Beating Hearts (A Contemporary and Paranormal Valentine Anthology)

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Beating Hearts (A Contemporary and Paranormal Valentine Anthology) Page 8

by Krystal Shannan

  As the credits began to scroll and everyone stood up to make their way out, I continued to sit next to Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome. I always liked waiting until the end of the credits. You never could tell what might pop up. Plus, it was easier getting out of the theater without being pushed and shoved while everyone else hurried to make their exit. I glanced to my right. Not only was he still sitting beside me, but was staring at me as well.

  “Aren’t you going to make your way out of here?”

  He smiled. For some reason it made my stomach flip. “I was waiting on the cute blonde sitting next to me.” Feeling my cheeks flush, I looked down at my hands in an attempt to try and compose myself before looking back into his lovely green eyes. “You’re blushing.”

  Shit. “Am I?” Don’t play coy Samantha.

  The handsome man stood then held his hand out in front of me. I placed my small hand into his as he pulled me to my feet. “Would you like to get a drink with me?”

  There was no way in hell I was saying no to that. “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Are names important to you?” He smirked while still holding my hand in his.

  “Only if I’m going to have a drink with someone.”

  “Well, if that’s the case. My name is Drew.” He began to lead me out of the theater still hand in hand.

  “Don’t you want to know my name?”

  He glanced back. “Maybe.”

  We walked out of the theater into the crowded lobby then made our way toward the bar which was also full of people. Once we reached the hostess, I was sure the wait was going to be at least an hour. Drew smiled as she acknowledged him. As she walked away, I looked back up at him.

  “You may want to know my name?”

  Another striking smile. “It depends on if I still like you after getting a few drinks in your system.”

  I laughed. “Are you planning on taking advantage?”

  “Not at all.” He winked at me causing the butterflies in my stomach to do cart wheels.

  Within mere seconds, the hostess returned and we followed her to a small round table in the back of the room. Hidden in the shadows, my handsome stranger ordered us two glasses of wine as I watched the waitress smile at him. I took a small amount of pride in knowing he’d chosen me to sit with him that night.

  The waitress set down the two glasses, smiled, and walked away. Drew picked up his glass and I followed suit. “A toast to happy surprises on Valentine’s Day.”

  “I will drink to that.”

  I went to toast our happy evening, but before our glasses met he stopped mid-air. “Now tell me your name.”

  A smile spread across my face. Do I give him my real name or a fake one?

  “Dawn.” My middle name would suffice.

  He closed his eyes for a split second before smiling again. “The name suits you. Cheers Dawn.”


  Drew and I talked for hours. We talked family, friends, and hobbies until we looked around to realize the bar was empty. Every time he touched my hand or brushed the hair away from my face the butterflies in my stomach fluttered. As we downed the rest of our wine, he placed his hand against mine once more.

  “It seems as though we closed down the bar.”

  I looked around again, noticing there wasn’t one person still sitting at a table. What time was it? I glanced at my watch to see it was already two o’clock in the morning. Tomorrow was going to suck.

  “Yes it seems that we have.”

  I began to stand as Drew reached for my hand, and I fell right back onto the seat. “You may slap me for this but I don’t want to let you go just yet.”

  I had suddenly forgotten how to breathe. I didn’t want to let go either, but should I sleep with him so soon? My body was answering yes while my head was saying something entirely different. My heart apparently was Switzerland. He stood, bringing me along with him so that we were standing millimeters from each other. I looked up into his gorgeous green eyes and placed my free hand against his chest. I would follow my body tonight. Why not? Come tomorrow I would never see him again.

  “Walk me home?”

  He nodded. We walked out of the bar and turned to walk toward my home. Luckily my home was a pent house suite on the top floor of a hotel only a dozen yards away. We arrived at the revolving front doors of the hotel and I stopped.

  “I don’t believe this hotel charges by the hour, my dear.”

  I smacked his arm with the back of my hand. “I live here smart ass.”

  Drew looked dumb founded. “Here? You live here?”

  “Yes. The top five floors are pent houses for local residents.”

  Drew took my hand once more as we walked in. I sent a greeting to the night-time desk clerk before we made our way to the elevators. We stepped into the elevator. Thankfully we were alone, because Drew wasted no time in showing me how he felt.

  Each of his hands were on the sides of my face while his lips crashed into mine. I didn’t push him away, I reveled in his kiss. He tasted like wine and chocolate from the sundae we shared earlier at the bar. The elevator ding brought me back to my senses. Both of us anxious to continue, we practically sprinted to my pent house door. I slipped the key card in and opened the door. I tossed my purse on the side table before I stripped my sweater off my shoulders. The sound of his shoes landing on the floor was all I could hear behind me. I unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down, I walked into my bedroom. I was standing in front of my king sized bed, he came up to me from behind. His hardness pressed against my ass, sent chills down my spine. Drew ran his nose up and down the side of neck while I tried to keep my breathing in check.

  “You smell divine Dawn.”

  Yes I needed this. One night of passion with a stranger without any strings attached. It had been almost a year since I had sex and I needed it now more than ever before.

