we consummated our relationship.

  “Bailey, what’s your favorite thing to have for breakfast?” She smiles wider and laughs a little. “Carbs. In all its delicious forms.”

  I smile and start pulling ingredients out of the fridge and freezer. I grab a muffin pan out of the cabinet and preheat the oven.

  Since I’ve been working in coffee shops for so long, I’ve gotten pretty good at baking muffins and scones and don’t even need a recipe anymore. I have the basic formula for the batter engrained in my mind and just change up the flavorings and extra bits depending on my mood.

  One of my favorite muffins I came up with Naomi while we were experimenting in the kitchen at work. It’s a chocolate covered strawberry muffin. We actually came up with it as a way to use up the remaining chocolate covered strawberries we make almost daily.

  After I have the basic batter made, I toss some frozen strawberries into the food processor and pulse them a couple times to chop them up a little bit. I then toss them and some chocolate chips in some confectioners’ sugar before gently folding them into the batter.

  Once the muffin pan is filled, I pop it into the oven and turn to start putting stuff away, but Bailey is already doing it. After she closes the fridge, she turns to clear the dirty bowls and utensils off the counter. She smiles when she sees me watching her.

  “I’ll take care of cleaning up if you’ll make us some coffee.”

  “Ok, thanks.”

  My favorite way to make coffee at home is with my French press. It delivers the purest, earthiest brew. As we do in the coffee shop, I always start with freshly ground coffee. At work, we use large commercial machines to grind the coffee beans, but at home I like to use a manual grinder – the kind with the little wooden drawer that the grounds fall in after the cast aluminum mechanism grinds the beans. You can control the coarseness of the grind much more easily with the manual grinders and that’s important with a French press. I store my beans in a steal tube with a vacuum seal lid to help the beans stay as fresh as possible. I’m a bit of a coffee fanatic.

  While the water is boiling on the stove, I add the coffee beans to my grinder and slowly grind out a medium course grainy “dirt”. I add the grounds to the French press and then pour the boiling water over top and gently stir. Now it just needs to sit for a few minutes. When I turn around, Bailey is leaning against the counter watching me with a smile.

  “You make it very hard to palate my K-cups at home.” I laugh and pull her into an embrace. “I guess you are just going to have to come visit me every morning at work so I can start your day with the good stuff.” She smiles really big. “Your coffee, breakfast in the form of a sweet decedent carb, and your beautiful lips – the perfect way to start each of my mornings.”

  Chapter Ten

  It’s before 8am Monday morning and we’re in the middle of our usual morning rush of customers. I’m having a hard time focusing and working at my normal pace because Naomi’s not quite right today. She’s moving slower and looks like she isn’t feeling well. I told her she should call our manager, Fran, and ask her to send in a replacement so she can go home, but she won’t.

  I’m so focused on keeping an eye on Naomi that I don’t even notice that Bailey’s in line till she’s at the counter to order. She smiles warmly, but her smile quickly fades.

  “Piper, what’s the matter?”

  Before I can answer, Naomi calls out to me in a weak, breathless way. “Pipe’s…” I look at her and she’s holding the counter with one hand and her head with the other. Her face goes pale and she starts to sway. I quickly dart to her side and catch her just as she starts to fall. I land hard on my knees with Naomi in my arms.

  “Naomi. Naomi!” She has fainted. I look up and Bailey’s quickly running around behind the counter and pulling her phone out. “Here, I dialed 911. I’m going to get a cold rag.”

  “There are clean rags in that cabinet.”

  The operator answers and I quickly explain our situation and give them the address. When I hang up, Bailey’s kneeling down next to me and handing me a cold wet rag. I gently place the rag on Naomi’s forehead and she slightly inhales at the contact, but doesn’t open her eyes. “Naomi, please open your eyes.” I bend down and kiss her cheek as tears start to form in my eyes. I look at Bailey and she slightly bites her bottom lip. We both look up and there’s a small cluster of customers hovering over the counter watching. Bailey suddenly stands up and takes charge.

  I vaguely hear her as she ushers everyone out of the shop. I stroke Naomi’s cheek and hold my hand in front of her mouth a moment to make sure she’s still breathing. I can feel her warm breath against the back of my hand. I take a deep breath and try to steady my emotions. I move the rag from her forehead to the side of her neck and Naomi shifts slightly and inhales deeply again. When Bailey returns to my side, I ask her to rinse the rag again because it’s not as cold anymore.

  I place the rag on the side of her neck again and Naomi’s eyelids slightly flutter. “Naomi?” I move the rag around from her neck, cheek, and forehead. “Naomi, please open your eyes.” Tears start to streak down my cheeks. I don’t know what to do. I kiss her cheek and Naomi inhales again and her eyes open. She look
s panicked and tries to sit up.

  “Naomi, don’t move. I’ve got you.”

  “What… What happened?”

  “You fainted. An ambulance is on the way. I’ll call Henry when we’re on the way to the hospital.”

  “What? No, I’ll be ok. I just need to sit.”

  “No! Naomi, you are pregnant. We are going to the hospital to make sure you and your baby are ok. Do not argue with me.” She gives me a small smile and rests her hand against my cheek. “Come here.” I bend down and Naomi gently kisses my lips. “I love you, Pipe’s. I feel very sleepy. Stay with me?”

  I nod my head and feel choked as a ball of emotion forms in my throat. I look at Bailey and her eyes are red and glistening with emotion and her bottom lip is slightly trembling. She reaches over and rubs my lower back to try and offer me some comfort. I really need her to hold me right now, but I can’t let go of Naomi.

  Every time Naomi closes her eyes, I rub the pad of my thumb over her cheekbone and she promptly opens her eyes again.

  Thankfully, the paramedics arrive pretty quickly. They come rushing in with their medical bags and carrying a retractable wheeled gurney. The pair that comes in is a man and woman team. The woman immediately puts a breathing mask on Naomi and a little oxygen and heart rate clamp on her finger.

  The woman looks at me and says, “Ok, we’re going to lift your friend on the gurney and get her into the ambulance now. Let me take your place.”

  I carefully switch places with the woman and they carefully lift her onto the narrow bed. As they start to wheel her out, Naomi reaches for me.

  “Can I ride with her?”

  “Of course.”

  I turn to Bailey and wrap my arms around her a moment and kiss her lips. “I have to go. I guess I’ll call you when we get there.” She shakes her head. “I’m going to follow you. I’ll call work and tell them what’s going on.” I start to tear up again and have to swallow hard to keep from turning into a sobbing mess. “Ok, thank you. I need to lock up.” She takes the keys from me and shoos me away. “Go. I’ll turn everything off and lock up. Just grab your purses and go.”


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