Taylor Lynne: The Women of Merryton - Book Two

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Taylor Lynne: The Women of Merryton - Book Two Page 13

by Jennifer Peel

  As soon as we sat down, I found myself handing over cash to the girls and they were off again to buy things I didn’t approve of. I turned back toward the other ladies and got the skinny on who I should hate and why. Jessie pointed out Veronica Riley, Landon Riley’s psychotic wife, and their son. But, of course, they liked Landon Junior, who looked to be about five or six years old. He was a handsome little guy. Then they pointed out Landon on the field and I could see where his little guy got his looks. I thought I could remember Landon as a teenager. I had a brief memory of being at his dad’s insurance agency when he was there. They didn’t even need to tell me Veronica was off her rocker, I could see it in her eyes and in the way she kept staring at Jessie Belle. I almost felt protective of her, like I should go down and tell Veronica to keep her eyes to herself. Geez, I was getting old. My thought patterns now sounded like Grams. I also noticed Landon staring more than he should—for a married man—at Jessie. What a creep. I had no respect for married men that didn’t act married, obviously. Though I was softening toward my ex, in a friendship sort of way.

  “So, we all saw the way the good doctor winked and smiled at his ex-wife,” I heard Cheyenne say behind me.

  Just as I was starting to warm up to her. I turned around and smiled warily at the three younger women who were all looking at me with interest. “And which ex-wife would that be?” He did have more than one, after all.

  They all shook their heads at me, but it was Cheyenne that had to get her two cents in first. “Please tell me Kathryn isn’t here. No one can stand her.”

  Abby and Jessie nodded to emphasize the point.

  I had promised myself not to ask about Kathryn, but as she kept coming up, I thought, what the heck. I mean, I already hated her. Only it needed to be quick, before my sweet Emmy came back.

  “So … what’s the deal with Kathryn?” I whispered.

  They all looked like they wanted to chime in, but Jessie leaned down close to me. “She was beyond terrible. She treated Easton, and even poor Emmy, like they were beneath her. She hardly paid attention to her own daughter. But boy did she love to throw around that she was the wife of a doctor.”

  The thought made me sick. Was that why Emmy was so sullen and withdrawn? I even felt bad for Easton. Maybe it was a bad idea to ask. Hate for Kathryn was erupting like a volcano. I had to turn and face forward. How did life get so screwed up? And why did Easton choose her over me?

  I was more than grateful when the girls returned. I was in such a mood I almost snatched Ashley’s candy bar out of her hand and ate it, but I refrained. I needed to know these people better before I could let loose like that. I rarely ate junk food, and when I did, I didn’t need everyone around in shock about it. Instead, I turned my attention to the game. Right away I knew it was going to get ugly. The testosterone was heavy in the air.

  It was practically a blood bath from beginning to end. It was made worse by the fact that the umpires heavily favored Riley Insurance’s team. I was informed they had all gone to school with Jessie’s crew and Landon, but they were Landon’s buddies, which didn’t seem very fair. It wasn’t like I was emotionally invested in this whole baseball league, but it didn’t take long for me to wish the whole Riley team to the fiery pits of hell. I don’t even think they knew what good sportsmanship was. It was like they were in the Hunger Games.

  “I thought Brett and Derek were banned from umping games between our teams,” Abby asked Jessie.

  “I thought so, too. Landon must have worked some of his sleazy magic. Believe me, I will be taking this to the league board. This won’t be an issue again,” Jessie snarled.

  In the fifth inning, that creep Landon Riley threw a pitch that hit Easton in the side. I involuntarily stood up and gasped as I watched Easton drop and bend over in pain.

  Emmy and Ashley both stood up as well.

  I quickly realized I had garnered a lot of attention with my show of emotion. I sat down uncomfortably, amidst the stares of many around me. Along with the staring came some pretty cheeky smiles.

