The Lonely Girl in the Cabin (The Lonely Girl Series Book 2)

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The Lonely Girl in the Cabin (The Lonely Girl Series Book 2) Page 5

by Autumn Skye

  “I suppose you have a point.”

  “What made you take the plunge into real estate if it’s so risky?” I asked, meaning to steer the conversation in her direction. At least my curiosity about her career was one hundred percent genuine, even if everything else coming out of my mouth was a load of bull.

  She sipped her drink and cocked her head to one side as if considering her answering carefully. “It is risky and it isn’t. I’m using the money I was awarded in the divorce. My ex-husband is financing this venture, albeit against his will, and I’ve set enough aside to live comfortably should it fail.”

  “I guess you must have made out like a bandit if you can afford to lose as much as you must have paid for that property,” I said, immediately regretting it. “Oh, I should apologize, Danielle. That’s none of my business.”

  “It’s okay,” she chuckled. “I did do pretty well. Texas judges tend to be very kind to wives when they’re husbands are cheating on them.”

  “So, you’re hiring people to do the heavy work, I suppose, but are you going to do the decorating and design yourself? Looking around, I’d say you have a knack for it. This place is so cute.”

  “I’m going to do as much of the work as I can myself. There are a few foundation problems I’ll outsource and of course I’ll hire painters for the exterior and someone to repair the roof. The design, though, that’s the fun part. I intend to take the hands-on approach in that regard.”

  “Could I ask a favor?”

  She narrowed her eyes and gave me a knowing smile. “Let me guess. You’re going to ask when you get the tour of the house?”

  “Yes, I’m anxious to see it, if you have the time. I’m here for two weeks. Whenever it’s convenient for you,” I said.

  “If you like we can go in the morning.”

  “I would love that.”

  “I could use the company after spending so many days on end out here alone. What do you say we go into town and have breakfast and we’ll stop and see the house on the way back?” She licked her lips waiting for my response. I hadn’t notice how full they were before, shimmering with scarlet shaded lip gloss.

  “Count me in,” I returned her smile.

  “Maybe tonight we can take a swim.”

  “That’d be nice. I haven’t gotten in the water yet. How is it?”

  “It’s warm for this being so early in the year. That must mean we’re going to have a sweltering summer. You’d probably enjoy getting in the water this time instead of watching me have all the fun, hmm?” she murmured with smirk.

  “Watching you? I told you I wasn’t. I’m not sure what you mean?” There was no pretending she hasn’t seen me peeping at her. If it bothered her so much, why invite me over?

  “Oh, don’t worry. It’s no big deal. I saw you looking out your window when I took my little dip in the water. I’d probably watch too if my neighbor were skinny dipping right there for anyone to see. I didn’t hear you pull up last night. I had no reason to think I wasn’t alone. I should apologize for my little show. I hope you weren’t offended.”

  “No, just surprised to see you there. I should have made my presence known, but somehow I thought that would be more awkward,” I confessed. It was a relief to tell the truth, especially since she didn’t seem to be holding a grudge.

  “It probably would have been,” she agreed.

  “It actually looked like fun,” I snickered.

  “Well, um, it’s just the two of us. You don’t have to be shy if you want to give it a try.”

  “Me? Skinny dip? I don’t think so. I never have that much fun.”

  “Maybe you should try it. You are on vacation.”

  “True, but I didn’t leave my boring, anal personality at home.”

  “I bet I can loosen you up. I have two whole weeks, right?”

  “Yes, but you’re wasting your time.”

  “It’s my time to waste. You are going to let your hair down if I have anything to say about it, Lily. Another daiquiri should help.” She stood and walked over to the counter to pour us another round.

