Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 10

by Bowles, Jan

  Matthew needed his own release to spurt inside her gorgeous wet cunt, and he pumped inside her even more energetically. As his seed left his balls in an almighty surge, he lay his body over hers, sandwiching her between the mahogany boardroom table and his breathless undulating chest. He tenderly kissed her sweet neck, marveling at the frantic pulse that throbbed beneath her wonderful pearlescent skin. Trying to catch his breath, he wondered why he felt so damned close to Kelly, both physically and emotionally. Then he glanced at the clock on the wall. Shit.

  With no time to waste, he withdrew, and painfully forced his still-hard cock back inside his jeans. Working quickly, he wheeled her discarded executive chair back into position. Kelly lay prostrate across the table, her eyes hooded and dazed. He helped by pulling her skirt down her thighs, hoping to give an impression of unruffled order. “Check out the time. Get yourself together, girl.” At that moment the powerful corporate boss looked far from composed. Her hair was in disarray and her work shirt lay outside the waistband of her conservative gray skirt. Still in a sex-induced stupor, she finally pulled herself upright and began hurriedly adjusting her clothing.

  He removed a steel comb from his vest pocket. “Now let’s get you looking your best.” After retrieving her hair band, which had fallen to the floor, he ran the comb through her gorgeous wayward tresses, making her look presentable again. He then carefully reattached the hair band, so it looked something like it had done before. “You look great.” He kissed her cheek.

  “You’re just plain wicked,” she whispered huskily, still stunned by what had happened.

  “Tell me about it, princess. That’s why I’m the Dom and you’re my sub.” He brushed his lips across her forehead, and whispered, “You’ll be reminded of me while you’re chairing this boring board meeting. After all, my cum will be slowly dripping from your pussy while you’re smiling serenely at your executives.

  “Time I wasn’t here, princess.” Matthew turned quickly on his heels and began to stride from the boardroom. “I’ll be waiting at your place.” He flashed her a smile as he leaned down and scooped his overnight bag from the floor. Hoping she wouldn’t notice, he discreetly removed the slender wedge of wood, keeping them private. When he opened the door, two guys he’d never seen before and hoped he’d never see again immediately entered. He winked mischievously at Kelly, enjoying the shock on her beautiful face. They’d only just made it in time. Still, fortune favored the brave. That was his motto.

  With a huge grin on his face, Matthew pointed at the floor beneath her executive chair. The lace panties he’d sliced from her body with his hunting knife were lying in a crumpled heap for all to see.

  As soon as Kelly realized, her eyes widened in absolute horror. Working on sheer instinct, she speedily bent down and grabbed them before the gathering board members could notice, and then quickly tucked them out of sight in her suit pocket. The “I’m gonna kill you, Matthew Strong” look she gave him as she finally regained total composure made him laugh out loud.

  As he walked from the boardroom, he cheekily called across to her, “Thank you so much for your time, Ms. McCloud. I sure appreciate it. I hope we can do business again someday.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Almost an hour into the board meeting, and Kelly had finally regained her usual breezy self-confidence. God, they’d come so close to being discovered. Matthew could command her to do anything. She was like putty in his hands. Just thinking about him caused a shiver of pure sexual arousal to flash down her spine, before reaching her clit. Acutely aware that she wore no panties, she kept her legs tightly crossed.

  Looking at the dozen familiar faces gathered around the boardroom table, she wondered if they suspected, or worse still, knew for sure. Maybe they wouldn’t be interested even if they did know. Although, she shouldn’t discount the fact that she had enemies in the boardroom as well as friends.

  She brushed a hand through her hair, desperately hoping that Matthew had made a good job of replacing her band. If anything, she should be annoyed with him, but she wasn’t. She couldn’t conceive of any other man being as adventurous and sexy as him. He made her feel…He made her feel wonderful and carefree. The sort of feeling she’d taken for granted as a small child, when life had been so much simpler.

