Dancing in the Darkness

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Dancing in the Darkness Page 4

by Lexa Luthor

  Charlie sighed and put aside her curious concerns on the topic until something else came to mind. "Did you know the High Commander was… Omega'ish?" She sighed at Starr's low laugh.

  "The High Commander is an Alpha."

  Slightly frustrated, Charlie argued, "But she has feminine features." She shook her head and muttered, "A female Alpha." She was rather knowledgeable about Kalmar, if not more so than Starr. However, a female Alpha, or whatever they were called, was something new to Charlie.

  "Perhaps she's an unusual breed of Alpha," Raakor suggested and shrugged at them.

  With a low hum, Charlie considered the idea and then asked, "Are there male Omegas?"

  Starr held out her hands and shook her head. "I'm not sure. I left this damn forsaken planet when I was six."

  It was true that Starr had left Kander at a very early age, barely escaping death from the Degenerate Kill Order that was put into effect by the last High Commander. From conception, Starr was cursed by both Kalmar and Earthlings simply because her Alpha father and human mother had fallen for each other. Rarely did Starr talk about her past, but Charlie had heard the story once a few years ago.

  Pursing her lips, Charlie weighed the High Commander's unusual attributes as both an Alpha and an Omega. The High Commander was as large as any Alpha, aggressive, and seemed to give off an Alpha scent. However, the High Commander had soft features and breasts like an Omega along with self-control that wasn't normal for an Alpha.

  After a heavy sigh, she whispered, "She's like an Alphega or something."

  Starr grunted, leaned into Charlie's space, and whispered, "Maybe you should ask her what's between her legs to confirm which one she really is." She instantly earned a hard smack to her bicep, and she laughed at Charlie's reaction.

  "Shut up," Charlie retorted.

  Raakor rolled his eyes and straightened up from leaning against the mantle. "What's the plan now?"

  "Maybe we'll be out of here tomorrow," Charlie offered and glanced at the techbit, which denoted the local time as nearly eight o'clock in the evening. Technically, the planet took twenty-six hours to complete a full rotation, unlike former Earth's twenty-four hours. Sometimes it was a real pain in the ass to spend any length of time on another planet that had different measurements. At an early age, Charlie realized that time was an invention and that outer space's concept of time was mysterious to all beings, maybe even to gods.

  "Let's hope," Starr muttered, who was still clearly on edge between her flare-up and being on Kander.

  Charlie had a soft frown and knew the flare-up was toying with both Starr's body and mind, which left her with one and a half crewmembers. In many ways, the downtime on Kander could benefit them because it meant Starr had more time to work through her flare-up before they actually started the job. They would be in luck if it at least tapered off before they left Kander.

  Charlie reached over and squeezed Starr's knee. "Is there anything I can do?" Starr's adamant headshake said it all. Once early on in their relationship, Charlie had offered sex to help subdue the flare-up, but she had been rejected. Starr would always reject her.

  * * *

  At dawn, the light streamed through the slightly open drapes and crept up onto Charlie's soft features. She was half buried under the blankets in her private room. The night had been a little chilly, especially since early fall was descending over the planet. Used to sleeping in the dark confines of a spaceship, Charlie was stirred awake by the light. She then stretched before going for her shower.

  The bathroom was large enough for two people to be comfortable, and everything was made from beautiful white stone, similar to the building. Nothing like the plastics on Earth. The Kalmar were people of nature and were kind to their planet. Whatever they harvested from the planet, they tried to replace and sustain. Even their clothing was worn, re-worn, and patched until the threads all but disintegrated on their bodies. Most likely it was the Kalmar's conservation efforts that led them to never tap the planet's darakar fuel.

  One small blessing on Kander was the electricity, but it was minimal. Every drop of electricity came from solar, wind, or water rather than from sources that polluted Kander. It was another thing about the Kalmar that Charlie admired.

  After the refreshing shower, she hastily put on her clothes and tied her boots until knocking on the door brought her attention up. Most likely it was Starr wanting to start their day, but the face on the other side of the door made her frown.

