Texas Pride

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Texas Pride Page 32

by Kindle Alexander


  It looked like there were two agreements Austin made for the night. One, no public touching, and two, being the designated driver. Austin stood back, busying himself in the living room as Kitt downed a beer in a couple of deep gulps while standing in the opened door of the refrigerator. The outward calm of dressing must have been a façade, Kitt was obviously uncomfortable.

  When Kitt realized Austin planned to drive, he grabbed two more beers for the road. Austin took it as some sort of encouragement that his sexy boyfriend needed to be drunk to be seen with him in public. Well, maybe it wasn’t that, but the thought did cross Austin’s mind, and he chuckled. If Kitt needed a good buzz, it was fine. Austin didn’t say a word, he was just relieved he kept the refrigerator stocked with the required Bud Light for times just like this.

  Austin had made plans for this outing a couple of days ago, but hadn’t had the nerve to suggest it until tonight. Even when he’d brought it up, his heart thumped in his chest, and he had his face covered in shaving cream to hide any reaction that might show. He knew from experience, the more they shied away from this, the more people would speculate. They needed to be out as the couple Austin told the world they were.

  The no touching thing would be hard. They needed to act like a couple. There was a fine line there, but Austin needed to walk it tonight, and so did Kitt. If Kitt needed to get tipsy to help make it happen, then Austin would DD it tonight, and maybe get in a peck or two in front of the others, claiming this man as his. Because without a doubt, Austin knew the reporters and photographers were still incognito in this town. This night out would be front page tabloid news tomorrow morning.

  “Babe, what constitutes as a PDA?” Austin asked driving down the dirt road leading to the main highway into town. He turned on the local country classic radio station, the one Kitt liked the most. Kitt drank the beer down in one gulp before answering.

  “No touchin’, no kissin’. Stay an appropriate amount of space from me.” Kitt answered clearly and efficiently, reaching over to search the stations. The move confirmed how nervous he was as he went through station after station, not really listening to the music, just pushing buttons. After a minute more of eternal scan, Austin stopped him by entwining their fingers together and pushing the radio button back to Kitt’s favorite station with his index finger.

  “If I can’t touch you all night, at least let me hold your hand now.” Austin brought Kitt’s knuckles up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of his hand. “I love you. It’s gonna be alright. I promise.”

  “There’s no way you know that.” Kitt turned to look out the window into the night as they drove along the darkened highway. Austin could see a small smile on Kitt’s face through the reflection in the dark window. The smile didn’t match the statement, and Austin hoped it was a possible joke.

  “I do because no matter what happens tonight, I’m bringin’ you home, layin’ with you in my bed, makin’ love to you and wakin’ up in the morning with you in my arms. So no matter what happens, it’s all gonna be all right in the end.”

  Kitt didn’t say another word. The smile stuck, so did the quiet, but he was calmer even as Austin pulled into a front parking space. “You ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.” Kitt got out and looked around the parking lot. Austin came to the front of the truck and waited, watching Kitt take the full minute looking at the other vehicles parked around them. Finally, perhaps a little reluctantly, Kitt came to stand in front of Austin.

  “After you, babe.”

  “No name callin’,” Kitt said, immediately amending the rules as he stepped past Austin to walk straight inside. As Kitt hit the front door, slowly every head in the place turned his way. The jukebox played, but other than that the noise in the room slowly died off as Austin came in the front door to stand directly behind Kitt. He gave Kitt no PDA, but he stood as close to him as he could without touching, and stared back at everyone. He pointed at a table and touched Kitt on the back.

  “How about that booth in the corner?” It broke the silence, but not the focus. People openly stared. Austin vaguely remembered some of the faces they passed from back in the day, but Kitt had to know them all. Yet, no one acknowledged him. It was like they didn’t see him while staring directly at him. Austin on the other hand was treated like the celebrity he was trying not to be. Every girl in the place was beside herself watching him walk through the restaurant. Much to their clear vocal regret, Kitt took the side of the booth facing them and Austin sat with his back to the room.

