Hunting Heroes: A Superhero Novel

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Hunting Heroes: A Superhero Novel Page 4

by Pozel, Derek

  “This is unbelievable,” Ethan said. “It moved when I tried to touch It, but I couldn’t feel anything.”

  Garrett watched his friend move his hands over his shoulder. While Ethan moved his hand down his arm he willed the energy to flare up around his hand.

  Ethan jerked his hand away and cradled it into his chest. “I really hate you sometimes.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Garrett said with a mischievous grin on his face. “I’m going to try to turn it off.” Garrett focused again and pulled back the reins on the power he emitted. Instantaneously, the aura and the glow from his hands faded away to leave behind an average looking Garrett once again.

  Garrett winked at his friend with his good eye and emitted the aura again. “I think I got it now. That’s what happens when I loosen up a bit.”

  “Maybe it’s a shield or something?” Ethan rubbed his chin again. “But my hand did pass through it. What happens when you let it all go?”

  “No idea. And I don’t want to find out either,” Garrett said. “Maybe it helps the power burn away faster. This sucks, because I don’t want to keep it if I don’t have to. I’m not sure if I am immune to them with these powers.”

  “We knew so little about your powers. We still have way too many question,” Ethan said.

  “A know a few ways how to find out,” Garrett said with a sly smile.

  “Let’s hope you don’t get stuck with it,” Ethan clapped his hands together. “Having this power might tempt you into doing something stupid.”

  Garrett turned to face a row of trees a few yards away. “I think I’ve done enough stupid stuff for tonight.” Garrett looked over his shoulder. “Well, maybe I’ll try one more thing. Stand back.”

  Garrett dug his heels into the ground when he planted his feet. He raised his right hand up away from his body and the energy began to flow again. He wiggled his fingers and focused on the sensation tingling in his hands. He lined his right arm up with one of the trees across the clearing. He balled his hand into a tight fist. For a single moment he loosened the torrent of power and directed it through his outstretched hand. The energy which pulsated around his right hand flashed brightly for a millisecond before it jumped forward into a beam of energy. It streaked through the night air and struck the tree with a thunderous boom. The tree shuddered from the sheer force of the impact.

  “Wow!” Both friends yelled in unison and sprang into a sprint to examine the tree. Garrett’s right hand left a trail of blurred light when he rushed forward.

  “I told you!” Ethan ran two steps behind Garrett, a huge smile plastered on his face. “I told you!”

  “I cracked the tree,” Garrett mouthed the words. “I can’t believe I cracked the damn tree.” Garrett’s fingers traced the circler crack his power caused. “It’s not hot or anything. This is nuts, I never thought I can do this.” He glanced over to Ethan with a gleam in his eyes and a knowing grin across his face.

  Ethan placed his face right up to the tree, his eyes wide open. “This is unbelievable.”

  “I think I let a little too much out that time,” Garrett shook his head, his lips parted. “I’ll kill someone if I hit them with this beam. The scary thing is, I only let go a little.”

  “That was a little?” Ethan asked. “How much power do you have? Imagine if you used both hands?”

  Garrett shrugged, and could not take his eyes off his scarred hands. “It’s like I punched it from 20 yards away. No burns or anything. It would make my life easier if I had this before I took someone’s power. There has to be a reason why I don’t. What the hell am I?”

  Ethan placed a hand on Garrett’s shoulder. “You’re still, Garret, don’t forget it.”

  “I know, I know,” Garrett lowered his head.

  “Maybe, a bit more super powered than we thought,” Ethan said with a wink and dropped his hand from Garrett’s shoulder. “I think we should get going. Someone could have heard that, even out here.”

  Garrett turned on his heels and ran back to where he had shot the beam. “Sounds good, let me try one more thing. Come on!”

  Ethan followed in tow and could not take his eyes off Garrett.

  “Stand back,” Garrett motioned to Ethan to keep clear. “I’m going to try it with my hand open this time to see if it does anything different. Then we can go,”

  Garrett raised his right hand again and made another tight fist. He opened his hand and pointed his open palm at the same tree he had blasted a few minutes ago. Once again, he directed the power through his hand and unleashed another beam of energy. A brilliant black beam exploded from his hand and hummed through the air before it crashed into the same tree again. The tree exploded into fragments of splintered wood where the beam tore through it. The trees behind Garrett’s target met a similar fate.

