The Soul Eater (Chronicles 1): The Book of Roland

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The Soul Eater (Chronicles 1): The Book of Roland Page 12

by James Master

  Jessica wrinkled her nose in disgust. It wasn't until Starke was standing directly above Jessica's head that she opened her eyes.

  “Hello, sweet thing. Name’s Starke, believe me when I say, I’m pleased to make you acquaintance.” Jessica quickly pulled the blue robe that was lying next to her and put it on. Standing, she pulled the belt tight around her waist.

  Jessica was at a loss for words. Starke however, was not. “You know, you are a sight for sore eyes.” He stepped forward and offered a hand up, but it only made Jessica jump back a step.

  Starke laughed. “Don't worry, I was just wondering if I could use your shower, maybe bum some food or something? I promise that I’ll be on my way before dark.” Jessica examined the man standing before her. His clothes were ragged and torn, even bloodied in some spots. His skin was caked in dirt and lord knows what else. Jessica knew he needed a shower, maybe even a change of clothes. After a minute of silence between them, Starke asked again, “I promise, one shower, maybe a change of clothes if you have some, and I'll be on my way,” he lifted his hand into a two fingered salute, “scout's honor.”

  Jessica thought about it in her head for a moment. Seeing no harm in letting him take a shower and taking some of her father's clothing she agreed.

  She looked Starke in the eyes and said, “Come on then, I'll show you the servants washroom. I'll try and find some clothing that might fit you, but I warn you, sir. No funny business.” She turned her back to Starke and started walking away. Starke watched her walk away in that skimpy little robe she strutted away in. He smiled and said under her breathe, “Old enough to be my daughter, if I had one. This will be a vacation from the dead, sounds like a bad movie title.” Jessica looked back and asked suspiciously, “Did you say anything?”

  “Nope, just a coughing fit, I’m fine.” He followed her up to the mansion with a devious smile.

  *** 5 ***

  Ben woke later that day and found his legs wanted to move again. He swung them out of his bed and stood, successfully this time, and walked shakily out of the room. He heard two voices as he entered the second story staircase. The first he recognized was his daughter. He was relieved to hear her haughty snobby tone that was Jessica. The other voice was familiar, but he was unable to figure out where he knew it from his mind was so muddled, he was probably imagining the other voice. After a moment, Jessica started walking up the stairs, stopping when she saw her father at the top of them.

  “Daddy, are you feeling better?” Ben nodded like he was trying to shake something out of his hair. “I think I still have a fever, and my mouth is very dry, a bad case of cotton mouth. Would you get me some water darling? I'll stay here.” He sat down on a chair that overlooked the main hall.

  Jessica left and walked down the hall returning a minute later with a glass of crystal clear water. She handed it to her father who gulped it down in two seconds. Ben set the glass down on the floor next to the chair. “Now who is that downstairs and how did he get in here?”

  Jessica retold her story of sunbathing and her encounter with Starke when Ben recalled something from his memories. “Starke was his name? Where is he now?” Jessica said he was taking a shower and that she had given him some of his clothes. “Was that right daddy, letting him in?” Ben nodded. “Considering how he was already inside the wall. Yes, I think you did the right thing. Let's go down and I'll make some coffee for our newcomer. You'll have to help me down the stairs, my legs are still shaky.”

  Stripping down to his birthday suit, Starke turned the shower on the hottest he could possibly stand it. He stepped into the shower and felt his muscles relaxing instantly. He reached over to the counter and lathered some soap. It had been far too long since he showered. At the end of the ten-minute shower, he stepped into a bathrobe. He used his hand to wipe away the steam from the mirror. The man in the mirror was someone Starke hadn't seen since before the outbreak before he made the deal with the devil. He opened the medicine cabinet finding all he needed to shave and brush his teeth.

  When he was done, he walked out of the bathroom to find a shirt, pants, pair of socks and underwear. He had found the laundry room and scavenged what was there. The shirt and pants were a bit tight, but he could make do with what he was given. Setting the robe on the curtain hanger in the shower, he threw his old set of clothes in the waste basket. He did this without a second thought. Strapping his belt onto his new pair of pants, he shoved the gun into one of the big pockets that the cargo pants were equipped. He stepped out of the bathroom and remembered his way back to the main hall.

