The Soul Eater (Chronicles 1): The Book of Roland

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The Soul Eater (Chronicles 1): The Book of Roland Page 17

by James Master

  Roland made his way down the remainder of the hallway in a moderate pace. He didn't want Jessica to fall behind; he knew that she wouldn't be ready to keep pace with him and Ashley just yet. The flirting was working well because Roland found that he couldn't get her out of his head. She kept talking about her time at the beaches and how she liked to lay there in just her bikini. Roland was hardly paying attention when he almost ran into the golf cart.

  Ashley was the one to spot it and saw that Roland wasn't paying much attention, not to the hallway anyway.

  “Roland, stop!” Roland heard Ashley and stopped, paying close attention to the cart in front of him. He was amazed he didn't notice it until now. Jessica walked up beside him; he could smell her perfume she was wearing. Roland thought it rather attractive and hoped she had packed more of it.

  “That must be the cart daddy talked about. That means Starke did come this way.” Roland nodded his agreement and examined the cart. It was empty except for the keys that dangled from the ignition. He was sure that Starke didn't need them and that he was equally sure that they wouldn't need them either. Ashley walked up to Jessica smelling the stink she was wearing and almost heaved the granola bar she had previously eaten. She looked past the cart and at the door that led to the outside. She tugged on Roland's shoulder and pointed towards the door. Roland followed her finger to the door that had writing on it. It said in big red letters: See you in Indy Roland! Tell Jessica we'll finish what we started later!

  Jessica looked horrified at what the message meant. Roland saw and put an arm around her shoulder to comfort her, but she pulled away and instead sat on the golf cart. Roland let it go and told Ashley, “I'll go scout upstairs and when the coast is clear, I'll come get the two of you. Stay on your guard.” He turned, dropped his backpack on the ground next to the cart, and pulled his gun out. When Ashley saw him go, she sat on the empty seat of the golf cart and didn't say anything. Jessica was the one to break the silence.

  “So, is Roland your father?” Ashley looked at her with a mixture of surprise and astonishment. Jessica smiled sweetly at this, “He’s not? That surprises me. Is he your uncle then?” Ashley shook her head, lava coursing through her veins. “No, he is no relation to me.”

  Nodding, Jessica then said, “I think he likes me. He is very dreamy and muscular.” Ashley was stunned for a moment, not sure what to say when Jessica continued.

  “The way he rescued me from that horrible man and the undead he unleashed. I can't wait to repay that debt.” She looked maliciously at Ashley with cool curiosity.

  “Unless he is taken by someone. Is he?”

  Ashley looked forward for a moment, “Nope, no one that I know of. But just to let you know, he isn't your type. He likes manly girls. Big muscles, butch type girls, almost of a lesbian quality.”

  Jessica smiled innocently, “So then he might be interested in you.” Ashley almost wanted to turn around and slap the smile off her face but restrained. Patience, Ashley thought over and over again.

  *** 2 ***

  Hank was searching his vast porn collection when he received an IM from one of his buddies from outside the quarantine. The government is currently blocking all communication that goes in and out of the perimeter, but his buddy was really good at what he does. Not good as Hank, but pretty decent. Hank clicked off the library of porn he had and started to chat with his buddy.

  [email protected]: Hey wtf? R u still there?

  [email protected]: Still cool. What is up?

  [email protected]: what the hell is going on? All the gov. is saying is that there is a quarantine around indiana. Care 2 explain?

  [email protected]: zombies man. Straight up zombies.

  It took his buddy a minute to respond back.

  [email protected]: Alright man it's cool, if you want 2 keep me in the dark, that's cool.

  [email protected]: It is the undead man, fucking zombies. Check out my site will ya? It is actually happening.

  [email protected]: You mean the site that tries to disprove what the gov. is saying? That is a little unbelievable.

  [email protected]: Hey man, believe it. I made the site. It's the truth.

  [email protected]: Seriously? That is way cool. R u infected?

  Hank laughed at that, what an idiot his buddy could be.

