Billionaire's Black Runaway Love 2

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Billionaire's Black Runaway Love 2 Page 5

by Ciara Cole

  Emily had since given up the act of washing herself, all shivery from the manly hands exploring her flesh. Chace, toying with her sudsy clit with his fingertips, was tantalizing her with the friction from his manhood nudging into her ass cheeks.

  The sultry intimacy of the moment caught up with her, sending a soft breathy gasp past her lips.

  Chace nibbled her ear lobe, whispering to her how much he liked the sexy noises she made. This helped to trigger more sounds from the deeply aroused Emily, her body lifted on her tiptoes as he slowly inched two fingers deep into her center.

  Her palm smacked against the wall for support, her knees wobbling as Chace pumped her walls slowly at first. He was soon gaining momentum, the thrust of his fingers ramming faster and harder till it seemed the motions were just one blur. Emily heard her cries grow more panicked, the shock of her invasion intensifying the excitement and pleasure.

  Heightening things further was Chace’s harsh breath in her ear, letting her know how much it turned him on to see her unravel. In seconds, Emily helplessly conceded, her core erupting in spasms around Chace’s fingers. He planted feverish kisses on her neck, his whole body as strained as Emily’s was as her very vocal orgasm rebounded above the noise of the shower spray.

  When Chace picked that moment to plunge his member into her wetness from behind, Emily felt stuck in an infinite ecstasy loop. Last night their return from New York had provided much mind-blowing fulfillment for them both, yet even the morning after was proving a worthy follow-up. If her man was still trying to make up for his “lapse” with Jan, then Emily sure as hell wasn’t complaining.

  She’d stopped being mad at him, but she definitely needed to figure out how to not keep questioning things. The move to New York, Jan’s relevance in his life, and how Chace seemed too comfortable keeping back certain things from her…Emily didn’t want to keep wondering if she should have been more careful jumping headfirst into all this.

  She didn’t want her emotions to return to those weeks before Chace reappeared in her life, when she’d been in a lost place over her ex, not really feeling anything – just empty. She’d felt through with love and more than a little emotionally jaded. Had she really been in the right frame of mind to rush into an engagement with Chace?

  But like most things to do with him, Chace wasn’t the one to stall. He’d caught just the right moment to have her saying “yes,” even before she’d realized she knew the question.

  Foolish girl, you’ll never learn, thought Emily with an internal shake of her head. Chace might be a knight in shining armor, but he was also human. She had to learn to roll with the probability that there might be more to him than he let her see. Not so much as dark secrets, but hidden a side of him that he possibly felt she didn’t need to know.

  And maybe Chace was right. Maybe ignorance was bliss in this case because seriously, no one could ever be 100% sure of anyone. No matter how many promises you tried to keep, sometimes life just got in the way. And sometimes, it was just people chasing their selfish interests and twisting things to suit their own ends… Emily couldn’t help but think of Jan as she mused over that angle.

  Long after Chace had pounded her sweetly aching walls to one more resounding shared orgasm, Emily lay awake beside the sleeping Chace as she vowed to give this one more try. As long as Chace seemed ready to keep fighting to hold them together, then so would she.

  Chapter Ten

  Two weeks passed and Emily was glad the way things were going with her and Chace. The wedding was still on track, though they didn’t get to see as much of each other as normal. Even with her busy schedule running up to her book coming out and with Chace always out of town on business, they still made time to strengthen their bond.

  Moving in with Chace had made Emily notice she really had to work on herself. She knew her shortcomings included always trying to control situations. Lately, it became as if she was calling all the shots and Chace was simply going with it so she wouldn’t bring up postponing the wedding.

  Emily sensed that to please her, he’d had to start considering different options that could keep him in L.A. instead of moving as he’d planned. And each time he had to travel to New York, Emily took extra care to call him up whenever she could. Chace could possibly see that she just might be checking up on him, but he never complained. Well, now that Emily had met Jan, she wasn’t going to just fold her hands.

  But really, it’s time I’m not so obvious about my insecurities, thought Emily with a sudden sigh.

  Ciara was the only one Emily could turn to for advice. Just then, Emily was busy helping Ciara put fondant on a wedding cake. The kids were in their playroom being watched by Ciara’s mom, so the two ladies had the chance to talk.

  Noticing Emily’s pensive sigh, Ciara turned down her music and turned to her friend. “Something’s bothering you. Okay, spill it.”

  Emily grimaced at Ciara’s unfailing intuition. “I don’t know where I went wrong,” Emily burst out, simply following her train of thought. “Just how did I turn into the person I am now?”

  Ciara’s eyes darted, and Emily realized Ciara had no clue what Emily was talking about.

  So Emily started from where it all began, with the visit to Chace’s parents, meeting Jan, and learning about the supposed New York move.

  “So,” went Emily by the end as she dragged out the word, “somehow I feel as if I’m being too selfish – that I’m the controlling one in this relationship.”

  “Controlling in what way? Because Chace seems to prefer making things go your way? Maybe he thinks your way makes more sense.”

  “Or maybe what he really thinks is that I’m flighty, so keeping me happy means I won’t consider calling off the whole thing or something.” Emily’s forehead creased. “I can be pretty hard to manage, I know.”

  “And sometimes you feel you still have some growing up to do, in your head, at least? Well, I used to have those feelings, too.” Ciara had a playful smile as she rubbed on her chin reminiscently. “But along the line, I realized I was just trying too hard. I wasn’t being myself. I was too busy trying to be perfect, but no relationship is perfect. I decided to let Zane fall in love with the real me and that everything would be fine.”