  “We definitely have to go now!” Ethan grabbed Garrett by his hood and pulled him away from the scene. Garrett’s eyes glued to the heap of smoldering wood he created.

  “It is different,” Garrett said. He followed Ethan back through the woods. “Everything will be different now. I have a chance.”

  Chapter 5

  Garrett plodded through the dimly lit hallway; his heavy black boots skidded along the coarse gray carpet. He reached into his jean pocket for his keys and heard the laughter of a woman coming from the other side of the door to his apartment. He fumbled with the keys so they would hear he was home. Garrett rolled his eyes when he stepped into the small foyer of their apartment.

  “Honey, I’m home!” Garrett shut the door behind him and walked down the hall. His fingers traced over a picture of Emma, Ethan and himself at the zoo when they were children when he passed it. There were little reminders scattered across the apartment, a constant remainder of their loss.

  “Did you bring any coffee?” Denise peeked her head out into the hallway and frowned. “I see your hands are empty.”

  “I didn’t know I was supposed to,” Garrett’s shoulders drooped. “No one tells me anything.”

  “Morning Garrett,” Ethan leaned against the kitchen counter.

  “Well look who is still in his pajamas at noon,” Garrett said.

  Ethan tugged his Bears sweatshirt. “I’m dressed.”

  Denise glanced over her shoulder with a shy smile on her lips. Garrett pulled on her sandy blond hair, which hung in a loose ponytail when he bounced past her.

  “You should bring me coffee every day after what I did to fix that face of yours,” Denise examined her former patient with her light brown eyes. “Trust me, it was not easy.”

  “I agree with Denise,” Ethan said. “You couldn’t look any worse than you did before the fight.”

  “What are you talking about?” Garrett said. “I’m a handsome bastard, even with a black eye and some scratches. They add character.” Garrett poked Ethan in the ribs and gave his best friend a poor attempt at a wink.

  “What were you guys up to in here anyway?” Garrett noticed the awkward glance they shared when he asked.

  “Talking about grown up stuff. You know like working, paying rent, being a responsible adult,” Denise said. “Stuff you don’t do.”

  “Hey now, I got laid off and I have tried to find a job. Substitute teaching is not a hot field right now,” Garrett threw his jacket over the back of a chair in their small dining area.

  “I still can’t believe anyone allowed you near children,” Denise said.

  “Had to do something with a history degree,” Garrett said with a shrug. “Did you guys make any breakfast? I’m starving.”

  “You know it’s almost lunch time right?” Denise said. “I think you have to be up before noon for breakfast and definitely showered.” Denise stepped up to Garrett and gripped his stubble covered jaw. She stood on her toes to inspect the bruises on his face and crinkled her nose when she examined him.

  She patted Garrett on his cheek. “You’re healing fast. Most of this is already healed,” She traced her finger along the right side of Garrett’s face.
/>   “See Ethan, I’m a fast healer like I’m special or something,” Garrett chuckled at his own remark. “I know you’re jealous.”

  “You’re special in a different way,” Denise said. “Ethan is too smart to get into bar fights. You, not so much.”

  Garrett’s arms fell to his side, a scoff escaped from his lips. “You have the wrong idea about me. I am up before noon, I workout, jog and take naps to keep me going.”

  Denise rolled her eyes. “I see you asleep more than awake.” She pressed the bruise above his eye.

  “You always catch me when I’m taking one of my naps,” Garrett sucked in air through his teeth. “You sure are all hands this morning?”

  Ethan stood with a wide smile on his face, his eyes drifted every few seconds over to Denise as they always did when she was in the room. Her lose fitting sweatpants and sweatshirt masked the curves she chose not to display around the two friends.

  “Stop getting into fights,” Ethan said, “and maybe she won’t have to see how you’re healing.” Ethan thrust his chin out. “Hopefully, you learned your lesson.”