  Drew nibbled at the base of my neck line then he wrapped his long arm around my waist, pulling me against him. He gently turned me around so I was facing him, and while tangling his fingers in my hair he kissed me. It was deep and consuming. My knees threatened to buckle as his tongue met mine. My hands ran up his strong arms and into his dark hair. I pulled to deepen the kiss, and felt his cock jump. His hands found my ass. He pressed me into him and I became breathless. I already had chills running down my spine from his touch. He slowly moved me backwards so that I laid on the bed as he followed suit. He lay on top of me, kissing my body from my neck down to the middle of my breasts. He took one hard nipple into his mouth and my back arched off the mattress, begging for more. He suckled the nub hard and pinched the other with his fingers, causing me to moan in approval. My legs refused to lie still as he caressed my body with his fingers.

  “I love how your body responds to me Dawn.”

  I moaned. I couldn’t form words. My mind was spinning uncontrollably.

  He kissed his way down my chest to my stomach. Then he reached my core. He stopped and looked up at me. “God you are so beautiful.”

  I felt tears in my eyes, but before I could savor the moment his tongue ran up my sensitive slit.

  “You are so wet already.” He licked again, causing me to cry out. “Are you ready for me Dawn?”

  Breathless I answered, “Yes! Dear God yes!” It took me a moment before it hit me and I sat up slightly to eye him questionably, “Condom?”

  “Shit! I forgot. Hold on. Don’t go anywhere.” He winked as he walked over to where his pants laid on the soft carpet and pulled one out of his pocket.

  “Were you expecting to get lucky tonight, sir?”

  He laughed as he opened the silver square and slid the condom down the length of him. “Not really. No. But I believe in always being prepared in case a hot woman decides to jump me in a movie theater.”

  I couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped my lips as he climbed back on top of me. “Now where were we?”

  “You were about to fuck me.”

  He crashed his lips into mine
without any further explanation. I could taste myself on his tongue, which only caused me to squirm beneath him more. He brushed my hair away from my face as he leaned down to whisper, “Are you ready for me now?”

  “Yes please. Now.”

  He slid into me slowly, allowing my body a few seconds to get used to the largeness of him. It had definitely been awhile. Too long in fact. I almost forgot how amazing sex felt. He pulled out and slowly entered me again causing a loud moan as my hips surged forward to meet his. He moved faster and I moved with him. With each thrust I felt my body wanting more. He placed both of his hands against my face and tangled his fingers in my hair, pinning me in place as he thrust again and again.

  The room was spinning as my body began to tense. Drew’s breath came out in loud hard pants. I could barely breathe. Suddenly the tingle of my orgasm threatened to consume me. My toes curled and my back came off the bed. I felt his chiseled chest against mine and with another thrust I cried out in sweet agonizing pleasure while my orgasm washed over me. He shouted when he found his release as well and with a few more thrusts he collapsed against the mattress next to me.

  After a few moments of silence, between catching our breath, he looked over at me with a smile on face. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I just smiled back and said, “Thank you.”

  He laughed, pulled the condom off, and tossed it aside. “Anytime sweetness.”

  “Would you like to stay?”

  He kissed the tip of my nose as he smiled down at me. “I would love to stay, but I have an important job interview in the morning. Since I just moved here a couple weeks ago from Chicago, I should probably make a good first impression.”

  I rolled over and slid out of bed. Pulled an oversized t-shirt out of my dresser and followed him to the door. “Yeah, I have an important meeting in the morning as well. I’ll only get four hours of sleep, but it was worth it.”

  “Yes sexy. It was definitely worth it.”

  We paused in my entry. Neither of us asked for phone numbers. I assumed most didn’t during one-night stands. He kissed me one more time before opening the door.

  “See you around, Dawn.”


  I closed the door and went to lay down hoping to get a few good hours of sleep. I didn’t shower or change the sheets yet, I wanted the smell of him to linger a little longer. I would wash them tomorrow after work.


  “Is my ten o’clock here yet, Jessica?” I was frustrated. After two interviews already that morning, both of which had terrible job histories I was stressing. I had two days to fill this position for a new Investment Relations Manager and it wasn’t looking good so far.

  “Not yet, Sam. Geez, you’re awfully stressed for someone that got laid last night. Here drink this.” Jessica handed over a latte with an extra shot of espresso.

  “How do you…?”

  Jessica took a sip of her latte and smiled wickedly at me. “Please Samantha. I’ve known you our entire lives. I know when you’ve done the dirty. There’s a glow about you. Right now it’s a frustrated crazy glow, but still a glow is there.”

  There were definite disadvantages to working with your best friend however, I would’ve given up this entire investment company years ago if it wasn’t for Jessica. “Ugh. Okay. You know me. But let’s put a pin in it for now shall we? I’ve got too many other things to think about.”

  Jessica smiled as she began to walk out of my office. “Okay, but you’re spilling all the juicy details later.”

  Once Jessica was back at her desk, I poured over the application for the next potential manager. He looked promising. A degree in Economics and Business. Jobs in previous investment firms out of Chicago. Having someone from a big city working here would definitely help bring in some bigger clients. “Is he here yet Jessica?” I called out into the front office.

