by Avi Shlaim
meetings with Hussein 357–8, 373–5
meetings with Meir 358, 375
and October War 366, 367
contacts with Sadat 369–70
marginalization of Jordan 371, 375, 387–8
visit to Middle East (1973) 371
‘shuttle diplomacy’373–4, 379, 387
and 1974 Rabat summit 383, 384–5
collusion with Sadat 385
Kitchener, Lord, British plenipotentiary in Cairo 3
Kol Israel, Arabic broadcasts 138
Komer, Robert, US National Security Council 215
Kufr Asad 310
Kuwait 157, 410
relations with Jordan 438, 481, 520
Iraqi invasion (1990) 478–502, 614
Larnaca, Cyprus, murder of Israelis in 429
Latrash, Fred (CIA) 145
Lausanne 170
Lavran, Colonel Aharon, Israeli military intelligence 361
Lawrence, T.E. (‘Lawrence of Arabia’) 3
and Arab Revolt 5, 6
on Sykes-Picot agreement 8
support for Abdullah in Transjordan 12, 13
and Hussein bin Ali 14–15
League of Nations, and independence of Transjordan 14
Lebanese Christians, and Arab Revolt 6
Lebanon 10, 116, 151, 211
and Greater Syria project 10, 20
instability 153, 159
US military assistance to (1958) 162, 169
Fatah bases 274–5
clashes with PLO 358
civil war (1975–6) 388–9
Israeli invasions 415–16
war in (1982) 415–18, 419–20, 613
reaction to Oslo Accord 522
Levy, David, Israeli foreign minister 575
Levy, Moshe 434
Libya 321, 345
Lloyd, Selwyn, foreign secretary 60, 104, 115–16, 122, 196
London, memorial service in St Paul’s Cathedral 616
London Agreement (1987) 440–47
provisions of 443–4
failure of 446–7
al-Lozi, Ahmad 173
Ma’an 16, 17
bread riots 474–5
Ma’ayta, Mahmud 62, 100, 130
McMahon, Sir Henry, British high commissioner in Egypt, correspondence with Hussein bin Ali 4–5, 6, 7, 8
Macmillan, Harold, Prime Minister 161–2, 168
Macomber, William, US ambassador to Jordan 179, 233–4
Madadhah, Falah, minister of the interior 101
Madrid peace conference (1991) 513–16, 614
preparations 508–13
UN Resolutions 242 and 338 as basis 512
subsequent peace talks 515–18
safety net (private talks) 516
‘corridor diplomacy’517
Maghrebi peace initiative 492
Majali, Dr Abdul Salam
Jordanian delegation to Madrid 512, 517, 524
and Jordanian-Israeli peace negotiations 528, 536
signing of treaty 543
open letter to 578
as prime minister 583
al-Majali, Ayman 594
al-Majali, Habis
10th Infantry Regiment 52
commander of Arab Union forces 161
as army chief of staff 172, 177
and Hussein’s marriage to Muna 181–2
as conservative influence 189
as commander-in-chief 239, 324
and civil war 325
al-Majali, Hazza’
as prime minister 84–6, 175
chief of royal court 172
murder of 176–7
al-Majali, Colonel Hussein, ADC to Hussein 593–4, 597, 604, 606
Mallory, Lester, US ambassador to Jordan 122, 127, 140, 145
Mango, Adiba 489
Mango, Dr Ahmad 540
Marwan, Ashraf, Egyptian adviser 398
al-Masri, Taher
foreign minister 425, 426, 431, 451
meeting with Gromyko 426
opposition to disengagement from West Bank 459, 465
meeting with Baker 508
as prime minister 511, 515–16
and move to normalization 538–9, 548
al-Masri, Zafir, mayor of Nablus, assassination 433
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota 519, 581, 582–3, 589, 595–6
return to 603–4, 606–7
Mecca 2, 6
Medina, siege of 6
Meir, Golda, Israeli prime minister 308
meetings with Abdullah 26, 27–8
as foreign minister 196, 220–22, 286
meetings with Hussein 220–22, 301, 360–64, 376–8
intransigence 300–301, 352
view of Arab states 300, 378
rejection of Rogers Plan 309–10
and Jordanian civil war 330, 331, 337