  The anxiety of almost being discovered fucking in the boardroom, should have made her headache worse, but instead it had completely disappeared. The gnawing tension she’d been feeling just before Matthew’s surprise visit had simply vanished like a puff of smoke, leaving behind a serene sense of pure indulgence and tranquility. Their sex life might be far removed from what was considered normal in mainstream society, but it satisfied and more than fulfilled her expectations, time after time. It was exactly what she needed to keep her sane. Just knowing that Matthew was waiting patiently at her home, made her wind up the meeting a little earlier than intended.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that concludes the business of the day.” Kelly began placing her notes in her briefcase, before lifting her gaze to the assembled board members. “If anyone has any final questions, please feel free to ask.”

  Uncle Joseph irritably tapped his pencil several times on the mahogany table. His face was a picture of abject disapproval. Her father had always taught her to meet dissenters head on, especially ones in her own family.

  “Yes, Joseph. There’s something you’d like to say?”

  Her approach worked like a charm, because her father’s younger brother looked awkward and ill at ease. “These new proposals, Kelly. Are they absolutely necessary? Frankly, if I were in charge, I wouldn’t be wasting money on something that can never bring a financial return to the company.”

  Kelly confidently placed her briefcase on the floor and, unafraid to hold the old man’s gaze, said, “But, you’re not in charge, are you, Uncle Joseph? Dad trusted the company to my leadership, not yours. I’ve had an independent consultancy throw a lot of ideas my way. I feel we have to embrace new technology, or we’ll fall behind our competitors. Is that what you want to happen at McCloud Energy?”

  An eerie silence hung in the air for a few moments, then Joseph’s son, Tom spoke, “I totally agree.” He hesitated, when his father gave him a withering look.

  Kelly nodded encouragingly. “Go on, Tom, your opinion is as valid as the next man.” This was the first time that Tom had broken ranks with his father. Perhaps she’d found another ally.

  Gaining in confidence, Tom continued, “Just look what happened at Hoover. They were the market leader and thought they didn’t have to worry about an insignificant company called Dyson.” He spread his hands out wide. “The rest, as they say, is history. Therefore, I’m with you on this one, Kelly. One hundred and ten percent.”

  It was funny how life turned on a dime. Just one enthusiastic person could swing a whole boardroom in its favor. A murmur of acquiescence rippled around the impressive table. Kelly smiled at each executive in turn. Her father had always taught her that the personal touch worked wonders. She smiled again. Today had been a very good day in the boardroom, in more ways than one.

  With the meeting finally concluded, members started to make their way from the room. Eve came up to her. “Kelly, I’m real sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have bothered you with the call. You’d distinctly said no interruptions.”

  “Think nothing of it, Eve. Whoever the guy was, he can make a proper appointment next time, instead of just turning up unannounced.”

  “Oh, I had the impression that he knew you?”

  “No, whatever gave you that idea?”

  “My mistake.” Eve studied her quizzically, making Kelly feel a little self-conscious. Did she know about Matthew coming to the boardroom? “You’ve certainly got a lot more color in your cheeks than you had this morning. You were so pale, I was worried about you.”

  “Oh, that’s so sweet, but please don’t worry on my account.” She felt on top of the world. “I’m perfectly okay, Eve.”

  “Good, I’m g

  When Eve began walking away, Kelly called after her. “Can you set up a one-to-one meeting with Tom McCloud. Early next week is good for me.”

  Eve nodded. “Yes, of course. I’ll let you know the exact date and time.”

  Kelly finally realized it was time to delegate a portion of responsibility to others. Tom McCloud might be just the man to help her, and she wanted to reward his allegiance. Matthew had been right. She’d been taking life far too seriously. For the first time since her father had died, everything seemed to be falling into place. She’d met a man who’d turned her barren existence around, a man whom she trusted implicitly. The realization that perhaps she was falling in love surfaced in her mind. Wasn’t it wonderful? More to the point, wasn’t Matthew wonderful? She hugged her arms around herself. She just couldn’t wait to get home.

  * * * *

  Ninety minutes later

  Kelly drew her Porsche to a halt outside her home on the East side of Providence. She loved her house. Built in the late eighteen hundreds in the Queen Anne style, it stood three floors tall. The exterior was clad in wood, while the interior boasted hardwood floors and elegant period features.