  Wandering down the hallway, he eventually found his way to the kitchen. As soon as he entered he fixated on the amazing aroma that was emanating from the coffee pot on the counter next to the toaster. Noticing that the room was empty, Starke helped himself to some toast and butter as the coffee pot finished brewing.

  He was munching on his first piece of toast when Ben and Jessica walked into the kitchen. Ben looked Starke up and down before hobbling over to greet the strange newcomer. Ben knew the moment he saw the man that he knew him somehow. It was like the voice in that it sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place it.

  He extended his hand out in a formal greeting. “Hello friend, my name is Benjamin Jones, but you can call me Ben.” Starke shook the hand but waited till he had swallowed his piece of toast before replying. He used this small amount of time in order to study Ben’s face. He didn’t think Ben remembered from their past, both of them have changed a great deal since they last met.

  “Nice to meet you Ben, people call me Gary Starke, but you can just call me Starke. People have been calling me that lately.” He chuckled like it was an inside joke except he was the only one on the inside of the joke. Starke indicated towards the coffee pot that had finished brewing. “Um, I hope it was okay that I brewed some coffee, I thought maybe the lady here wanted some, I don't know where any cups are, though.”

  Ben limped over to the table and sat. “Have a seat Starke, Jessica honey, could you be a dear and get us some coffee?” Starke noticed that the girl was about to retort, but had decided not to say anything. “Is Jessica your daughter Ben?” Ben looked over to Jessica and sighed, “My one and only. Though I think I spoiled her too much.” Jessica brought two cups of coffee over to the table and left the room in a huff.

  Starke watched her leave, thinking about the spoiled daughter. He turned his attention back to Ben. “So Ben, how did you know that the zombie outbreak would happen?” Ben narrowed his eyes at Starke and responded: “What do you mean?” Starke spread his arms out. “All of this is what I mean. You had to have known it was coming. You were stocked up and ready. Like you knew something was going to happen. Did you know it was going to happen?”

  Ben shook his head. “I didn't know that it was going to happen, I’m just paranoid is all. I stocked up on everything I could and built this wall around the mansion. I wanted to make sure that everything was taken care of. Sorry to change the subject but do I know you, Starke? There’s something familiar about you, but I can’t think of it just yet.” Starke sipped his coffee and smiled as he drank the deliciously hot beverage. The jig was almost up, but not before he did what he came to do. Setting the coffee cup down, he tried persuading his guest. “I assure you, Ben, that you and I have never met before. I should think I would remember you and your daughter. Sorry to change the subject, but are you well? I think you are getting sick of something.”

  Ben wearily stood and limped to the coffee pot. He turned and offered Starke another cup of java which Starke gladly accepted. Starke watched the man slowly move to the refrigerator and pull out the creamer.

  “Take cream in your coffee, Starke?” Ben asked as he poured some in his cup. Starke declined to say that he always took it black like the night. Ben nodded “I usually don't like creamer, but every once in a while I like to have something sweet in my coffee.” Starke glimpsed at the bandage that the man wore on his limp arm. There was an ever growing red staining the bandage. St
arke thought that it was a zombie bite. “Where did you get that zombie bite? You haven't been outside the walls have you?”

  Ben chuckled ending the laugh with a string of coughing that made Starke get more curious on Ben's injury. Ben sat down across from Starke and looked at his guest. “You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” Starke sipped some more of the hot drink in his hand.

  “Oh, I think I can believe anything these days. If you would've told me that the dead were walking a week ago well then, I would've said you’re off your rocker. C'mon man, hit me with your best shot. It is a zombie bite, isn't it? How did you get out?”

  Ben looked at Starke foolishly and admitted. “A deer bit me. I was trying to pet one of its young when the mom showed up and got a little protective.”

