Engaged to the EMT

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Engaged to the EMT Page 5

by Piper Rayne

  “This is proof of how ridiculous it is to own this car and live in Chicago.”

  He lays off the gas and then presses down slowly until the rubber finally catches the asphalt and propels forward.

  “I have a truck in storage, but I like to drive this as long as I possibly can.”

  I pat the dashboard. “Sorry lady, time to be tucked in for the winter. You can’t even be faithful to your cars.” I chuckle.

  He scowls in return. “I’ve never cheated.”

  “Really? What about Blaire Nickelson?” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “You’re going back to sophomore year?” He turns down my street. I call it a win that we were able to stay civil the entire ride back. With the mention of Blaire Nickelson and his pissed off expression, our time here has come to an end.

  “Once a cheat…”

  “Give me a break. You don’t even know the whole story. We weren’t even a couple.” He parks along the curb, kills the engine and steps out.

  I follow suit. “You don’t have to walk me up to my door.”

  “You’re my fiancée, I expect a kiss goodnight.” He shoots me a smile that says he’s no longer upset at me for bringing Blaire into the conversation. I’m not even sure why I did other than to remind myself of what kind of person Luca is.

  “You didn’t negotiate those. With the amount of time your arm was wrapped around my shoulders all night, we’re about tapped out with PDA.” I walk up the steps, pulling my keys out of my purse.

  The house is dark and lonely without Van and Maddie here anymore. If I cared for Luca, I might invite him in, but I don’t so I circle back around.

  “See you tomorrow. I work, but I’ll try to run over on my lunch to make an appearance.”

  He smiles, and I lose my breath for a second because his eyes are filled with something that looks a hell of a lot like admiration or appreciation.

  “Thank you. I don’t know if the Hawks tickets are enough. I mean my mom was so happy and she’ll go under anesthesia knowing all three of her boys found the love of their lives. It just…means a lot that you’re doing this. I know it’s not easy.”

  “Bianco, you’re going soft. Calm down, your mom will be fine. We’ll do this and then break up and one day you’ll find the right girl to bring home to mom.”

  Even I’m impressed at how business-like I sound—there’s no creakiness in my voice that would hint at the lump in my throat.

  “I just didn’t want you to think I wasn’t appreciative.”

  “I don’t think that. See you tomorrow.” I open my door to the dark foyer on the other side. I disable the alarm and Luca waves goodbye as I shut the door and flick the lock.

  I hate the fact I understand Luca’s reasoning for this whole plan. The love he has for his mom is pure and deep and amazing. All the Bianco brothers put their mom up on a pedestal and it’s hard not to find it endearing.

  I drop my purse and head to the family room. As my hand moves to the light switch, two faces appear in the dark hovering above a flashlight.

  “AHHH!” I jump back.

  Maddie and Vanessa start laughing.

  I flick on the light and they turn off the flashlight, still in a fit of giggles.

  “Alright girl, what the hell is going on?” Vanessa asks and the two of them set their gazes upon me.

  Chapter Eight


  Driving back to my apartment, I hate the fact that Ben will be there sitting on the couch in the dark. When I first moved in with him, it was out of convenience because I needed a place to live fast. My best friends had a lease they couldn’t get out of. So, I did what any normal person would do—I responded to an ad in the Chicago Fire Facebook group page. He was a paramedic too and, in my head, I figured we’d understand one another. I figured wrong.

  Ben is a homebody. He likes to sit at home, play role-playing games online, watch documentaries and put together model airplanes. We have nothing in common. I feel bad complaining because he doesn’t leave the place a mess, he doesn’t open my mail or eat my food. But because of him, I don’t feel comfortable bringing people over. And I’m the opposite of a loner. Being the youngest of three brothers close in age in an Italian family has made me a people person. I hate being by myself. My brothers want to know why I’m always coming over uninvited. Well, Ben is the reason.

