It Was Always Love (Taboo Love Book 2)

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It Was Always Love (Taboo Love Book 2) Page 22

by V. Theia

  I don’t deny the guy is artistically hot. Lean and so very tall and his jaw bones under his brown skin were striking under the ambient restaurant lights. He has what Indie called sex eyes and a mouth people would pay to suck on.

  I can admit he’s hot in every way possible but man, the supermodel tapped into all my irritating nerves just by breathing.

  He’s wearing an eggplant colored suit that fits him to perfection with a designer silver scarf around his neck and a diamond glinting from his right ear.

  Handsome he may be, but a good person? Maybe he’s the best friend a person could ever have, to someone else. My experiences with the man have all been negative so I’m not inclined to give him a chance to be nice now.

  My fingers tightened in Noah’s and he gave me a squeeze back.

  “Look who it is, the lovebirds,” he said once we were in earshot. He didn’t shake Noah’s hand, that might be weird since they were once lovers, but he does give Noah a genuine grin and a chin lift. It’s clear he cares for Noah. “Glad you could make it. What do you think?” He directed the question to me, shocking me that he even acknowledged I was in the same room.

  I’d already taken in the new light gold and black decor the moment we came inside, and I found it both charming and romantic.

  I was happy to see they’d retained the live piano player in the center of the room, it somehow added to the overall atmosphere they’re going for.

  “It’s lovely. I’m excited to try the new menu.” I offered as a way of being polite and it almost choked me. Momma would be so proud.

  Noah squeezed my hand and I squeeze back.

  For his sake I could be good-mannered.

  “You were right about the sommelier, Noa.” Tom chimed as we made our way to the reserved VIP tables. His shortening Noah’s name nearly gave me a fucking coronary. I had to bite back my instant fuck you. “The shit that man doesn’t know isn’t worth knowing. We may have to give him a raise.”

  “Let’s give him room to impress first but I can’t take all the credit. He was recommended to me. All I did was check him out and hand you the information to steal him.”

  “You know I can seal the deal.” His words practically smoked as he turned a flirty glance on Noah. Now my head was boiling. “Either way, he’s going to be a hit and sell the expensive bottles of Riesling by the boat load.” Amused Tom while Noah seated us both.

  It’s then his cell phone rang. “Christ. it’s one of my GM’s. I won’t be a minute, Sena. Order a drink and look over the menu, see what you fancy.” Dropping an absent-minded kiss to my forehead he answered his phone with a bitten; “Talk to me,” to whoever was on the other end.

  The life of a club owner truly was a busy one, especially for a man like Noah who liked to be hands on with each of his nightclubs, but leaving me alone with Tom, he had sucky timing. I watched his retreating back to go somewhere private for his call, my brow puckered. I hoped it wouldn’t take long.

  Was it polite to ignore Tom standing right there to my left? Ugh. Maybe not, since he wasn’t making tracks to you know…fuck off.

  I waited for his private jibes he always managed to sneak in passive aggressively.

  Surprise twisted my features when he took a seat and said. “Pregnancy looks good on you, Sena. Congratulations.”

  Fine, polite it is then. “Thank you.”

  The waiter arrived, and I ordered a pink lemonade and a Scotch for Noah coming back. Glancing to where he’d disappeared, I didn’t see him returning yet.

  I shifted around in my chair, letting my gaze take in the restaurant. It’s already filling up and most all tables were occupied and from what I can see the staff were as efficient as my momma is on a family Sunday picnic.

  I offered a compliment since the silence of Tom sitting there was becoming uncomfortable and why the hell was he staying? “Congratulations on opening night. The place is beautiful.”

  He dipped his head and smirked a little.

  I shifted again in my seat. Everywhere ached. Seriously, no one tells you how body parts you didn’t even know you had started to hurt once you were making a human. If not for Noah wanting to come tonight I probably would have soaked my bones in the huge sunken tub and ate a pint of ice cream.

  I considered kicking my heels off under the table for a brief respite for my swollen ankles.

  “He looks happy.”