  Starke looked at the man like he was crazy. “You expect me to believe that you were wandering through the forest one day and decided that it would be nice to pet the local wildlife? What are you smoking?” To which Ben simply looked into his eyes and said matter of factually, “I don't smoke, gave that shit up when Maria had passed.” Starke searched inside his memories and tried to remember Maria. It dawned on him that she was also involved with the project. If Ben did recognize Starke, he didn't show it. That was good for Starke all things considered, he might be able to use the memory of Maria later on if needed.

  “So a deer bit you. Alright, I think that makes some sense.” What he didn't bother telling Ben was that if he did get bit by a deer, then he probably had some unknown disease. Starke smiled again, this was turning alright. It was a good side trip, but Roland will be sure to come this way eventually. If Hank had sent those papers to Roland then he would know of Ben Jones's involvement in the Outbreak. He would also know where Oxford and the mansion were located. It was all a matter of time until Roland and his crew meandered there way here. Roland would be curious about it, Starke was certain that he would want some answers. Starke wondered if Ben would be dead by the time Roland came. He probably will have that bastard John and the bitch Ashley. Starke was lucky that day on the roof, that crazy bitch almost shot him. They will get theirs' in the end. They will, even if Starke has to do it himself.

  *** 6 ***

  Roland felt in his gut that Benjamin Jones is still in his mansion. Given the fact that he had knowledge of the outbreak meant that he would have been able to stock provisions ahead of time. Driving down the dirt road, he wondered about the zombies blocking their way to Indianapolis. Was it a coincidence that the only road to take was the one that led to another one of Eddies' co-conspirators. He knew that whoever had sent those papers via email was with Eddie. He also knew that Starke was involved on some level. Roland didn't know how deep, but he was involved. He looked down at the speedometer and saw that the Taurus was booking at a high of fifty-seven miles an hour. That was fast considering that they were going down a bumpy dirt road. The dawn was approaching and Roland was glad that the sun was coming up, even if the temperature was going to get warmer the longer the day went. He slowed down to thirty and glanced in the rear view mirror at Ashley. Roland felt a twang of guilt. Even though he didn't tell her the truth, she didn't deserve to be left out of the dark.

  He heard a groan and looked at John and felt another stab of guilt. The man lost everything he had because of people like his brother and Starke. John tried to grab his water bottle in the cup holder but didn't seem to be successful in his plight. Roland grabbed the bottle, passing it to his wounded friend.

  “Here you go buddy, sip it, don't overdo it now.” John nodded weakly and sipped the bottle. Thanks to his trembling hands he spilled the majority of the water down his chin. It spilled all over him. John slurred something that might have been a curse of some kind. Roland spied a gas station a mile up the road and decided to pull over. Ashley woke up and brushed the sleep from her eyes. “Roland? I had another strange dream.” Roland looked in the mirror as he absently switched the turn signal to the right side, the clicking of it the only sound in the car. “What did you dream Ashley? Was it of Eddie this time?” Ashley shook her head. “It was of Starke. He was trying to kill a crazy man. I hope the crazy man rips his throat out.”

  They had stopped under the canopy of the gas station, both already had their guns out, but John was too weak to hold a water bottle less a gun.

  “John, you just sit tight. Ashley, get out and stay close to the car. I'll scout the inside and make sure that all is clear.” Ashley got out and stretched her arms and legs. Roland did the same and checked the M1 he took out of the backseat. He beckoned her to follow him to one of the pumps across from the Taurus. He spoke low when they were far enough away from the car.

  “Be wary of John from now on. He doesn't look so good and may pass at any time. If he does, the infection will turn him. If you see him stop breathing, don't hesitate now.” He watched as a tear rolled down her face. He grabbed ahold of her and wrapped her in a tight hug. She returned it careful not to press the barrel of the pistol into his back. The moment lasted for a few beats before they let go at the same time. Ashley sniffed back another tear, wiping her eyes dry with the back of her hand.

  “When you go in there, grab some candy and soda. The least we can do is give him a decent last meal. Assuming he is here to enjoy it.” Nodding, he loaded a round into the chamber of the rifle and kicked open the doors of the gas station with his foot.