support for Hussein 331, 378
rejection of United Arab Kingdom plan 346, 348, 349–50, 351–2
views on Palestinians 346–7
meeting with Nixon (1973) 358
resignation 378
Meridor, Dan 449–50, 510
Middle East 5, 10–11, 16–17, 20
effect of Suez on balance of power in 121
military dictatorships 150
realignment (1957) 151
‘Arab cold war’153, 172
year of revolution (1958) 153–71
US view of 159, 300, 329–30, 408–9, 414
Herzog’s plan 198–9
role for USA in 296–7
stalemate (1972–3) 356
Hussein’s view of 405
and ‘interlock’455
Hussein’s analysis of peace efforts 471–2
Middle East North Africa (MENA)
Amman Summit (1995) 552
Cairo summit (1996) 564
and economic cooperation with Israel 564, 565
Mishal, Khalid, Hamas, attempted murder of 570–76
Mishcon, Victor, Lord 430, 526, 569
and London Agreement 441, 443
Mixed Armistice Commission (Jordanian-Israeli) 69, 71, 242
Mordechai, Itzhak, and Mishal affair 574
Morocco 268, 384
Morris, Benny, Israel’s Border Wars 66–7
Morris, James 99, 124, 165–6
and October War 364, 387
and attempted murder of Khalid Mishal 570–76
Muasher, Marwan 524
as first Jordanian ambassador to Israel 543, 549–50
on Netanyahu 558–9
Mubarak, Hosni, Egyptian president 413
and Amman Accord 425
support for Shultz Initiative 455
and ACC 469–70
and Iraqi invasion of Kuwait 479, 480–81, 483, 486
view of Hussein 481
and Netanyahu 563
al-Mufti, Said, as prime minister 80–81, 83, 107, 133
Muhammad, Prince (brother) 60–61, 184, 309, 354, 586, 591, 594
al-Mulki, Fawzi
Jordanian ambassador in London 54, 57
as first prime minister 64–5, 75
and relations with Britain 73
dismissal 74, 75
Muna, Princess 586, 593
and Dina 96,183
marriage to Hussein 179–83
divorce 355
Murphy, Richard, US assistant secretary of state 428, 429, 432, 451, 452
Musa, Amr, Egyptian foreign minister 552
al-Musa, Colonel Mahmud 158
Muslim Brotherhood 112, 413, 466, 484–5
and 1989 elections 476
opposition to peace process 511, 515
and 1993 elections 530
and Hamas 573
Nabulsi, Suleiman 125–6, 309
election as prime minister 112–14
and Suez 117–18, 120, 121–2
relations with Hussein 126–7, 128, 130, 131
move towards communism 129–30
forced resignation 131
sp; as minister for foreign affairs 139
Naharayim, shooting at 569–70
Naif bin Abdullah, Prince
relations with father 44, 49
as regent 50–51
and succession crisis (1951) 50, 51–2
Najjar, Laila 397
Narkiss, General Uzi 242
Nasser bin Jamil, Sharif (uncle) 56, 92, 172, 175
as adviser to Hussein 61–2, 100
hashish smuggling 61, 239
and formation of Royal Guard 125, 150
and Zarqa mutiny 130, 131–2, 135
and Iraqi revolution (1958) 160–61, 171
and proposed attack on Iraq (1959) 177
and meetings with Israelis 193, 194, 294–5, 307–8
command of armed forces 239, 305, 306
Hussein’s misgivings about 305–6
plan for expulsion of Fatah 307–8
dismissal 317
pessimism about future of Jordan 319
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, president of Egypt 159, 612
and Arab summit meetings: Cairo (1964) 202–5; Alexandria (1964) 211–12; Casablanca (1965) 220
influence of among Arab states 68, 214, 612
and Baghdad Pact 77–8, 79, 84
view of Israel 77, 214, 281–2, 298
defence pact with Saudi Arabia 81–2
defence treaties with Syria 81–2, 235
Soviet (‘Czech’) arms deal 82
blamed for dismissal of Glubb 103–4
nationalization of Suez Canal 107, 114–15
and role of Jordan in Suez war 119
cable in support of Nabulsi 133
and Zarqa Affair 138
and UAR 153–4
and Iraqi revolution 169, 170
