Boss with Benefits_An Office Romance

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Boss with Benefits_An Office Romance Page 53

by Tyler Grey

  I couldn’t help but feel excited at the opportunity. I wasn’t sure if the job was what I wanted to do, but now that I was here, I was glad for it. I was finally getting the chance to put my studies into action, and it sure beat sitting at home all day and feeling sorry for myself. I was very focused, and I had always known I would do well in an office environment. I knew it wasn’t for everyone, but I had strong convictions when it came to business, and I was excited to put everything into practice.

  The only thing I wasn’t sure about was Henry. He was all smiles today, and his mouth had practically hung open when he saw me. I wasn’t sure if he was just putting on an act, though, because it wasn’t like he was seeing me for the first time. We saw each other all the time, even if only in passing. He knew what I looked like. Sure, I’d made more of an effort today, but it wasn’t anything unusual. They were just clothes, and I was still the same person.

  Still, I couldn’t deny the fact that I liked the attention he gave me. It was hard not to. The guy was so goodlooking, and so damn charming. I kept picturing him dancing with my mother, and I knew that he was the sort of guy girls fell over themselves to get. Well, I would not be that girl. I would be the one girl that he could never get, I told myself. Although, it was going to be hard to ignore the fact that my entire body turned to jelly when I looked at him.

  I was going to do everything in my power to ignore him, but a part of me worried that I wouldn’t be able to rebuff him forever. It was wrong, though. He was my brother. I had to keep reminding myself of that fact. Hopefully, he would get bored of trying and move onto the next person.

  I noticed Jessica glaring at me again. The woman couldn’t stand me, and she wasn’t even making an effort to hide it. At first, I thought she was just rude, but I could now see that it was more than that. Jessica had been ever so nice to Henry, and she’d even been nice to someone on the phone. In fact, she’d been so cheery that I’d looked up in surprise. I’d thought it had been someone else speaking.

  Every time I looked up, I saw her looking at me. I figured her and Henry must’ve been an item, which was why she hated me so much. I assumed he had broken up with her, and that she was still completely hung up on him. Whenever she looked at me I got the distinct impression that she was thinking of ways to take me out. I’d always had a big imagination, and soon the whole scene had become a movie to me, with her as the antagonist.

  My phone rang, and I quickly retrieved it from my bag. I had forgotten to turn it to silent, but I didn’t think it mattered. I could hear phones ringing all the time. I saw it was Olive.

  “Hey, you, can you talk?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I can quickly.”

  “How are you? How’s the first day?”

  “So far so good. Haven’t done much yet but just getting to know my environment. I like it so far. I think it’s just nice to finally be able to do something. I think this is what I should’ve been doing all along. It feels so much better than just sitting at home and moping about my situation.”

  “Is this your way of telling me that I was right?” I could picture her grinning into the phone.

  “Yeah, yeah…you were right. I should’ve just found any job in the beginning.”

  “Nah, you were right to pursue the right job. I’m just kidding. You know I like to tease you. I’m glad you found something, though, and it sounds like it might be just the sort of thing you’d excel at. Even if it’s not, you’re sure getting paid well enough for it.”

  I chuckled. “I know. I still can’t believe it.” The salary was still such a huge surprise. I knew the company was doing well, but it was still a surprise. I couldn’t wait to get my first paycheck and finally start saving. My new apartment was now so close I could almost touch it.

  “Anyway, I won’t keep you. I just wanted to see if you were free to go out tonight? I was thinking we could go out and celebrate together. Dinner on me. Although, when that first paycheck comes, it’s dinner on you.”

  I laughed. “Sounds great. I’d love that. I could do with a good celebration.”

  “Great. I’ll text you details later and meet you at the restaurant.”

  I cut the call and saw Jessica suddenly standing over me. She was grimacing at me, and I wondered why she didn’t try a little harder to be nice. Didn’t she realize that being horrible to me was only putting her in a bad light?