  This trip wasn’t turning out as planned at all. I’d only arrived a few hours ago and already I was on my second drink and contemplating taking off all my clothes and diving into the lake with a woman I’d just met. Was this really me? I supposed I could blame it on her. She was alluring to put it mildly. If anyone could make me forget my dead-end job and my family troubles it was this woman. The problem was, I wasn’t the woman I’d represented myself to be, so how long before my new friend discovered that I was a fraud? Or did I have to tell her? In two weeks, I’d be back at the office. We’d never see each other again. Maybe one midnight dip in the lake wouldn’t hurt anything…

  Another drink did the trick. I was ready for a swim, or at least I was far more open to consider it, but I was keeping my clothes on and Danielle didn’t mention the idea of going au naturel again, thank goodness. But I had come to enjoy myself and I had to admit keeping her company was turning out to be a lot more entertaining than staying inside my cabin all by my lonesome, especially with the air conditioning on the fritz.

  “I’m telling you the water is great. Do you want to hit it?” she asked for the third time.

  “All right. Let me go change into my suit,” I relented.

  “Fine, I’ll meet you out there,” she said.

  Though the suit Farah had given me wasn’t a perfect fit, I was now grateful to have it. In my cabin, I changed as quickly as I could, in a hurry to get out of the stifling heat. I tried to ignore the fact that my breasts were practically spilling out of it as a twinge of modesty came over me. Farah hadn’t been able to find a one piece that was right for me, so I was stuck in this thong. Still, it was better than nothing and it did cover the main parts while revealing enough that it was sort of a compromise on the skinny dipping.

  Danielle was already doing breast strokes when I began wading in her direction, stopping when I was waist high in water. Neither of us had downed more than a couple drinks, but I felt the stress draining out of me and I wasn’t sure if it was because of the daiquiris or the serenity of my surroundings. Maybe it was the company?

  She swam up to me and stood facing me. “It’s feels good, huh?”

  “It does,” I agreed, my eyes staring into hers, avoiding a glance downward at her bare breasts. I was starting to wonder if she owned a suit.

  “I told you.”

  “You’re so tanned. You must spend a lot of time in the water,” I commented, noting how flawless her bronzed skin appeared. No tan lines for obvious reasons.

  “Every chance I get, but I am very busy trying to get my little business off the ground. That’s why I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, casually placing a hand on my shoulder. “You’re a very pleasant distraction, Lily.”

  I loved the way she said my name. It sounded so smooth rolling off her tongue. Yet, underneath that warm tone there was a hint of teasing, as if she knew exactly how off kilter she made me. I took a step closer to her. I wasn’t even conscious of the action until I felt her breasts brush against mine. I had no reason to believe she’d like me to get so close, but she didn’t give me any indication that she was bothered by it, running the palm of her hand over my arm and back up to rest on my shoulder once again, all the while giving me that sensual smile of hers while gazing at me with smoldering jade eyes. For a brief moment, I wondered if this could really be happening and then I got lost in the sweet sensation of a first kiss when her soft lips lingered close to and then met mine. I opened my mouth and let out a small whimper of excitement when her tongue slipped inside. My arms slipped around her waist and hers around my neck. We pulled each other closer and stood there a long while, exploring each other’s mouths until I was overcome with an urge to have more, much more, but unsure how far either she or I was willing to take this.

  “Are you okay?” she asked when she broke the kiss.

  I nodded. “I’m good.”

  “Then let’s have th
at swim, shall we?”

  She dove back into the water and I followed her out a few yards. I wasn’t sure if the kiss had been a one-time thing. If it were, I definitely needed an escape from the aching need she’d stirred within me, but I doubted anything was going to make that yearning go away. It was coming from deep inside. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d wanted someone so much and it didn’t help that I could still taste her cinnamon lip gloss on my tongue.

  We hadn’t swum long before she asked, “Want to go back inside?”

  I knew, or hoped I knew what she was really asking, so I answered with a simple, “Yes.”

  We walked hand in hand back to her cabin. After drying off with the towels she’d hung on the porch railing she led me inside and grabbed hold of my arms, pulling my damp body next to hers again before running her fingers through my hair.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  I was, but I couldn’t bring myself to speak.

