Dancing in the Darkness

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Dancing in the Darkness Page 14

by Lexa Luthor

  "S-s-she's being held down this hallway, then to the left, and on the second right," the kidnapper revealed in Jero, raising her hands. "In a room with the number 51."

  Charlie chuckled at her win and stood. "You're coming with us. I'm not great at remembering directions."

  Andren hauled the kidnapper to her feet and spun her around, still using the blade to threaten her. "Move," she ordered in Jero and took the lead behind the kidnapper.

  "Charlie," Raakor called over the comms, "I just entered the atmosphere or what's left of it."

  "Roger that," Charlie replied. "I need you to stay a few marches away from the base until we get this Omega."


  Andren kept a firm hand on the kidnapper's shoulder while pressing the blade against her side.

  "Nothing like cold, sharp metal to inspire somebody," Charlie muttered. Behind them, Starr was covering their backs.

  At the end of the hall, they turned to the left, then the second right brought them to a shorter hallway that ended with three different doors, each with a number.

  Andren shoved the kidnapper to door fifty-one and ordered, "Open it."

  "Unlock the door," Charlie translated in Jero to the kidnapper.

  The kidnapper narrowed her eyes at the mercenaries from over her shoulder but approached the biometric pad. She raised her hand to it, allowing the system to scan her.

  "At least we don't have to sever her hand like we did with Anderson," Starr darkly joked in Jero.

  Charlie smirked when the kidnapper stiffened at the mention of Anderson. "Open the door," she commanded when the latching system released.

  Carefully, the kidnapper tapped the access button, and the door slid to the left. She was shoved into the room, barely catching herself from hitting the floor.

  Charlie and Starr fanned out on either side of Andren, rifles at the ready.

  "That'sss far enough," a Gyr ordered in the Jero tongue.

  Several paces in front of them was the Gyr with an arm across a female hostage's chest and a gun pressed to her temple. The hostage had a black bag over her head, but Charlie still heard her occasional whimper. When Andren took a step closer, Charlie surmised it was likely the kidnapped Omega.

  "Not another move," the Gyr snapped.

  "Stay still," Charlie translated to Andren. "It'll be fine."

  "Take their weaponsss, Dakota."

  The female kidnapper, Dakota, turned on her heels and revealed her smug look, now that she had the upper hand. "You didn't really think it was that easy?"

  With a sigh, Charlie still believed it was really that easy because so far it was only Dakota and the Gyr who remained. There were no other kidnappers coming to assist them, and Charlie liked the odds as her quick mind formulated a plan.

  Dakota started with Andren and ordered, "Toss your blade."

  Even with a foreign language, Andren lifted the blade's tip near Dakota's face, then bitterly dropped it to the floor.

  Dakota kicked it aside then ordered, "Everything. Now."

  Slowly, everyone stripped their weapons from their bodies, metal hitting the stone floor until it was eerily silent. Dakota grabbed one of the lectra handguns for herself.

  "Ssso, the High Commander sssent one of her own, a human, and a Kalman mix," the Gyr declared. "What a pathetic team."

  Dakota neared the Gyr, which gave Charlie a better view of him under the bleak overhead lights.

  "You," Starr growled and took a step forward with her hands fisted at her side.

  "Ssstop," the Gyr hissed and dug the gun into the Omega's head.

  Charlie narrowed her eyes and also placed the Gyr's familiar features. "You were on Lerto." She softly cursed under her breath, hoping he forgot about Raakor.

  "Barr," the Gyr supplied.

  Needing a distraction, Charlie said casually, "Listen, Barr, we'll cut you and Dakota a deal." Charlie shrugged and offered, "If you give us the Omega and let us go, then we won't take you back to Kander with us. You can just go on your way." She looked over at Starr and winked at her.

  Starr huffed low.

  Dakota turned her amused features to Barr.

  "But if you don't agree, we'll take you both back to the High Commander, and she will peel your skin off while you're still alive." Charlie gave a dark smile and taunted, "I'm sure she'd like a nice Gyr-skin jacket." Slowly, her right hand lowered, closer to her belly.

  Barr hissed, then yelled, "You're not in chargggee!"

