Flings and Arrows

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Flings and Arrows Page 20

by Debbie Viggiano

  Dawn typed Blackfen Primary School into the search box. Two hundred and seventy eight members. That narrowed things down considerably. As she slowly tapped in the letters spelling out Barry Hastings’ name, Dawn wondered why Si’s wife was on the brink of an affair. True, Steph had been as mad as a hornet discovering her husband in a compromising situation with a naked woman. But nothing had happened. And as for this mysterious Amanda woman – Dawn was one hundred per cent sure Si was blameless. So why didn’t Steph believe her husband’s innocence? Perhaps Steph was simply looking for an excuse to have an affair herself.

  Barry Hastings’ profile picture winked into view. Dawn sucked in her breath. She silently applauded Steph on bagging such a gorgeous guy. Poor Si. Despite him being immune to Dawn’s charms, or maybe because of it, Si had soared in Dawn’s estimation. What she wouldn’t give for a loyal husband like him, battling to keep his wife. Barry Hastings might be beautiful eye candy, but Dawn could tell the man was trouble at ten paces. After years of jaundiced experience, she was a seasoned pro. She’d developed a nose for these things. Dawn didn’t feel perturbed that she was participating in a plan to lure Barry away from Steph. After all, Steph already had a man. A very nice man.

  Dawn selected Friend Request and typed a personal message. Hello Barry. I very briefly went to Blackfen Primary School. You may not remember me. However, I certainly remember you! Would love to get together. Hope to hear from you soon. Kiss kiss.

  Now all she had to do was play the waiting game. Dawn checked her reflection in the mirror and re-applied some lipstick. Picking up the phone, she checked the screen. Good heavens. That was quick. Her friend request had been accepted. What did Si want her to do now?

  Swinging out of the Ladies, Dawn sought out Si. He was down on his hands and knees fiddling with some pipe work. Dawn waggled her phone in front of Si’s eyes.


  Si froze. ‘Quick work. Well done.’ Si studied the screen. ‘What does this number mean?’

  Dawn peered at the phone. ‘A message.’ She tapped at the screen and read aloud. ‘Hi Dawn! How very nice to hear from you. I must confess I don’t remember you – which is puzzling because I never usually forget a pretty face! Any Blackfen Babe is a friend of mine and I’d love to get together. Love Barry.’

  Si gave a twisted smile. ‘Excellent. Ask him if he’s available tonight.’

  ‘Okay. Hang on. He’s on-line right now.’ Dawn tapped out the message. Seconds later she had a response. ‘I have a prior engagement tonight but am free all day tomorrow.’

  ‘No,’ growled Si. ‘It has to be tonight. Persuade him to cancel his date with Steph. Send him a saucy message.’

  ‘I don’t want him thinking I’m a tart Si.’

  ‘Why not? I want him to believe he’s on a promise.’

  ‘Let me think a minute.’ Dawn nibbled her bottom lip and then began to tap the screen. ‘How very disappointing. I’m going away tomorrow for a month. I don’t suppose there’s any chance of you re-arranging your plans tonight? I can come to yours if that helps.’

  ‘Hang on.’ Si pulled Steph’s mobile phone from his pocket. ‘I’ve just had a brainwave.’ He scrolled through Steph’s list of contacts. There was Barry’s name. Si went to Messaging. His fingers fumbled with the keys. He wasn’t used to predictive text. Hello Barry. Bad news! Have to cancel our rendezvous tonight. Will call tomorrow and explain everything. Stick to texting because I can’t speak on phone. Love Steph xx

  Dawn arched an eyebrow. ‘That’s a bit below the belt. Stealing your wife’s phone.’

  ‘I didn’t steal it. She left it in the van. But I’m not beneath using her phone to my own advantage. Oh here we go. A message from Super Prat. Darling Steffy. No problem. I await hearing from you. Millions of kisses. Right. Keep watching your screen. Any response?’

  Dawn could feel her breath quickening. She wondered if undercover agents felt like she did right now. Here she was deviously planning the downfall of a gorgeous man’s relationship before it had even begun. She found the experience quite empowering. Her mobile screen indicated a response to her message.

  ‘He’s replied.’ She read out Barry’s message. ‘Would you believe my date has just cancelled? Clearly our meeting was meant to be! I have lobster and champagne in the fridge and nobody to share it with. Forgive my familiarity, but would you accept an invitation for dinner at my apartment tonight, around sevenish?’