  “Maybe, I like getting into fights so Denise can come over and check on me,” Garrett winked at Denise and shot a glance over to Ethan. Ethan groaned and covered his eyes, shaking his head.

  Denise grabbed Garrett’s navy blue shirt and started to pull it up. “Let’s see those ribs.”

  Garrett gave Ethan a wide toothy grin. “See, I didn’t even have to do anything and Denise can’t keep her hands off me. She is literally taking my clothes off.”

  “You wish Garrett,” Denise said. “What is with you and these stretchy shirts? I swear you must have a closet full of them.”

  “How do you know I have a closet full of them? Are you sneaking into my room?” Garrett raised an arm and flexed. “See these scrawny muscles? It’s why I wear them, so people can actually see them.”

  “You’re ridiculous. How are your ribs? Do they hurt?” Denise’s fingers probe his lean naked chest.

  “My ribs don’t hurt that much anymore,” Garrett said. “They’re still kind of sore, please don’t push too hard.” Garrett jerked away from Denise’s small fingers. “Like I said, don’t push too hard.”

  “Sorry,” Denise said and bit her lower lip.

  Garrett’s face drained of color. “I thought nurses were supposed to be gentle and warm. I swear you have the coldest hands I have ever felt.”

  Ethan covered his face and laughed at his friend. “You are such a wimp sometimes. When was the last time you had a woman’s hands on your body.”

  “Shut up Ethan,” Garrett said. “It’s been just as long for you.”

  “Quit being a baby,” Denise poked his ribs and Garrett groaned. “You cry more than the babies in the maternity ward.” She pulled his shirt down and walked back to stand by Ethan with a devilish smirk on her face.

  “This is what I get for helping a poor defenseless woman,” Garrett said. “It’s what I do, I help people.” Garrett followed her back into the kitchen. “I didn’t know her boyfriend was the size of a linebacker for the Bears.”

  “Knowing you, I doubt you were that direct,” Denise said. “I can’t even imagine you approaching a woman. I know you two aren’t telling me the whole story. But, it’s fine. Why are you being quiet now, Ethan?”

  “I told you what he told me,” Ethan said. “You know how he is.”

  Garrett nodded with a crooked grin on his face.

  “We told you the truth,” Garrett said. “You think I would pick a fight? You know me better than that. Look at me, I am definitely not a fighter.” Garrett extended his arms out and spun where he stood. “This body is meant for other things.”

  “Like napping,” Ethan said.

  Garrett pointed at Ethan. “That is one of them. I can’t help it, I love taking naps.”

  Denise covered her eyes and sighed. “There is something wrong with you.”

  Ethan glanced to his friend. “If only you knew.”

  Garrett’s lips curved into a slight frown. “You guys are mean.”

  “I still think you guys are hiding something,” Denise said. “Whatever, that’s your deal.”

  The two friends gave each other a glance no one would miss.

  “You two are always whispering and giving each other these looks,” Denise said. “You’re like school girls with your secrets. It’s like I’m back in high school when I come over.”

  “Did they leave you out?” Garrett flashed his dark blue eyes.

  “Nope, I was one of them,” Denise said, “I grew out of it. You two, did not.”

  “It’s not me, it’s him,” Ethan said. “You do not want to know what he’s whispering. It’s kind of vulgar.”

  “Not all the time,” Garrett fiddled with his shirt.

  Denise narrowed her eyes. “Before I forgot, what are you two doing for Halloween? There’s a club in the ‘burbs that has someone from the Assembly as a special guest. I thought you’d want to go and get out of here. I mean, if you’re ok going to a club with an Afflicted.” She tilted her head, and locked eyes with Ethan.

  “I think, we’ll be ok with that,” Garrett’s eyes gazed over, his heart began to beat faster at the thought of another hunt.

  Ethan’s mouth fell open.

  “What do you think Ethan?” Garrett placed a hand on his friends shoulder. “It could be fun for us to get out there.”

  Denise placed her hand on Ethan’s other shoulder and gazed into his eyes. “For once, Garrett may be right. Let’s enjoy a night away and let loose.”

  “You know I will,” Garrett said.

  “Yeah, we’ll go,” Ethan bowed his head.

