Birdy (Upper Echelon Duet Book 1)

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Birdy (Upper Echelon Duet Book 1) Page 17

by Dee Garcia

  Judge smiles and sets his pen down on top of the letter. “I think you’ve learned your lesson, right?”

  Yes, yes, I have.

  There’s not enough money in the world worth time in prison.

  Nodding, I pick up the fountain pen and sign my life away as a megawatt grin splits my face in two. “Absolutely.”

  Wait till I tell Andrés.

  I didn’t get to tell him, mostly because I didn’t see much of him for the rest of the day. Walker partnered him with Delfino, and Delfino isn’t a fan of hanging around the block all day long. He will if he has to, but most of the time, he and Birks are the first to dip out and wander the halls for hours at a time. I kept waiting for him and Andrés to reappear before the end of his shift, but Lena told me he clocked out while I was in the showers. I’ve been on pins and needles since, anxiously awaiting for the lights to go out so I could pull my phone out and text him.

  Me: I have something to tell you.

  That’s the text I sent a little over five minutes ago, almost immediately after the block was drowned in darkness. Andrés usually waits until about eleven-thirty to start texting me, but I couldn’t wait tonight. As soon as the doors are locked, and they cut the lights, I was pulling the phone free from my hiding spot and jumping back into bed. Lena’s so used to my new nightly routine that she’s already passed out, snoring softly as usual. I feel bad that I haven’t told her yet, but she’s been in a mood the last few days—I’m blaming Mother Nature—and I didn’t want to irritate her any more by rubbing it in her face. The fact of the matter is, Lena won’t be as lucky. She’s been here longer than I have, and she’ll still be here after I get out.

  Andrés’s incoming reply vibrates the phone in my hand.

  Chulo: What? You miss me? :P

  Yes, I think to myself, biting down on my lip as I type out my response.

  Me: Yes, but no—that’s not it.

  Chulo: So you *do* miss me? Good thing ‘cause I have an idea... You go first tho. What happened?

  Me: I met with the counselor today…

  Chulo: Yeah, I know. How’d it go?

  Not yet, but it will be.

  Me: I’m getting out early…

  Chulo: …

  Chulo: How early?

  Me: Like six months from now early.

  Chulo: …

  Chulo: …

  Chulo: Are you for real?

  Me: Cross my heart.

  Chulo: Headphones. Get them. NOW.

  So demanding.

  I fucking giggle like a little girl and pull the headphones in questions from beneath my pillow, plugging the end into the jack.

  That’s not where I hide them, don’t worry…

  Me: I’m ready.

  Not a minute later, the FaceTime call comes through. Accepting it, I quickly drop down the menu and shift the screen brightness all the way so he can actually see me.

  He’s got that full-blown dimpled smile going on as he walks through his apartment, shirtless I should add. “You’re seriously getting out in six months?”

  “Yup,” I answer quietly, trying not to drool.

  Those damn shoulder muscles of his, man…

  “Six months, Benni… Six. Do you realize how fast that’s gonna fly?” He sounds as excited as I feel, serving himself a glass of water.

  It’s the most mundane thing ever, and yet, I can’t wait to do it too. “Not fast enough, trust me. A week in here feels like a year.”

  Bringing the glass to his lips, he takes a long, satisfying sip. “Bet if I pull you into that closet once a week, it’ll fly.”

  Yes, please. “You can pull me into that closet whenever,” I quip. “I’m ready for more.”

  The clink of the glass echoes through the headphones as he sets it down on the countertop and gives me that stare. I know that stare, can feel its effects despite the fact we’re currently separated by a phone screen.

  “What?” I play it off casually, rolling onto my stomach.

  “I want you. That’s what,” he deadpans, and I swear a hoard of butterflies erupt in my stomach. “And you tell me that you want me, that you want more, but I haven’t even gotten my kiss yet.”

  “Yes, you did.” My cheeks heat just thinking about it, but he shakes his head.

  “That kiss didn’t belong to me, bebé. Not all of it anyway. Your mind was somewhere else. I want you, completita.” Completely.