  [email protected]: If I was a zombie, would I be able to chat with you or publish an internet site?

  [email protected]: lol true alright man, I believe you. Where are you right now?

  Odd, Hank thought, gman never asked him that before. He was a buddy he had chatted with once online about a hentai website and they hit it off instantly. Never once in those five years did he ask where he was. He leaned back in his chair for a moment thinking it out. Maybe he was just trying to know if he was in the middle of the zombie outbreak. Or maybe.....

  Hank set up a trace on the IM account and waited for it to send back the IP address of the computer that gman was using to chat with him. That would also have the location of where gman was at. He watched the trace start its work, but he turned back to the screen when he heard his IM screen chirping.

  [email protected]: ???? u there?

  [email protected]: Sorry about that, I had a bad connection there for a moment. I am in Manchester about an hour from the capital. Why do you ask?

  [email protected]: no reason, just wanted to know that you’re safe is all.

  Hank wasn’t surprised about the location when it popped up showing the location of gman. It was too Hank’s slowly creeping suspicions that the location was easy to trace and also conveniently the headquarters that the government set up to serve as the base of operations for the quarantine.

  [email protected]: No use denying it gman. Your name gave it away faster than the trace I used to locate where you are. As for the trace you are no doubt using, well, let's say I have a surprise in store for it. Bye.

  [email protected]: If you know what's good for you, you bastard, you would stop posting those pictures and trying to spread the truth. You will only ignite mass hysteria.

  Hank laughed as he started up the virus that would trail his earlier trace so that it would find the IP address and unleash its payload, killing the computer that the messages were sending, but he sent one last message to gman.

  [email protected]: Haven't you figured it out gman? That is what I am trying to do. Have a nice day!

  [email protected] is offline

  That message about gman being offline caused Hank to laugh out loud, or lol in his world. That was what his boss wanted him to do, so that's what he would do. He shrugged off the betrayal of one of the people he used to talk too regularly and went back to his library of pornography.

  *** 3 ***

  Roland had cleared the garage faster than Ashley thought. Having opened the door five minutes later, he motioned for them to follow. He then disappeared back into the basement of the garage without checking to see if they were following him. Since the early morning wake up call, the two of them were going back and forth with the backhanded insults. Ashley purposely bumped into Jessica sending her careening into the door. Jessica scowled at Ashley and stalked after the already her. Roland waited for the two of them to join him before he opened the door to the garage and exited the building. Ashley followed out trying not to make the doorbell jingle. The light hit her and made her shut her eyes reflexively for a moment. She opened them a minute later, but only a little. She watched Roland walk quietly to one of the cars that sat in the parking lot. The lot was only filled with a handful of cars, but one was a Viper, a real cool looking vehicle.

  Roland walked over to it and examined it for any undead that may be in the car. Finally, he opened the door and started to hot wire. She heard Jessica coming out of the building and turned, ready to berate the girl for not being just a little quieter when coming out. The bells jingled so loud it seemed like it was the only thing Ashley heard.

  “Where are we? Is this Mike's garage? Why would daddy have a tunnel that led to this place? Why cou
ldn't he have led to a Starbucks or Victoria's Secrets? I could go for a nonfat mocha latte and some new lingerie right about now.” Then Jessica laughed. The outdoors grew deadly quiet. Ashley started walking over to the Viper when she noticed that only silence came out of the forest. She looked accusingly at Jessica who looked like nothing happened.

  “Why are you looking at me like that Ash? You don't mind me calling you Ash, do you?”

  Ashley whispered over to the princess, “Shut the hell up and get over here. We are leaving.” Jessica shrugged her shoulders and started over to the car, the wheels of her suitcase making crunching sounds on the gravel parking lot. Ashley turned around and looked at Jessica again, this time her frustration grew into anger.