  Roland didn't see any undead as he entered the convenience store. In fact, he saw nobody. No dead or undead lying around the store. There was plenty of blood, but no bodies. The trail of blood from a couple of places meant that someone had dragged the bodies. He was still cautious not to let his guard down. John knew that to be true. Roland quietly walked to the back of the store keeping his back to the rack of chips. There was about a five-foot distance from the chip rack and the counter. Roland dared not peer over the counter or jump over it. No telling what lurked over it. He then looked at the food on the steam table that stood next to the side register. The food was starting to mold. Nothing was salvageable, he thought as he walked past. Same thing went for the pizza rack that was past the steam table.

  There was a gateway as soon as he walked past the pizza rack to the back or to the registers on the other side of the counters. Roland didn't see any zombies at the registers, so he didn't think to go that way. The entry way to the back of the store looked ominous. The store generators were obviously out, not even the security lights were on. The power was completely out, engulfing the back in the darkness.

  Setting the rifle down on the counter, he drew out his pistol. On his belt, he pulled the flashlight out and switched it on. He crossed his hands, wrists together, and shone light into the back of the store. Roland could see a grease-stained floor and a fryer that was near to the door. He could barely see a door past some sinks. Perhaps an office Roland thought. He cautiously entered the darkness.

  He looked down and followed the dark red stain that streaked from where Roland was standing to the cooler door on Roland's left. He was walking to the shut door when he heard muffled moans coming out of the cooler itself. Noticing the pin that was shoved through the handle of the cooler door Roland knew that someone had trapped the undead there before they turned. Someone knew what the danger was before it happened.

  Curiosity set in as Roland thought of the possibilities of who might have had prior knowledge of the outbreak. Besides his family, Starke was the reasonable choice, which meant that they might be on his trail. He pondered this as he made his way to the office. Turning the knob of the office door, Roland found it was locked from the inside.

  “Hello, is someone inside? I'm not infected or undead. Please unlock the door.” Roland put his ear to the door and when he didn't hear anything, he kicked the door. Since the handle was cheap and poorly installed, the door opened, stopping after an inch. Roland turned and waited to see if any zombies would come out of some hiding spot he didn't think of and attack. Seeing or hearing any, he turned and pushed the door open with the barrel of his gun
. He saw a dead body. It was a large man wearing blue jeans and a red vest. On the vest was a name tag with neatly printed black letters indicating that his name was Jim.

  Roland knew he wasn't undead because of the hole in his head and the blood splatter on the ceiling. Examining the body some more, Roland noticed a bite mark on Jim's leg. There was a note on the desk of the office that caught Roland's attention.

  Roland picked it up and leaned up against one of the walls that was not soiled by blood or gore.

  To Whomever it Concerns:

  My name is James. My last name is not of concern since you will probably find me dead in the office of the Oxford Gas N Go. I don't know what happened to the world, but this town is fucked. My wife would scold me for swearing, but again I see no reason not to. Just like this town, I am fucked, I got bit by one of those fucks. God the pain is the worst I've ever felt. Our boss was the first one to become one of those sons of bitches. She was already a son of a bitch, but she was the first. She was bitten by what we thought was a disgruntled customer. Little did Chris know that the bastard was a zombie.

  When she became one, I knew that the other two cashiers, Kim and Dan, were going to also and soon. They were attacked later by more of the things when we were trying to barricade the building. We didn't get far, Chris came out from nowhere and bit Dan. That's when I found the gun under the front register and popped a cap in her head. I watch those horror movies and knew what to do. Good thing they were right. Kim was also bitten so I decided to lock em in the pop cooler. I couldn't kill them when they were human but didn't want to waste the bullets on them when they turned. I tricked them to go in there. I can still hear them scream, literally. They are still alive while I write this. Well, soon after I locked them in I got bit by that cock monger of an undead boss, Chris. She wasn't dead, undead rather because I only clipped her head. Well, I did right this time. I did something decent, though, I dragged the bodies of my manager and the disgruntled customer into the back storage room.


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