  “Hi,” I said to her in a cheery sing-song voice I knew would annoy her. I couldn’t help myself. She was the sort of person that made you want to push her buttons.

  “You’re not allowed to make personal calls at work,” she said in a very harsh tone. She obviously wanted me to know that she was in charge and I would have to listen to her. It wasn’t true, though. Henry had already told me that the only person I would be working for was him. Her words didn’t scare me one bit.

  “Oh, I didn’t make any calls actually. Someone called me,” I said with cheek.

  “Same thing. Now, it’s your first day, so I’ll let this one slide, but in the future, you should know that we don’t tolerate that sort of thing here. We’re all about hard work. So, only emergency calls. No personal calls, at all. You can make those when you’re on your lunch break. Okay?”

  “Absolutely,” I said.

  The moment she walked away, I thought about sticking my tongue out at her but managed to refrain. I wouldn’t stoop to her level no matter how much I wanted to. Man, she was annoying.

  Henry walked in, and she was back to being all smiles. He informed us that he had been called out to some urgent meetings and apologized for not being there to help me on my first day. I didn’t mind. I actually didn’t want him hanging around, anyway.

  By the end of the first day, I was tired. Not really from having a lot of work, but from trying to figure things out. I was confident that I would feel better the next day. It had been a lot to take in, but I was pleased with how much I had figured out in such a short space of time. I said goodbye to Jessica, who basically ignored me, and headed straight home to shower and change for my dinner with Olive.

  When I got to the restaurant that Olive had suggested, I found her already there with a glass of wine waiting for me. That was the nice thing about meeting an old friend. She knew exactly what kind of drink I would need. I took a sip of the beautiful Chardonnay and smiled.

  “Oh, this is good. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure. I figured you’d want something like this after your first day.”

  “I certainly do. So, how does it feel to be sitting across the table from a working girl?” I said.

  Olive chuckled. “It’s good. You seem happy. I take it went well?”

  “It went well. Although, the secretary sure hates me.”

  “She does? Why? You’re not someone people hate very easily. You’re very likeable.”

  I smiled at her. “And that is exactly why you are my best friend. You say all the right things. Oh, who knows? I think she might just hate all women.”

  Olive groaned. “Oh, one of those. Oh well, you’ll always get one person in the office you won’t like. So, what’s it like working for Henry? Is he strict?”

  “He was actually out most of the day, so I didn’t see him much. He set me up at my desk and ran a few things by me, but I’m still to find out what sort of a boss he’s going to be. I guess time will tell.”

  “And, why do you get that dreamy look on your face when you talk about him?” she asked.

  “What? No, I don’t.”

  “You’re blushing.”

  “I am not,” I said, even though I could feel the warmth in my cheeks. Curse my pale skin!

  “Come on, I’m your best friend. I know you too well. You like him, don’t you?”

  I sighed. “I don’t know, Olive. It’s weird. He’s so handsome.”

  “Tell me you have a picture of him.”

  “A picture? Of course not. Although… Hang on… I might be able to find him on Facebook,” I said and got out my phone. I typed his name,
and it immediately came up. There were a few people with the same name, but I recognized his picture immediately. I enlarged it and handed the phone to Olive.

  She swooned. “Oh my goodness. That’s your boss?”

  “That’s my boss. And my stepbrother,” I reminded her.

  “You should totally go for him. I can see that he makes you feel all tingly.”

  I giggled at her choice of words. It wasn’t far from the truth. “I can’t go for him. He’s my brother, remember?”

  “No, he’s not. You are both adults, for one. And secondly, he’s not blood-related, at all.”

  “He’s still my family.”

  “Paisley, it would be different if the two of you grew up together. Then maybe it would be a bit weird. It still wouldn’t be wrong; it would just be weird. But you didn’t even do that. You only met him now. This guy is not family to you. He’s a potential boyfriend: that’s what he is.”