  Whispering once more, “Pick that damn thing up! You’re making too much noise.” She turned her head to start to pack the car with the group’s belongings when she heard moaning. Her head whipped up and looked at the forest across the street from the garage. Jessica stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the forest, panic setting in. She started to say something, but Ashley silenced her. Ashley could see two pairs of yellow dead eyes looking at them from the darkness of the forest. Ashley slowly moved a hand down to her side and motioned for Jessica to come to the car slowly. Jessica, to her credit, started to inch towards the Viper.

  Roland whispered from where he was under the steering wheel, “Almost finished, you guys okay?” Ashley about jumped out of her skin when she heard him.

  She whispered back, “Nothing I can't take of.” With the hand that was down to her side, she slowly reached for the single shot she kept in the left side pocket of her cutoff jeans she wore. Jessica was walking slowly, but the wheels on the suitcase made more crunching sounds. Ashley turned her head and stared at the princess, “Didn't I tell her to pick the damn thing up?” she thought as she heard leaves rustle and twigs snapping. She turned and brought up the pistol she had in time to see the two eyes with their bodies coming into view. They were big ugly looking zombies that had started running across the street, heading towards the crunching sound the tires were making. Jessica saw the undead and dropped the handle of the suitcase and started running towards the car.

  Ashley heard the moans and groaned as she aimed at the first undead. She lightly squeezed the trigger and watched as the bullet traveled across the parking lot, ending up in the zombies’ neck. It staggered back a step but otherwise remained hungry. Jessica had made it to the car and dropped to the ground behind Ashley, cowering in fear. The second zombie reached the hood of the car as Ashley aimed and fired a second time. This time, however, the bullet hit the zombie in the head and sent it toppling onto the hood of the car. She heard Roland yell in complaint.

  “You sure you can handle it?” Ashley fired again at the other zombie.

  “I can handle it, how is your end coming along?”

  In response to Ashley, the car started up, Roland sat up in the seat. He saw the other zombie fall on the ground. He glanced at Ashley impressed. “Looks like you handled it. Good job. Now get in.” Ashley walked over to the passenger side door and waited for Jessica to follow. Jessica started walking around the hood of the car when she remembered her suitcase and started turning to go get it. Ashley, Roland, and Jessica all heard clear moaning coming from the sound of the forest. Ashley turned and saw dozens of yellow eyes emerging from the forest.

  She turned back to Jessica and shouted, “C'mon princess, your chariot awaits. Get in now!” Jessica took a second step towards the suitcase, but Roland honked the horn of the car.

  “Stay or go, Jessica, two seconds to decide.” Jessica frowned and ran towards the passenger door, slipping into the back seat. Ashley laughed and slid the seat back, plopping into the seat slamming the door. Roland gunned the car and sped out of the parking lot. Ashley looked into the rear view mirror and saw dozens of zombies running out of the forest. She looked at Jessica and laughed when she saw the angry look on her face.

  Roland rolled down the window to which Jessica shouted in protest. Roland glanced behind him Ashley to the back seat at Jessica.


  “Roll up the windows! My hair is getting all messed up!” Roland looked at Ashley and started laughing. Ashley pulled a rubber band from around her wrist and held it back at Jessica. Jessica looked at the thing in disgust.

  “And what am I supposed to do with that?” Ashley pulled on her ponytail as to demonstrate. Ashley saw the scowl Jessica wore when she looked at her in the rearview mirror and smiled to herself. She leaned her head back and soaked in the wind that hit her, even if it was warm.

  *** 4 ***

  Starke had been traveling for half a day when he decided to pull over at the gas station on the side of the road. It had been a long day and he needed sleep. Starke wanted to stay a day or so ahead of Roland and the brat in order to avoid any confrontation. He parked the car he was driving on the side of the building that couldn't be seen from the road. The last thing Starke wanted was for Roland to stop and see a car still warm and stop to investigate. He knew from what Eddie had told him that Roland was good at tracking and hunting, but Eddie had clearly underestimated his brother.

