Amazon Slave

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Amazon Slave Page 3

by Lisette Ashton

  His words had no effect. She moved off his back and tried rolling him from his stomach. ‘Come on, Roddy,’ she encouraged. ‘It’s going to make you feel better.’

  ‘I can’t,’ he declared unhappily. His cheeks burnt crimson as he risked a glance into the sparkling warmth of her verdant eyes.

  Judy frowned, not seeming to understand his dilemma. ‘You can’t?’ she repeated. ‘Why on earth not?’

  Roderick closed his eyes and ground his teeth together with helpless frustration. ‘You’ve excited me,’ he explained coyly.

  Judy sighed. ‘Is that all?’ she asked. ‘Turn over, Roddy. I need to massage your front.’ Her words allowed him no chance to refuse. She placed her hands on his side and gently turned him on to his back.

  Roderick lay there, painfully aware of his arousal. He tried to take his mind from the urgent pulse in his cock by staring at Judy. As his gaze fell on her naked body, he realised it was a mistake. It was the first time he had seen his step-sister naked, and he had to admit she was a sight to behold. Her long, bleached blonde curls framed her face and spilt over her shoulders but he was not looking at her face. She had a slim, waif-like frame with a narrow waist and unassuming hips. Her breasts were small and pert, tipped with rose-hued areolae and hard, thrusting nipples. He considered them for a moment, wanting to raise a hand and touch one of them. He dared not, after all Judy was his step-sister, but that did not make the longing go away. If anything, it made his sudden desire for her even more urgent. He wanted to take both her breasts in his hands and fondle them passionately.

  Casting his eyes down, before the enticing sight of her tits could drive him beyond temptation, Roderick found himself studying the dark curls of her pubic triangle. None of his previous girlfriends had ever bothered to colour their hair. For the first time he was faced with the sight of a woman whose pubic bush was a different colour to the hair on her head. Beneath the forest of dark curls, he could see that her pussy lips were already moist and he wondered hopefully if she was as excited as he was.

  His cock twitched eagerly.

  ‘You are excited aren’t you?’ Judy observed cheerfully, smiling at his hard cock.

  Roderick shrugged nervously. There was something not right about this whole situation he realised. Although he knew he should be trying to work out what was troubling him, Judy’s nudity seemed far more relevant. He had almost forgotten his fiancée and the desperate search he had been conducting for her. Similarly, he had come close to forgetting that he and Judy were virtually siblings.

  ‘I shall have to call you my ‘big’ brother from now on, won’t I?’ Judy teased. She drew the tip of her finger slowly along his cock, traversing the length from his balls to the swollen end.

  Roderick closed his eyes and groaned softly.

  ‘That’s right,’ Judy said, as though she had suddenly come to a decision. ‘I have to finish your massage don’t I? You sound as though you’re really struggling with all that tension.’ She climbed easily back on to the bed, straddling him again in one fluid motion. As before, she had her back to him but this time she was concentrating her massage on his shins and knees.

  Roderick thought of making some protest. Things were going too far. He did not know how much longer he would be able to resist her delectable charms but he knew he could not tolerate much more. He glanced up and found himself staring at the moist wetness of her pussy. The puckered ring of her arse nestled just above the lips of her labia and he strained to stop his cock from shivering. Bent over him, her backside looked magnificently large, and he longed to place his hands on her hips and guide her sex towards his face. It was another thought, too exciting for him to contend with and he breathed deeply, trying to suppress his yearning.

  His nostrils were filled with the clean sweet fragrance of her arousal. He could sense the musky aroma of her pussy and this time, no amount of effort in the world could have stopped his cock from twitching furiously. He felt his shaft brush against the cool flesh of her body.

  Judy giggled softly. ‘You’re enjoying this massage, aren’t you?’

  ‘You’re very adept,’ he replied quietly.

  ‘You’re dick just jumped up and brushed against one of my tits,’ she said. ‘You can be quite saucy when you try, can’t you?’

  ‘I didn’t mean to,’ Roderick mumbled. ‘It was an accid –’

  ‘I’ll bet you didn’t mean to,’ Judy laughed, a knowing touch to her voice. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at his embarrassed face. ‘You wanted your dick to touch my tits, didn’t you?’ she asked suddenly.