  He doesn’t sound upset, but he’s clearly not happy about it either. And truthfully, neither am I. I’d wanted his kiss so badly, had been waiting for it all week, and all it took was a few simple—albeit eerily familiar words—to ruin it. Ángel’s stupid memory ruined it for me, and in turn, I ruined it for Andrés. It should have been nothing but fireworks.

  Or should it?

  None of this is supposed to be happening in the first place. Just because we’ve accepted there’s likely no stopping this doesn’t change the facts.

  That should’ve been more than enough to finally keep me away, but it’s not...and I don’t. I want Andrés as badly as I want to walk free. I want his kiss, his touch. I want him to erase those ugly pieces of my past and replace them with new memories. And who knows? If this thing takes over like I’m truly starting to anticipate it will, we might have a shot at making it work for real once I’m released.

  I don’t know that I could ever be his everything, but moral of the story is—I want him, and I’m ready to leave Ángel behind.

  “You just need to take me... I want you, too, and you know it.” At my shy smile, one of his dark brows arches, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he goes about shutting off all the lights in his apartment and sliding into his bed.

  A bed I’d kill to be in right about now.

  “You just sealed the deal, my little Birdy. This is what I wanted to talk to you about. I have a plan, but if we do this, we need to stick to it, tightly,” he stresses. “Otherwise, it won’t work, and we’ll definitely get caught.”

  My heart races at the mention of a plan and the risk it could present for my early release, but I’m intrigued no less, ready to make a move if it means five minutes alone with this man. “Lay it on me.”

  “Oh, I’ll lay it on you, all right.” He grins, waggling his eyebrows, which has me slapping a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing too loud.

  “Shut uppp. Tell me the plan.”

  “One of the third-shift dudes needs someone to cover him for a week. He originally had coverage from one of the D Block guards…Ryker’s his name…but he just got suspended while they investigate him—something about sexual misconduct—so now Zhao is shitting his pants ‘cause he’s supposed to leave this coming week, and they won’t let him if he can’t get it covered.”

  What stands out most from that entire explanation is Ryker. He caught? And they’re investigating him?

  My stomach churns nervously at this new string of information, a wad of bile threatening to shoot its way up my throat. I’m trying not to freak out, trying not to be cynical and assume the worst. I mean, I don’t have the whole story, and I’m sure Andrés probably doesn’t either. Ryker could’ve gotten caught with anyone, not just Franca, but something about the fact there’s an investigation taking place makes me feel like this isn’t him getting caught red-handed in a closet and being escorted off the premises. Something tells me this was done out of spite, and if that’s the case, it’s a very real possibility that Ryker will open his mouth just to save himself.

  And if he does that, not only does that mean that Franca and Kori are going down, I might be too—because those bitches definitely won’t hesitate to mention I was involved. That I was Koko’s original way in and was reaping the benefits without doing any of the dirty work.

  My stomach churns again, harder, as my entire world comes crashing down, obliterating the high I’d been riding since leaving Judge’s office.

  Fuck. FUCK! They’ll take my early release for sure, shove me in Seg, and throw away the key for God k
nows how long. I’ll have time added, too, won’t get to see Mama...

  This can’t be happening right now.

  And yet, it is. This is what I get, this is what I fucking get for getting greedy. Money really is the root of all evil, robbing you of your happiness and freedom. Funny how I told Ángel that all he cared about was money. Kinda rich coming from me when I was the exact same when I am the exact same. Lena told me not to trust Koko, but all I could see and cared about were the dollar signs.

  “So, what does that mean?” I force myself to ask, hoping my sudden unease isn’t shining through. Andrés knows what landed me in here, but he doesn’t know about my behind-the-scenes prison hustle, and I have no plans for him to.

  Although, if Ryker’s investigation suddenly bleeds over to me, he’ll find out all on his own.