  “It’s five until ten Sam. Keep your panties on.”


  “Yes Ms. Johnson.”

  “Thank you.”

  I decided to try to relax for a few minutes. I kicked back in my chair and drank my latte. As I closed my eyes, I could still see Drew in front of me. He was naked and running his fingers down my body. The memory gave me chills. I almost hated not getting his number last night.

  The sound of Jessica calling, thankfully over the phone this time instead of yelling, snapped me out of my fantasy. “Your ten o’clock meeting is here Ms. Johnson.”

  I reached over and pressed the speaker button, “Thank you Jessica. Send him in please.”

  I stood up and flattened my skirt down as he walked in. “You don’t have to try very hard to impress me, Ms. Johnson. After all, I’m the one that you’re interviewing.”

  My head snapped up as the familiar voice announced his presence. I could hardly believe my eyes. Drew was standing in front of me in a full three piece Armani suit, looking even more delicious than he had the night before. Stunned, I stared. He’s my ten o’clock?

  He stalked toward me, confidence flowing from his body. He extended his hand. “Nice to see you again Ms. Johnson.”

  Words. I needed to form words. Get it together Samantha. I gave myself a mental shake and placed my hand into his. I immediately felt the sexual energy from last night. “Yes. It is nice to see you again Mr. Ummm…”

  “Morgan. Andrew Morgan.” He stopped and gave a small laugh. “God, I sound like James Bond. Drew is fine. Like it was last night.” He winked.

  “Yes. Mr. Morgan. Have a seat please.” I looked over his resume again. I had looked it over at least five times. I knew it front to back by heart, but I needed just a few moments to regain my composure.

  He sat down in the chair in front of me, smiling like a boy being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Drew, or Andrew is also fine.”

  I looked up from his resume. “Excuse me?”

  “You can call me Andrew.”

  “Yes. Andrew. So, how long have you lived here?”

  “I think we covered that last night.”

  He was right. “Yes. We did. However, I’m trying very hard to be professional right now and you are not helping.”

  Andrew sat straight up, adjusted his tie, and changed his face from playful to serious. “Yes ma’am. I have lived here a few weeks. Just moved from Chicago where I held a similar job for Morgan & Jones.”

  I pulled out my most professional persona. “What made you move from a big city like Chicago to this much smaller city in Alabama?”

  He gave a nod. “To be completely honest Ms. Johnson, there’s a ton of potential here in Huntsville. It may be in Alabama, but there has been so much growth here over the years. I researched many cities before deciding on this one.”

  “Interesting. How long did you work at Morgan & Jones?”

  “Ten years. I began my career with them. My father is the CEO there.”

  I continued to stare at his resume, careful to keep myself in check. The sound of his voice was driving me crazy. Thankfully my legs were under my desk because I had crossed them and uncrossed them multiple times.

  “You have excellent references, Andrew.”

  “I work very hard, Ms. Johnson.”

  I already knew from earlier that I wanted to hire him. His resume had been the most impressive of all I’d seen. After meeting him now, I was a little apprehensive. Could we work together after our one night together? Would it make the work place uncomfortable? I already knew the answer to that question. Yes.

  Sensing my internal struggle, Andrew scooted to the edge of his chair to look at me. Nothing but professionalism on his face. “Ms. Johnson.” I looked up to acknowledge him as he continued. “Please don’t let last night affect your decision. I was just as stunned as you were when I walked in. I swear to you that it will not affect my work, and if you’d like we never have to speak of last night again if that is your wish.” Satisfied, he sat back in his chair as I battled with my decision.

  “Can you start tomorrow?”
  “I will be here bright and early, Ms. Johnson.”

  I stood up behind my desk and extended my hand. “Then welcome aboard, Mr. Morgan. It will be a pleasure working with you.”

  “Thank you Ms. Johnson.”

  He turned and walked out of the office. I fell back into my chair, trying to catch my breath just as Jessica walked back in. “What in the hell was that?” She bellowed from the doorframe.

  I threw my head back. “Ugh. What?”

  Jessica walked in and plopped down into the chair Andrew had been sitting in. “I have never seen you so flustered in a job interview before. What was going on? Wait…”

  This was another moment I hated working with my best friend.

  “Holy hell! Was that the guy you banged last night?”

  “Damn it Jessica! Shut up!”

  “It was! Oh my God what are the odds? And you hired him? Wow. He must have been really good.” She was laughing so hard I almost expected her to hit the floor.

  “Yes. Jessica, I hired him. His resume was the best out of all of them. Plus, with him here we will be roping in some major clients.”

  “Plus, you can have a little fun in the office.”


  She held up her hands in a defensive manner. “Fine. Fine. But we’re going out to dinner tonight so you can tell me everything. And I mean everything.”

  What had I gotten myself into?


  The rest of the day seemed to fly by without any other issues. After my morning with Drew, I needed a low stress day. They didn’t come along very often. Jessica and I had made our way to Connors, and I had already spilled the beans about my night with Drew.


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