Texas Pride

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Texas Pride Page 12

by Kindle Alexander

  “Whoa, Kitt Kelly, hold your horses. It’s sex, not making love. It’s sex. Just sex. Only sex,” Kitt said out loud to himself.

  So many memories of his past crept into his thoughts tonight. It would be natural to think about his father. It was a buried hurt for Kitt to know his dad never really forgave him for not coming back and working this land. He’d needed Kitt here, apparently worse than Kitt knew. The ranch was failing badly, but it failed because his dad was an old man set in the old school ways of farming. He needed Kitt’s brawn, but hadn’t wanted his brain, which in Kitt’s estimation was what he truly had needed the most.

  Even if Kitt had come home and stayed, it wouldn’t have helped anything. He and his dad always butted heads. His dad had no problem maintaining the role of strict disciplinarian even after Kitt became an educated, full grown man. His father demanded Kitt use his fists when they were at odds, and Kitt took the beating. He never doubled his fist up at his father. Even during the times he grew stronger and knew he could take him, Kitt never fought back. His father considered that a weakness in him.

  They’d been in a big fight the day his dad died. The hard headed fool of an old man refused to listen to him even in the days leading up to his death when his left arm was hurting so badly for no reason. His dad just wasn’t going to be told what to do by his brainiac, worthless son.

  The longer Kitt sat out on the porch, the more the memories flooded. Stuff he’d pushed away and refused to deal with for so long. His dad’s foreman, Verne, sabotaged him in so many ways after he took over the farm. Hell, he even suspected Verne was responsible for some of his recent broken contracts, but there was no way to prove it. Verne was an old drunk. He’d been with the farm since Kitt’s birth, and he blamed Kitt for his father’s death. Verne forced his hand one too many times, and Kitt had to fire him within the first month of being back. He hadn’t taken that well at all.

  His stepmom and sisters were completely clueless to the true state of the farm. He’d had to stop all their spending. The last few years had been tough on them. Changing this rundown place into a productive, progressive working ranch took everything Kitt had and it was still iffy. One bad move, one extended drought would wreck everything they worked for.

  As Kitt’s attitude began to take a full nose dive, the lights of Austin’s four-wheeler appeared over the ridge. Funny how just seeing Austin in the distance made Kitt’s mood pick up. He watched the headlights get closer and closer as Austin took form in the night.

  Kitt’s smile turned into a chuckle as he remembered the first night Austin approached him. He’d been stunned stupid over Austin’s admission he was gay. He’d half expected the producers of candid camera to pop out and laugh at the big practical joke Austin just played on him, but the pounding his ass took a few minutes later propelled his brain forward, catching him quickly up to speed.

  Without question, Kitt knew Austin wouldn’t stick it out here in Texas for long term. Once Austin remembered what drove him away in the first place, it was sure to have him take off again. No matter how much Austin tried to deny it, he was still the Austin Grainger, for God’s sake. And the Austin Grainger was worldly, elegant and just on a higher plane than the little people in the world. Everyone either wanted to be Austin, or get a piece of him, but for right now, Kitt was fully invested in this fantastic fuck fest. He wanted to capture every memory of their shared time together. He cherished each night and spent his days reveling in the fact that sometimes dreams did come true. As long as he could keep his heart somewhat separated from it all, he’d be okay when Austin eventually left.

  Kitt watched Austin park the four-wheeler and climb over the fence, weaving through the cows as he made it to the front porch steps. Kitt stayed seated with his feet kicked up.

  “Sorry I’m late. I had to take a call,” Austin said coming to stand in front of Kitt. He extended his hand to Kitt, pulling him up from his seat.

  “Everything okay?” Kitt asked looking closely at the worry in Austin’s eyes.

  “I don’t know, I’ve got to fly back to LA. Cara’s having some problems,” Austin said. He was usually so forthcoming, he told Kitt everything. Actually, Austin talked a lot, but this time he didn’t elaborate and his expression made it clear things weren’t good.

  “While I was on the phone, all I could think about was being here with you,” Austin added, leaning in for a kiss. “You’re already making my life better.”