  Garrett’s eyes lit up when he stepped away from the two friends. “Wait, are you asking me to go so Ethan goes? I don’t want to be the third wheel on your little date.”

  Garrett received cold icy stares from Denise and Ethan. “Which Afflicted is going to be there anyways?”

  “No, I’m asking you because I want you to be there too,” she said. “I think it’s Stone something. The hot model one.”

  “Granite? He is annoying,” Garrett said. “Maybe, I won’t go. Then you guys can have a nice little date in an overpriced and overcrowded nightclub.”

  Denise’s face flushed with red. “You’re going,” Denise said. “I know you keep up with everything Afflicted. I wonder about you.”

  “If you knew what he talks about behind closed doors,” Ethan’s eyes lingered on Denise for a second too long.

  Denise’s eyes blinked rapidly. “Granite is hot though, he has a rock hard body. See what I did there?” Denise made herself laugh and the others did not. “I’ve been hanging around you guys too much.”

  “It was a horrible joke,” Garrett said, “an Ethan type joke.”

  “It’s kind of a dumb name in my opinion. It sounds too generic.” Denise said.

  “He gives away his power in his name,” Ethan said. “If I had powers, I’d name myself the opposite of what I could do, to throw everyone off.”

  Denise and Garrett both gave Ethan a curious look.

  “What?” Ethan held up his hands. “It’s a good idea.”

  “I like it, I think you’re on to something,” Garrett said. “But Granite’s a spokesman for horrible tasting energy drink. Did you expect a clever name from someone like him?”

  Denise crinkled her nose. “The energy drink tastes so bad.”

  “Wasn’t Granite dating Valkyrie or something?” Garrett blew a very poor wolf whistle from his lips. “Why can’t I meet a woman like that?”

  Denise chuckled. “Of course you’re attracted to her, it explains a lot about you. You have the same taste in women that 12-year-old boys do. I do think you’re a little jealous of him. He has super powers, he’s good looking, fights crime and has a bunch of endorsement deals. Sounds like the total package to me. I wonder if he’s single.”

  Ethan let out a throaty laugh. “Garrett’s jealous because he can’t do anything special
and could never get a woman like Valkyrie. I bet he has a poster of her hidden in the back of his closet.”

  “Maybe I do. Want to borrow it?” Garrett said and narrowed his eyes at his two friends. “What are you going to dress up as Denise? Naughty schoolgirl? Naughty teacher? Or are you going with one of my personal favorites, the naughty nurse. It would be fitting since you are a nurse.”

  Denise released a slight cough. “Why does everything have to be naughty? I was thinking about going as well, a regular non-naughty nurse that saves lives and helps people.”

  “One of the real heroes of the world,” Garrett said with a straight face. “I’m being serious.”

  “You’re right, we are. I’m glad I can get a night off and hang out with my weird neighbors,” Denise said.

  “I’m not the weird one, he is,” Ethan motioned towards Garrett with his head. “You’re going as something you do for a living? Aren’t you supposed to dress different than you normally do?”

  “Doesn’t sound fun at all,” Garrett said. “Halloween’s about dressing up sexy and letting go.” Garrett shook his hips and waved his arms.

  “Please, tell me that’s not how you dance,” Denise said and could not stop herself from laughing.

  “It is how he dances,” Ethan said. “It gets worse.”

  “I hate both of you,” Garrett crossed his arms across his chest. “I think the rule is to show as much skin as possible Denise. You should look it up.”

  “I’m wearing my scrubs, sorry to disappoint you,” Denise said.

  “Wear whatever you want,” Ethan said. “Don’t listen to him.”

  Denise put her hands on her hips. “Are you going to wear something naughty?”

  “Your call Denise,” Garrett said. “I’m just saying, naughty gets a man’s attention.” Garrett glanced over to Ethan.

  “You know what would be awesome,” Garrett held up his hands, his eyes lit up. “If Ethan dressed up as a doctor and you could be his naughty nurse. No, even better Ethan could be the naughty nurse.” Garrett reached for one of Ethan’s round cheeks and gave it a pinch before Ethan slapped it away. “It would be the cutest thing ever and horrifying at the same time.”


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