  I turned to look at him. Suspicion in my eyes. If this was Tom’s segueing to bringing forth his total dickdouche venom, then I was ready for him. I was not going to spare his little boy feelings by lying either. And I had a lot of hormonal guns ready to fire. “He is.”

  “Good,” he replied and for a flash it sounded as if he’s actual genuine.

  I’m no less suspicious.

  Call me stupid but I’d be a fool to ever drop my guard around this walking clothespin who wanted my boyfriend.

  He went on. “I’m glad he is. Glad you both are.”

  Sure. okay. I don’t have a reply to that, largely because I can feel sarcasm gathering on my tongue. I am my momma’s daughter and she always told me if I don’t have anything nice to say, then be a bitch, but be prepared to own the consequences of my verbal attack. And I don’t want to be a bitch on Noah’s night. So, I took a sip of my drink and said nothing.

  Man, all the high roads I was taking tonight, it would be a wonder I could reach home at all.

  “You don’t believe me,” I heard mirth in his raspy tone that I’m sure drove all the twinks wild. Shit, now I’m thinking about Tom and a queue of gorgeous slender gay boys. Was he a power bottom? A submissive top? I know Noah was always a top in every relationship. The fact that he allowed anal play between us was a thrill of confidence for me, but it’s not something I’d share, not even to rub Tom’s nose in it.

  I curled a brow which somehow made Tom chuckle.

  What was happening here? He was being … nice?

  “What I believe doesn’t matter. But my feet are hurting so I’d rather not get into a verbal sparring match, if it’s all the same to you.”

  He appeared to absorb what I’m saying for a beat of a second, his face giving nothing away. I sipped and wished Noah would hurry the hell up on his call.

  And then before I knew what was going on Tom reached down and took my leg onto his lap.

  “What the hell are you—” He was just begging to be kicked in the nuts!

  He had my pump off in a second and his thumbs dug deeply into the heel of my foot eliciting a rumble of a moan from my throat. The relief to the aching tendons was instant and it knocked all words from my mind because why else would I be allowing my arch nemesis to rub my feet?

  “Relax. I’m not going to bite.” Even his kind gestures delivered with a side order smirk and I simpered back with only half the heat behind it this time. “I’d kick you if you tried,” and because it felt as though we’re being … friendly towards each other I added. “Or turn you uber-straight. That’s my superpower now so you better watch out.”

  He chuckled a manly laugh under his breath, his dark eyes which looked more hazel up close sparkled with humor.

  This was weird.

  Me and Tom were having a moment.

  And he’s rubbing my aching feet.

  Weirder still, I’m letting him.

  “I used to rub my mom’s feet for her.” He said eventually. “She had MS and it helped her circulation.” Used to. Had.

  “Is she…?”

  “She passed a year ago.”

  Oh. Crap. I could only sympathize how I’d feel it were my own mom.

  “I’m sorry, Tom.”

  “Thanks, me too. I still miss her. She would have loved this place.” He smiled more to himself as he looked around his new restaurant that bustled now with quiet noise and the soft keys of the piano “We renamed this place after her.” Imani. “She always wanted her own eatery.”

  Dammit. My heart lurched for his obvious pain for his lost mom. I found it admirable he’d worked
towards his mom’s goal even though she was no longer around to see it happen. Why did he have to confess something so heartfelt? Dammit, Tom.

  “She’d be really proud of you. It’s going to be a hot spot. Noah doesn’t invest in failures.” I offered.

  Tom looked across at me and flickered a smile from one side of his pouty mouth. There was not a flicker of malice in his eyes. Strange. “Are we being kind to each other now? That’s bizarre.”

  “Well, you are molesting my feet. Hey, don’t stop.” I grinned. “Just so you know, I never wanted to be hostile with you. I understand you believe I got in the way of your relationship with Noah.”

  “It’s all in the past now. The moment I saw you two together it was more than evident you had the connection with him, not me.”

  “We were only ever friends.”

  “You were never only friends, Sena. You just didn’t fuck each other. Noah recognized it long before he admitted it. He knew it the night we broke up, maybe even longer. It was always you.”