  Both of Kitt’s hands entwined with Austin’s. Normally, Kitt didn’t do these kinds of public displays, not even being out here so completely alone. But, Austin was a touchy, feely kind of guy, and the obvious concern he felt for Cara worried Kitt.

  It took a second for it to even register on Kitt’s brain Austin said something about already flying back to LA, and then he was hurting. He’d thought he might have as much as six months with Austin here, maybe even a year, before he got bored and left. Now, just a few days after they got started, Austin was already making plans to leave.

  “How long will you be gone?” Kitt asked trying to school his facial features so that none of his feelings showed on his face. Unfortunately, Austin had a knack at reading him, an uncanny way of seeing through him.

  “It should only be for a day or two. Are you gonna miss me?” Austin teased as he stepped forward, closing the little bit of distance between them.

  “Hmm… Have you eaten, yet? I got chili from Lily, enough for both of us.” Kitt ignored the question pulling free of Austin’s hold. He turned toward the front door to his cabin only to have Austin grab his hand back in his own and tug him back to look him in the eyes.

  “I’m gonna miss you. I’ve enjoyed these last few days,” Austin said, wrapping Kitt in his arms.

  “Me, too. Come inside.” Kitt’s eyes darted out across the pasture. Only the cows were out, but it was an involuntary scan he couldn’t help. Maybe, it was because for the first time ever he’d brought all this to his home, but lately, he hadn’t been able shake the feeling that someone was out there watching. He’d never found a soul, but he couldn’t lose the feeling. He tugged free of Austin’s hold and stepped into the house with Austin following close on his heels.

  “Did you call Fisker yet to tell him you weren’t seeing him anymore?” Austin’s question caught Kitt off guard and he stopped, turning quickly around, confusion clear on his face. They’d never discussed Sean after the first mention of him.

  Austin stood right behind him, ready to step up for a soft, sweet, light kiss and a tight embrace. He pressed Kitt against the length of his body. The front door still stood wide open. “You look surprised that I remembered my competition. Have you called him?”

  “I sent him a text. Pretty lame, huh?” Kitt would have to talk to Sean, but he decided to give it a few days, see what was really going on between Austin and himself. A regular fuck buddy didn’t just fall from the sky. Replacing Sean could be a challenge, and if Austin already planned to go back, he’d need Sean. On so many levels, Austin had dug himself firmly under Kitt’s skin. The fact that it had been only three days didn’t matter. Kitt chided himself even while standing in the circle of Austin’s arms. Sex! This is convenient sex between two grown men due to proximity, nothing more!

  “What did you say to him?” Austin persisted. Where was this coming from? Kitt extended his leg and kicked the front door closed with his foot when Austin refused to break free of their hold.

  Kitt didn’t answer right away. He tugged free of Austin’s hold on him and started toward to the small kitchen. Austin stayed on him, stopping him with the slide of his hand down the front of Kitt’s shorts, pulling him back against Austin’s chest.

  Kitt was hard and ready, but he was always ready for Austin. Austin massaged his cock and placed his lips on Kitt’s neck, sliding his tongue up until he whispered in Kitt’s ear. “I love to see you out there waiting for me. Tell me babe, it’s important to me, what did you say to Fisker?”

  “Not a lot. That feels good,” Kitt sai
d, closing his eyes, letting the moment consume him. He dropped his head back on Austin’s shoulder and rolled his hips forward. He loved Austin’s hands on his skin. It was such a turn on. The best foreplay ever.

  “Mmm you like this? It feels good to me too…listen, handsome. I’ve been thinking. If you can break free early tomorrow, maybe we could go camping. Spend the night out somewhere remote,” Austin suggested and finally slid his hands inside Kitt’s shorts pushing him forward through the house to the bedroom.

  “I could probably do that,” Kitt answered, stumbling a bit, grinning at their awkward moves because he was completely unwilling to walk normally and lose Austin’s hands working his cock.