  “Do you want this?”

  Did I want this beautiful woman that had seemed so out of my reach? Of course, I’d wanted her from the second I first saw her, but I knew myself. If I hesitated for too long all the reasons of why we shouldn’t do this would flood my head and ruin it. Determined not to let that happen, I answered her with another kiss, this one more hurried and urgent. I felt her fingers fumbling with the clasp that held my top closed at the back. She had it unfastened in an instant. The strings at my neck were quickly untied and the top half of my suit fell away. She ran a smooth palm over one of my bare breasts, her eyes never leaving my face. My nipple hardened shamelessly as my body started to throb with excitement.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she whispered.

  Me? I didn’t think so, but maybe in her eyes. If it was a lie I didn’t want to know. I wouldn’t allow my own insecurities to come between us, not right then. For once, I was lost in the moment and tomorrow didn’t matter and it felt damned good to be so free.

  Taking hold of both my hands she pulled me to the bed and gently nudged me down to lie across it, standing over me, staring down as if the sight of me had her transfixed, frozen the way I’d been when I’d watched her bathed in the first hint of moonlight that previous night. I moved up to lie my head on one of the pillows and sucked in my breath when she removed her own top. I ran the tip of my tongue over my lips as my eyes took her in and she climbed onto the bed, on her hands and knees, straddling me. She lowered her head to nuzzle my neck. I put an arm around her and she collapsed, her head on my chest, her laughter bubbling to the surface and then ringing out. It was a captivating, contagious laugh. It sounded as if it came easy and often for her and I couldn’t help but add my giggles to hers.

  Again, she rolled her thumbs over each of my nipples. I instinctively pushed my chest out, silently telling her what I wanted. She was quick to take the hint and sucked one them into her mouth until it turned into a hard pebble and I moaned with pleasure, my fingers twining in her sable hair. She moved to my other breast and let her tongue flicker over the nipple again before taking it between her lips as well.

  One of her hands trailed slowly down my belly to the crotch of my bikini bottom. Her fingers glided over my slit and even through the material I could feel the beginning of sweet sensations rising and simmering there. She seemed intent on taking her time, watching my face for my reaction with each move she made. I was glad, because it had been a long time since anyone had touched me like that I was in no hurry for it to end. She slid down towards the foot of the bed. Kneeling between my legs, which I eagerly spread to accept her, she planted a kiss over my navel, then moved upwards again so our mounds grazed each other.

  My breath turned shallow as she moved against me, swaying her hips and letting friction build to a pleasure so intense it took me to the edge and made me agonize and long for release.

  “Oh, Lily,” she panted, her breath hot in my ear.

  “Ah, I want more,” I whimpered.

  “Do you want to get closer?” she asked.

  “Oh, yes, please,” I sighed.

  She sat up on her heels and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of my bikini bottom. In one swift movement, she had it down to my ankles. I kicked it off and she rushed to remove her own. Before lowering herself back onto me she gazed at my mound and ran her hand over my triangle, pausing to let her fingers trace my clit with light teasing circles, just enough pressure to drive me insane with lust.

  My body was flushed with excitement and anticipation. I opened my arms to her and she came to me, moving onto to me so our bodies meshed together, moving her hips to create a wet warmth that took us to a new height of ecstasy. I wrapped my legs around her waist and she rode me until we were both wailing with ecstatic bliss. I couldn’t remember ever having felt so free, so out of control, and so good. I came hard as her lips covered mine. I whimpered into her mouth, my body shuddering with a wave of overdue release, until I was satiated and still except for my chest, which heaved with each heavy breath I took.

  She rolled off me onto her side and placed a hand over my belly. “That was so hot.”

  I didn’t answer. It was hot all right, but I wasn’t a one-night stand kind of girl and I was now left wondering what the hell I’d done. It wasn’t that I regretted it. I just wasn’t sure what happened next and I had my doubts I could simply put it behind me and forget about it in the morning. If what came next turned out to be a big fat nothing, I’d have to be a big girl and accept that, but it was easier said than done because already I wanted more of her. I had a feeling I’d only tasted the surface of what she could give me if she was so inclined.

