Selected Poems of Hilda Doolittle

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Selected Poems of Hilda Doolittle Page 11

by Hilda Doolittle

  yet the frame held:

  we passed the flame: we wonder

  what saved us? what for?


  Evil was active in the land,

  Good was impoverished and sad;

  Ill promised adventure,

  Good was smug and fat;

  Dev-ill was after us,

  tricked up like Jehovah;

  Good was the tasteless pod,

  stripped from the manna-beans, pulse, lentils:

  they were angry when we were so hungry

  for the nourishment, God;

  they snatched off our amulets,

  charms are not, they said, grace;

  but gods always face two-ways,

  so let us search the old highways

  for the true-rune, the right-spell,

  recover old values;

  nor listen if they shout out,

  your beauty, Isis, Aset or Astarte,

  is a harlot; you are retrogressive,

  zealot, hankering after old flesh-pots;

  your heart, moreover,

  is a dead canker,

  they continue, and

  your rhythm is the devil’s hymn,

  your stylus is dipped in corrosive sublimate,

  how can you scratch out

  indelible ink of the palimpsest

  of past misadventure?


  Let us, however, recover the Sceptre,

  the rod of power:

  it is crowned with the lily-head

  or the lily-bud:

  it is Caduceus; among the dying

  it bears healing:

  or evoking the dead,

  it brings life to the living.


  There is a spell, for instance,

  in every sea-shell:

  continuous, the sea-thrust

  is powerless against coral,

  bone, stone, marble

  hewn from within by that craftsman,

  the shell-fish:

  oyster, clam, mollusc

  is master-mason planning

  the stone marvel:

  yet that flabby, amorphous hermit

  within, like the planet

  senses the finite,

  it limits its orbit

  of being, its house,

  temple, fane, shrine:

  it unlocks the portals

  at stated intervals:

  prompted by hunger,

  it opens to the tide-flow:

  but infinity? no,

  of nothing-too-much:

  I sense my own limit,

  my shell-jaws snap shut

  at invasion of the limitless,

  ocean-weight; infinite water

  can not crack me, egg in egg-shell;

  closed in, complete, immortal

  full-circle, I know the pull

  of the tide, the lull

  as well as the moon;

  the octopus-darkness

  is powerless against

  her cold immortality;

  so I in my own way know

  that the whale

  can not digest me:

  be firm in your own small, static, limited

  orbit and the shark-jaws

  of outer circumstance

  will spit you forth:

  be indigestible, hard, ungiving.

  so that, living within,

  you beget, self-out-of-self,


  that pearl-of-great-price.


  In me (the worm) clearly

  is no righteousness, but this —

  persistence; I escaped spider-snare,

  bird-claw, scavenger bird-beak,

  clung to grass-blade,

  the back of a leaf

  when storm-wind

  tore it from its stem;

  I escaped, I explored

  rose-thorn forest,

  was rain-swept

  down the valley of a leaf;

  was deposited on grass,

  where mast by jewelled mast

  bore separate ravellings

  of encrusted gem-stuff

  of the mist

  from each banner-staff:

  unintimidated by multiplicity

  of magnified beauty,

  such as your gorgon-great

  dull eye can not focus

  nor compass, I profit

  by every calamity;

  I eat my way out of it;

  gorged on vine-leaf and mulberry,

  parasite, I find nourishment:

  when you cry in disgust,

  a worm on the leaf,

  a worm in the dust,

  a worm on the ear-of-wheat,

  I am yet unrepentant,

  for I know how the Lord God

  is about to manifest, when I,

  the industrious worm,

  spin my own shroud.


  Gods, goddesses

  wear the winged head-dress

  of horns, as the butterfly


  or the erect king-cobra crest

  to show how the worm turns.