  “It means that, if I cover him and you think you can give an Oscar Award-winning performance, we can get you out of your cell and down to ‘medical.’” He uses air quotes for emphasis. “The cams don’t catch as much at night…it’s not bright enough. Wandering the halls will be ten times easier and—”

  “Do it,” I urge him, swallowing down the hard lump of reality in my throat. “Cover him, and we’ll work out the logistics.”

  It might be our one and only chance now. Let’s pray it’s not, but it might.

  Looks like la Jefa could be going down...again.

  ♫ Te Lo Quiero Hacer - KAROL G & De La Ghetto

  Come Monday morning, I clocked in as usual and informed Mack that I was clear to take Zhao’s shifts. He thanked me profusely since no one else looked like they were going to step up—him included—and proceeded to give me Tuesday off as well so I could ”rest up” for the remainder of the week. My first night shift was set for Wednesday, and we were ready, had the plan sorted and mapped out all the way down to exact times.

  It sounds like I’m going through Mission Impossible for pussy, I know, but Benni isn’t just any pussy. I want that girl so bad, I’d sell my soul for her. Not just for another taste, either—all of her. I want all of her, all the time, day and night.

  And now that early release is on the table, this could very well be a possibility if she lets me.

  Yes, I’m getting ahead of myself. Who knows how we’re going to feel two or three months down the line, let alone half a year, but right now from where we stand, the mere knowledge that I could have her in my bed in just a few months’ time has me amped.

  She has no idea what’s coming for her tonight; none whatsoever. I’m giving her my all—every solid inch, every feeling, every godforsaken emotion. I’m giving it all to her. I’m going to embed myself as deep inside her as she did to me, and hopefully, that’ll be enough to ensure she’s mine when she leaves the Annex behind.

  And to think it all started with a look...

  That’s exactly what I’m thinking about thirty minutes into my shift on Friday night. Ron Hadley, one of the other night guards, just called for Lights Out, meaning the plan officially

  Eleven on the dot.

  Benni’s not ringing the call button in her cell until just after one—1:13 a.m. if you want in on the logistics. Once the box gets her alert, I’ll walk my happy ass over to her cell, play the typical “what’s the problem” card, and then I’ll suggest she takes a trip to medical after she gives me all the reasons why she can’t just deal with it and sleep it off. The performance is necessary, trust me. Her bunkie’s gotta buy it too. The good thing is Mack’s not here to interfere this time. From what I’ve learned about Hadley, he sits behind that desk the entire shift, so I’m pretty damn confident that the chances of him wanting to escort Benni to medical himself are slim, if not none.

  Should’ve played the damn lotto ‘cause I was right on the money.

  In the two hours leading up to everything going down, Hadley barely even spoke a word to me, nodding off in front of the computer with an ice-cold mug of coffee in his clutches. We’re two minutes till now, and he might as well have brought a pillow for his head. It’s no wonder none of my colleagues wanted to cover for Zhao. This shit sucks balls. I can’t imagine doing it every night. I could probably sit here and do nothing at all, and he wouldn’t know the difference.

  But this has to look legit all around, so here I am, sorting out the few shots I had to give out over the last few days, all the while trying not to focus on the fact that I’m going to be balls deep inside my little jailbird in less than ten minutes. My dick’s twitching just thinking about it, jaw locking tight as I force those images from my mind.

  Until the box suddenly starts going crazy, a loud yet somewhat muted buzzer going off on the control panel housing all of the camera screens. Hadley shoots upright, but I’m already out of my seat, shutting the damn thing off.

  “Don’t worry, bud. I got it,” I tell him, casually stalking out the door as he nods appreciatively and slumps back over, taking another sip from his mug.

  The cellblock is virtually dark at this hour, only a few recessed lights illuminating the way every few feet or so. Now that I’m on the move, my heart’s caught in my throat, pulse galloping wildly. All I can do is stay on track with the plan and hope it pans out the way we’re hoping.

  Stay calm. You got this. Question her for the record and get her to medical.

  Benni’s already at the door, watching me approach through the small window. Inhaling a deep breath, I pull out my keys and jam the correct one into the lock.

  “What’s going on, Villanueva?” I ask upon yanking open the door perfectly in my expected role.