  I wanted to say, “It’s not what you think.” Instead, I watched and held Emmy’s hand as Shane, Abby’s husband and fellow doctor, took a look at Easton. I was also amused at the shouts coming behind me from the butt inspector. Cheyenne had some choice words for Landon, which set Landon’s wife, Veronica, off. She was sitting several rows a head of us and to the left, but her voice carried well. Let’s just say she was classless. I covered Emmy’s ears and Ashley grinned at my attempt to shield Emmy.

  I almost left. I think three-year-olds behaved better. But then Easton looked up to where his daughters and I sat. He gave us his best smile before he turned and faced Landon. Easton stared him down as he took his walk to first base. If you’re hit by the ball, you’re automatically awarded first base.

  The game was back and forth and back and forth each inning. I will at least say Jessie Belle’s team tried to keep it on the up and up, despite the dirty way the opposing side was playing and the unfairness of the umpires. In the end, good did not triumph over evil. Riley Insurance won by two measly points. Final score: eleven to nine.

  I was even less impressed with Riley Insurance’s fans. The jeering and name calling was beyond inappropriate. I decided if they ever played this team again, I would be staying home. I wished I had taken Rachel’s advice the night before and skipped this game. She warned me of the ridiculousness, but I thought she was a little biased because she really disliked the sport in general. I guess you live and you learn.

  Our side was glum, but a bright spot, at least for me, was Maddie turning to Jessie and saying, “Sorry, Mom, we’ll get them in the championship.”

  I loved watching Jessie’s eyes light up at the term of endearment. I knew Maddie had been calling her that since Mother’s Day, but it did my heart good to hear it. I remember the message I received from Jessie about that first time. The happiness seemed to leap off the screen when I read it last month. There really was nothing better than being called Mom.

  I walked down with the girls and met Easton on the field. I think every guy on the team was sporting some sort of injury. Easton was walking uncomfortably, and I’m sure he had a nice bruise under his jersey.

  As both girls approached their dad, he warned them right away. “Hugs only on the right side, ladies.”

  Both Ashley and Emmy cautiously hugged their dad.

  “Sorry you lost, Dad,” Ashley started out with. “Those guys were complete jerks.”

  I nodded in agreement. Emmy nodded her head, too.

  Easton looked my way and grinned. “I guess I deserve ice cream then. You in, Taylor?”

  The girls looked at me, letting me know what they expected my answer to be.

  I rolled my eyes. “Sure. My treat.”

  Easton’s eyes lit up while the girls smiled.

  We all walked toward the parking lot together amidst the stares of those around us. I think I even caught Jessie winking at me as she held Blake close to her. It was nothing—I just didn’t want to be the bad guy. This was for the girls, nothing more.

  “Where are we going?” I asked Easton before we parted to our separate vehicles.

  “Do you remember Kaleidoscoops on Townsend?”

  “I do,” I said with a smile. We had taken Ashley there on her first birthday. It was the first time she had ever tasted ice cream. The look on her face was priceless. It was like pure magic; she couldn’t get enough. She wanted bite after bite. Easton and I laughed and laughed. Those were precious memories, and some light during a very dark time for me. Her first birthday was one of those rare moments I felt happy here.

  Easton pulled me out of my memory. “See you there.”

  I nodded my head as confirmation and to try to get him out of my mind.

  I really did need to contact the people that made up that very misleading brochure about moving back to the same town as your ex.

  Emmy ended up coming with me and Ashley went with her dad. I guess Emmy needed a woman and
Ashley really loved having her dad around.

  As we drove over, I kept glancing at Emmy, who kept running her fingers through her hair. “Do you like your haircut, darlin’?

  She smiled wide, well at least wide for her, and nodded.

  “Well, I think you are the prettiest nine-year-old I know.”

  “You have to say that because your Ashley’s mom.”

  I was not only shocked by her full sentence, but by the fact she didn’t believe me. At the next red stoplight, I turned to her. “Emmy, look at me honey.”