  "Actually," Charlie argued in Jero, "I still am." She snared the tiny Grasshopper gun from her waistband and hastily pulled the trigger.

  A loud, strong sound vibration rocked half the room and tossed the kidnappers and the Omega onto their backs. Dakota slammed into the wall behind her and slumped to the floor. Barr also collided into the wall after he dropped his gun midair, but his body protected the Omega from any damage.

  Starr crossed the short distance and collected the Omega into her arms, taking her away from danger.

  Charlie and Andren checked the unconscious kidnappers' pulses, then removed any other weapons. Together, they used Charlie's metal zip ties to bind Barr and Dakota's hands behind their backs. Once done, they went to Starr and knelt in front of the Omega, who still had the bag tied around her neck.

  Starr was using a pocketknife to cut the ropes around the Omega's wrists that were behind her back. But when the Omega started fighting her, she had to pull the knife away.

  "It's okay. It's okay," Charlie insisted in Kalmarese. "You're safe. We were sent by Kal to free you." She reached for the black bag. "I'm going to get this off your head so you can see us." And most likely smell Andren's familiar Kalmar scent that would ease the situation further.

  Slowly, Charlie untied the string under the Omega's chin then quickly tore off the bag.

  Much of the Omega's dark hair fell around her face until Andren's nimble fingers combed it out of the way. She gasped for air a few times, then gazed up at her saviors. For a moment, she stared at them but carefully studied Andren. "You're a Kalmar too."

  Andren worked her slack jaw a few times, then hesitantly said, "Ja." But her wide-eyed stare copied Charlie and Starr's same shocked looks.

  Before them sat the perfect mirror image of the High Commander, except she had slightly darker eyes and shorter hair. And in those eyes were fear, confusion, and hints of hope, making them full of life so unlike the High Commander.

  Charlie was the first to pull out of her stupor. "My name is Charlie. This is Andren." She then touched Starr's shoulder, which helped break her trance. "And this is Starr. She's going to get those bindings off your wrists."

  The Omega gave a faint nod, then leaned forward allowing Starr access to the bindings.

  "Can you tell us your name?" Charlie asked.

  "Fairlee," the Omega replied. "My name is Fairlee."

  Charlie bit her lower lip and was amazed how easy it was for the Omega to reveal her name as compared to the High Commander. "We're going to get you out of here and back home, Fairlee." She popped up and radioed, "Raakor, we need that ride now."

  "On the way. I should be there in five ticks."

  "Roger that." Charlie watched Starr toss the bindings away, but then she turned to the two kidnappers. "You think they'll fit in the trunk?"

  Starr stood up and peered over at the unconscious lumps on the floor. "Probably so." She grinned at Charlie and suggested, "Might have to bend them a little."

  After a shrug, Charlie announced, "We need to go. Think you can walk, Fairlee?"

  With Andren's help, Fairlee stood and nodded.

  Charlie smiled at Fairlee before she peered up at Starr. "Can you handle the kidnappers?"

  "Ja." Starr first grabbed her weapons, then went over to the kidnappers and tangled her long fingers into the back of their collars, getting a good handle.

  "I'll go first, then you two next, and Starr last." Charlie collected her weapons and tossed Andren's dagger and rifle to her. Exiting the holding cell, she sca
nned for any trouble but found everything quiet, so she followed the same route they'd used to come in, winding through the base.

  Even with the dangerous situation, Charlie's mind kept going over Fairlee's distinct features and what it all meant for Kal and even Kander. From Andren's reaction, it was clear that Andren had no idea that the kidnapped Omega was related to Kal. On top of it all, Fairlee had been carefully selected and held for ransom. However, Charlie highly doubted Barr, a Gyr, had any clue about Kal's family, much less where to find Fairlee on Kander. Barr had insider information, somehow. The sheer idea made Charlie's stomach woozy and her pace increase, needing to return to Kander as quickly as possible.

  Outside by the landing pad, Raakor was bringing the craft down beside the transporter. Once he shut off the engine, he hopped out and immediately helped Starr with the two unconscious kidnappers.

  "I want to get them in the rear locker," Starr said as she and Raakor dragged the kidnappers to the back of the craft.

