Amazon Slave

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Amazon Slave Page 7

by Lisette Ashton

  Captain Wilde delivered a second blow, harder and closer to the warm cleft between her legs.

  Dawn shivered but remained still. The boat ploughed evenly through the gentle flowing waters of the Amazon without veering to either side.

  Standing close, Laura smiled fondly at Dawn. She placed a hand on the woman’s right breast and gently stroked the orb with the tips of her fingers. Teasing the hardened nub of her nipple, she toyed with the silver ring of metal that pierced the flesh.

  Dawn’s breath deepened. She half-turned to face Laura, an expectant expression pouting her lips.

  The captain’s cane burned sharply against her bare backside. Dawn stiffened uncomfortably.

  ‘Eyes towards the prow, woman,’ he growled angrily. ‘You’re at the helm, remember.’

  Dawn straightened awkwardly, the movement made difficult because of her tethered limbs.

  Laura moved her fingers from the woman’s breast and placed her mouth there. Teasing the nipple gently, she inspired soft moans and sighs of appreciation with delicate flicks of her tongue.

  From his position in the pilothouse, Vincent smiled at Dawn’s predicament. He knew what she was going through, and he envied her the privilege of being used by the couple. His practical nature told him that he could not be the sole recipient of their punishment, but he still wished he was the one tied to the wheel. He knew that after the challenge was over, the loser would be allowed to punish Dawn for costing them the game. The prospect was so arousing he felt the stirrings of an erection flicker in his loins.

  ‘Do you want to check on our guest, Vincent?’ Laura called to him. She had moved her mouth away from Dawn’s breast and was brazenly fingering her pussy. Her other hand caressed the woman’s right hip, with loving, tender strokes.

  Vincent nodded and headed below deck. It was cooler down below and he took a moment to breath in air that was not sun-parched and heady with the omnipresent scent of the rain forest. Dawn’s voice could still be heard from above. She would occasionally moan with dull appreciation, then cry out softly, shocked by another bite of the cane. Beneath the sounds, Laura’s gentle coaxing and the captain’s passionate threats continually cajoled her.

  Listening to the voices, Vincent smiled happily. He did not dare to hesitate for too long, scared of incurring Laura’s wrath. Briskly, he went about his duties. Having walked through the saloon, past the galley and straight up to the forward cabin, he knocked smartly on Emily’s door.

  ‘Who is it?’ Emily called.

  Vincent swallowed nervously. ‘Laura wanted to know if you required anything,’ he explained.

  Emily barked dry laughter and threw the door open. ‘I’d like a little sanity,’ she said sharply. ‘But it seems like that commodity is in rather short supply on board this boat.’

  Vincent shrugged, unsure of what to say. ‘I think she meant a drink, or a snack, or a book or something,’ he told Emily patiently.

  Emily shook her head. She stepped away from the cabin door and moved back to her bunk. ‘You can come in and chat with me for a while,’ she told him. Glancing up at the hatch above her she added, ‘I need something to keep out that noise.’

  Vincent grinned and followed her into the cabin. He considered her to be an attractive looking woman. She did not have a full feminine figure like Laura, but her breasts were large and her figure was shapely. With the silk robe wrapped tightly around her body, he was aware of each and every delectable curve. He could not help but feel enchanted by her statuesque build and quiet air of authority.

  ‘It’s a gorgeous day out there, Vincent,’ she said, sitting on the bunk. She crossed her legs beneath herself. It was a slow, calculated movement intended to attract his attention to the easily visible expanse of her bare thighs.

  Vincent realised this as soon as he saw it. A smile surfaced on his broad, sensuous lips. ‘By midday it will be intolerable,’ he told her. At her invitation, he sat down on the bunk and frowned. ‘I heard you telling the captain your decision this morning,’ he said. ‘He’s not happy about it.’

  Emily smiled tightly. ‘I suppose that’s some consolation,’ she replied.

  ‘Wouldn’t you be better off travelling down to Havalaña?’ he asked. ‘Port Maga is a shit-hole. It’s got a bad reputation.’

  Emily studied him with a thoughtful expression on her face. ‘How long before we get there?’

  ‘At our current rate, we should be there by breakfast tomorrow.’