  I groaned. “Boyfriend? No. He’s not. He’s-”

  “Go for it,” she interrupted. “He’s so handsome. And, you clearly like the guy. How does he feel about you?”

  I thought about the way he looked at me and the things he said. “He flirts with me all the time, even though I don’t flirt back. I’m not sure how genuine it is, though. He could be like that with all ] girls. I mean, look at him; he’s clearly used to getting a lot of attention.”

  “There’s one way to find out. You should make a move and see where it goes.”

  I shook my head. “No. It’s not going to happen. He’s my boss, and my stepbrother, and I’m not sure how my mother or his father would feel about it. They probably want us to become friends, but I doubt they want us to start a relationship. Yeah, he’s good looking, but I can resist it. I’m stronger than that.

  “Soon, I’ll get used to his good looks, and they’ll mean nothing to me. Right now, the only thing I’m going to concentrate on is doing well in this new job, and then making enough money to have my own place.”

  “Such a pity. You’d make nice babies,” she sighed.

  “Olive!” I berated her. “Let’s not talk about babies or boyfriends. Let’s talk about food.” I opened up my menu and started talking about what I was going to order. I knew I wasn’t fooling either one of us, but I really didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Olive had always been the voice of reason — she was the one that was supposed to tell me not to go for him. Having her egg me on was making me even more confused than I was before.

  Chapter Ten


  It had been frustrating having to go out to a meeting on Paisley’s first day of work, but it was probably a blessing in disguise. At least the poor girl would get a chance to settle before I pounced on her. I wondered if I should’ve put her desk in my office, instead of out in the open, but that would only raise eyebrows.

  People were soon going to find out that my father was married to her mother, and that alone was going to get people talking. Myra had already told me that it was one of the things that Paisley was most worried about. She didn’t want people to think that she only got the job because of the family connection. I’d set them straight, though. I would make sure that nobody spoke about her in that way. I didn’t care at all, but I didn’t want it affecting the way she thought about the job.

  I got into work early her second day, hoping to get some alone time with Paisley before Jessica came in. But Jessica was already there: the only person in the office. She jumped up and grinned when she saw me.

  “Good morning, Henry.”

  “Morning, Jessica. You’re here early.”

  “I’m always here early. You know how much this job means to me,” she said sweetly.

  I smiled, but I was starting to lose my patience with her. She had already been with the company for a few years, and she showed no interest in moving forward. I very much doubted that she loved her job so much that she had to come into work early every day. She wanted me to finally ask her out, and I was not going to do that. I should have been flattered, but she was too annoying, and I was not in the mood.

  “Well, that’s good,” I said and quickly made my way to my desk.

  I heard her scuffling away, and I felt bad. Poor girl. Maybe I should try and set her up with someone. That would help take her mind off me and show her that I wasn’t interested in her in that way. Yes, that was what I would do. I started thinking of who I could ask, but I wasn’t sure. There wasn’t really anyone available at work, and the only other guy who I was close friends with was Shawn. I knew that he wouldn’t be interested, and I wouldn’t want him going out with her, either. The last thing I wanted was to see her every time I saw Shawn. No, I would need a new plan.

  I was busy formulating an idea when I heard Paisley’s voice coming from outside my office. I grinned. I had gone easy on her on the first day, but today, I was going to start my big plan. I was slowly going to get her to come around to the idea of kissing me. Surely if I flirted enough and pushed enough, she’d finally succumb to my ways. I knew that hidden under the scowls was someone who was interested in me. I’d seen it in her gaze once, and I was desperate to see it again. I was a man who always got what I wanted, and I wasn’t about to stop that now.

  I walked out and smiled at her. Paisley was already sitting at her desk with her computer on, ready to do some work. I wished her a very good morning and then went to the kitchen to make her a cup of coffee. When I came back, I handed her a cup, and she frowned at me.

  “For me? I thought I was the one that was supposed to make you coffee?” she asked.