  Then again, maybe I could tell Ben about the fake engagement. He doesn’t know anyone I do since he works on the other side of the city, but that’s a lot of trust for someone I leave notes for on the dry erase board on the fridge stating the amount he owes me for the electric bill. The secret is eating away at me, but I guess it will just have to remain between me and Lauren.

  My phone rings and I press the accept button on the steering wheel.

  “Come to Cris’s. Now!” Mauro hangs up.

  I can always count on my wonderful brothers. I had a feeling this was coming.

  My phone rings again and I press the accept button once more.

  “Bring beer.” It’s Cris now and he laughs before hanging up on me.

  I shake my head but smile because at least I get a little reprieve from going home to Ben.

  Twenty minutes later I open the door to my brother’s apartment, finding him and Mauro already lounging on the couch watching the Sunday night football game.

  “Oh look, the groom-to-be has arrived.” Cris stands, rounds the couch and pulls me into a hug.

  “Get off me.” I try to break out of his hold.

  If the guy didn’t have my arms pinned down, and if I was in the mood to wrestle, I’d be able to get him off me.

  “I just wanted to congratulate you again. I mean marrying your archenemy is kind of a big deal.” He finally lets me go.

  “Come on. What game are we playing?” Mauro snags a beer from the twelve pack and cracks it open, tossing the cap on the counter. And they complain about me being a slob.

  “No game.” I pull two beers out, handing one to Cris.

  They both stare at me like I’m crazy.

  “You do understand that when it all blows up, it’s gonna be a shit show.” Cris’s hand smacks me on the back of the head and he walks back over to the couch.

  “Nothing’s gonna blow up. I’m engaged. It doesn’t mean we’re getting married in a week. I don’t move like rocket man over there.” I point the neck of my beer to Mauro who flips me off.

  “Let’s make a bet that there’s never a wedding?” Mauro sits up, resting his forearms on his thighs.

  “You’ll lose,” I say, wishing it were true just to show him up.

  Cris side glances at me. “Will he?”

  I take three hefty gulps of my beer, my eyes focused on the screen, but at this point, I have to act casual. They’ll eat me up like a bunch of piranhas if I show any weakness.

  “Fine, wager up?” I put my beer on the coffee table and rub my hands together.

  I learned early that outward appearance is ninety percent of pulling something off.

  Cris moves forward and puts a coaster down under my beer. I roll my eyes. Neat freak.

  “Ante up your Hawks tickets.” Mauro grins.

  Fuck, how do I say those are taken already?

  “When do you think this is all going to blow up? In a week?” I scoff.

  “First off, the season goes to May and I have faith that this will self-implode after Ma gets better.”

  Cris holds up his hand for Mauro and they high five.

  Clearly, there’s been a lot of talk before I arrived.

  “You think I’m doing this because of Ma’s surgery?” See how I just throw out the truth like they’re morons for thinking it. If I deny it too hard, they’ll know.

  “Yes,” they both deadpan simultaneously.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket.

  Hunt: Are you getting the third degree?

  “Is that the Mrs.?” Cris asks. “Get used to it, baby brother. She’ll want to know your whereabouts twenty-four seven now. Probably
has that app on your phone that’s like a GPS.”

  Me: Yeah. They’re on to us. You, too?

  Hunt: I think the four of them had a pow wow.

  Me: Say nothing.

  Hunt: …

  Chapter Nine


  Me: Agreed.

  I tuck my phone back into my pocket.

  “I mean Lauren, you hate him. Help me understand this.” Maddie slides onto the coffee table so she can be smack dab in front of where I sit on the couch.

  I cross my legs because it will be obvious if I cross my fingers as I lie to my two best friends for a man I really don’t like that much. I need to negate the negative repercussions. Even if it’s what a six-year-old would do.

  “You know what they say,” I start. “There’s a thin line between love and hate. Happens to be that we swung fast to the other side of the spectrum.” I shrug.

  Maddie just stares at me like I’m speaking Yiddish. She glances over her shoulder at Vanessa who’s smirking.