  The irresistible smell of Mexican food teased her nostrils as she pushed open the front door to her home. She guessed Matthew was in the kitchen preparing dinner. He must have heard her arrive, because he called out in that beautiful deep baritone voice of his, “Princess, I’m in here.”

  Kelly kicked off her high heels and waggled her toes, trying to restore the circulation. When she finally entered the kitchen, she folded her arms across her chest and leaned back against the doorway. Matthew had his back to her and was busy preparing tortillas on the black granite work surface. For a few blissful moments she allowed herself to savor his powerful physique as he prepared dinner.

  He glanced over his shoulder, a huge grin on his face, his wonderful green eyes sparkling. “What’s up?”

  She pointed a finger at him in mock anger. “You could have seriously compromised my position. That’s what’s up.”

  He must have known she was joking, because he laughed. “Now don’t get all riled up. You enjoyed it. We both did.”


  “There’s no maybes about it.”

  Feeling deliriously happy, she shook her head, and laughed. “I can’t be angry with you for long. I kept looking at everyone in the boardroom, wondering if they knew what had just gone on.”

  “And did they?”

  “I’m not sure, but Uncle Joseph seemed even more argumentative than usual.”

  Matthew wiped his hands on a towel before striding up to her, and tenderly stroking her cheek. “I’ll tell you exactly what they would have seen, princess. They’d have seen the most beautiful woman in the world being made love to and thoroughly satisfied.”

  “Oh, Matthew, you say the sweetest things.” The breath sighed from her as he leaned down and kissed her passionately on the mouth. His gaze was heated and flicked once more over her face.

  “Mmm, I can still see it now. It shows as a pink bloom on your cheeks.”

  He pulled her into his arms, and she wound her hands into his hair, threading her fingers through the dark strands. Their kiss was deep and spontaneous. Just being held this close made her feel wanted and alive. His hands smoothed down her back and cupped her ass, drawing her closer still until she felt the unmistakable manly bulge in his pants.

  Breaking contact with her mouth, Matthew peppered tiny kisses to her ear. “I just can’t get enough of you, Kelly McCloud, but first we must eat.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Six weeks later

  The early morning sun beckoned enticingly as Kelly collected her mail from the front yard. Inside the mailbox were several assorted letters and a large unaddressed plain brown envelope. She briefly scanned each one as she headed back to the house. There didn’t seem to be anything particularly significant. However, the plain brown envelope intrigued her.

  A wonderful aroma of freshly ground coffee greeted her as she pushed open the door, and made her way to the kitchen. She lazily stretched her arms above her head, releasing the last of the tension. Today was Saturday. McCloud Energy could go hang for a while. Later, when she’d pampered herself, she’d go to Matt’s place. They’d made arrangements to spend the entire weekend together. She couldn’t wait. Their relationship had cemented into a deep trust and mutual respect. He continually pushed her boundaries, both physically and emotionally. She now knew she loved him without question. Though neither of them had uttered those three elusive words to one another.

  Kelly tossed the mail onto the kitchen table and poured herself a strong black coffee. Cupping the mug in her hands, she lifted it to her nose, and breathed deeply. “Mmm, just what the doctor ordered.” After taking a sip, she settled herself in a chair, and began opening her mail.

  The first envelope contained a household utility bill, while two others were filled with annoying junk mail. Jesus, did she really need another sun awning for the back yard, or fancy brick paving for the driveway?

  “Nope, not today thank you.” She shook her head and dropped the unwanted advertising straight in the trash.

  Taking another welcome sip of the steaming hot coffee, Kelly briefly closed her eyes. “Heaven, sheer heaven.”

  The large brown envelope caught her attention and she idly pulled open the seal. “What the hell is this?” Becoming curious, she slid a selection of large black-and-white photographs from the padded bag. They measured about ten inches by eight, and she figured there were about a dozen or so.