  Commander Gaveston stood proud, as usual. Behind him were the two door guards. He promptly returned Charlie's glower and stated, "Kal has requested your presence."

  Charlie's features tightened further, and she wanted to bring her team, especially Starr.

  "Now," Gaveston snapped impatiently.

  "Let me get my crew." Charlie took a step out but was halted by Gaveston in her path.

  "Just you and not your… crew," Gaveston stated with disgust in his tone.

  Charlie narrowed her eyes and could tell that Gaveston would carry out the order to perfection, no matter the consequences. She decided to play the game and nodded at him. "Lead the way."

  Gaveston marched off, followed by Charlie, and then one of the guards. The journey through the confusing building didn't take long. It was only a short elevator trip up a few floors and then to a sealed door that was left unguarded. Gaveston merely pointed at it.

  Charlie frowned at his cold attitude. It had been so long since she'd dealt with a damn Alpha. And now she was about to face the biggest Alpha of them all. With a sigh, she pushed open the door to see a desk until her eyes caught sight of the High Commander, whose presence filled the entire space.

  With a shove from Gaveston, Charlie stumbled in and weakly smiled at the furious High Commander. Thankfully, the anger wasn't directed at her but at the poor sap under Kal's boot.

  "Tell me again," Kal snarled at the fallen Alpha under her heel. She continued applying more pressure to his throat, almost about to crush it if he didn't heed to her.

  "Ja, Kal," the Alpha warrior gasped. He clawed at the stone floor under him, his face squashed into it. Drops of blood were beside his face on the marble.

  Briefly, Kal's dark eyes cut to Charlie, then she huffed at the Alpha warrior under her boot. "Report back with better news in two days."

  The warrior touched his throat after getting onto his feet and whispered hoarsely, "Ja, Kal." He bowed out of the room before he lost any more pride.

  Charlie fought a nervous laugh while watching the warrior's embarrassment in front of a human. After releasing a shaky breath, she nearly jumped when Kal spoke to her.

  "We have much to discuss this morning."

  Charlie cleared her throat, as if feeling the boot on her own throat. She tried ignoring why Kal's raw, dark power actually excited her. "Ja, we do." She became better focused and stated, "I would prefer if my crew were here."

  Kal stepped behind a long wooden desk and picked up a computer tablet that leaned against the window, most likely solar charging. "Why?" She approached Charlie and added, "You are in charge."

  Charlie parted her lips and yet gave pause at Kal's insightfulness. A long time ago, she had been reminded several times that Alphas had an intellect of a rock. The heart and soul of the Kalmar were in the Omegas. "We're a damn team."

  After a low rumble, Kal's lips curled into a wolfish smile. "The hybrid is in heat and therefore cannot think clearly, much less provide any useful element to this meeting." She tilted her head and added, "And the Hurr will not speak."

  With a tilt of her head, Charlie stared up into eyes that were as bright as the planet, glowing like green fire. There were countless myths that the High Commanders held the very spirit of the Kalmar's god in them. For a heartbeat, she was lost in those green orbs, looking for answers to her own soul. But she blinked away the trance when Kal shifted to her side.

  "You speak our language well," Kal remarked.

  "For a human," Charlie added sarcastically. A low,
thick rumble sounded at her back, and she grew tenser when Kal stood behind her. She suspected Kal was easily a foot and a half taller, if not more.

  Kal lowered her head closer to Charlie, nearly into her personal space. "Our language doesn't travel to outer space," she whispered. "And I highly doubt the hybrid taught you so quickly." After a huff, she stated, "You have a distinct dialect to your Kalmarese."

  Barely holding down a shiver, Charlie quickly realized that Kal was well aware of her history on Kander. It was true that her Kalmarese dialect revealed where on Kander she'd been raised as a teen. "Earth," she rasped, annoyed at her body's natural reaction to Kal. "I'm from Earth."

  "Many humans are from Earth." Kal took one step closer to Charlie's left side. Suddenly, she smiled, revealing her sharp canines and went in for the kill. "Dorlon."

  Charlie stiffened and jerked her attention to the face so close to hers. "How do you…?"

