Texas Pride

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Texas Pride Page 6

by Kindle Alexander

  Austin nodded as Mike kept his eyes on him. He thought that might be better than letting Mike know his overall plan was to fuck Kitt.

  “Did he marry someone down here?” Did that sound casual enough?

  “Nah, he says he doesn’t have time for that even though the ladies in town try real hard to change his mind. He’s real focused on that ranch.” Without realizing it, Mike gave Austin exactly the information he wanted.

  They both stared out at the night as Kitt’s choice of underwear again entered Austin’s thoughts. “Do you have his number? I can’t get it out of my mind that I need to apologize.”

  “Yeah, sure. Here.” Austin typed the number Mike spouted off. “He goes to bed early, but honestly, Mr. Grainger, Kitt doesn’t get mad like that often, and he doesn’t hang on to it like his dad did, either. He’s fine.” Mike turned his full body toward Austin, hooking an arm over the back of the chair and looked directly at him.

  “Good. I’d hate to have already pissed off my neighbors.” Austin chuckled.

  “So what’re you thinkin’ about all this so far?” Mike’s eyes never wavered. Austin was finding Mike had a way about him of just cutting to the root of a situation, finding out what he wanted to know.

  “I love it. All the silence out here rocks! I love how y’all don’t treat me any different. I regret ever leaving,” Austin said honestly.

  “Okay, I guess I can see that. What’re you gonna do when you get found out? It has to happen eventually.” Mike drained his beer and shook his head when Austin offered another.

  “I’m hoping enough time passes that no one really cares anymore.”

  “Is your wife gonna come out and live here, or is she stayin’ in California? You know what? Don’t answer that. It’s none of my business. Mr. Grainger, I gotta roll. Tomorrow’ll be here pretty quick. Good night, sir.” Mike stood from his chair. Just like that the conversation was over.

  “Good night, Mike, and you can call me Austin.” Austin stayed seated, but gave Mike’s outstretched hand a shake.

  “No, I already told you, all owners go by their last name.” Mike called over his shoulder already down the steps walking out to his truck.

  “Then lose the Mister. Wait, I don’t remember that rule!” Austin yelled out after Mike.

  “It’s one we’re definitely enforcin’ around here,” Mike called without looking back before getting in his car and driving off. Austin raised his beer in answer before looking down at the phone he still held in his hand. He had Kitt’s number! Now, all he needed was the guts to call the guy. How long had it been since Austin called someone he was interested in? He couldn’t even remember, and the thought made him more nervous. What would he say when he called? A simple ‘I’m sorry’ wouldn’t have the conversation going much longer than a few minutes.

  Austin needed a second reason. He could call Kitt and ask about artificial insemination. Mike made several references to Kitt’s expertise in that area, but hell, Austin seriously couldn’t remember jack about that shit. He’d been out of this world for way too long, and his own dad wasn’t a modern kind of a guy himself. He could ask about pasture management, but again, he knew dick about it, not even enough to form an intelligent question. He could ask Kitt to come over and lick his balls. A smile spread across his lips as he took another drink. That topic he definitely knew plenty about. After a couple of swipes of his finger across the smartphone, he got enough of a signal to pull up the key facts about artificial insemination and began to read.

  Austin sat on the porch for at least an hour forming his questions in his mind. He drank his beer and listened to the oldies play on the radio. When he felt reasonably comfortable at being able to ask a couple of legit questions, he started to dial Kitt’s number, but Sam rang through first.

  “Yeah?” Austin said a little too gruffly. His security team was to only call with problems. So far, no reason presented itself. Of course, the exact moment he planned to make his move, the phone rang. It kind of spoiled his good mood to even be reminded they were out there.

  “Sir, we have a Fisker pulling along the property line. Along the east side of the Circle K. We’ve been tracking it since it left the highway. It’s going slow, clearly the driver’s concerned about the car, but it’s headed south, coming your way.”

  “How far down?” Austin asked dropping his feet to the stone porch as he sat up a little straighter.

  “Half way down, already.”

  “Who’s inside? Anyone we know?” Austin asked, finally standing. Shit, how the fuck did Rich & Mercedes find this place already?