  “Tell your foreman you’re going to Dallas and sleep in with me in the morning. Can you do that for me?” Austin said, reaching lower to grip and massage Kitt’s sac. He nipped at Kitt’s earlobe before plunging his tongue into its far depths, exploring his entire ear. Austin knew Kitt liked it a little rough and gently pinched his sac. The move set off an explosion of sensation throughout Kitt’s body. He couldn’t respond or take another step. Pre-come wet the tip of his cock. Austin used his thumb to spread the liquid all over his broad head as he shoved Kitt’s shorts down. Austin kept the massage going even as Kitt arched his hips forward, pushing his cock harder in Austin’s hand.

  And then, Austin made the move Kitt loved. He leaned down to lick his tip before placing a kiss on his slit, working it gently with his tongue. Kitt slid a hand up Austin’s neck to pull him back up for kiss. He thrust his tongue forward, lapping at the depths of Austin’s mouth. They were somewhere close to the bed, but Kitt was too lost to know for sure. Right here on the floor would do just fine. It wouldn’t take Kitt long with Austin on his knees.

  “Answer me, Kitt. Say yes, please,” Austin whispered.

  “I think you make it too hard for me to think straight.” Out of nothing more than self-preservation, Kitt pushed free of Austin’s hold stepping back a step or two until his knees hit the bed. His eyes stayed on Austin and Kitt watched as that sexy grin of his spread across the male’s stunningly beautiful face. Even after so many days of deeply gratifying sex with Austin freaking Grainger, it still took only one look from the man to make Kitt breathless.

  Kitt kicked off his shoes as he yanked his t-shirt over his head.

  “You have no shame. I swear to God you do it on purpose,” Kitt said, releasing the button on his shorts.

  “It’s because I see clearly what I want, and what I want is standing so enticingly in front of me.” Austin waggled his eyebrows dropping his clothing on the floor as he stepped closer to Kitt.

  Kitt was undressed first and lifted his hands to Austin’s face turning him in the perfect angle to claim those wonderful lips.

  Chapter 10

  Packing his toiletries, Austin lifted his gaze to look in the bathroom mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair, setting it just right. He’d packed dinner with a couple of bottles of wine and used a small backpack for a change of clothing. Kitt was bringing a sleeping bag and the little bit of gear they needed to camp out tonight. As far as Austin knew, they were taking Kitt’s truck and going a few miles farther back on the Kelly’s property to a tucked away section of land Kitt always went to watch the sunrise.

  A grin spread across Austin’s face when he thought about lying in Kitt’s arms last night after a particularly gentle session of their love making. Austin persisted on the idea of their camp out until Kitt whispered quietly into his hair he wanted to share a place with him. For some reason, those were some of the sweetest words ever said to him. Especially, since he knew Kitt had never taken another out there before.

  It surprised Austin how much he looked forward to tonight. Kitt always got up and left in the middle of the night, refusing to stay until the morning. And, he wouldn’t let Austin stay either. Kitt remained vigilantly conscious over where they were and who might be around to see them. Austin slung his backpack over his shoulder at the same time his phone sounded from the dresser. A groan erupted and he warred within himself on answering. If he hadn’t stopped to check his appearance, he never would have heard it. It was always his plan to leave the phone here when he left to go to Kitt tonight. He almost didn’t check it.

  But things were too rocky with Cara right now, and the press was still all over his ass so he couldn’t ignore whoever it was contacting him. More importantly, why were they contacting him? Frustrated, Austin stalked across the room to his dresser.

  He palmed the phone and read the message. A frown tugged across his brow. His manager, Phillip Philips, sent their designated emergency code through text message. It was the one not to be ignored. He dialed the number quickly, and his call was answered on the first ring.

  “Grainger, I think you’re gonna be done with this seclusion thing when you hear this. Scorsese has a new movie. It’s big and he wants you. Sandy Bullock has already signed on. You need to do this, Austin.”

  “Please tell me that wasn’t the emergency,” Austin said, a little relieved this was all there was going on. He pivoted and walked down the hall to the living room.

  “It’s not, but it’s in my hand. You need to take it,” he said.