  ‘No!’ Roderick exclaimed, shocked by her words.

  ‘You’ve wanted to feel it pressing against them all evening, haven’t you?’ Judy said, ignoring his protest. ‘You probably wanted this all along.’

  Without another word, she stopped massaging his legs and moved her hands to her breasts. Placing one on either side of his stiff cock, she squeezed the two orbs together and slid them slowly up and down the length of his shaft.

  Roderick was in no position to see that she was manipulating her nipples as she did this. He lay back on the bed, groaning elatedly. When he dared to raise his head a moment later, he realised that Judy had shifted down on the bed a little. Now her arse cheeks were mere millimetres from his face. The scent of her arousal was a strong and heady perfume. He inhaled deeply, relishing the intoxicating fragrance. Her labia were glistening with wetness, and for the first time he realised she was just as sexually excited as he was. When they had been touching his back, he realised the lips had spread open. They were still open and he stared longingly into the dark depths of her inviting warmth.

  Pressed between the haven of her pert young breasts, Roderick wondered how much longer his cock could endure such divine treatment. He could feel his balls tightening and his stiff cock seemed to quiver continually. Slowly, Judy kneaded her orbs into the pulsing shaft of his dick. She pressed hard against him, unmindful of her own comfort. The tips of her fingers teased circles across the sensitive tips of her nipples and she thrilled to the tingling stimulation.

  Roderick leant forward on the bed. All his previous reservations were now gone. Emily was forgotten and he could easily overlook the fact that Judy was his step-sister. He moved his mouth dangerously close to the lips of her pussy and paused. For a moment he was happy to inhale her sweet bouquet. He did not know if she would be angry or upset but he suspected it would be neither of those two emotions. If the excited scent of her sex was anything to go by, Roderick guessed that Judy would squeal with delight when his tongue pressed into her hole.

  She moved away from him. Striding off the bed, she snatched her breasts away from his cock and smiled apologetically at him. ‘I’m sorry, Roddy,’ she began awkwardly. ‘That really wasn’t fair of me, was it? I know you weren’t trying to perv off with me, or anything like that. I shouldn’t have teased you like that.’

  ‘I wasn’t complaining,’ Roderick pointed out, more than a little breathless.

  She shook her head. ‘You’re just being kind,’ Judy told him. She picked up her robe from the floor and began to wrap it around herself.

  Roderick watched, horrified that she was taking the splendour of her body away from him. He struggled to find the words that would make a suitable argument or protest and force her to stay.

  ‘I only wanted to give you a massage,’ she said softly. ‘I guess I went a little too far.’ She smiled slyly at him. ‘I blame you,’ she added cheerfully. ‘You’re just too irresistible.’

  Roderick frowned unhappily into her face. He watched as she bent over and kissed his forehead chastely. He then watched as she went to the adjacent room and slid through the communicating door. It was only when he heard the click of the latch falling into place that he realised he had watched all of this in complete silence.

  Alone, he remembered his unsatisfied erection. Without a second thought, he took the organ in his hand and quickly began to roll the foreskin back and forth.

>   * * *

  As she closed the door on Roderick’s room, Judy clasped a hand over her mouth to silence the gales of laughter that had been welling inside. She could not believe it had been so easy to manipulate him. His expression, when she climbed off his body, had been so forlorn it looked hilariously comical. He was even more malleable than she had dared hope. She guessed that before the end of the week she would have Roderick eating out of the palm of her hand – or for that matter, anywhere else she chose.

  Her plan to get rid of Emily had worked splendidly so far. It had gone far better than she had expected. Tempers between Roderick and Emily had been fraught from day one of the holiday. The theft of Emily’s handbag had been the final straw and Judy had only to stand back and watch her plans come to fruition.

  After the argument she had travelled with Roderick and deftly guided him on the swiftest route away from the village. On the return journey, she had warned him about driving too fast and suggested the occasional ‘detour’ that would hasten their arrival.

  They returned six hours after leaving and Judy had not been surprised to discover that her rival was gone.