  She grinned. ‘It’s not soon enough for me. As much as I’d like to stay on board and travel to Havalaña, I’m not prepared to pay the price that your captain’s demanding. Shit-hole it may be, but the residents of Port Maga can’t be any worse than Captain Wilde.’

  Vincent shrugged, already having his own opinions about this matter. He stood up, preparing to leave the cabin. ‘I suppose, if you think the captain is going to let you ashore, then I shouldn’t try to disillusion you. I’ll go back to the pilothouse if you don’t need anything.’

  ‘Disillusion me?’ Emily looked shocked by the suggestion. ‘But he said he’d let me off at the next port if that’s what I wanted.’

  Again, Vincent shrugged. ‘I suppose I’m in no position to judge him. I answer to Laura. Dawn is the captain’s slave. Perhaps she could tell you if he’s a man of his word.’ He made for the door again.

  ‘Wait!’ Emily stopped him.

  She did not trust the captain, Vincent could see that much from her face. The sounds of Dawn’s punishment and humiliation still filled the air and he knew the noise could only be adding to her doubts.

  ‘How could I have been so foolish?’ she muttered angrily.

  ‘Excuse me?’ Vincent asked, not certain he had heard her correctly.

  Her face was a tortured mask of self-doubt and uncertainty. ‘He’s not going to let me off at Port Maga, is he?’

  ‘He’ll probably let you off,’ Vincent replied carefully. ‘If he’s said that’s what he’ll do, you shouldn’t doubt him.’

  Emily glared angrily at the blond man. ‘What the hell am I going to do?’ she demanded impatiently. ‘What the hell can I do?’

  Vincent shrugged. He already knew what her next plan would be. As he watched a slow smile spread across her lips, he realised she had worked it out for herself. Patting the bed beside her, she beckoned for him to join her.

  ‘Sit with me a moment, Vincent,’ she encouraged. ‘Perhaps we can help one another?’

  Vincent stared at her uneasily. ‘I can’t help you,’ he began. ‘The captain wouldn’t allow it.’

  ‘The captain doesn’t have to know about it, does he?’ Placing her hand on his thigh, she smiled into his face. The warmth of her expression did not reach her eyes.

  Vincent swallowed nervously. He could feel his cock stirring between his legs and realised exactly what Emily wanted from him. ‘We shouldn’t be doing this.’

  Emily stopped his words with a kiss. ‘The captain shouldn’t be keeping me here against my will,’ she murmured. ‘But it’s happening.’ Tenderly, she stroked the side of his cheek.

  Vincent started to place a tentative arm around her shoulders, then thought better of it. ‘He might come down here and catch us,’ he said, suddenly moving away from her.

  Emily smiled and pulled him back to her side. She glanced up at the open hatch and they both listened to Dawn’s occasional guttural moans punctuated by the whip-crack of the captain’s cane. ‘It sounds like the others are going to be occupied for a while now,’ she told him. ‘We should have plenty of time to get acquainted.’

  Unable to resist her any longer, Vincent pressed his mouth against Emily’s. He squeezed her in his arms and pushed her back on to the bunk.

  Emily gasped, surprised by his sudden passion. She stared up into his face as he towered over her and asked, ‘Will you help me? When we get to Port Maga, will you help me get off the boat?’

  Vincent nodded. ‘I’ll help you,’ he said quietly. The words came more easily than he would h
ave imagined. Not wanting to waste any more time on conversation, he reached for the silk robe she wore and tugged it quickly open. Her naked body was revealed to him in an instant. Her bare breasts fulfilled the promise that their outline had intimated. Vincent reached for the magnificent orbs. He carefully kneaded them with his fingers while his thumbs rubbed gently around the large brown circles of her areolae.

  Emily’s groan was a sigh of soft appreciation. She reached up to him and ran her fingers over the skimpy cropped top he wore. A flat expanse of sun-bronzed stomach was on display and she drew the pads of her fingertips over the hard muscle. His broad chest pushed at the light fabric and she traced her fingers over the outline of his well-defined muscles. Between her legs, the urgent swell of his arousal pressed against the tight denim of his jeans. ‘Take it off,’ she whispered, tugging at his top.