  “I guess I should go?”

  She extended her arm so it moved around my waist. “Why would you want to go back to that stuffy cabin? You can’t stay there with no air conditioning, not in Texas this time of year. Stay here. We were going to grab breakfast in the morning anyway. You do still want to take a look at the house, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I just didn’t know if you preferred that I leave.”

  “Mmm, Lily, I definitely prefer that you stay, unless you’re uncomfortable with the idea.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Only fine?”

  “I’m good,” I said.

  She laid her head on my chest and snuggled closer. “In that case, I’m happy to keep you around for as long as you want to be here.”

  “I suppose I could rent a motel room in town for a couple of weeks if I’m imposing on you.”

  “That’d be silly. I told you, I’m in no rush for you to leave.”

  So, my one-night stand had become a fling. Eventually, it would become much, much more. It’s funny how life can change so drastically and when you start looking at how and why it can almost always be traced back to one seemingly insignificant event. The reality was, my life was on the verge heading into a whole new direction and I didn’t even know it. At that moment, I wouldn’t say I minded, either. My eyes were heavy. All I wanted to do was drift off to sleep with this amazing woman lying beside me, which is exactly what I did, and damn whatever consequences were waiting for me down the road.

  Chapter Seven


  When I opened my eyes, she had one leg wrapped around mine and appeared to be in a deep slumber, a real sleeping beauty. I could have stared at her face for an hour, but my damned cell went off. I slowly slid off the bed, trying not to wake her, surprised the sound of the ring tone didn’t do the job for me. I knew who that tone belonged to, and if not for Lily, I’d have let it ring its way to voice mail. I supposed I could have simply turned off the phone, but I didn’t see any point in avoiding the problem. It, or rather he, wouldn’t stop calling until I answered. I knew him better than that.

  I snatched the cell off the kitchen counter top and stepped out onto the porch. “It’s a bit early to be calling,” I snapped without a proper greeting.

  “You were always such a joy in the mornings,” was his snug reply. I knew he was smirking as he spoke the words
. He was always smirking.

  “The ex-spouse usually stops calling once the ink dries on the divorce papers. What could you possibly want, Jared?”

  “You know very well what I want, Danielle. I made a mistake, but it’s not too late for us to fix it.”

  “Actually, it is. That’s why they call it a dissolution of marriage. There’s no “we,” no “us” left to fix.”

  “You say that now, but I’m not going to stop trying.”

  “What does your girlfriend have to say about that, or did she leave you for a younger, even richer man?”

  “I’m not that rich anymore, thanks to you.”

  “She did leave you, didn’t she?”

  “No, Katie went off to spend some time in Europe.”

  “On your dime, I’ll bet.”

  “You’re still living off my money, so what’s your point?”

  “According to the judge, it’s my money now.”

  “And you’re about to sink the majority of it into your new hobby.”

  “It’s a viable business, not a hobby.”

  “Nevertheless, it’s a business you don’t have any experience in, so why don’t you let me offer my help? Shelly said you could use it.”

  Shelly. It wasn’t as if I didn’t know she was a traitorous bitch. “You want to be my partner?”

  “We could make it an extension of my portfolio, a family business. Why not?”

  “For starters, we’re no longer family. We don’t even have children.”

  “At least meet with me to discuss it, Danielle. We’re talking about a lot of money. You could lose your ass.”

  “I would imagine you’d get some satisfaction out of that.”

  “You’d be wrong. I don’t wish any harm on you. I still love you.”

  “You couldn’t possibly love me, Jared. I’m over nineteen.”

  “Katie is twenty-five. She’s only ten years younger than you. Your age had nothing to do with our break-up.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s over and while you are indisputably business savvy, I don’t need your advice.”


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