  I frowned in concentration. That was more than two years before we became a thing.

  Tom offered a smile. “Don’t sweat it, it’s ancient history. We’re all where we are supposed to be. Just make him happy, yeah?”

  As he said, it was the past, I wasn’t going to dwell on it. Neither would I diminish my relationship as it stood now with Noah just to make his ex-lover feel better about it. I didn’t break them up, that was all on Tom’s shoulders and his dick-sucking lips.

  Just then I saw Noah return. His face showed a slash of irritation at first, as though whatever the call was about was bigger than anticipated but his annoyance faded the instant he saw me with my leg on Tom’s lap receiving a foot massage.

  His dark brow raised high in question as he reached me.

  As was Noah’s way now he leaned down and tapped a slow kiss first to my forehead and then my lips. I lifted my head expectantly of both.

  He retook his seat and placed a hand on the back of my neck, his thumb stroked my shoulder.

  “Do I need to know what’s going on here?”

  It’s Tom who flashed a killer-watt smile and answered. “Don’t worry, straight-boy,” oh, Noah would hurt him for that. Yay. I could almost bounce in my seat, until I remember Tom and I seemed to be getting along. Weird.

  “She’s still all yours.”

  “Of which I have no doubt,” he’s so slick it thundered zeal around my insides, “but you can drop her foot now.” To me he directed, “Why didn’t you tell me you were hurting? We can go home, kitten.”

  “I’m fine, really.” Feet were safely back in shoes and not resting on Tom’s thousand-dollar suit pants. “Tom and I were having a moment,” I poked my tongue firmly in my cheek and covered his hand with mine.

  At odd times the love I felt for Noah crashed landed in my chest and completely obliterated every piece of air I had until all that was left was him and those amazing blue eyes smiling at me.

  Loving him meant he had the power to destroy me where I sat and the ability to build me from the ground up with a simple glance. And I was the luckiest woman on the planet to know a man like him loved me. Not just loved, he treasured me.

  Noah flicked a gaze between us. Amusement licked his blue eyes.

  “So, I can see. I don’t like it. Fuck off, Tom.” He smiled while he said it. At least I think it’s a grin. Noah could kill with a smile.

  I laughed and leaned into his shoulder, his arm came around me promptly and I nipped his jaw. Yeah, the love was endless.

  Tom got to his feet. “Before you two begin making out and have my gay senses vomiting,” he too smiled while he insulted us, so I took it for the joke he intended. “I need to circulate and show my pretty face. Enjoy your evening.”

  This time he patted Noah’s shoulder and left to walk across the restaurant leaving us alone.

  “So, that was weird, huh?”

  “I still don’t know what I walked in on.”

  “What can I say, he gives good massages.” Fixed to Noah’s side, I walked my fingertips over his knuckles and smiled from under my lashes. “He also said you loved me eons ago, when you guys were together.”

  “Tom talks too much,” Noah rumbled a growl, side-effect frustration from his nightclub problem and he called over our waiter with a flick of two fingers.

  The well-organized man had been hovering this entire time. Before he reached us, Noah nuzzled his face scruff against my cheek. “I love you endlessly, Sena. Now. Then. Always.”

  That’s how he owned my heart entirely. It’s not the fancy places he took me or will take me. Or the sophisticated penthouse I now live in.

  It’s the way he affected every pump of my heart with a few declared words.

  We’re busy kissing when the waiter discreetly cleared his throat.

  He waited for a further two minutes.


  It wasn’t a bad place to have Noah’s mouth pressed to my exposed throat.

  Or the way he held me to the wall with his hands clasped against the swell of my ribcage. Pinned and held with love.

  “I need to have you.”

  Shallow breaths.

  Hands not so steady roamed up the leg of my panties.

  Noah cursed. “Fuck. So wet inside. Are you hurting here, baby?”

  I whimpered some sort of answer he gave the impression of understanding because two digits pushed all the way inside me drawing out the wetness to graze against my clit.