  “Well, that wasn’t so bad.” Austin grabbed a menu from behind the napkin dispenser.

  “Whatever. I think that was about the most awkward thing I’ve ever done in my life.” Kitt stared at Austin as if he’d grown another head as they walked in.

  “You haven’t been in my shoes the last ten years, that felt almost normal,” Austin said, reading the menu. He looked up and saw Kitt still staring at him and reached over to hand him a menu. Kitt took it, but laid it down, not looking at it. A perky little waitress came over to the table, handing Kitt a beer with two waters.

  “Hey, Kitt. I talked to Kylie. She says she’s back at school now and everything’s calmed down. I’m glad all that died down. It was crazy around here, but the tips were great! What can I get you to drink, Mr. Grainger?”

  Austin wanted to jump up and hug this waitress. Whoever she was to Kylie, Austin was forever in her debt for approaching the table like a normal, reasonable human being.

  “Call me Austin, and I’ll have Bud Light, please,” Austin said, looking her directly in the eyes. He gave the grin he’d been taught to give. It didn’t matter the grin felt awkward on his face. He’d been told the ladies loved it, and he loved this waitress, so she got the grin.

  To her credit, she did stare at him for a long minute, smacking her gum, before she began to fan herself. “Whew, you sure are good lookin’. Do you know what you want for dinner yet?”

  Austin looked over at Kitt, but the waitress answered for him.

  “He always gets the t-bone, medium, baked potato, no sour cream, green beans. Right, Kitt?”

  Kitt gave a nod, and Austin smiled bigger.

  “I’ll have the same, but add his sour cream to mine. I love the stuff.” Austin dropped the menu back behind the napkin dispenser, grinning at Kitt.

  “Alright then, I’ll be back with your Bud Light in a bit.”

  “Bring me another.” Kitt lifted his beer. She raised her eyebrows but stayed quiet, nodding once before she left them alone.

  “The décor hasn’t changed much over the last fifteen years. Still very nineteen-seventies up in here. You come here a lot?” Austin asked.

  “I used to. Before you moved in.” Kitt’s eyes left Austin’s, and he scanned the room. Austin had no idea what Kitt was seeing, but his expression grew harder, and Austin didn’t like it at all.

  “Babe, pay attention to me, no one else. I’m your date,” Austin said, pulling Kitt’s attention back to him.

  “No ‘babe’ tonight, Austin.” Kitt immediately responded, looking directly at Austin.

  “I’m sorry, but stay focused on me. Ignore everything else, okay?” Austin nodded his head trying to get Kitt’s agreement. “Trust me, if you get comfortable with this, so will they. They’re pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ out there, and it’s tension and judgment. Let it go. We’re a couple. Couples eat together.”

  Austin worried about Kitt. He didn’t let him too far from his sight, and anytime anything was brought up about them, Austin dodged it and moved Kitt away from the question. He also kept Kitt too busy at night to watch the news or surf the net. He didn’t want Kitt stumbling across all the gossip and accusations being flung around about him. It was clear the world thought Kitt had cheated on Austin with Fisker. It was absurd, but the only way the reporter had to spin the story without looking like a sleazebag for exposing Kitt.

  It concerned Austin so much, he’d even reached out to Sean t
o make sure he was good. That had been one of the most interesting conversations he’d ever had. Austin went into the conversation jealous and testy, but Fisker was loving all the attention of his new fame. Fisker was fine being considered the man Austin’s lover cheated with, and his social life couldn’t have been any better.

  What bothered Austin the most was Kitt’s staff. A little more than half ended up walking out. It took a couple of days, but six out of ten left the farm. Kitt also got a few cancellations on scheduled insemination gigs he’d had set up in the area, and two of the largest farms pulled their hay baling from Kitt. No matter how Austin tried, he couldn’t shield Kitt from those kinds of things, but Mike worked his magic and got Kitt focused on Austin’s farm.