  ‘And it’s all thanks to you,’ she said, walking over to the handbag on her bedside cabinet. She glanced at Emily’s initials, monogrammed in silver on the clasp. Her lip curled into a sneer and she snatched the bag open. Without bothering to look at them, Judy tipped the contents into the waste-bin at the side of her bed. She glanced at the rubbish, noting the passport and foreign currency that lay there. Reaching into the bin, she pulled out a half-used pack of cigarettes and a gold-plated cigarette lighter. Then she dropped the handbag on top of the rubbish.

  Lighting one of the smokes, she lay back on the bed and inhaled deeply. As her fingers toyed idly with the lips of her pussy, she lay back and blew tiny smoke circles towards the ceiling. Waves of pleasure began to emanate from her clitoris and she smiled happily. Things were working out just perfectly.


  Things happened in such a whirl that Emily was left dizzy and terrified. Captain Wilde appeared in the main hatch, a thunderous expression darkening his face. He still held his wicked-looking cane and his black shorts bulged with the swell of his erection. Emily stared apprehensively at him. A flock of butterflies began to flap their wings in the pit of her stomach.

  ‘Who the fuck is she?’ he demanded.

  Laura, the statuesque blonde, shrugged. ‘I have no idea. She speaks English.’

  He grunted humourless laughter. ‘She would. Hold this.’ He passed his cane to the woman and reached down for Emily. ‘You’re coming with me,’ he told her firmly. Ignoring her cries of protest, Captain Wilde dragged Emily away from the pilothouse and towards the main deck.

  ‘Stop,’ she hissed. ‘Don’t. You can’t do this to me.’

  Effortlessly, he picked her up and carried her over his shoulder. He did this so casually she felt like nothing more than a rag doll in his arms. Beating his back with her fists and kicking her legs wildly in the black night, she cursed and screamed angrily for him to put her down.

  He laughed darkly, untroubled by her insults.

  ‘You can’t do this to me, you bastard,’ Emily sobbed, striking her hands against his broad muscular shoulders. ‘You can’t do this to me.’

  ‘You’re a stowaway aboard my vessel,’ he growled softly. ‘I can do whatever I fucking want.’ With a whisper of dark merriment he added, ‘Would you like to stop hitting my back before you hurt me? I’ve already decided to punish you. You don’t want to make it worse for yourself by upsetting me.’

  His words were spoken so calmly that Emily felt chilled by the subtle threat. Five minutes ago she had watched this man beat a woman’s bare arse, striking blow after blow with careless disregard for her feelings. As she watched, she had wondered how exciting it would feel to endure such an episode. Now, on the brink of finding out, she realised the appetite of her curiosity was not quite so ravenous.

  He hurled her from his shoulder and threw her against the mast. Like mythical creatures of the night, the brilliant white sails of the clipper rustled all around them. For an instant she was lost in a strange world of her own rising panic. There was no light on the upper deck and aside from the natural luminescence of the sails, she was shrouded in darkness. Her terror increased when she felt the captain’s hands on her body.

  She was lifted from her feet and pushed roughly against the hard wooden mast. Before she could raise a word of protest, Emily found herself tied to the huge round pole. Her hands were behind her back, well and truly secured by a long thin rope wound tightly around her wrists. She could move her feet, but that did not help in any way. Unused to the tilt and roll of the boat, she needed to keep them firmly on the deck to stop herself from toppling.

  She was firmly bound and unable to escape. As her eyes got used to the darkness, she could make out the captain’s silhouette before her. Fear and apprehension clouded all other thoughts. Her breathing quickened and her body shivered uncontrollably. She stared angrily at the captain.

  He was glancing over his shoulder and Emily saw Laura approach, offering him his cane. He thanked her and turned to face Emily. He studied her slowly for a moment, his gaze taking in her exposed breasts, and the skimpy, soiled bikini bottoms she wore. A wry smile twisted his lips.

  ‘Undress her,’ he snapped sharply.

  Laura walked over to Emily’s side and quickly obeyed the captain’s instructions. She released the clasp at the back of the strapless bikini top. Her hands encircled Emily’s torso and brushed almost casually against the swell of her breasts. Then the garment was being moved away from her.