  With her senses on full alert, she sat bolt upright in the chair. The first pin-sharp image showed her outside the entrance to Club Submission. Matthew was with her, his arm protectively around her shoulder. They both wore big smiles.

  Her brows drew together. What the fuck was going on?

  The second photograph showed them inside the club, entering the reception area. A queasy sick feeling washed over her. “Oh, please, God, don’t let this be what I think it is.” Like a car crash she couldn’t avoid, she longed to turn away, but couldn’t stop herself looking at the next black-and-white image. It had clearly been taken in the Warm Zone. Matthew held a hand to the small of her back as he guided her amongst the scantily clad members. With an increasing feeling of dread, she quickly flicked through the rest of the photographs. Each one showed them moving deeper into the club. When she looked at one showing her and Matthew entering the Dungeon, she placed a hand to her chest, trying to still her breathing. On the next image she was partially naked and restrained by manacles to the wall. Matthew stood beside her, a whip raised high in the air, ready for action.

  Tears slid down her cheeks. “How dare you invade my privacy. You bastards. Fucking bastards.” She felt violated.

  Kelly almost vomited as she stared horrified at the final black-and-white image. Totally naked and restrained by leather straps, which spread her wide across a sawhorse, her hair fell in disarray and a look of wild abandon filled her eyes as Matthew took her roughly from behind. With a hand cupping her breast and the other between her legs, he was clearly pleasuring her most intimate parts. She could even see the base of Matthew’s cock filling her pussy. “How dare you.” Kelly seethed with anger.

  The sick feeling rose up again, and bile suddenly filled the back of her throat. Clasping both hands to her stomach, she dropped the unsavory photograph to the floor and raced to the bathroom. She only just made it in time. Retching uncontrollably, she vomited up her barely digested breakfast. Her breathing was heavy as she knelt on the floor, with her head resting on the toilet bowl.

  “Jesus Christ, who’s doing this to me? What do they want? Think woman, think. Yes, blackmail, blackmail, it has to be blackmail. Who would be able to set up so many hidden cameras in Club Submission? It was impossible. Security was real tight. Matthew and Ethan saw to that.”

  With trembling hands, Kelly flushed the toilet, then washed her face and brushed her teeth.
She couldn’t stop herself from shaking as she patted her face dry with a warm, soft towel.

  Trying to pull herself together, she took a deep breath and returned to the kitchen. She picked up the disgusting brown envelope. No stamp, no postmark, no address. It had obviously been delivered by hand. But by whom? Kelly angrily shook the envelope until a piece of paper fluttered to the kitchen table. Was this the blackmail demand? How much did they want? The white piece of paper reminded her of what she’d seen in the movies. Newspaper clippings in an assortment of colors and sizes had been glued to the page to form a sentence. Dirty whore, you will pay for this. Her mind went numb as she stared at the crude note. Who the hell’s doing this to me?

  Concentrate, Kelly, concentrate. She banged her forehead repeatedly with the palm of her hand. Matthew. She had to warn him, she had to let him know what was happening. In an almighty hurry, Kelly stuffed the photographs and hateful note back into the brown envelope before grabbing her purse and keys. Barely stopping to lock the front door, she ran from her home. A sudden thought crossed her mind, filling her with terror. The lowlife responsible for this could be watching her right now, hiding somewhere in the undergrowth, relishing her obvious distress.

  “Fucker,” she screamed at the top of her voice. “I know who you are. I can see you, you piece of shit.”

  With no time to lose, she zapped the remote, and slid inside her Porsche. After tossing the envelope and her purse onto the passenger seat, she then drove away at break neck speed, leaving a trail of dust and tire rubber behind her.

  As she sped along the highway, her thoughts centered on Matthew. Surely he’d know if there were cameras in his club? How could someone hide them there without his knowledge? Matthew was a clever guy. He knew every trick in the book. Unless… Kelly gripped the steering wheel even more tightly as a sudden, horrible, unthinkable thought overwhelmed her. Was Matthew in on it? Did he know about it? Had he set the whole thing up with that brother of his? After all, she was an extremely wealthy woman, and only Matthew and his brother Ethan knew her true identity.


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