  ‘Smooth git,’ Si puffed out his cheeks.

  ‘If I accept this invitation, where will you be?’

  ‘I won’t be far away, don’t you worry. And so will Steph. She’s going to be none the wiser.’ Si winked at Dawn. ‘Our Steffy is going to turn up at eight o’clock, as pre-arranged. You’ll have just one hour’s grace to get some love interest going. When Barry opens the door to Steph, I want her to see sparks flying between you and him. If you could instigate greeting my wife in your birthday suit, even better. I want Steph to be in no doubt that she’s interrupted slap and tickle.’

  ‘Well pet. The good news is that I just happen to like lobster and champagne. And even better, I like the look of Golden Boy.’

  ‘Go on then. Give him an answer.’

  ‘Okay. Your invitation sounds divine. Just like you. Kiss kiss.’

  Dawn suddenly found herself in a bear hug with Si. He gave her a resounding smacker on the forehead.

  ‘Good girl,’ he said gruffly.

  Dawn gave a little shiver of anticipation. Never had a Saturday night date been so highly anticipated.

  Chapter Fifty Four

  From the moment Steph had walked through Tesco’s automatic doors, she’d had a nagging feeling something was missing. In the staff room, Steph had done a quick recce. Matching shoes? Yes. Handbag? Yes. Mobile phone? Uh-oh. She’d patted her pockets. Empty. Unzipping her handbag, she’d stuck a hand in and foraged frantically. Steph had then spent her entire working day fretting about the phone’s whereabouts. She’d initially been sure the phone was in Si’s van. But by the time Steph had finished her shift, doubt had set in. And now, as she walked to the bus stop, she struggled to remember if she’d actually left the house with it.

  Steph shuffled onto the bus, crammed amongst a crowd of late afternoon Saturday shoppers. Fighting her way to a seat, she hoped the phone hadn’t been lost. The last place she’d had it for sure was on her bedside table – when Barry had called last night. Steph mentally cringed as she recalled that conversation. And with Si lying right next to her! She’d been very cross with Barry. He had his Decree Absolutes safely filed away. Along with a couple of Death Certificates for good measure. But Steph didn’t. She was still married to Husband Number One. With a marriage certificate in full working order. And whilst she had no doubt that solicitors would eventually be employed to change this status, she didn’t want to further upset the matrimonial applecart. Not just yet. She wanted a straightforward divorce with no accusations of adultery on her part.

  The bus stopped at the corner of Jessamine Terrace. Steph jumped off and gratefully sucked in fresh air. Somebody on the bus had reeked of garlic. Walking along, her thoughts turned back to Barry. She wasn’t so naive as to realise that Barry was probably hoping romantic things would happen tonight. But he’d just have to take no for an answer. Having a snog outside the station was one thing. Taking a running jump into Barry’s bed was something else. Steph replayed Barry’s kiss and felt a bit of knee tremble coming on. Might it be best to not even snog? Yes. They’d stick to gazing into each other’s eyes and brushing hands over the washing up.

  Steph let herself into Number 42.

  ‘Yoo-hoo,’ she called. ‘Are you home Tom?’

  There was the sound of movement upstairs. A bedroom door opened. ‘Hey Mum. You okay?’ Tom’s face appeared over the banister rail.

  ‘Fine thanks.’ Steph went up the stairs. She jerked her head at Tom’s bedroom door and lowered her voice. ‘Do you still have company?’

  ‘Not right now no. Melod
y let herself out earlier on while I was still asleep. She left a note saying she’d be back later.’ Tom noticed Steph’s lips purse. ‘Is that okay?’ he asked anxiously.

  Steph sighed. She’d be out herself. Did it really matter if this Melody girl came over again? ‘I suppose so. But thank you for asking. I appreciate it.’

  Tom grinned and disappeared back into his room. Steph went into her own bedroom to see if her mobile phone was there. It wasn’t. What a nuisance. She would have preferred to ring Barry and make sure everything was still okay for tonight. Without her mobile phone, she couldn’t remember Barry’s number. Steph paused. Just a moment. The laptop. She had Barry’s mobile number in her Facebook Inbox. Returning downstairs, Steph pushed open the door to the kitchen. But the laptop, usually on the kitchen table, was absent. Steph went into the lounge. No laptop. She went back upstairs and searched her bedroom. Nope. The bathroom? Oh for goodness sake!