  Vincent glanced down at the garment and pulled it quickly over his head. As he removed it, Emily shivered beneath him. He realised the chain he wore had brushed against her bare breasts and he exercised an apologetic smile. Attached to his well-formed pectorals, biting into the sensitive flesh of his nipples, was a pair of sturdy clamps, linked by a thin silver chain.

  Emily gasped as she stared at it. ‘Nipple clamps!’ she exclaimed, her tone a mixture of disgust and awe. ‘Doesn’t that hurt?’

  Vincent smiled and shook his head. ‘Laura has had me wearing them all morning,’ he explained. ‘I can barely feel them now. It only hurts when the chain gets caught or pulled,’ he added.

  Emily grinned and curled her finger under the silver links. Tugging him playfully towards her, she caused an expression of breathless delight to cross over his face.

  Vincent tried to resist her. He watched as she tugged on the length of chain, stretching his nipples away from his chest. A series of white-hot explosions shivered through his body. His excitement was so great he could feel his chest glistening with sweat.

  ‘That looks like fun,’ she breathed, rubbing her hand against the rock hard length between his legs. She smiled salaciously. ‘You were enjoying that, weren’t you?’

  ‘Very much,’ Vincent told her. ‘You wouldn’t believe how good they can feel.’

  Emily considered him for a moment. She reached for one of the clamps and unfastened it from his breast.

  Vincent sighed softly as the clamp was released. He glanced down at his nipple and saw that the jaws had left teeth marks in the tender flesh of his pale areola.

  ‘That looks sensitive,’ Emily observed.

  He nodded ruefully. ‘It is.’

  Before he could stop her, Emily had placed her mouth over his exposed nipple and was sucking greedily at it. Her tongue flicked over the sensitive nub and she teased it between her teeth with gentle nibbles.

  Vincent groaned quietly. The bulge in his trousers felt as though it were on the point of bursting. The wealth of incredible pleasures emanating from his chest was far too exquisite for him to endure.

  Emily removed the second clamp and treated his freshly exposed breast to the same delicious torment. She sucked hard on the flesh, teasing the aching nub with the tip of her tongue. At the same time she used her fingers on his other nipple, rolling it lightly from side to side and occasionally squeezing it.

  Vincent’s breathing was a ragged pant. He stared at the woman with a newly found appreciation, unable to believe she had excited him so much. His erection was a furious powerhouse, longing to be released from the confines of his jeans.

  Emily moved her lips from his tortured breasts and smiled up at him. She offered him the clamps and said quietly, ‘Put them on me.’

  Vincent stared at her uncertainly. ‘Are you sure?’ he asked. ‘They hurt like a bastard.’

  Emily smiled. ‘That’s why I want you to put them on me. Quickly, Vincent,’ she added stiffly. ‘You wouldn’t hesitate if Laura had told you to do it.’

  Vincent needed no further instructions. He touched her left breast, then her right, trying to decide which nipple to clamp first. Sucking the right one, he drew his tongue over her areola in lazy circles. Before he had finished, Emily was breathing deeply and wriggling impatiently on the bed. Her nipple was a tight, hard bud that begged to be bitten by the clamp.

  With infinite care, Vincent pressed the handles together, opening the jaws as wide as they would go. He placed them on either side of Emily’s right nipple and studied her face. ‘Are you sure you want me to?’ he asked warily.

  She grinned into his concerned face. ‘Do it to me, Vincent,’ she hissed urgently. ‘I want to feel them now.’

  Slowly, he released the spring clip and allowed the clamp to fasten on her breast.

  Emily drew in a shocked breath. Her cheeks coloured bright red as an explosion of divine pain swept through her chest. Her breath came in ragged gasps and she growled words of tortured elation. She grinned happily into Vincent’s face, panting softly as she neared her orgasm. ‘The other one,’ she gasped breathlessly. ‘Put the other one on me.’ She reached for her own breast and pointed the nipple at him. The hardened nub pushed eagerly towards him, as though it was desperate to feel the intense stimulation that the clamp would inspire.

  Knowing it was what she wanted, Vincent applied the clamp.

  The teeth bit slowly into her breast and he watched as Emily suppressed a shriek of pure joy. She rubbed her hand hard against the cleft between her legs, her fingers moving faster as the pleasure intensified. When she touched the hardened nub of her clitoris an orgasm tore through her body. Emily’s screams of joy echoed around the cabin. A broad grin of elation split her face.