  “One person, male. We can’t see anyone else in the car. He’s dark headed, no one I’ve seen before following you, but his windows are tinted. I could be wrong.”

  “Okay, stay on him, and keep me posted. Stop him before he crosses the fence line. Stay with the car. Maybe we can head ’em off.” Austin bent down to turn off his radio and grab his cooler.

  “We are, sir. We just wanted to notify you since you’re sitting outside in the open.”

  Just like that, he reminded Austin that he wasn’t truly as alone as he thought, and didn’t that just completely suck.

  He disconnected the call without responding and decided not to follow through with calling Kitt. Instead, he stood in place. He stared off toward the guy’s house. Did Kitt let the world know he’d relocated here? How often did a hundred thousand dollar sports car drive down a rugged path to get to Kitt’s cabin?

  The underwear came back to Austin’s mind.

  He sprang off the porch in a matter of seconds, sprinting toward the barn. He never broke stride as he entered from the side. He grabbed a pair of binoculars from the tack room and the keys to his four-wheeler and took off toward Kitt’s house. He rode full throttle, eating up the distance between their houses. As he got closer, he slowed the engine, bringing it to a crawl and turned off the lights. The moonlight guided him.

  Austin spied a line of fresh new trees planted along the fence. By spring, they would grow big enough to hide the fence and all of Austin’s land from Kitt’s sight. For some reason, the move seemed intentional and it hurt his heart. He’d been so focused on seeing Kitt again while Kitt obviously spent his time trying to block Austin from his view.

  He drove the rest of the way in the dark, still worried they could hear the motor. Austin stopped at least a hundred feet out and parked the four-wheeler in the middle of the pasture. He jogged the rest of the way, staying low as he bridged the small hill before the pond. He lay down on the grassy slope, edging forward until he got a clear shot of the car parked in front of Kitt’s house. The curtains were drawn, closed up tight and most of the lights were out. Only a small glow peaked through the curtains from somewhere in the back of the house.

  Austin moved forward and hid behind one of the trees. He stayed there watching the house. Beside the Fisker was a truck, he supposed Kitt’s, but there was no sign of anyone. He palmed his phone and texted Sam on a very weak signal.

  ‘Are they in the cabin or did they leave?’ Simple, clear and to the point.

  ‘They’re still inside.’ Equally clear.

  ‘Did you see who arrived?’ Austin asked.

  ‘One man. Kelly opened the door, let him in. That’s all we got.’

  ‘Any visual on what’s going on inside the house?’ It was all Austin asked when he really wanted to know how the guy was greeted, what he looked like, and did anything personal happen in the way Kitt answered the door.

  ‘No, not from any angle.’

  ‘Me either, sir.’ Good, more than one set of eyes locked on the house.

  ‘Can you run the plates?’ The binoculars returned to Austin’s eyes before the message was sent. The car was new, nice, specially made. It had to have come from Dallas, maybe Houston, but probably Dallas. They were flashy kind of people up there.

  ‘Already on it.’

  ‘Let me know when you find out anything.’ Austin’s message ended the texting session.

  Surprisingly, two hours passed as Austin stayed there, binoculars trained on the house. No real movement, nothing changed inside, but he planted himself there until he got word on the driver. His gut told him Kitt wouldn’t sell him out. If for no other reason than the sheer fact Austin would bury him in legal trouble deeper than anything he could dig his way out of if he so much as breathed one word to the wrong person. Their contract was iron clad tight. Certainly, the educated hot cowboy wasn’t that dumb.

  Austin’s phone beeped, alerting him of an incoming text message. It simply read: ‘The car is registered to Sean Romero. Address 211 Cedar Springs Rd, Dallas Texas. Age 35. Senior Vice President of Global Market Share, a brokerage firm. Positive ID.’ Sean’s picture came through and damn it if Fisker wasn’t a good looking guy. The photo looked to be from some sort of a badge, a professional shot. The guy wore a cocky grin and tailored looking suit. Austin conceded he’d be attracted to Fisker himself if they crossed paths. Could this be Kitt’s boyfriend?

  The next text broke his train of thought. ‘The background report isn’t complete, but so far we aren’t tying him to surveillance or the press.’