  Emily watched as Laura tossed it overboard. The flimsy piece of fabric was visible for an instant, flying towards the rails at the starboard side. Then it was gone, snatched into the black velvety waters of the night.

  Emily swallowed uneasily when she felt the woman’s hands on her hips. Warm fingers reached inside the tops of her bikini bottoms. The woman hooked her thumbs into the pants and slowly slid them down to Emily’s ankles. As they were drawn down, Emily was aware of Laura’s fingers stroking slowly against the cool flesh of her legs.

  ‘Don’t do this to me,’ Emily gasped, her cheeks burning bright red with a mixture of fury and embarrassment. ‘I’ll apologise. I’ll say I’m sorry and you can throw me overboard but don’t do this to me.’ Her words tapered off helplessly, tinged with a pathetic note of desperation.

  She saw the captain exchange a glance with Laura. Then he turned and smiled at Emily. ‘Which tabloid do you work for?’ he asked crisply.

  Emily blinked and shook her head, wondering if she had heard him correctly. ‘Tabloid? I don’t work for a tabloid.’

  He raised his cane and slowly stroked the tip of it across her bare breast. It was almost a seductive movement but Emily still tried to flinch away from it. She stared down at the wicked length of the implement as it touched her exposed orb. Her heart was pounding quickly and she could feel her tired and aching arms trembling with fear. Distantly, she realised that her nipple was standing erect as the cane passed against it.

  ‘Stop with the play-acting and tell me why you’re here,’ Captain Wilde snapped. ‘I’m not renowned for my patience, and I don’t think you want to see my unpleasant side, do you?’

  Emily shivered. A cool breeze touched her naked body but it did not chill her. She was staring at the source of her tremor as he raised the cane above his head. ‘Untie me,’ she hissed. ‘I don’t work for a tabloid. I’m here accidentally and I’ll happily go away if you just untie me.’ This time she heard her words come out as a ragged plea.

  He lowered his cane and for an instant, Emily wondered if he was going to release her. He moved slowly towards her, his cruel lips grinning broadly. She could feel his naked chest brushing her breasts as he pressed himself close against her. His face was next to hers and his warm breath blew softly on her cheek. The swell of his erection pushed at her stomach through his shorts. She was simultaneo
usly chilled and excited by his nearness.

  Captain Wilde pressed his mouth over Emily’s and kissed her.

  She tried to move her mouth away but the binding on her wrists was secure. His body was hard and lean against her. His hands held her hips and stroked the tops of her thighs. Then he was pulling her pelvis and rubbing himself against it. Distantly she realised he was simulating intercourse.

  Emily realised she should have been shivering with revulsion. She was tied to a mast, being manhandled by the brutal bastard who had thrown her there. She should have been screaming for him to release her and get his filthy hands away.

  Instead, her treacherous body responded eagerly to the captain’s touch. Her nipples were hardened buds that yearned for him to touch them. The tingling between her legs was a dull throb that begged to be satisfied. She tried to move her mouth away from his, unhappy with the vulnerability of her situation. Her breathing had deepened and she could taste the erotic flavour of her own arousal. Conflicting emotions whirled inside her. She wanted to be away from the man – a million miles away. At the same time she wanted to be a lot closer.

  ‘What’s your name?’ he whispered quietly.

  She drew a ragged breath. ‘Emily.’

  He nodded, his lips rubbing gently against her face. His hands moved up her body and began to stroke the soft flesh of her breasts. His thumbs pressed against her nipples, teasing them casually beyond the point of erection. Then he was tweaking the flesh playfully between the tips of his fingers. ‘And why are you here, Emily?’

  She moaned softly. ‘I was alone and stranded in that last village you stopped at,’ she said quickly. Her words were broken by the heady depths of her arousal. ‘I needed to get out of there, and I had no other way of doing it. I saw your boat, climbed on board and stowed away in the lifeboat.’

  He nodded, his fingers teasing the flesh of her nipple to a state of pleasure she would never have anticipated. His lips caressed the soft flesh of her neck, just below her ear. ‘Is that the best story you can come up with?’


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