  The sight of Emily laying naked beneath him was more than Vincent could tolerate. He unfastened his jeans and withdrew his rock-hard shaft.

  Emily stared appreciatively at his length and reached for it eagerly. As her fingers stroked and caressed his cock the rigid muscle hardened beneath her sensitive touch. She moved her hand to the base of his length and squeezed tightly.

  Her fingers stopped suddenly and he realised they had brushed against the silver chain around his balls.

  ‘What the hell is this?’ she asked. Her finger stroked the chain and went below the tight sac of his balls. Her curious expression deepened as she tugged at the small metal padlock that secured the silver links.

  He grinned, not bothering to look at the device. ‘I suppose you’d call it a sex aid. When it’s fastened tight, it keeps me constantly erect. Laura makes me wear it all the time,’ he explained. ‘But it’s on loose now.’

  Emily tried to run her finger between the chain and his skin but found she was unable. ‘It doesn’t feel very loose,’ she told him.

  Vincent grunted humourless laughter. ‘Trust me, it’s on loose. When it’s on tight, I stay hard but I can’t climax. That way I can please her for as long as she wants.’

  Emily grinned. ‘I could understand how that would come in handy. How do I tighten it?’

  Vincent shook his head. ‘You need to unfasten it first, then tighten it,’ he explained. ‘And only Laura has the key.’

  Emily sighed, stroking lazily at his rock-hard length. ‘What a shame,’ she whispered softly, genuine regret tingeing her words. Her fingers encircled his shaft, squeezing it firmly. As she lay back on the bed she guided him slowly between the sodden lips of her wanton hole.

  He entered her easily, the wetness of her excitement lubricating his entire length.

  As he began to slide slowly in and out of her warm velvety depths, Emily gasped happily and encouraged him with soft words of praise.

  The clamps continued to bite into her nipples. Vincent could see she was struggling against the relentless pain of the jaws. From his own experience, he knew the joy that the clamps could create. He watched her tease the chain between her fingers and knew she was inspiring a new burst of tortured pleasure.

  He grinned down at her, a broad smile twisting his lips.

  Staring up at him Emily reached for the clamp on her right breast. She unfastened it quickly and her
face contorted with gratitude as relief washed over her. The inner walls of her vagina tightened hungrily around his length. Still holding the clamp, she attached it to Vincent’s left nipple allowing it to bite sharply into his flesh.

  Vincent groaned excitedly, forcing his cock deep inside her.

  Inside the velvety wetness of her pussy, his length stiffened with mounting excitement. She gripped him tightly with her inner muscles and pulled herself away from him. As she moved, the chain tugged tightly between the two clamps. Myriad prickles of pleasure erupted in his chest.

  He could feel the climax beginning at his balls. His cock was deep inside her and his entire length shivered with the dull throb of his orgasm. His balls were tight and pressed against the lips of her pussy as he came. They pulsed against the delicate flesh of her labia as he began to ejaculate.

  Vincent stifled a groan of enjoyment, then fell to the bed at her side. The movement of the clamps forced another wave of pleasure to sweep through him and he was aware that Emily was trying to stop herself from shrieking with ecstasy.

  He gently removed the clamp from her and replaced it on his own chest. He could not suppress the small grimace of pain that the action inspired. Pulling the cropped top back over his chest, he smiled across at her.

  Emily leant towards him and placed a kiss on his mouth. ‘Thank you,’ she told him quietly. ‘It’s good of you to help me.’

  Vincent’s smile vanished, replaced by a look of dark consternation. ‘I’ll do what I can,’ he told her. ‘We’ll work something out for Port Maga tonight, after Laura and the captain have retired.’

  Emily nodded. ‘I’ll look forward to it,’ she told him.

  As Vincent made his way towards the door, he watched her lay back on the bed and smile up at the hatch above her. A thought pricked his conscience and he frowned darkly to himself. The sounds of Dawn’s plight were still audible, but now it was as distant and unimportant as the animal cries from the shores.

  He paused at the door staring at the soft smile on her face. He wondered if it would be right to tell her why he had come to her cabin, then stopped himself, knowing he could not say anything. His troubled thoughts were broken by the sound of her whispering voice.


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