  She turned her sweet little face my way.

  “You listen to me. You are a very beautiful girl.” I tapped her nose.

  She gave me a quick, small smile. “Sometimes other girls make fun of me at school,” she admitted.

  I had to start driving again, so unfortunately I couldn’t look at her. “Why would they do that?”

  She took a moment to answer, like she was embarrassed. “Because my hair is always messy and …” She hesitated. “I have really hairy legs.”

  “Oh, honey, little girls are supposed to have hair on their legs, and Ashley and I will help you with your hair.”

  “Some girls in my class shave their legs, or they don’t have hairy legs like me. And you and Ashley don’t live with me.”

  I was in awe by how much she was talking and opening up to me. “Have you talked to your dad about shaving?”

  She shook her head no.

  “Do you want me to?” I hated volunteering for the job, but I couldn’t imagine it would be easy to talk to your dad about such things. I would have never talked to my dad, but that’s because he was never any help.

  She nodded.

  Of course she did. “I’ll talk to him.” I reached over and squeezed her hand. “And maybe we can teach him how to do your hair,” I teased her.

  She giggled a little.

  “How about I teach you how to do your hair?”

  She smiled for real this time. I took that as a yes.

  Going for ice cream was a pleasant affair. I didn’t order any, but I did take a bite of Ashley’s mint chocolate chip. Easton made fun of me for not ordering ice cream, and since I was paying he ordered the largest sundae they had.

  “You’re going to make yourself sick eating that whole thing,” I said to him as he made his way through the monster sundae.

  He pushed the triple-chocolate sundae my way from where he sat across from me with our girl (his girl was by me). “Save me from myself and have some.”

  I smiled and pushed it back toward him.

  “Come on. One bite isn’t going to ruin your reputation,” he goaded me. He scooped up a large bite and held it out for me.

  I eyed him and the ice cream warily and debated with myself.

  He laughed and pushed the spoon farther until it almost reached my closed mouth.

  “Come on, Momma,” Ashley jumped into the fray.

  “You know you want to,” he said.

  “Peer pressure doesn’t—” I didn’t get to finish my sentence because as soon as I opened my mouth, he shoved the spoon in. I was so caught off guard I sputtered and almost choked. I grabbed a napkin so nothing came flying out of my mouth. Meanwhile, the table erupted in laughter.

  “How old are you?” I asked as soon as I had swallowed.

  Everyone was still laughing at me, Easton the loudest.

  “You know you enjoyed it.” He grinned.

  I rolled my eyes at him. It was good, but that was never going to be mentioned.

  As we left, I grabbed onto Easton’s arm and held him back. He seemed taken aback by the touch, but pleased by the look in his eye. I had seen it before. “Hey,” I whispered as the girls walked out and away from us. “Will you call me tonight after Emmy goes to bed?”

  He placed his own hand over mine on his toned bicep.

  I probably should have removed my hand before he had the chance, but I found I kind of liked touching him. I also found my heart rate was up a little and my hormones were way out of whack.

  He looked down at me as he firmly held on to my hand. “So is this going to be an every night occurrence?”

  “No,” I said flustered. He was messing with my senses. “I need to talk to you about Emmy,” I said ever so quietly.

  His eyes immediately registered concern.

  “It’s nothing to worry about,” I said in response. I removed my hand from his grip. I needed some air and space. I pushed myself out the door in a rush and breathed in the cool Colorado air. I was finally starting to acclimate a little to the cool nights. In fact, I found them refreshing. The girls were both waiting for us. Ashley had a gleam in her eye as she looked at her dad and me. I wondered what that was about.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He didn’t call until eleven o’clock. “Taylor.”

  I was already comfortably in bed. Not sleeping, but content to rest. I sat up all the way. “Did Emmy just go to bed?” I was expecting a call much earlier.

  “Sometimes she has a hard time falling asleep.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad.

  “She has nightmares sometimes; she’s afraid to fall asleep.”