  His air rained over my face. “It’s messing with my goddamn mind. Every night at work I’m surrounded by hundreds of people and all I can think about is plunging into this wet body, feeling you tighten hard enough to strangle my cock.”

  Everything in me clenched. Stalled. Cooked.

  Drowned in lust.

  “Then do it.”

  He grabbed me so fast my head spun. I grabbed at him everywhere as his hand clamped around the back of my neck, pushing me into the wall, my spine feeling the thump. I had a hand in his pants even before they were open, rubbing on his underwear, the hardness there so thick and solid I whined with need.

  Straight teeth clamped down on my shoulder, his leg knocked mine wider.

  It was feral and a little bit ferocious the way we went at each other.

  And yet he was so gentle holding me.

  “Please, Noah.”

  He bit me again. The pleasure speared through me like a rocket. My panties damp. I wanted them gone and a second later, as though he’d heard my thoughts, they were dragged down my legs, I kicked them away with no care at all.

  “Please what?”

  “Fuck me, please. I need it, too.”

  “You need this?” He yanked out his cock from his underwear, the tip angry and purple, dripping so gorgeous I whimpered again wanting it in my throat, in my body pumping forever. He stroked from tip to base, grunting as he went.

  “Yes. Please. Please, right now. Inside me.”

  “You’re driving me mad. This fucking hunger, Sena.”

  I felt the same, but I had no words to say it.

  With a growl he began dragging his tip through my sex, soaking as he went, preparing himself. It wasn’t enough.

  Hanging off his waist, I tipped my hips forward, his hand on the base of my back kept me in that position. “Fuck me then. Fuck me.”

  He laughed throatily. “That can be arranged I think.”

  What with his dick in his hand already and me begging like a slut.

  It wasn’t enough.

  I wanted the whole lot. My head cracked against the wall, it wasn’t the ideal setting, but I was too in need rolling towards him, reaching for the friction he was administering on my clit.

  Fire burned through me and just like that with no more warning other than he grunted he rammed in to the pubic bone.

  Once he’d hit bottom he stalled and held me there.

  “Your scream is music, baby.”

  Hips circled in grinding invitation even as he wedged
his hands under my butt and lifted me into his groin, letting me feel every hard inch sliding through my folds. Unrelenting slow shoves hammered me to the wall, held up only by Noah’s strength. He went in fast and dragged out slow.

  This was how an animal sated itself, I thought.

  Mercilessly and consumed.

  My hunger for him was so real it caused my body to seize as he went through the motions of establishing a rhythm with his monstrous dick forging a new pathway inside me, plunging and forcing his way in until my body gave out altering to his girth. It felt amazing. Oh, Jesus, it did.

  Every fuck with Noah was amazing.

  My eyes rolled back then my head snapped forward to press our foreheads together.

  We were so close I could see the flecks of gray in his eyes, his breath panting against my mouth. This wild side to him turned me on, stirred me up and left me changed. Every. Single. Time.

  “Give it, Sena, let me watch you give it up to me.”

  Hells bells.

  He pumped so hard I was left with no choice but to do as he said, my body already released its scream into his shoulder, teeth imprinting their mark in his skin, his fingers holding my hips doing their own bruising.

  “Jesus, Sena. If I could get you extra pregnant I would. I want to ram my come so deep inside you and hold it there, until your greedy, clutching pussy drains me dry.”

  I was dizzy with desire my vision swam.

  My fingers clawed at any part of his skin I could touch.

  He wasn’t even all the way undressed.

  My head thrown back moaning.

  Noah grunted after every shove.

  “Am I hurting you?” His slams never ceased. His warm breath brushed my face, he used both hands under my ass to lift me into them.

  I must weigh a ton. My gorgeous hulk and his strong arms. I’d admire them later when I wasn’t dying.

  “God, no. Harder, baby. I’m gonna come.”

  “Hold on.” He grated.

  My whimper came out strangled when he pulled out almost to the tip. That’s not what I wanted, I wanted to be filled until he stretched me to my kidneys. I moaned his name and tried to pull him back in.


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