  After clearing her throat, Charlie mentioned, "We only have four seats in the shuttle. I hope one of you doesn't mind sitting on the other's lap." She assumed they would be most comfortable with each other, plus Omegas were generally smaller, and Charlie needed to fly the shuttle.

  Fairlee nodded and looked at Andren. "We'll be fine."

  Upon noticing a soft flush on Andren's cheeks, Charlie decided to walk away and handle prepping the shuttle for everyone.

  Raakor went to the transporter's open cargo doors and vanished inside it.

  "What about the heads?" Starr asked when she came alongside Charlie and held an empty bag from the shuttle's locker.

  Charlie grumbled and worried about too much weight hurting the vessel's engine during takeoff. However, the broken planet had less gravity pull, and they might be fine.

  "Fifteen thousand stills per head, Charlie."

  Giving in, Charlie finally nodded but sharply ordered, "Just don't make a mess in the damn locker." She climbed into the shuttle, leaving the door open while she started the engine. She also made sure that oxygen and heat were vented into the locker, so the kidnappers survived the flight up to the Pacifica.

  Poking her head out, Charlie caught Andren and Fairlee's attention. "You both should load up." She softly laughed when Andren guided Fairlee to the shuttle and opened the door for them. Turning away, Charlie spotted Raakor jogging back from the transporter with their nearly empty duffle bag, which prompted her to remove her rifles and stow them.

  A few ticks later, everyone was loaded into the shuttle's tight confines and a strange silence filled the cockpit. Charlie focused on lifting off the ground but eventually ordered her techbit to play easy listening music, hoping to settle everybody's nerves. The flight to the Pacifica was short, and everyone quietly disembarked the craft after it docked in the cargo bay.

  "Starr, can you and Raakor take care of our two esteemed guests?" Charlie pointed her thumb at the shuttle's rear locker. "Then I'll catch you both in the cockpit."

  Starr nodded and met Raakor at the stern of the craft.

  "And I'll show you to your quarters," Charlie offered to Andren and Fairlee. She guided them out of the cargo bay and asked, "Do you need any medical attention?"

  "I am unharmed," Fairlee assured.

  Charlie turned and went down a few hallways, passing the galley, and then coming to the row of doors. "This room and this room are open," she said while pointing to them. "Are you hungry or thirsty, Fairlee?"

  "I…" Fairlee hesitated but nodded after gathering her strength. "I am many things, but I think I could use a bath after nearly a fortnight."

  Charlie softened after she considered everything Fairlee must have gone through since the moment of her kidnapping. "With the solar currents, it'll take about two hours to travel to Kander. You'll have time to shower, eat, and rest."

  "I'm sure you are exhausted among other things," Andren added, but even she seemed weary too, dark circles under her eyes.

  "There's a shower in your quarters, towels, and a made bed." Charlie pointed over her left shoulder. "And the galley is back that way to your right. Feel free to eat and drink whatever you like." She grinned softly and joked, "Raakor keeps a variety of food."

  Fairlee nodded once then hesitantly mentioned, "I do wish to know more but perhaps later."

  "You should rest," Andren insisted.

  "I'll return later to check on you both." Charlie stepped between them and started for the cockpit but paused after a step. "Andren, tah."

  Andren smiled at Charlie and replied, "Motah."

  Charlie continued on her way and was happy to find Starr and Raakor waiting for her in the cockpit. "Secure the prisoners?"

  "Chained and locked up," Starr assured.

  "How's your flare-up?"

  "Nearly gone."

  Charlie could already tell and smiled at Starr's returned sanity. She took her seat in the captain's chair and went over all the systems. "What's the local time on Kander?" Behind her, she heard Raakor using his techbit.

  "Twenty hundred hours," Raakor reported.

  "So it's already dark," Charlie whispered while she continued prepping the ship for departure. "We'll probably make it there around twenty-two hundred hours, then it'll take half an hour to get on the ground."

  "Radioing ahead is a waste," Starr muttered.

  "They'll be waiting for us," Charlie assured. She put the ship into gear after setting the course to Kander. First, she had to fly the ship past the planet's former rings before they could enter light speed. "You both should get some rest before we get there."