  “I felt the connection,” she says.


  Somehow, I manage to school my reaction and not ask what the hell she’s talking about. If I really were in love with Luca, I would be happy that she’s on my side.

  “What connection? The fact they wish physical harm on one another?” Maddie focuses her attention back on me.

  My phone buzzes in my lap.

  “Is that him?” She glances down.


  I pick it up and smile.

  Asshat: Gif attached.

  It’s a gif of Robert DeNiro and Christian Slater from Goodfellas that says, ‘You don’t rat out your friends.’

  “Lauren?” Maddie tilts her head in a frustrated way.

  “Sorry.” I tuck the phone back in my lap after I send him a gif of Patrick Kane shrugging.

  It’s more fun to keep him guessing.

  “Please tell me that this isn’t because of Mama Bianco going in for surgery,” Maddie says.

  “I know Luca’s been beating himself up about not seeing the signs, but it wasn’t his fault.” Vanessa comes and joins Maddie at the table.

  Do they think I’ll break the closer they get?

  “Thanks, guys, I’d thought he asked because, you know, he wanted me to stand by his side in life, but I guess you guys don’t think I’m good enough.”

  Ouch, yeah, I crossed my toes on that one. Please forgive me, Lord.

  “That’s not what we’re suggesting,” Maddie argues.

  “Isn’t it though? You’re acting like no way would he want to marry me. Like he has some sort of agenda.”

  My phone buzzes but I ignore it because this is the only way I see out of this situation.

  Please, someone, ask me why I’m sticking up for a man I hate again?

  “I think it’s more of a why did you say yes?” Maddie asks.

  Vanessa nods. “Lauren, you’ve never liked him. You’re always the first to say how much you hate him. What a jerk he is…”

  “I know, but while you guys were off playing house, I saw a different side to him.”

  That’s not untrue because the night Luca asked me, I did see him in a different light. I saw a side of him I’d never seen or even thought I’d ever see. He was vulnerable and he opened up his chest and let his heart fall out between us. How could I have said no? Pressure from your family can crush you. Sometimes there’s no rhythm or reason.

  “Have you guys been seeing each other in secret?” Vanessa asks, the smile on her face suggesting she suspected we were.


  “I knew it. I told Cristian that the two of you have been sneaking around. You guys put on a good act though.”

  Look, I didn’t even have to lie that time.

  Maddie’s shoulders sink. “You never said anything.”

  I lean forward, uncrossing my ankles for the first time during this conversation. Placing my hands on her knees, I lower my voice. “I’m sorry, Maddie.” She doesn’t know the depth of truth in my words. This is so much harder than I anticipated.

  Surely in seven days when the truth comes out, she won’t hate me. She’ll see why we both did it.

  “I just…I’m so surprised. Mauro doesn’t understand why I am.”

  “Whoa, what, he doesn’t?” stumbles out.

  “I’m with Mauro,” Vanessa says. “Cris thought I was crazy when I told him I was expecting to walk in on you getting a Bianco boinking one day.” Vanessa smiles. “I think Maddie and I can both vouch for the Bianco men.”

  “The younger men that is.” Maddie clarifies because thinking of Anthony and Maria Bianco…yeah, no thanks.

  “Definitely.” Vanessa’s face turns flush and she shivers. “Thank goodness the guys aren’t here.”

  Maddie nods at Vanessa, the first smile since I walked in gracing her lips. “Yeah, I suggested to Mauro that maybe he should have a talk with Anthony, you know about the bedroom stuff and Maria’s heart.”

  “You didn’t?” Vanessa stifles a laugh.

  Maddie sits up straight. “What’s more embarrassing? An ambulance coming for her half-naked or him talking to his dad?”

  “Mauro talking to his dad,” I say.

  Vanessa nods in agreement. “Mad.”

  She shrugs. “Yeah, Mauro just said no and that it’s not up for discussion.”

  “Well, yeah,” I say.