  So we reveal our status

  with twin-horns, disk, erect serpent,

  though these or the double-plume or lotus

  are, you now tell us, trivial

  intellectual adornment;

  poets are useless,

  more than that

  we, authentic relic,

  bearers of the secret wisdom,

  living remnant

  of the inner band

  of the sanctuaries’ initiate,

  are not only ‘non-utilitarian’,

  we are ‘pathetic’:

  this is the new heresy;

  but if you do not even understand what words say,

  how can you expect to pass judgement

  on what words conceal?

  yet the ancient rubrics reveal that

  we are back at the beginning:

  you have a long way to go,

  walk carefully, speak politely

  to those who have done their worm-cycle,

  for gods have been smashed before

  and idols and their secret is stored

  in man’s very speech,

  in the trivial or

  the real dream; insignia

  in the heron’s crest,

  the asp’s back,

  enigmas, rubrics promise as before,

  protection for the scribe;

  he takes precedence of the priest,

  stands second only to the Pharaoh.


  Thoth, Hermes, the stylus,

  the palette, the pen, the quill endure,

  though our books are a floor

  of smouldering ash under our feet;

  though the burning of the books remains

  the most perverse gesture

  and the meanest

  of man’s mean nature,

  yet give us, they still cry,

  give us books,

  folio, manuscript, old parchment

  will do for cartridge cases;

  irony is bitter truth

  wrapped up in a little joke,

  and Hatshepsut’s name is still circled

  with what they call the cartouche.


  But we fight for life,

  we fight, they say, for breath,

  so what good are your scribblings?

  this—we take them with us

  beyond death; Mercury, Hermes, Thoth

  invented the script, letters, palette;

  the indicated flute or lyre-notes

  on papyrus or parchment

  are magic, indelibly stamped

  on the atmosphere somewhere,

  forever; remember, O Sword,

  you are the younger brother, the latter-born,

  your Triumph, however exultant,

  must one day be over,

  in the beginning

; was the Word.


  Ra, Osiris, Amen appeared

  in a spacious, bare meeting-house;

  he is the world-father,

  father of past aeons,

  present and future equally;

  beardless, not at all like Jehovah,

  he was upright, slender,

  impressive at the Memnon monolith,

  yet he was not out of place

  but perfectly at home

  in that eighteenth-century

  simplicity and grace;

  then I woke with a start

  of wonder and asked myself,

  but whose eyes are those eyes?

  for the eyes (in the cold,

  I marvel to remember)

  were all one texture,

  as if without pupil

  or all pupil, dark

  yet very clear with amber



  Splintered the crystal of identity,

  shattered the vessel of integrity,

  till the Lord Amen,

  paw-er of the ground,

  bearer of the curled horns,

  bellows from the horizon:

  here am I, Amen-Ra,

  Amen, Aries, the Ram;

  time, time for you to begin a new spiral,

  see — I toss you into the star-whirlpool;

  till pitying, pitying,

  snuffing the ground,

  here am I, Amen-Ra whispers,

  Amen, Aries, the Ram,

  be cocoon, smothered in wool,

  be Lamb, mothered again.


  Now my right hand,

  now my left hand

  clutch your curled fleece;

  take me home, take me home,

  my voice wails from the ground;

  take me home, Father:

  pale as the worm in the grass,

  yet I am a spark

  struck by your hoof from a rock:

  Amen, you are so warm,

  hide me in your fleece,

  crop me up with the new-grass;

  let your teeth devour me,

  let me be warm in your belly,

  the sun-disk,

  the re-born Sun.


  Take me home

  where canals


  between iris-banks:

  where the heron

  has her nest:

  where the mantis

  prays on the river-reed:

  where the grasshopper says

  Amen, Amen, Amen.


  We have had too much consecration,

  too little affirmation,

  too much: but this, this, this

  has been proved heretical,

  too little: I know, I feel

  the meaning that words hide;

  they are anagrams, cryptograms,

  little boxes, conditioned

  to hatch butterflies…


  For example:

  Osiris equates O-sir-is or O-Sire-is;


  the star Sirius,

  relates resurrection myth

  and resurrection reality

  through the ages;

  plasterer, crude mason,

  not too well equipped, my thought

  would cover deplorable gaps

  in time, reveal the regrettable chasm,

  bridge that before-and-after schism,

  (before Abraham was I am)

  uncover cankerous growths

  in present-day philosophy,

  in an endeavour to make ready,

  as it were, the patient for the Healer;

  correlate faith with faith,

  recover the secret of Isis,

  which is: there was One

  in the beginning, Creator,

  Fosterer, Begetter, the Same-forever

  in the papyrus-swamp

  in the Judean meadow.