  Tom’s head appeared around his bedroom door.

  ‘Have you borrowed my laptop?’

  ‘Of course not.’

  ‘That’s strange. I can’t find it.’

  ‘Did you take it to work with you?’

  Steph scratched her head. ‘Not that I can recall. Have you seen my mobile phone?’

  Tom laughed. ‘Mum, I know you’re menopausal but maybe you should get your brainbox checked out. You seem to be very vague about things these days.’

  Steph shook her head. ‘I suppose. I have a lot on my mind at the moment. Not to worry. It can’t be far away. I’d better get myself ready.’

  ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘Oh. Er, out.’


  ‘Um, yes. For dinner. Sort yourself out with a pizza from the freezer.’

  ‘Sure. Have a nice time.’

  ‘Thanks. As it happens I think I’m going to have a very nice time.’

  Steph forgot about missing laptops and mobile phones and hurried back into her bedroom. Now then. What to wear? She was absolutely positive that she wouldn’t be stripping down to her underwear. Even so, she was very pleased with the new matching bra and knickers she’d bought in her lunch hour. She pulled them out of her handbag. They were bright purple with black lace trim. Very different. Very now and wow. Steph placed the underwear reverently on the bed. Going to her wardrobe, she perused. The weather was once again warm with the promise of a hot summer. She selected a denim skirt, pretty floral top and kitten heels.

  As Steph languished in the bath, she wondered what Barry’s apartment would be like. Thank goodness she could remember his address! Steph stuck a foot out of the water. Wiggling her toes against the hot tap, she topped up the bath. She lay back and closed her eyes. Foam bubbles tickled her chin. Bliss. Suddenly she heard the front door bang. Was that Si? Her eyes snapped open. Hell. She didn’t want him seeing her new underwear spread across the bed. Rearing out of the bath, dripping water everywhere, she wrapped a towel around her and charged across the landing. Too late. Si was already in their bedroom shrugging off his work clothes.

  ‘Nice undies,’ he nodded at the purple and black scraps of lace. He tossed his overalls on the bed. They landed on the new underwear.

  ‘Do you mind?’ Steph recovered the itsy-bitsy garments.

  ‘I don’t mind at all,’ Si gave a tight smile. ‘I can’t remember the last time I saw you wearing anything like that. I presume they’ve not been bought for my benefit.’

  Steph had the grace to blush. ‘I bought them for me.’

  ‘Well obviously. Tom or I would look a bit silly wearing them.’

  ‘I meant that I bought them to cheer myself up.’

  ‘And no doubt you’re wearing them tonight.’

  ‘So what if I am? It’s not as if Barry’s going to see my underwear.’

  ‘Finished in the bathroom?’ Si asked abruptly.

  ‘Yes. Are you going out too?’

  ‘Never mind what I’m doing. You put your snazzy undies on and do your make up. Make yourself look delectable for Mr Hastings. Have a nice evening. I won’t wait up.’ Si stomped off to the bathroom and banged the door after him.

  Steph had been hoping Si might give her a lift to the station again. But now that her husband had spotted the new underwear, such a request might have been deemed as pushing her luck. Twenty minutes later, she slipped out of the house.

  Chapter Fifty Five

  Si had the quickest bath in history. Thanks to the squeaky floorboard on the landing, he’d heard Steph creep past. Seconds later there was the sound of the front door opening and closing. Erupting out of the bathroom, Si dashed into the bedroom. Peeking out the window he was just in time to see his wife disappear around the corner of Jessamine Terrace.

  Abandoning his wet towel across the duvet, Si hurriedly pulled on clean clothes. Grabbing the keys to the van, he tore down the stairs. Steph had a fairly time consuming trip ahead of her. First she had to wait for a bus. That could take anything up to fifteen minutes. Then she had to sit patiently while the bus trundled along. That would take about twenty minutes. Once at the station, Steph might have to wait up to half an hour for a train depending on whether the bus was on time or behind schedule. Si estimated the train journey would be another twenty minutes. From there Steph would have a good five minute walk to Barry’s apartment. Si looked at his watch. Half past six. Steph had given herself plenty of time to allow for delays. He hoped she didn’t arrive at Barry’s pad early.

