Take Me: The Maiden and the Monster (An Erotic Fairytale)

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Take Me: The Maiden and the Monster (An Erotic Fairytale) Page 2

by Madelene Martin

  Suddenly, she held her breath. An explosion of pure ecstasy came over her, and her whole body shuddered under wave after wave of intense pleasure. “Ohh!” She cried, over and over as she spasms passed through her, slowly ebbing, and leaving her panting, trying to catch her breath.

  The beast stopped his ministrations for a moment, his huge hands still gripping her by the hips. Ella felt the wetness dripping down her thighs, the throbbing pulse deep within her sex, and the warm afterglow of pleasure.

  “What was that?” She gasped. No one had ever told her about that. Was it normal, or was there something wrong with her? Was it some kind of magic?

  The creature gave his low panting, growling laugh. Ella had begun to sink down onto the floor, feeling deliciously relaxed - but now he grabbed her hard and yanked her back to her hands and knees. She yelped in surprise as he pressed his warm furry body up against her. Suddenly, she could feel something pressing against her from behind, and knew what was coming. She turned her head as best she could, trying to get a look.

  His member was thick, dark and swollen, rising out of his long dark hair. It looked impossibly huge, and she whimpered at the thought of it inside her. And yet, a thrill of excitement went through her.

  She looked away as she felt it press up against her entrance, and the beast rubbing it along her slit. It felt deliciously slippery, and Ella found herself moving her hips in answer to the growing pleasure. He teased her, running his shaft along, dipping it just inside her slick inner lips.

  Her breathing came heavy and ragged, and she could hear the beast rumbling in pleasure. She threw her head back, and pushed back her hips, trying to bring him closer. “Please!” She gasped. She wanted him to get it over with, but not just because she wanted it over. She wanted to feel what it was like to have him inside her. She wanted to feel again what she had felt just a few minutes before.

  With a long grunt, the beast suddenly forced himself inside. Ella made a sharp intake of breath as she felt a tearing pain, and tried to pull away. He held her fast, his claws digging into the tender flesh of her ass, and she whimpered as he pushed all the way into her. He filled her completely, stretching her wide. Ella closed her eyes tightly, as he pushed right up against her body. Then he began to withdraw, slowly, and the pain receded. Before she could react, he thrust hard, ramming his thick phallus back in. This time, there was less pain.

  He moved smoothly, making deep growls and groans of pleasure as he worked mercilessly in and out of her tight pussy. Soon enough Ella found to her surprise that she had forgotten the pain. Her hands unclenched and she bit her lip, moving her hips in tandem with the beast’s firm thrusts, grinding her ass up against his warm body.

  The animalistic growls continued, Ella’s moans mingling with his. She loved his lustful sounds, the way she made him feel thrilled her. Why had no one told her this was what it was like?

  He sped up, faster and faster, until he was pounding her so hard she could barely support herself on her arms. She collapsed down, her head against the ground and cried out as she felt the creature thrust once more, and again. His body stiffened and tensed, as he raised his head and uttered a great howl of release. Ella felt the giant cock pulse and spasm inside her and the sudden hot jet of his seed. She cried out in shock and unexpected sudden pleasure as she clenched around the pulsing phallus, shuddering as another powerful climax overtook her.

  The beast held her where she was on the ground, as she shook and moaned, and as she panted and gasped for air while the pleasure died away. He still twitched inside her, and Ella could feel the dripping wetness on her pussy and running down her legs. He bent over her back, breathing heavily in her ear, and gently nipped her on the skin of her neck, holding her flesh in his teeth.

  When he finally released her, she fell gratefully onto the earth floor and curled up. She felt bruised, and sore, and very relaxed. A warm afterglow suffused her entire body.

  A moment later the beast crawled back to her, dragging her red cloak. Gently, he draped it over Ella where she lay.

  She stared up at him, wondering why nothing had happened. He was still a beast - there had been no flash of magic, no dramatic change. As if reading her thoughts, the creature smiled, and made the odd gesture of reaching out and patting her on the head. She grabbed the giant paw and nuzzled her face against it, smiling.

  The beast curled protectively around the girl, and she slept fitfully. She woke when the sun peeked around the lip of the cave and shone in her face. Ella rubbed her eyes irritably. Then she remembered the night before, and sat upright, blinking and squinting in the morning glare.

  She was naked, her skin scuffed and dirty, and she had bruises on her hips and scratches in myriad places on her skin. The red cloak had mostly fallen off her in the night. She twisted, and looked behind her.

  Under her cloak, was the shape of a person. Sticking out from its hem were two decidedly male legs. They weren’t hairy or clawed - they were regular person’s legs. Ella made a tiny squeak of shock.

  Gingerly, she grabbed the cloak and pulled it toward her, taking it from the man and gathering it around herself to shield her nakedness. She wasn’t sure why it mattered after everything, but it made her feel better.

  The man was lying on his stomach, completely unconscious and snoring quietly. He had long dark hair which fell over his handsome face, and a taut muscular body.

  A furious blush crept over Ella’s face and spread down her neck and chest as she looked at him - his shoulders, his broad back and his firm behind. Not sure what to do, she reached out one finger and poked him on the shoulder.

  The man jerked awake, immediately going into a crouch. An inhuman snarl came from him as he curled his lips and flared his nostrils.