personal attacks on Hussein 179
and Yemen revolution 188
pressure on Hussein to accept Soviet weapons 205–6, 214
and PLO 218
‘The Big Lie’ telephone conversation with Hussein 245–6
support for Hussein 254–5, 278, 293
and June War 262
desire for peace settlement with Israel 266–7, 612
and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia 267, 268
knowledge of Hussein’s contacts with Israel 278
and Hussein’s six-point plan 302
‘War of Attrition’310, 320–21
and conflict with fedayeen 313, 335
death 335
and resolution of Jordanian civil war 335, 336
see also Egypt
National Charter (1991) 476–7
National Congress 511
meeting in Nablus 139–40
Hussein’s address to 512
National Front (Communist) Ba’th party 112
National Guard, and border defence 109, 220
National Socialist Party (NSP) 112, 129, 132–3
Netanyahu, Binyamin, leader of Likud
meetings with Hussein 545, 577
and 1996 elections 557–9
effect of policies on peace process 560–68
as prime minister 560–63
relations with Arafat 560, 561
and Al-Aqsa Mosque tunnel 562
and Mossad murder attempt in Amman 571–3, 575–6
and Hamas 576–7
threat of war with Iraq 579–80
and Wye Agreement (1998) 588–90
Netanyahu, Sarah 577
Nevo, Brigadier Azriel 448
Nimr, Abd al-Halim, minister of the interior 134–5
Nixon, Richard, US President 296, 300, 329
and Hussein 302, 340
on conflict with fedayeen 318
and stalemate in Middle East 356
state visit to Israel 381
Nizamuddin, General Tawfiq, Syrian chief of staff 113
Nobel Peace Prize, Hussein nominated for (1998) 591
Noor Al Hussein Foundation 408
Noor Al Hussein, Queen (Lisa Halaby) 407–9, 449, 484, 525
Leap of Faith (autobiography) 407, 408–9, 582
and Hussein’s health 519, 570, 581
and peace treaty 536, 539–40
and Sarah Netanyahu 577
and Hussein’s last illness 582, 589, 595–6, 604
and succession to Hussein 587, 593, 602–3
North, Colonel Oliver 436
North Yemen, and Arab Cooperation Council 468, 469–70
Nuri as-Said, prime minister of Iraq 51
Nusseibeh, Dr Hazem, as foreign minister 218
Nutting, Sir Anthony, foreign office minister 80, 103–4
Obeidat, Ahmad 548, 578
Occupied Territories
Jordanian option for (Israeli Labour Party) 256–7, 285, 394, 465
Palestinian option 256–7
possibility of Palestinian self-rule 257, 418
Allon Plan 288–90, 292–5
demand for Israeli withdrawal 306, 372, 374, 422, 464
Jewish settlement movement 380, 418, 613
Palestinian uprising (1987) 453–7
conflict linked with Gulf War 486–7
see also Gaza Strip; West Bank
O’Connell, Jack, CIA station chief in Amman 228–31, 243–4, 322–3
October War (1973) 365–70
Egyptian and Syrian plans for 359–60
meeting of Meir and Hussein 360–64
Golan Heights 367–9
dependence on imports 164, 411
and Gulf War 487–8
Oman 410, 412
Operation Beisan 117, 119
Operation Desert Shield 482–3, 493–4
Operation Desert Storm 493, 502–4
Operation Dunlop, dismissal of Glubb 100–101
Operation Fortitude (1958) 162–3
Operation Grapes of Wrath 556–7
Oslo Accords (PLO and Israel) 520–24, 614
Declaration of Principles 521, 533
mutual recognition of Israel and PLO 521
and final status talks 588–91
Oslo II agreement 560
Ottoman Empire 2, 6, 10
and Arab Revolt 3, 4–7
see also Turkey
Pakistan 76
Palestine 187, 610
and Arab Revolt 6
and Hogarth’s Message (1918) 9
British mandate over 10, 12–13, 24
and Transjordan 21–2
and proposed Jewish state 23–4
UN partition plan (1947) 24, 25–6
loss of state 31–2
Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) 212, 219, 220, 326