  Maddie shrugs and smiles again. “Okay, well, I was just worried.”

  We laugh, Maddie included.

  My phone vibrates in my lap again.

  Is this what it’s like to have a boyfriend?

  Asshat: (A gif with Keanu Reeves being interrogated with wires hanging from his forehead and chest)

  Asshat: They are relentless.

  Me: (A gif of a woman skipping with a smile on her face)

  Asshat: That’s because those women know I’m a catch.

  Me: Keep on living in that warped reality.

  “See, look at her smile as she texts. They are in love.” Vanessa elbows Maddie who is far from being convinced and is watching my every move.

  “Okay, I’m going to believe you. Since you’re engaged and all, we need to talk about something else.” Maddie crisscrosses her legs and picks at the small piece of lint on her leggings.


  She inhales a deep breath in through her nose and blurts out, “I have to put the house up on the market.”

  It’s not like I didn’t think it was coming. She rehabbed this house with the intention of selling it. We were only guaranteed to live here until she sold it, which was delayed with her moving in with Mauro and the two of them building their ever-after house. Vanessa already left the house a few weeks ago. So, like I said—I expected this.

  “Unless…” She lets it hang there.

  “What?” I sit up, hoping what? That she’ll let me live here by paying a third of the mortgage?

  Her and Mauro have a wedding to pay for now. I’m sure a baby isn’t too far into the future.

  “If you and Luca…I know he’s not happy with his roommate…Maybe the two of you want to move in together?” She winces when she says it, but I’ve known Maddie majority of my life.

  In a way, she’d love that so she didn’t feel like she was kicking me out. Even though I fully understand why she needs to sell the house.


  Both their eyes widen at me. Shit balls.

  “I mean, we just got engaged and we’d have to split the mortgage which I’m not even sure we could afford. This is a nice place and all…”

  Think Lauren.

  They both continue to stare and I’m slowing losing the progress I made minutes ago.

  “I’ll talk to him about it.”

  Vanessa smiles. Maddie’s grin is slow to form, but eventually, she pats my leg and stands up.

  “Let me know. It’s not like I’m going to kick you out or something.” She giggles to herself, but I’m not the type to make her do that.
r />   My phone vibrates again.

  “Man, you might as well move in together with how often he messages you,” Vanessa says, grabbing her coat from the table.

  Asshat: I heard you have half a house available for rent?

  Asshat: (A gif of the sitcom Friends with Ross saying pivot as they try to move a couch)

  Asshat: I won’t bring furniture though.

  Me: (A gif from Friends from the same scene with Chandler saying shut up, shut up, shut up)

  Me: Never going to happen.

  Asshat: I think I should introduce you to Ben. I need out.

  He cannot be serious.

  Me: This is a one-week operation.

  Asshat: Come on. You’ll never find anything like that for the money it will cost you.

  Me: You don’t know how much I pay in rent.

  Asshat: Mauro is like a Realtor. Very informative.

  I’m sure he is.

  Asshat: In his defense, he thinks I screw you on the regular.

  Me: Little does he know.

  Asshat: We could change that.

  Me: That is exactly the reason we’ll never share a roof.

  Asshat: Maybe Ben can give me tips on cleaning out my belly button.

  Me: (A gif from Bachelor in Paradise where one guy is blowing into a straw into another guy’s belly button)

  Me: You and Ben…Aww

  Asshat: Nice fiancée you are.

  Me: My detectives are leaving. See you tomorrow.

  Asshat: One of mine has left, the other is trying to kick me out. Sure you don’t want to keep my mind off my mom’s surgery tomorrow?

  Me: Positive.

  Asshat: I’m not sure you’re fulfilling your duties as a fiancée.

  I shake my head and tuck my phone away to say goodbye to my friends.

  “You guys are so freakin’ cute. I’m going to tell Cris he needs to send me more text messages.”

  “It’s gifs he’s sending. Luca is a man who believes an image is worth a thousand words.”


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