  They were going to become a shorthorn breeding farm. It would definitively require Kitt start an artificial insemination program through the new cows and heifers arriving. Mike also moved his range cattle over with Kitt’s, combining them, helping to keep the integrity of the new breed stock intact. Every bit of this was done to prevent Kitt from being able to take a minute to breathe and realize everything he’d lost because of Austin.

  The beer was put in front of him, and Austin smiled a thank you. Kitt drank his first one down, and a replacement was put in his hand.

  “I’ve been thinkin’ about something for a few days now. Actually, for a couple of months, but really hard the last few days. I think we should combine the farms. Make it one large one again. Run them together. Heck, we’re already doin’ so much of that now,” Austin said, and then took a long drink of his beer, watching for Kitt’s reaction. The reservation he knew was coming hit Kitt’s brow, and Austin hurried on with his plan.

  “We already run the horses together. The track’s across both our properties. The range cattle are mixed together on your back property. The shorthorns are gonna be partially yours for the insemination work you’re doin’. I just think it makes sense,” Austin said trying again. “We could remove the fence I put down the middle, open that pond back up. Mike could manage the cattle, he’s good at that, and Jose could run the horses. They could share duties on crops, or whatever you think.” Austin stopped because he rambled and Kitt just sat there quietly for a full minute.

  “I don’t know. I never thought about it before.”

  What did that answer mean? And the reservation still lingered. Austin had been watching it all week, and for that matter, most of their relationship.

  “It makes sense,” Austin said into Kitt’s silence. Kitt’s full focus was on Austin.

  “We’ve only been together eight or nine months,” Kitt whispered, leaning in across the table. “Don’t you think that’s a little soon to be movin’ everything together like that?”

  “We’ve been together almost every single day out of eight months, two weeks, and four days, Kitt. That makes us more than just together for a little less than a year.” Austin said it, and Kitt stayed quiet because he didn’t need to say what was clearly on his face.

  “Ba…. Kitt, I’m here to stay. Haven’t I proved it yet? I love it here with you,” Austin said quietly, not wanting to be overheard. He leaned across the table toward Kitt who was already leaning on his elbows staring at Austin. The reservation was gone, his face just intense now. It gave no clue what was going on in that head of his.

  “They still want you for movies. Nothing’s changed since you came out. You thought it would, but it hasn’t,” Kitt said in almost a whisper. Austin could see he wasn’t quite as effective as he thought at keeping information from Kitt. A small amount of hurt snuck into Kitt’s eyes, and that landed squarely in Austin heart. He’d caused everything about Kitt’s world to be dramatically turned upside down, changed forever. Austin could tell by the stares Kitt got tonight that things had also changed in how this community saw Kitt. But for Austin, he was still a coveted commodity, maybe even hotter than before. The movie deals were rolling in at least one a day.

  “Maybe someday I might do another movie if we agree it’s right for us. You won’t let me reach across this table and take your hand, but I want to so badly…I would love to have you on set with me on some tropical island for six weeks, just me and you. The international community can be much freer with their bodies than we are here in the States. You’d be so hot on a nude beach. I can just see it in my mind…” Austin took a second to look off, thinking about his nude Kitt walking on a private beach, playing with him in the crystal blue ocean. They’d make love as the water lapped over them. The grin spread across his lips as he turned back, momentarily forgetting they both weren’t sharing the same thought, and he gave a laugh.

  “And, I can see that you don’t understand its greatness. For right now and the foreseeable future, I’m right here with you, Kitt, until we decide something different. And when I’m gone away on business, I’m still right here with you for as long as you want me. This is where I want to be. You’re where I want to be. Our focus needs to be on our farms. Combinin’ them makes sense. I can give you controllin’ interest if it makes you feel more comfortable. But it’ll make us stronger. I want us to be a breedin’ farm. You can get us there, Kitt.”

  “Here’s your dinner, and can I say that everyone’s just tryin’ to hold off before comin’ over here and askin’ for your autograph, Mr. Grainger. You’re quite the buzz in here,” the waitress said, setting each plate in front of them. “The steak sauce is by the napkins up there. Is there anything else I can get you? How about a couple more beers?”