  "Dorlon was my mentor," Kal replied. "She also recommended you for this job."

  Charlie shook her head against the very old childhood memories. She had stored her past deep in the recesses of her mind until Kal unlocked it with one name. Needing space, she moved away and whispered, "She was my best friend." And also Charlie's first romantic crush.

  Kal stared, looking into Charlie's soul and reading every string in her heart. "She said you saved her life."

  Charlie folded her arms and stared into the past. "She was fishing on a rock in the same river, the one that bordered our villages. I showed up a little later, scared her, and she fell into the rushing water." She looked over at Kal. "Your people hate water, and she couldn't swim. I jumped in and got her to shore."

  Kal narrowed her eyes and remained quiet.

  Charlie shook her head and muttered, "She was so pissed that she slapped mud onto my face." She grinned slightly when she heard Kal's amused grunt. "One year later to the day, she finally thanked me for saving her." She shrugged and muttered, "Even though it was my fault."

  With calmer features, Kal neared Charlie. "She feels you will handle the situation carefully."

  Charlie came back to the present and peered up at Kal, who stood beside her. "I will," she assured.

  After a low rumble, Kal stated, "Good, because Dorlon staked her reputation on you." She went to the small sitting space in front of a fireplace. "Join me."

  Charlie was bothered by Dorlon's choice, honored yes, but worried, nonetheless. By Kal's position in the middle of the couch, they would be seated close together. With an inward groan, she settled into the sofa and did her best to act natural.

  Kal retrieved a folded tablet from her coat, bringing it out of its sleep mode. Once the device was unfolded to its full size, she tapped its screen until a photo appeared. "These are the pictures of the kidnappers' ship."

  Charlie was forced to lean into the ruler's space so she could have a better view. Nothing was familiar about the ship, and there were no affiliation markings on it. She frowned because she personally knew a lot of humans in outer space. The only thing that stood out was the ship's old nature, most likely a transporter by its bulky, gray hull sides.

  After a moment, Kal flipped to the next image, which was a close-up of the cockpit of the ship. She could see the outline of two faces in the front seats and that was all. The details were blurry even with the ship's reflective glass helping to offset the solar flare.

  "Can I see?"

  Charlie accepted the oversized tablet. It made her realize how much larger built Alphas were compared to humans. She focused on the pictures, swiped between them, and zoomed in and out to search for additional details. Any clue could help them locate the kidnappers, especially when the galaxy was so damn huge.

  With a shake of her head, Charlie said, "I need a copy of these images." She had contacts she could reach out to and locate the ship's owner. She reached into her jacket pocket for her techbit.

  "Joh," Kal denied.

  Charlie paused and looked up from the tablet to Kal's stern features. "It's a lead," she argued, but a shudder passed through her when Kal flashed a dark smile.

  "I already have a plan in motion. It is why you're still here."

  Charlie returned the techbit to its home inside her jacket, then narrowed her eyes. "What plan?" She hated being caught off guard.

  "The kidnappers demanded ten shipments of darakar. When we give them the final one, they will return the Omega to us." Kal paused and tilted her head. "I've already responded to their demands. The kidnappers will send word when they want to collect the first shipment of darakar."

  "What?" Charlie was wide-eyed and nearly dropped the tablet. "Don't you think you should have discussed this with me before making that call?" Her blue eyes grew icier with each tick.

  Kal matched the anger with a threatening snarl. "It was my decision to make, and you now work for me."

  Charlie straightened up and realized her strength paled to Kal's own, which became a thick veil of power that washed over Charlie and nearly extinguished her ire. It threatened to strangle the fight out of Charlie, except she held her position a little longer. Suddenly, Kal's raw influence crawled off, allowing her to breathe fresh air.

  Kal was on her feet, moving and snarling low before she said, "When the kidnappers arrive to collect the darakar, they will be killed, and then you and your team will assume their places."

  "Killed?" Charlie narrowed her eyes and fisted a hand in her lap. "Our agreement is that we're paid fifteen a head, and now one, two, or all of them will be killed by you?" Anger started pulsing through her veins, and she wanted to slug the smug High Commander.