  I laughed. “You already told me that you weren’t interested in doing that. Anyway, I figured since I wasn’t here yesterday, we could start today off on a better foot. I hope you like it. The coffee here is great.”

  She took a sip and looked at me in surprise. “Wow, it’s just right. How did you know how I take my coffee? Or did you just take a chance?”

  “Nope, I knew. I’ve overheard you at home. A dash of milk, not too much but not too little, and two spoons of sugar. I must say, I was shocked when I heard how much sugar you take. You do realize that coffee tastes better without any sugar, don’t you?”

  “You do realize that it’s none of your business how I take my coffee, don’t you?”

  I laughed. “Ha! How can you talk so rudely to the man who went out of his way to make you coffee?”

  She glanced at the cup in my hand. “Out of your way? You were making one for yourself. And anyway, I didn’t ask for it. I am, however, very grateful. It is delicious. Now, if you don’t mind buzzing off, I have some work to do. Isn’t that why you hired me? To work?”

  I chuckled as I walked off. I liked this woman. I liked her a lot. As I walked off, I snuck another glance at her and caught her smiling into her coffee cup. Of course, the moment she saw me looking, she turned that smile back into her frown. Too late, I thought to myself, I already saw the smile. I heard Jessica mumble to herself and figured she’d caught some of the exchange. It reminded me to try and find her a date, and I hurried back to my office to think of some ideas.

  Around midday, I called Paisley into the office. “How’s your day going? Are you getting the hang of things?”

  She nodded. “Actually, it’s going really well. I am actually getting the hang of things. I thought it would take me a lot longer, but I’ve already learned a lot. I’ve gone through some of the emails you sent me, and I will make sure that all the rest is done by the end of the day.”

  “Oh, so quickly? You’ll notice I give deadlines at the bottom of each email so that you can prioritize them.”

  “I’ve noticed,” she said. “And, I do them in the order of importance. I’ll still have it all done by the end of the day, though. I’m a fast worker.”

  “Wow, you sure are.”

  “So, you called me into your office?”

  “Oh, yes, I was just wondering if you would help me with an important deal that came through today,” I said and outlined the brief. />
  She raised her eyebrows at me. “Are you kidding me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t you think that job is a little above my pay grade?” It was quite a rude question considering I’d increased her pay to what I was supposed to pay an assistant, but I liked her feistiness, anyway.

  I chuckled. “What? Don’t think you can manage it?”

  “Oh, I can manage it alright. I’ll do it if you pay me extra for it.”

  “You’ve got yourself a deal.”

  She grinned. “Good. Email me the details, and I’ll get started,” she said and walked off. I resisted the urge to shout out and tell her what a nice backside she had.

  Later that day I went over to her desk to see how she was getting along with the project. “Did you get the details?” I asked. “Still think you can manage it?”

  “Piece of cake,” she said with a wave of her hand. “I’m onto it already.”

  “Good, I’m impressed. Although, I’ll be more impressed if you can pull it off. That part is still to be seen. You can obviously talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?”

  “Stay tuned,” she said.

  “I know it’s only your second day, but are you enjoying it so far?” I asked. It was a genuine question. I really did want to know what she thought of the place, and I was interested in her input.

  She thought about it for a second and then nodded. “Yeah, I really enjoy it here.”

  “You do? That’s great.”

  “The work is great. I’m enjoying the job. The boss, however, is a bit sketchy.”

  I laughed. “How can you talk about your boss like that?”

  She leaned in, and I shuddered as I felt her warm breath on my ear. “Oh, it’s okay. I have an in with the family.”

  I had to walk away quickly because I could feel myself getting more and more aroused the longer I stayed around her. I wanted to flirt with her, but I also didn’t want to make a fool of myself. This woman was driving me crazy.

  I was busy with a phone call that afternoon, and when I came out of my office, I saw that she had gone home for the day. I was glad. I needed to retain my cool and make sure that I was the one in control here — not her. I quickly called Shawn and asked him to meet me for a drink.


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