  Still the walls do not fall,

  I do not know why;

  there is zrr-hiss,

  lightning in a not-known,

  unregistered dimension;

  we are powerless,

  dust and powder fill our lungs

  our bodies blunder

  through doors twisted on hinges,

  and the lintels slant


  we walk continually

  on thin air

  that thickens to a blind fog,

  then step swiftly aside,

  for even the air

  is independable,

  thick where it should be fine

  and tenuous

  where wings separate and open,

  and the ether

  is heavier than the floor,

  and the floor sags

  like a ship floundering;

  we know no rule

  of procedure,

  we are voyagers, discoverers

  of the not-known,

  the unrecorded;

  we have no map;

  possibly we will reach haven,


  From Tribute to the Angels

  To Osbert Sitwell

  … possibly we will reach haven heaven.


  Hermes Trismegistus

  is patron of alchemists;

  his province is thought,

  inventive, artful and curious;

  his metal is quicksilver,

  his clients, orators, thieves and poets;

  steal then, O orator,

  plunder, O poet,

  take what the old-church

  found in Mithra’s tomb,

  candle and script and bell,

  take what the new-church spat upon

  and broke and shattered;

  collect the fragments of the splintered glass

  and of your fire and breath,

  melt down and integrate,

  re-invoke, re-create

  opal, onyx, obsidian,

  now scattered in the shards

  men tread upon.


  Your walls do not fall, he said,

  because your walls are made ofjasper;

  but not four-square, I thought,

  another shape (octahedron?)

  slipped into the place

  reserved by rule and rite

  for the twelve foundations,

  for the transparent glass,

  for no need of the sun

  nor moon to shine;

  for the vision as we see

  or have seen or imagined it

  or in the past invoked

  or conjured up or had conjured

  by another, was usurped;

  I saw the shape

  which might have been of jasper,

  but it was not four-square.


  I John saw. I testify;

  if any man shall add

  God shall add unto him the plagues,

  but he that sat upon the throne said,

  I make all things new.

  I John saw. I testify,

  but I make all things new,

  said He of the seven stars,

  he of the seventy-times-seven

  passionate, bitter wrongs,

  He of the seventy-times-seven

  bitter, unending wars.


  Not in our time, O Lord,

  the plowshare for the sword,

  not in our time, the knife,

  sated with life-blood and life,

  to trim the barren vine;

  no grape-leaf for the thorn,

  no vine-flower for the crown;

  not in our time, O King,

  the voice to quell the re-gathering,

  thundering storm.


  Never in Rome,

  so many martyrs fell;

  not in Jerusalem,

  never in Thebes,

  so many stood and watched
br />   chariot-wheels turning,

  saw with their very eyes,

  the battle of the Titans,

  saw Zeus’ thunderbolts in action

  and how from giant hands,

  the lightning shattered earth

  and splintered sky, nor fled

  to hide in caves,

  but with unbroken will,

  with unbowed head, watched

  and though unaware, worshipped

  and knew not that they worshipped

  and that they were

  that which they worshipped,

  had they known the fire

  of strength, endurance, anger

  in their hearts,

  was part of that same fire

  that in a candle on a candle-stick

  or in a star,

  is known as one of seven,

  is named among the seven Angels,



  To Uriel, no shrine, no temple

  where the red-death fell,

  no image by the city-gate,

  no torch to shine across the water,

  no new fane in the market-place:

  the lane is empty but the levelled wall

  is purple as with purple spread

  upon an altar,

  this is the flowering of the rood,

  this is the flowering of the reed,

  where, Uriel, we pause to give

  thanks that we rise again from death and live.


  Now polish the crucible

  and in the bowl distill

  a word most bitter, marah,

  a word bitterer still, mar,

  sea, brine, breaker, seducer,

  giver of life, giver of tears;

  now polish the crucible

  and set the jet of flame


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