  He turned off the engine and quietly opened the door. It was beginning to get dark and Starke wanted to be able to sleep soundly. As he got out, he released the trunk latch and took with him a piece of rope. He looked into the trunk and emptied all of the contents, except for the Playboy Magazine he lustfully grabbed while looting the general store in Rochester. He tied one end of the rope on the hook that was attached to the trunk and crawled into the trunk. It was cramped, but Starke had slept in worse spots. He tugged on the rope, closing the trunk by doing so. From one of his pockets, he found his trusty flashlight. Using it, he was able to tie a knot on the bottom part of the latch, effectively locking the trunk shut without actually locking the trunk itself, thereby not trapping himself.

  When he was sure that the rope would hold, he promptly masturbated with the help of the adult magazine. A minute later, he wiped his hand on his pants and fully asleep.

  *** 5 ***

  What woke Starke up from his nap was the grating of fingernails on the trunk lid. Starke remained calm and stayed silent, not moving and hardly breathing. The scratching stopped a moment later. As stealthily as possible, Starke moved his head up to the thin space between the hood and the bottom of the trunk. He heard absolute silence from the outside. Starke was about to dismiss the noise as part of his dreams when he heard a distinct knock three times on the trunk. Something garbled what could have been a sentence. Starke thought that it might be understood as “Anyone in there?”

  Meekly he whispered, “Who is it?”

  Guttural sounds came, what Starke thought was laughter. “Come out Starke, it's your master.” Starke stayed where he was, not moving a muscle. The thing outside the trunk must have lowered its head down to the space between the lid and the trunk. The stench of the undead body was ripe with decaying splendor, “This body won't expire for probably another month or two. I don't think you can stay in there that long, do you? Come out and save yourself some embarrassment. How about it?”

  Starke considered the question and decided it ill advisable to not listen. He untied the knot that held the trunk closed and the lid automatically popped open. The zombie that the boss was possessing was about as ugly as Starke’s high school English teacher. Climbing out of the trunk with a stiff groan, he thought old age was finally getting to him. The zombie stood still and didn't attack Starke as it should. He had the boss to thank for that.

  He looked at the undead standing in front of him and stood straight up. “What can I do for you, boss?” The zombie cocked his head and uttered an ancient word that Starke didn’t dare try to comprehend. He felt his knees weaken and he fell down to the ground. It took a while for Starke to kneel in front of the undead. The zombie looked to be smiling as he groaned, “That takes care of one formality. I’ll only tell you this once that isn’t my title. How should you alway
s address me as?” Starke felt the feeling coming back into his legs but didn't stand up. He learned from his mistakes.

  “What can I do for you, Master?” The zombie nodded its undead head in approval.

  “That takes care of the second formality. Now I would like you to explain to me why you stopped at the home of Benjamin Jones? I would also like to know how that brat of Roland's managed to destroy Jones' body. I had great plans for desecrating that meat suit. I don't like it when my fun is interrupted, as you should by now know.” The undead motioned to a chair that was standing up beside the edge of the gas station.

  “You may sit down on the chair if you prefer if you're able to walk by now. If not, then you could crawl.” Starke saw the zombie smile, which always creeped him out. Starke was able to stand and limp to the chair. His left leg felt like it had been asleep for a while. He plopped down onto the chair and sighed with some relief. He looked up to his zombie master and saw the smile was still there. The zombie tilted his head and spoke in the garbled voice, “Continue.” Starke gulped and started describing what had happened, leaving out the fact that it was Starke that had tied down Ben before he had turned into a zombie. Starke ended his explanation with the message he had left Roland.

  “So you see master, he should be on his way to the Capitol as we speak.” Starke watched his boss think in the undead corpse. He wondered what the thing might be thinking. Starke didn't care as long as it didn't involve him becoming the boss’s new play toy.

  “Your story is a most entertaining worm, almost too entertaining. As long as Roland is heading to the capitol, you are of use. If for some reason, he does not go to the city then your use is gone. So for your sake and your sons, I hope Roland has good directions. If you want to see that your son is freed from his endless torment.”


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