  “No. I’ve told you I’m done. Now what’s the real reason you’re bothering me?” Austin adjusted his pack across his shoulder and headed for the back door where the cooler was waiting.

  “The security reports show you’re spending regular time with some cowboy.” Phillip didn’t even try sugar coating it.


  “Who is he?”

  “Why?” It came out defensive as hell.

  “Cara’s concerned.” Phillip’s tone changed from aggressive to worried.

  “Why?” Austin repeated his earlier question giving nothing back in way of an explanation.

  “She isn’t doing too good, Austin. She’s drinking too much. The pills are stronger and more frequent.”

  “I spoke with Seth last night and I’m heading back to LA tomorrow. I’ll take care of it,” Austin said, deciding his manager might not have to be fired by the end of the phone call after all.

  “She thought you’d already be back by now.”

  “I know, she’s told me, but I couldn’t have been anymore clear to everyone. I’m done. I’m actually happy again. You should give it a try,” Austin said, grinning at his last little dig.

  “Austin, just be careful. We don’t know anything about this guy. Let me run him.”

  “No! Besides, that would be a waste of time. I’ve known him all my life. Listen, keep the cameras and media focused elsewhere. He already doesn’t know we’re being so recorded. I’ll meet up with you tomorrow, I’m late now,” Austin said, reaching his thumb out to hit end to this call.

  “Late for what? Cow chipping?”

  The question made Austin smile as he disconnected the call.

  A knock sounded on the back door. He looked down at his phone to check the time. How was he again late to meet Kitt? He opened the door a little more aggressively than he planned to before seeing Mike on the back porch.

  “Hey boss man, you wanted to see me? You haven’t been around much today,” Mike said in his generally good natured way.

  “Something’s come up. Come in for a minute.” Austin held the door open, antsy as hell. His right leg bounced as he tried to slow down and not be rude to Mike.

  “You goin’ somewhere?” Mike asked, stepping in only a step or two like he normally did, just enough to shut the door behind him.

  “No…well, yeah, I am. I’m packing for a trip. I have to head back to LA tomorrow for a day or two,” Austin said, keeping a hand on the door knob.

  “Alright. Well, I’ve got things covered here.” Mike nodded. “I was just headin’ into town. Need me to pick up anything?” Mike asked, his fingers shoved in his front pockets.

  “No, I’m good,” Austin said, and opened the back door again. He prayed he didn’t offend Mike, but the sooner he left, the sooner Austin could
get out the door. He still needed to walk over to Kitt’s which would make the whole night even later in getting started.

  Mike took the hint. Halfway down the porch steps, he looked back at Austin over his shoulder. “Take care.”

  “Yep, you too,” Austin responded, and he shut the door, watching

  until Mike drove off.

  Both back to back conversations totally stressed him out. How had he shut down his entire life to move back to Podunk, Texas in the hopes of finding some freedom only to still be hiding so completely? He’d loved these last few days more than any other time in his life. Having Kitt around, changed everything for him.

  Austin was happy again, and his heart actually had a feeling other than negative cynical energy coursing through it. His tattered soul began to heal by leaps and bounds, and it was all due to the sexy cowboy next door who paid him only a little bit of attention.

  Kitt didn’t give Austin an inch. He made Austin work for every smile, every conversation they shared, and Austin loved every minute of it all. Even with Cara clearly flipping out, calling him all day and all hours of the night, drunk and stoned, talking smack to everyone; a smile still came to his lips when he thought of Kitt.

  Their only problem, if it were even possible, Kitt hid more than he did. And, Austin was beginning to realize that the five or six hours a day he spent with Kitt wasn’t nearly long enough.

  For the first couple of nights, it wasn’t much more than non-stop, fantastic sex. Way more sex than Austin had experienced in years. Neither of them seemed to get enough of each other. But, during those marathon hours spent together, Austin realized he actually enjoyed Kitt’s company. The guy was funny, smart and sexy as hell. After two days and tons of ridiculous debating, Austin managed to talk Kitt into agreeing that once they were inside his house, it should be considered nudist territory. Everything they did must be done naked for the sole reason Austin loved to look at Kitt’s rocking body.


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