  ‘No connection to those two motherfuckers who follow me everywhere?’

  ‘Not so far.’

  ‘Alright, nothing’s going on here. I’m going back to the house. Call me if anything happens. Anything! Send whatever pictures you have in the morning. I want him recorded leaving that house.’ Austin stood, but stayed low as he ran back to the four-wheeler. He drove slowly back to the barn, turning on the lights only once he’d made it about half way back. Too many years had passed since he’d been to Dallas, and he’d only lived there for a few months before moving to New York. The name Cedar Springs rang familiar with him, but he couldn’t place it no matter how hard he racked his brain.

  Austin parked and silently made his way back inside his house. He flipped on the lights as he went. Did he seriously have the good fortune of living next door to a hot, young gay man? It was one thing to fantasize that a pair of underwear gave some sort of clue, but did Kitt’s lover really just come to his house? Austin grabbed his phone and laptop and kicked back on his brand new leather sofa and waited to hear from security.

  Chapter 5

  Kitt Kelly nestled between his parted thighs was a glorious sight. That golden dark head of hair bobbed up and down…damn it, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off Kitt’s lips. A moan escaped Austin’s throat in a primal sound. He felt wild and free as Kitt sucked him. Austin finally leaned back on the sofa, all the while keeping his eyes trained on Kitt’s mouth.

  He ran his fingers through the silken strand of Kitt’s hair and watched the gold and blond filter through his hand. Austin groaned, frantically guiding Kitt back and forth as he thrust his hips deeper into the furthest depths of Kitt’s mouth and throat. Kitt couldn’t seem to get enough of him. He begged for Austin’s taste, deep throating him every single time.

  The shrill ring of his phone jerked Austin awake. He looked down at his hands and around his living room. Kitt was nowhere around. His cock throbbed as he realized how close he’d been to coming all over himself. “Damn it!”

  SportCenter still played on the television; the volume turned down low. The phone sounded off again, alerting him of an incoming text. Ignoring his dick, he picked up the phone, and with a slide of his finger, pulled up the message. It was four o’clock in the morning, and his team had just sent the surveillance information to his personal email.

  His hard-on stayed firm, irritatingly jutting straight out of the athletic shorts, begging him to finish the job. Instead, he pulled the laptop off the coffee table as he rose back to a sitting position on the sofa. It only took a minute to bring up his private email and open the message Sam sent. Nothing but a slideshow of photos filled the message. There was a total of five photos. Austin didn’t hesitate to open them. His body’s instant reaction to the first image caused him to involuntarily thrust his hips forward. His heart lurched in his chest and his breath hitched. His cock already throbbed painfully. He grabbed it and squeezed tightly as he felt the deep need to climax right then and there.

  The very first picture showed Kitt coming through the front door of his log cabin wrapping a robe around his body. The camera angled perfectly in this one shot, making it obvious Kitt wore nothing underneath the robe. Austin got a full frontal view of his perfect body, and dear Lord, the guy didn’t disappoint. Kitt was hung, actually even bigger than Austin remembered.

  Austin kept the photo open and moved on to the other images. In the next one, the robe wrapped fully around Kitt, with no belt, only his hand held it closed. Kitt looked to be hurrying. He carried something small in his hand. The shot was too far out to see exactly what he held. Austin opened the third photo with Kitt jogging barefoot out to the Fisker where a man was just sliding inside the car. Kitt handed the object over as the guy sat inside the car. In the next picture, the man looked to be trying to pull Kitt down by the arm. His lips puckered for a kiss, but Kitt’s eyes were up and looking out. The last photo captured Kitt’s lips on Fisker’s. It was dark outside, and based on the time in the message, the entire scene had literally just played out only minutes ago.

  An odd mix of emotion poured through Austin. It was obvious Kitt was gay. At the very least, he was bi-sexual, but for some reason Austin doubted that theory and went straight for gay. Which meant, Austin was the luckiest guy on the planet. He could eventually work Kitt into his bed. Relief hit him hard. He looked up saying a quick prayer of thanks to the big man upstairs for letting his hideaway include such a sexy, hot gay man. His eyes returned to the photo, immediately zeroing in on Fisker. Who was he? He certainly didn’t look like the farmer type. The car alone didn’t fit down here. He was handsome, and he and Kitt looked good together. Jealousy snaked through Austin’s heart, and wasn’t that just the oddest emotion ever?