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) 431
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 94, 467, 611
formation of 203–4
offices in Jordan 214, 219, 237, 434
containment of 218
relations with Jordanian government 218, 219, 232
and Samu’ incident 226
objectives of 266, 341, 453–4, 461
election of Yasser Arafat 301
enhanced status of 311, 379
divisions within 312, 431, 467
rejection of second Rogers Plan 320
Arab recognition of 337–8, 419, 420, 613
reaction to United Arab Kingdom plan 343–4
and October War 366
Israeli refusal to deal with 381, 383, 428–9, 468
excluded from talks 389, 395, 442
rejection of Camp David Accords 400
Iranian support for 409
banished from Lebanon to Tunisia 417–18
excluded from Reagan Plan 418
Hussein’s attempt at partnership with 422–39, 613
and Amman Accord (1986) 424–5
rejection of UN Resolution 242:424, 432
need for inclusion in peace negotiations 428–9, 509
Israeli air strike against (Tunis) 430
reaction to Shultz Initiative 455–6
and Jordanian disengagement 465–6
and Gulf War 508
sp; and joint delegation with Jordan to Madrid 511–12
at Madrid Conference 513–15
and Oslo Accords with Israel 515, 517, 520–24
recognition of Israel 521
agreements on self-rule 533
see also Arafat, Yasser; Fatah; Hamas
Palestine National Council (PNC)
meeting in Amman 423
meeting in Algiers (1988) 467
Palestinian Authority 561, 565, 570
and Hebron Protocol 565–6
Palestinian Council 560
Palestinian National Charter 467
Palestinian National Congress, Jerusalem (May 1964) 205
Palestinian state
in Allon Plan 288, 337
federation proposals 341–9, 517
PLO demand for 341, 453–4, 461
in United Arab Kingdom plan (federated) 341–9
Likud opposition to 392, 558
declaration of (1988) 467–8
Oslo Accord provision for 558
Palestinian uprising (1987) see intifada
Palestinians 26, 31
view of Jordan’s conduct in First Arab-Israeli War 28–9, 30–32
as destabilising element in Jordan 66, 155, 157, 236
infiltration into Israel (1948–56) 66–74
refugee camps 66,316, 325, 419, 453
anti-Israeli terrorism 67, 415, 429–30, 431
and anti-government riots (1955–6) 85
hatred of Israel among 87, 192
murder and sabotage missions (1955–6) 107–8
international sympathy for 226–7, 275
support for Fatah 274–5
right to resist occupation 277
attacks on Jordanian monarchy 312
and civil war 334–5
divisions among 342
and right to national self-determination 389, 456, 611
Reagan Plan for self-government 418
and Jordanian disengagement 463–4
reaction to Al-Aqsa Mosque tunnel 562
see also Fatah; fedayeen; Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
pan-Arabism 153, 157
Parkes, Roderick, British ambassador to Jordan 191–2
Parliament, Jordanian
resolutions against France and Britain 121–2
marginalization of 150
vote of no confidence (1963) 190
parliamentary elections
October 1956:86, 107, 111–14
November 1962:186
November 1989:476
November 1993:530–31
November 1997:578
peace process (from 1991)
initial proposals 509–11, 614
proposed Jordan-Palestine confederation 517
Oslo Accord 520–24
Jordanian-Israeli negotiations 524–31
see also Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty (1994); Madrid peace conference (1991); Wye Agreement
Pearson, Brigadier Tom 162
Peres, Shimon
relations with Hussein 331, 423, 447
as foreign minister 379–80, 440
meetings with Hussein 381–2, 383, 427–8, 430–31, 434, 528
as prime minister 392, 423, 557