  "You should have considered that detail before agreeing."

  Charlie was nearing an outburst except for the fact she was in the middle of the Kalmar capital, in the Great Tower, in the room with the highest power, and with absolutely no weapon. A scream clawed the back of her throat, but she held it at bay. She refused to be totally bested, so she leaned into Kal's personal space.

  Instantly, Kal stiffened and revealed her canines, granting Charlie a low sneer.

  "Trick me again, and I won't return your Omega," Charlie snarled. "Instead I'll sell her to the highest bidder for more stills." She was hardly deterred by the Alpha's threatening growl or inky eyes. It'd been a long time since she was this pissed off. "I swear it."

  Kal was clearly trembling in anger after the threat, hands fisting at her side. But to Charlie's amazement, Kal composed herself and showed her rare ability to have self-control over her inner Alpha, unlike all the others on the planet. After a deep breath, she calmly said, "Bring the Omega safely back to me, and I promise the darakar is yours."

  Charlie was jarred from her anger at the mention of the darakar. Just six ingots of the fuel alone were worth hundreds or even thousands of stills. Once the rush faded away, she remarked, "This Omega must mean something to you." Perhaps the Omega was Kal's own, but Charlie hadn't noticed a bite mark on Kal's neck and assumed the ruler was unmated, which was common for many Kals.

  "All Kalmar mean something to me."

  Nothing in the ruler's tone alerted Charlie to a lie. After a sigh, Charlie set the tablet on the sofa and weighed the earlier plan, before the fight. "So the kidnappers come, and we take the ship. That's assuming we can crack their ship's security." It wasn't a horrible plan but not something she would have done.

  "I was told your Hurr is skilled with tech."

  Charlie gave a faint nod. "Most of the time, so let's hope this is one of those times." Even with the pictures, she had no clue what kind of a system was on the ship. She hoped it was one that was easy for Raakor.

  Kal eyed Charlie, then came over and picked up the tablet. "Let's hope for your sake." She started for the desk.

  Fucking Alphas and their control issues, Charlie silently cursed for the second time. After such an ugly meeting, Charlie was nearly convinced that Kal probably had a penis between her legs considering Kal's mile-long dominance streak. She sensed their meeting was over, sooner than pla
nned, but she was fine with it. She needed space from the overbearing, cocky Alpha. However, her stubborn nature to have the last word spurred her onward, and she looked over at Kal.

  "If we're staying on the ground this long, we need our things from our ship and for the job." She found calmer, green eyes on her now.

  Kal stood behind the desk, hands pressed on the surface, her gaze steady on Charlie. After a moment of consideration, she nodded and said, "One of your crewmen may return to your ship today." When Charlie glared, Kal smirked and added coolly, "You will remain here."

  Charlie was frustrated again and wondered about the thick distrust that flowed in Kal's veins. "And these damn guards?" She expected a hot reaction and was further annoyed when Kal showed indifference.

  "The guards are not for our protection but yours." Kal tilted her head. "Especially your hybrid partner."

  Several notches of Charlie's frustration were cooled down by Kal's reasoning, aided by the fact she'd referred to Starr as a hybrid rather than a degenerate.

  "You are free to go into the city and explore it."

  Charlie sighed and actually accepted the suggestion because she hated sitting around and waiting for action. "The Degenerate Kill Order ended years ago."

  Kal straightened after the mention of the old order. "Ja, but there are those who still pay handsomely for a hybrid. I would hate to see your crewmember subjected to it."

  Charlie flinched at the truth and ugliness of the bounty still on hybrids. Often the hybrid was thoroughly tortured, including rape, emasculation, castration, or sodomization before he or she was killed slowly. It was an extremely ugly part of the Kalmar race that made Charlie sick. And as she looked at Kal, she saw a note of sympathy in those green eyes.

  "Commander Gaveston will escort one of your crewmen to the shuttle so you may obtain your supplies," Kal said, effectively ending their meeting.

  Charlie went to the office door and considered mentioning Commander Gaveston's extra-large attitude that probably compensated for a small penis. Instead, she stayed quiet and left the office without another word.


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