  Kitt gave a nod to her question. Austin shook his head no.

  “Alright then, Kitt, you’re weird tonight. Are you sure you want another beer?” She looked confused and directly at Kitt.

  “Yeah, he’s drivin’ tonight,” Kitt said, absently looking up at her.

  “I think it’s for courage,” Austin added.

  “What? You don’t need courage, Kitt, we love you here. You’ve been through a lot, but we’re like your family here, and we respect you. I know I do! I’ll get you another beer, but promise me you two will stick around and let everyone get Austin’s autograph and get reacquainted with him again.” She didn’t wait for an answer, but turned on her heels, done with the conversation.

  “Not shy is she?” Austin asked

  “Not at all. She’s been my sister’s best friend since birth. If Kylie told anyone that she found us, it’d be her.” Kitt reached for the steak sauce.

  “Ah, maybe that’s why she’s so comfortable with us. Well that’s good. We need people on your side, Kitt. Now, say ‘yes’ to me before you put that bite in your mouth.” Austin waited and watched Kitt with his fork mid-way to his mouth. It lowered, but rose again and he ate the bite, nodding his head.

  “We can try it. See how it works. Open up parts of that fence dividin’ us. It would make it easier to run the cattle in the back pasture.” Kitt cut another bite. Five beers seemed to make him more amicable, and the sixth just plain made him relax. Austin needed to remember that in the future. He’d never seen Kitt drink this much of anything, and it looked like Kitt was a happy tipsy man. Maybe if Austin kept the beer coming they could go parking after they left. Have some truck bed sex on the way home.

  Austin smiled at the thought and realized Kitt was still talking. He forced his mind back trying to catch what he missed. “Do you agree?”

  “Ask me again.” Austin looked up at Kitt.

  “If this doesn’t work for either of us there’s no harm, no foul, and it goes back to normal.”

  “Okay, if you’ll agree that the surveillance fencing goes around the entire property. It’ll make it easier for my team to look over everything.” Austin began cutting his steak.

  “Is that what this is all about? You want to keep a better eye on things?” Kitt stopped eating.

  “No, not at all! It’s easier to have the farms run as one. We’re too invested in each other, but it would make it safer for everyone if the fence was around the whole place. It would catch any breeches.” Austin spoke with his mouth

  “Here, Kitt. Is there anything else I can get you?” The waitress appeared with another beer for Kitt.

  “No, we’re fine,” Austin said. Kitt seemed more relaxed and was back to just eating with Austin like they had done almost every night for months and months. “I have the papers drawn up at home. You can read and sign them, or I’ll tell you what’s in them and you can sign them.”

  “Pretty sure of yourself.” Kitt swallowed down a gulp of the beer. There was humor in his tone, and his eyes stayed on Austin.

  “No, that’s one thing I’m not when I’m dealing with you, Mr. Kelly, but I was hopeful. I’ve had these papers for a week trying to man up and find the right time to ask.”

  “Now I see why you’re getting me drunk.” Kitt pushed the plate in front of him aside, but kept the beer in his hand. He sat back in the booth, his eyes stayed on Austin, and the grin on his face had Austin growing hard just watching him.

  “I think that’s you gettin' yourself drunk, but keep goin’. I like it when you agree with me.” Austin waggled his eyebrows, and Kitt chuckled. They were back to normal, at least through the length of the meal.


  Kitt let out a loud, jaw cracking yawn as Austin drove them home. It was well after midnight. Kitt’s favorite radio station played quietly in the background. Kitt had kept drinking, but slowed it down some when they went over to the bar. Even slowing it down, Austin estimated Kitt had consumed at least a twelve pack over the last few hours. Not too drunk, but drunk enough for what Austin had in mind.

  “Tonight turned out pretty good, don’t you think?” Austin asked. The pickup cab was dark, Kitt’s head was rolled back on the head rest, his eyes closed.

  “It stressed me out to do that tonight, but everyone got less weird as the night went on.” Kitt gave another yawn and Austin lifted the console and patted the seat.


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