  Moving the photo and whatever crazy emotions went with it aside, Austin flipped back to the first image and made it full size on the screen. The image captivated him completely. It took several minutes for Austin to realize how badly he’d broken Kitt’s privacy by having the photos taken. Based on Mike’s conversation earlier, Kitt must clearly be hiding his sexuality. A life choice Austin knew only too well. It struck him as he stared at the screen that perhaps he and his sexy as hell neighbor were more alike than either realized. Kitt would hate to know Austin had these pictures, but at the same time, for the first time in his celebrity life, Austin understood why the paparazzi had their jobs. He finally got the draw of taking candid shots of people who interested him. For the life of him, he couldn’t turn away from this photo of his neighbor in the nude.

  He had no idea how much time passed before he saved the photo to his computer. Leaving it open on the screen, he picked his phone up and dialed Sam. His eyes never left the picture as his head of security answered on the first ring. “I want these pictures destroyed, ASAP. Please tell me I’m the only one who got them.”

  “You are, sir. They’ll be destroyed now. I have all the media cards, myself.”

  “Good. Do you have anything more on Fisker?”

  “A full background report’s coming our way right now.”

  “Good. Text me when it comes in.” Austin didn’t say goodbye. Instead, he just disconnected the call, his eyes still glued to the screen. Kitt was a beautifully made man. Austin witnessed it firsthand the first day they met when he and Mike drove up on Kitt with his shirt off. But staring at the picture, he could tell the thick cord of his muscle ran from head to toe. Kitt had solid, heavily muscled thighs that led to what could very possibly be one of the best bubble butts Austin had ever seen. Kitt sported manbliques; those perfect muscles forming a V from his hips to his pelvis, pointing straight down to that mouth watering dick. And dear God, Austin wanted to track those abdominal muscles with his tongue.

  Austin tugged the t-shirt over his head. While it was wrong of him to keep the photos, especially with how badly he hated having his pi
cture secretly taken, he cast the thought aside and pushed his pants all the way down and gripped his cock. His release wouldn’t take long with the images of his dream still within easy reach in his mind. Austin leaned back on the sofa and exhaled a deep breath. Already stroking himself from tip to base, his hips rolled. His heart began to pound, his breathing turned into panting and his lips parted. He never lost focus of the image on his screen. Kitt’s lips were thick and full. They would fit so easily around his cock. Austin wondered if Kitt gave good head. A smile tore from his lips with the anticipation of finding out the answer. On a huff, he thrust his hips forward, driving his cock harder in his hand and dropped his head back. The t-shirt barely made it in place to capture the hot jets of his come as the orgasm exploded from him.

  The sensation was perfect, and even as his head rested back on the sofa, Austin never took his eyes from Kitt’s image on the laptop. He planned to have a similar moment with the man very soon. Austin was determined. And, as if to prove he could, he left the picture open, but lowered the screen and walked back to his bedroom dropping his shorts on the floor as he went. He needed to sleep, and then formulate his plan.


  Without turning on the overhead lights, Kitt saddled Bullet, his six year old chestnut mustang, in the dark barn. It couldn’t have been much past four-thirty in the morning, and the sun would be rising soon. In about an hour, the barn would come alive, but for now Kitt needed the aloneness of wide open spaces. He needed fresh air, and Bullet was always up for a good run. If Kitt hurried, they could make it to the furthest ridge to watch the sunrise, and he might be able to settle some of this anxiety coursing through his body.

  He tugged the brow of his cowboy hat down low on his forehead as he guided Bullet out of the barn, and then out of the corral. Kitt couldn’t quite put a finger on what got him so worked up. He’d had good, fulfilling sex all night long, and twice in a matter of a few days. He searched his memory, but couldn’t even remember the last time that happened. He should be relaxed, sated and sleeping heavily right now. But instead, for some unexplainable reason, he was all wound up like a bow. He mounted Bullet and kicked him into a trot.


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