  “My stomach,” she groans, arms crossed around her midsection. “I feel like I’m about to puke everywhere.”

  “You have a toilet.” I tip my chin toward it, trying my damnedest not to crack a smirk in the process.

  She looks so cute in her oversized sleep shirt.

  Can’t wait to get her out of it.

  “I know, but my head’s pounding, too. Literally feels like my brain’s about to blow right through. I’ve been trying to rest and sleep it off since before the lights went out, but I can’t fall asleep like this.”

  “Sounds like you need to try harder.” I’m shutting the door—as per our plan—but she pushes it back open.

  “Please, CO Bala, you don’t understand. This isn’t going to taper off on its own. I need to get down to medical and get checked out.” She’s pulling this off without a hitch, giving me those wide, pleading eyes and all.

  It makes me want her all the more.

  Thinning my lips, I count to ten, then sigh profoundly as I seal a hand around her arm and yank her out of her cell. “All right, then, let’s get you to medical.”

  We don’t exchange a single word as I escort her to the box to fill Hadley in her sudden need for medical attention. Hell, we don’t even look at each other, not even after Hadley’s given me the okay, and we’re ambling out of the block into the dark hallways. The fact there’s no one in sight has us both sagging in relief since, technically, we’re heading in the opposite direction of medical. That could change at any moment, of course, but for now, we’re breezing through the plan without any issues. Should someone pop up out of nowhere, I’m more than prepared with an assload of viable excuses.

  It takes us approximately one minute and seventeen seconds to make it to the old closet. I glance down both ends of the hallway at least three times before swiftly fishing out my keys and unlocking the door. You’d think we’re some superhuman species with how quickly we fly inside the small, obscure space. I didn’t think it was possible, but I deflate even more as I’m clicking the lock in place.

  We did it. Yeah, we still have to get to medical after the fact so she can acquire a doctor’s note as proof, but we did it—and now I get to have her.

  This is it…

  Ever so slowly, I turn my head toward her. Benni’s standing before the utility sink, pulling up her sleep shirt over her ass—her bare ass ‘cause there aren’t panties in sight. That thing is glorious, I swe
ar. Bubbly as hell, round and lush, and the way she’s offering herself to me right now, coquettish gaze coming from over her shoulder as she pulls her shirt tight... Fuck. I’m salivating, dick kicking beneath my slacks in anticipation.

  “God-fuckin-damn.” I lick my lips, inching toward her with precise steps. “I don’t even know where to start with you.”

  “We don’t have time for all that,” she coos, leaning over the utility sink’s edge and wiggling her ass. “Just fuck me.”

  Not yet, I’m not.

  Whacking my palm against it, I grab a handful, my grip tight as I wrap my arm across her chest and pull her back toward me. “We have time, trust me. Hadley’s half-asleep in the box.” Teeth nipping the shell of her ear, I work my way down her neck. “Turn around, I wanna taste you.”

  Benni shakes her head, mewling at the feel of my hard-on pressing between her ass cheeks. “You couldn’t pay me enough money to let you eat my pussy right now. I haven’t shaved in years, Andrés.”

  This girl.

  I can’t help but chuckle at the sheer stupidity of that statement. “I don’t know what types of dudes you’ve fucked in the past, but I can tell you that doesn’t mean shit to me. Let me taste you, bebé.”

  But again, she shakes her head, pushing back against me to get her point across, or maybe even to distract me. “We don’t have time, seriously. I still need to get to medical for that note and—”

  “Shhh.” My hand seals around her mouth from behind, silencing her weak excuses. “Just relax. Open for me.”

  And thankfully, she does, widening her stance enough for me to snake my hand between her legs. The softest gasp tumbles off her lips as the pad of my middle finger sweeps from her slit up to her clit and back again. She’s slick, but I’m surprised to find her primed when I plunge the same digit inside, pumping it in and out with slow, meticulous strokes.

  “So wet already,” I croon, releasing my grip on her mouth. “Wasn’t expecting that.”


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