  Poor Emmy. She seemed to be haunted, day and night.

  “That breaks my heart. I wish I could help her.”

  “You have been.”


  “Are you kidding me, Taylor? This is the happiest Emmy’s ever been. She loves having you and Ashley around.”

  “The feeling is mutual,” I admitted.

  He paused for a second. “Thanks for being so good to her despite who her mother is.”

  “Honestly, I pretend Emmy came into being like a Cabbage Patch Kid.”

  He chuckled a bit. “If we’re being honest, I wish that were true.” He cleared his throat. “So … what did you want to speak to me about that was so mysterious? Or did you just want me to call?”

  “I see you’re as full of yourself as ever.”

  “I remember once upon a time you found it charming.”

  “That was half a lifetime ago.”

  “We’re not that old.”

  “I hate to inform you, but I was twenty-one when we met and now I’m forty-two.”

  “I still don’t believe it. You look too good for forty-two.”

  He totally caught me off guard. “Uh … Thanks.”

  “I’m being sincere.”

  “I’m sure you are, it’s … you know, awkward.”

  “Well, maybe you should tell me how good looking I still am and it won’t be awkward anymore.”

  I laughed. “I would, but I fear your head may explode.”


  “I know that didn’t damage your ego.”

  “No, I really mean ouch. I’m finding moving is difficult.”

  “Yeah, sorry. Are you okay? Getting hit by that ball looked painful.”

  “You have no idea. That jerk is lucky I couldn’t move right away.”

  “I think everyone wanted to make him pay.”

  “I heard you looked worried about me.”

  “Don’t believe everything you hear.” I’d had enough of the playful banter. “I had an interesting conversation with Emmy today.”

  “I guess we’ll have to get back to the part where you almost ran down to the field to check on me.” He laughed to himself.

  “Okay, comedian, don’t quit your day job.”

  “All right, let’s talk about Emmy, but don’t forget you used to think I was funny.”

  Not really. He used to think he was funny and I loved him enough to pretend really well. I let it slide; there was no sense in bursting his bubble now. “This is a little uncomfortable for me, for obvious reasons, but Emmy has some serious self-esteem issues, and some of those stem from kids making fun of her.”

  “Kids make fun of her? She’s never said anything to me about it.”

  “Well, I think she’s embarrassed to talk to you because you’re a guy.”

  “But I’m her dad,
and basically her mom.”

  As curious as I was about that last part, I didn’t hone in on it. I needed to at least keep some distance here. That brochure was false advertising at its best. “This isn’t an indictment against you. It’s just there are some things girls are more comfortable talking to women about.”

  “Did she start her period?” I had never heard him so panicked.

  “Calm down, Dad, she didn’t start her period. That would be a little tough to hide.”

  I heard him let out a huge sigh of relief. I laughed at him some.

  “If it’s not her period, then what?”

  “For starters, she’s self-conscious about her looks; she wants her hair to be done every day.”

  “Uh …” he stuttered.

  “Don’t worry, Ashley and I can cover that one. We’ll do a hair-styling boot camp this summer.”

  “Thanks,” he said gratefully.

  “You’re welcome, but you’re going to need to decide whether she’s old enough to shave her legs.”

  “What? She’s nine.”

  “Yeah, well, some kids have made fun of her because of it, and she’s embarrassed.”

  I could picture him rubbing his neck while I silently waited for his reply.

  “What do you think?” he asked after a long pause.

  “Easton, this is your call.”

  “Please, Taylor? How old was Ashley when you let her start shaving her legs?”

  “I let her start the first year of middle school, so she was eleven. But Emmy and Ashley are very different,” I threw in there for good measure.

  He sighed and I could almost hear the wheels turning in his brain.

  “I think you should let her,” I lobbed out into the silence. I knew it wasn’t my place, but I figured it wasn’t going to harm her. Yes, she was young, but she needed to feel good about herself.


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