  “Stop!” Ella cried in shock, scooting backwards in fear. “It worked! It’s me!”

  The man blinked, furrowed his brow, and shook his head - the same gesture she had seen the beast use. His dirty dark hair swayed in front of his eyes. Then he raised a hand, turned it over in front of his eyes, and curled the fingers. He sat backwards, falling down on the ground. A huge smile spread over his face, and he looked up at Ella.

  His eyes were green. He was truly the most handsome man she had ever seen. The blush stayed right where it was, as she shyly returned his smile.

  “Ella.” He spoke. Then as if he couldn’t get enough of the sound of his voice, he said it again. “Ella.”

  “Yes,” she replied, overflowing with relief. “What’s your name?”

  He furrowed his brow again in a look of consternation. He had to think about it for a minute. “Barnaby.” He said finally.

  She blinked in shock. “Barnaby, like the King’s son?”

  His full lips fell open. “Yes. The King’s son!” He took a deep breath. “I didn’t tell you... I didn’t remember.”

  Suddenly, he got to his feet, standing before her. Ella averted her eyes from his nakedness, though a small laugh came to her lips. The whole situation was absurd!

  To her surprise, Barnaby came close and extended a hand. After a moment’s hesitation, she took it. He hauled her to her feet, and grabbed her in a rough embrace, laughing. Then he swung her around in his strong arms. Before long, Ella was laughing too.

  They washed in a stream as best they could, and Ella gave her cloak to him so he could cover himself. He had tied it around his waist, leaving his torso bare.

  “I will return this, as soon as I am able.” He promised solemnly, taking her by the hands.

  Ella held the front of her dress together where the buttons had been lost, smiling shyly at the prince.

  “I will reward you greatly for saving me.” He repeated, for the third or fourth time. “You and your child will want for nothing.” And he bent, and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

  The girl tilted her head to meet him, his soft mouth caressing hers as she smiled. Then she broke away, one hand pushing against his chest to hold him at bay. “My what?”

  He looked chagrined,
and ran a hand through his long hair. “Uh... well, I had forgotten that detail, you see.” He said sheepishly. “To break the curse, I needed a pure woman to bear my child.”

  Ella stepped away from him, eyes wide with shock. “But how do you know...?” She murmured, half to herself.

  He smiled again with a little shrug, and this time there was sympathy in his eyes. “The curse is broken, isn’t it?”

  Her mouth was still in an “o” shape of disbelief. “Well...” She swallowed, and raised her chin defiantly. “Well then, you must marry me!”

  The corners of his mouth quirked with amusement. “Must I now?”

  “Yes! What kind of girl do you think I am?”

  Now he laughed softly, in a deep rumbling laugh reminiscent of his beast’s voice. He took her hands in his, lifting them from where they dangled limply at her sides.

  “The kind who would rut in the forest with a beast?” He murmured, pressing his body up against her.

  “How dare you!” She cried, making her hands into fists and trying to punch his body. He held them firmly in his grip, muscles of his arms bulging. Ella felt a surprising pang of arousal at his nearness and his strength, and frowned harder.

  He kissed her unwilling mouth, and as his lips captured hers, she stopped struggling and melted against him. It felt so good. How could anything about this be wrong?

  “You saved me.” He whispered, close to her ear. “I will marry you.”

  Ella felt little bubbles of excitement welling up inside her. She pulled away gently, and he released his hold on her hands.

  “Alright then,” she said, her voice quavering slightly. “In that case, I suppose you had better come with me.”

  She led the way, moving north toward the village, and finally finding a familiar path. They stepped over logs, through fallen leaves and soft grass. Somewhere along the way, the prince slipped his hand into hers.

  More Monster Erotica by Madelene Martin

  Paranormal Erotica

  Playing With Fire – the Dragon's Trophy

  Demon Seed

  Take Me: The Maiden and the Monster

  Kiss of Flame - The Dragon's Virgin Tribute

  Vessel of the Demon God

  Did you love Take Me: The Maiden and the Monster (An Erotic Fairytale)? Then you should read Playing With Fire - The Dragon's Trophy (Reluctant Monster Breeding, Erotic Romance) by Madelene Martin!

  Seeking a challenge, Neve - a young thief with a passion for danger, sneaks into a dragon's den. She seeks a trophy - a treasure that will bring her glory, fame and riches. What she finds is something else entirely.

  Neve is captured by the dragon, Sabras - who in human form is decidedly sexy. Both angered by the thief and taken by her beauty, he decides that he will have his way with her, and she will bear his child.

  But once-unwilling Neve soon finds herself developing feelings for mysterious Sabras, and wanting more...

  This 9000 word erotic romance contains explicit, reluctant and rough sex with a dragon shifter, with breeding themes.

  Also by Madelene Martin


  Take Me: The Maiden and the Monster (An Erotic Fairytale)

  The Wolf-Girl's Prize

  Lela of the Lake

  Demon Seed (Rough and Reluctant Monster Breeding)

  Collar Me: Blind and Bound (BDSM - Blindfolded, Discipline, Bondage, Teasing, Rough Sex)

  Suckling Cindy - A Medical Milkfest (Lactation Erotica, Breast and Nipple Play, Threesome)

  Vessel of the Demon God (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica)

  More Bang for His Buck - The Millionaire's Girl (BBW BDSM Erotic Romance)




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