  Si jumped in the van and roared off down Jessamine Terrace. He swung a left and accelerated towards Dawn’s house. Ten minutes later Si tooted the horn alerting Dawn to his arrival. The front door instantly opened. Si caught his breath. Good God. Barry Hastings was going to have trouble managing his lobster with that sitting next to him. Dawn had coaxed her hair into a teasy-weasy piled up arrangement. Her voluptuous body was poured into a black plunging PVC dress. It clung in all the right places. Dawn teetered down the garden path on five inch stilettos. With every step she took, her billowing chest wobbled alarmingly. She opened the van door. Si was instantly enveloped in a cloud of intoxicating perfume.

  ‘How do I look?’ she asked anxiously.

  ‘Amazing,’ said Si truthfully. Like she’d stepped off the page of a men’s magazine, he thought privately.

  ‘I’m feeling very nervous.’

  ‘Don’t be.’ Si didn’t wait for Dawn to finish fastening her seat belt. Shoving the gear into first, he roared off towards Greenwich. ‘Steph has already left. I reckon she’ll be at Barry’s anywhere between half seven and eight o’clock. Are you wearing a watch?’

  ‘Yes. And I have my mobile phone with your number programmed in.’

  ‘Good.’ Si overtook a learner. ‘If you encounter any problems, ring me.’

  Twenty minutes later Si pulled up opposite Barry’s apartment block. His eyes swept over the building while Dawn twisted the rings on her fingers fretfully.

  ‘What if Barry is dodgy and I can’t get to my phone for some reason and call you?’

  ‘Then give your loudest most blood-curdling scream,’ said Si. ‘This place isn’t big. Look,’ he pointed, ‘only three storeys high. I reckon I could hear you from here if you well and truly fill your lungs. Do you want me to come in with you and hide in the lobby?’

  ‘No. That would be too risky. We don’t want Steph spotting you,’ Dawn licked her lips nervously. ‘So, to re-cap. Barry Hastings was ace at football, swimming and all things academic.’

  ‘Yep. Our class teacher was Miss Bothwell. She looked ninety years old and wore big pleated skirts that swung out as she went around corners. All the kids would crack up at the sight of Miss Bothwell’s bloomers.’

  Dawn nodded and licked her lips. ‘Got it. Right. Wish me luck.’

  ‘You don’t need it. Everything is going to be fine. Go on. Go and dazzle Barry Hastings and get my wife back for me.’

  Dawn let herself out of the van. Si watched as she waited to cross the road. A car screeched
to a halt, the driver flashing his lights to signal she could cross. Dawn put up a hand to say thank you. Seconds later the driver’s window buzzed down. An ear-splitting wolf whistle rent the air. Si grinned. If Dawn could literally stop traffic, what effect was she going to have on Barry Hastings? Si would have given anything to be a fly on the wall and witness how events were going to unfold. Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t linger. The van was far too conspicuous in its present position. Si watched Dawn press a button on an intercom box. Moments later the main door released and Dawn disappeared inside. He glanced at his watch. Two minutes past seven.

  Si started the van up. Waiting for a lull in the traffic, he reversed back into a private driveway and surveyed the road. There was a pub next door to Barry’s apartment block. Si shot forward and drove into the pub’s forecourt. How fortunate. The car park ran all the way to the rear of the pub which just happened to be adjacent to the flats’ communal gardens. Any ear-piercing screams and he should be able to hear. Si parked up. A notice was strategically placed. Patrons Only.

  Locking the van up, Si walked round to the entrance. Inside the pub was a Landlord who appeared to be drinking the profits. Si bought a bottle of orange juice and some peanuts. Picking up his purchases, he headed back to the van. He’d barely got stuck into the peanuts when he froze. For there, walking toward the van was Steph. Si slid down in his seat. Oh God. Had she spotted him? He pressed his spine as hard as he could into the driver’s seat, willing his body to blend into the van’s interior. Steph had stopped. She was gazing this way and that. Now she was moving again. Si exhaled as Steph disappeared through the entrance. Bloody hell. That had been a close shave. Si looked at his watch. Half past seven. Steph was early. Si assumed she’d popped into the pub to use the loo. Refresh her make-up. His heart was thumping unpleasantly. He abandoned the peanuts and gulped down the orange. Si desperately hoped Dawn was making fast progress with Barry. He hadn’t heard any hair-raising yells. Si checked his mobile phone. No messages. No missed calls. Steph re-appeared. This time she had her back to Si and was walking purposefully away. Si took a shaky breath and looked at his watch again. Twenty five minutes to eight. He gulped. This was it. Showdown time.


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