  Raakor easily took the hint and said goodnight to the team. After he left, Starr slid into the co-pilot's seat and remained too silent.

  Once past the rings and gaining distance from the solar system, Charlie asked, "Whaaat?"

  "You know what." Starr stretched her long legs under the panel. "That girl back there is the High Commander's sister." She folded her arms and whispered, "Somebody other than that Gyr set this thing up."

  "Probably so," Charlie quietly agreed.

  "And it's not our problem, Charlie."

  Pretending to focus on the flight, Charlie tried working through Starr's opinion before she finally admitted, "Maybe I care a little because I did grow up there."

  "You survived there just like me." Starr finally looked over at Charlie, who ignored the stare. "You know what happens if we get emotionally involved in this kind of shit." She tilted her head and argued further, "The galaxy gods only know how deep and how ugly this could go."

  Charlie clenched her jaw to hold back from saying whatever came to her mind. She needed time to think, and the flight back to Kander was hopefully enough for her.

  Starr shook her head, stood, and started out of the cockpit but reminded sternly, "It's only a job."

  Chapter 9

  Raakor took the co-pilot's seat and said, "I have the controls. You should take a break."

  Charlie muffled a yawn then stood, silently accepting the offer. She patted his broad shoulder before leaving the cockpit. "Only forty to fifty more minutes till we're there." First, she decided to check on the two Omegas and knocked softly on Fairlee's door, but it was Andren that slid it open.


  "Turen," Charlie politely greeted and watched Andren's features soften. She suspected Andren automatically went on guard duty around Fairlee. "I came to check on you both."

  Fairlee came to Andren's side. "It's okay," she gently insisted. "I'd like to visit with Charlie alone for a while. You should rest, Andren."

  Still the soldier, Andren frowned and turned her stoic features to Fairlee.

  "Go," Fairlee ordered. "I'll be fine."

  Sighing heavily, Andren nodded and left the room to go to her own quarters.

  "Loyal to a fault," Charlie whispered then entered the room with Fairlee. "Were you able to rest any?"

  Fairlee took a seat on the foot of the bed. "I laid down after eating but couldn't sleep."

ng that Fairlee ate pleased Charlie, but the lack of sleep was hardly a surprise to her. Charlie sat in a chair that'd been turned away from the table at some point, most likely by Andren. "It'll take some time." After such a kidnapping, it would most likely take years for Fairlee to heal from it. "Is there anything I can do?"

  Fairlee smiled but it was weak, and she shook her head. "You have done plenty."

  "We'll be at Kander soon." Charlie leaned forward and laced her hands together between her knees. "I will return you to the High Commander as soon as we arrive." She curiously waited to see or hear any scrap of reaction from Fairlee at the mention of Kal.

  "Then you will collect your payment," Fairlee concluded.

  "Ja, we do have an arrangement." Charlie continued watching every line in Fairlee's soft features, then slowly realized that Fairlee had a bite mark on her neck. She was a claimed Omega, most likely missed by her Alpha back at home.

  "How much am I worth?" Fairlee finally met Charlie's stare. Her dark eyes danced with turbulent emotions.

  Licking her dry lips, Charlie weighed both the question's depth as well as the answer's impact on Fairlee. After a deep breath, she replied, "Two hundred thousand stills." She watched the glassiness in Fairlee's eyes become stronger, and guilt chewed away at Charlie's chest. "And a load of darakar," she softly added. At the mention of the fuel, she thought back to the kidnappers in the field, before Kal sliced them in half. "But she said you were worth more than all the darakar on Kander."

  Fairlee shut her eyes and slightly trembled for a moment.

  "You're her twin sister," Charlie whispered after a beat and watched how Fairlee slowly opened her eyes, staring across the quarters into nothing or perhaps the past.


  After swallowing, Fairlee turned her head in Charlie's direction and explained, "My sister left the day Kalatas took control of her."

  Struggling with her own emotions, Charlie lowered her attention to the space between them and thought back on her time with Kal. For a moment, she relived Kal's touch and how their bodies had connected on a level that Charlie never knew until now. Instantly, her body ached for Kal again, and her clit throbbed greedily. Taking a deep breath, she pushed aside her needs and focused on what she knew about the Alpha under the god's mask.


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