  “Oh, Chace is getting to see the real me alright, that’s what I’m afraid of,” Emily said wryly. “What scares me the most…is when it’s all said and done, Chace is going to realize that none of this was worth it.”

  “You mean, you’re not worth it,” murmured Ciara, correctly voicing what Emily thought. “Chace Hammond doesn’t strike me as blind or stupid, Em. Trust me, Chace knows your worth because I have great judgment when it comes to people and I value you a lot. So Chace is bound to do the same.” Her wide smile stretched warmly.

  Emily let out a playful groan. “I’m being serious here. But thanks, CeCe. You’re the best just when I need that reality check.”

  “And thanks for being such a good friend. You know I love you, sweetie,” said Ciara, still grinning as she gave Emily a hug.

  “Yeah, love you, too. Now stop with the cuddles, I’ve got a rep to protect,” growled Emily in mock annoyance.

  “Yeah, sure you do,” said Ciara chuckling.

  They finished with the cake, Emily commenting that she was glad Ciara would be designing her wedding cake. Emily always felt awed when she thought of how far Ciara had come, making a name for herself and following her dream.

  Emily was following her dream, too, and she felt a rush of excitement knowing that soon it would become a reality. The book getting published and, of course, settling down with her dream man. Could there come a time when truly, she would look back and see everything had fallen into place? What did she ever do to get so lucky?

  Emily’s thoughts were far away on her way back home after she’d finished at Ciara’s. She missed Chace and wished he wasn’t out of town – again. She toyed with the idea of calling him, but thought better of it. She had a good man, who had proved himself as not just tr
ustworthy but steadfast. She could ease up on the double checking. She had to work on getting to the point she could be just like Ciara, all mellow and free from fear or doubts when it came to the love in her life.

  I can get there, Emily told herself firmly.

  Just as she stopped in front of the house, her cell rang. She saw it was a private number and sighed angrily. She was about to toss the phone aside, but decided that this time, she was going to give the caller a piece of her mind. She was done with this foolishness.

  “Now, look here…,” she began, when she was cut off by a deep male voice.

  “Hey, Smushy. You miss me?”

  Emily went cold. Only one person called her that, a silly pet name he’d given her in honor of how much he liked her generous curves. “Devan?” Emily asked slowly, still in doubt. What the hell?

  “Your one and only, baby,” he said with a throaty chuckle. “Where you at? I think we should hook up.”

  Emily leaned back against her seat, gathering her thoughts. “That’s not going to be possible. Wait a minute – are you the goofball who’s been bugging me with this damn fool number?”

  Devan merely gave another careless laugh. “Where’s that sense of humor gone, baby? Things all different now you’re all up on that white bread?”

  “What?” Emily scowled. Devan did not just go there. It looks like he knew a lot about my personal life, she realized.

  “It’s all good. I see you doing your thing, and I can’t help but wish you well. You’ve come a long way in the few months since we last saw each other.”

  “You called me up just to tell me that?” Emily asked while reining in her impatience.

  “I already told you, we need to meet. There’s a lot we have to catch up on.”

  “Wrong. We were over a long time ago and nothing’s changed. It’s not even got anything to do with the fact that I’m with someone new and you know it’s serious.”

  “Oh sure, I can’t help but know. Can’t miss the news about my girl – or who used to be my girl – about to get married to a billionaire. A billionaire that’s rich, good looking, and white. You must have thought you hit the damn lottery.”

  Devan’s humorous cackle was beginning to get on her nerves. “This conversation is far from edifying. I’m going to hang up now.”

  “Wait!” snapped Devan just as Emily made to do just as she said.

  “You probably won’t be so dismissive when you hear what I’ve got to say,” Devan said, all trace of humor gone. “We’ve got some interesting history, you and I. I’ll admit I made a mistake, running after shiny things when I had a good girl who wanted me for me. But that’s done now, and right now we can only be useful to each other to at least make up for the past.”

  “You’re talking in circles,” Emily said in a tired tone. “So unless you have something tangible to discuss, I really am ending this call.”

  “Still acting snotty? I guess that much hasn’t changed. You always did act like you were too good for a brother. Well, you’re going to have to hear me out and soon, unless you want to lose a hold of that cushy life you’ve set up for yourself.”

  “You sound unbalanced,” Emily said, reaching the end of her patience. “Obviously, you have nothing to say that I want to hear, Devan Chandler. Goodbye.”

  Emily cut the call, powering off her cell in the process with a muttered growl. What did I ever see in that jerk? When it came to personality and communication, he was just a shallow being. They could never really find anything to talk about and didn’t share any interests. There’d been physical chemistry for a while, but when Emily saw how it always had to be all about him, she lost interest.

  None of the stuff he’d said had made any sense. But Emily didn’t have time to decipher any of his crap. If this was his roundabout way of trying to get her back, it was dead on arrival. And if Devan was looking for attention just because he felt she was now in the limelight, then that was more than lame and she was having none of that.

  Her last thought on the matter was that it was time to change her phone number. She wanted no more ties that could link her to her ex and her past life before Chace. She had to ensure Devan stayed ancient history – which was right where he belonged.

  Chapter Eleven

  There was an array of patrons, artists, and art collectors all gathered for the festive art show that night. Emily had arrived with Chace and they’d enjoyed cocktails and hors d’oeurves as they explored the exhibition by the city’s leading gallery.

  It was a refined and elegant atmosphere, one of the many fêtes they got invited to and attending such an event with Chace always felt like such a treat. There were several notable guests and so many new as well as historical works to hold her attention. She didn’t mind so much about all the reporters and camera crew at the event, taking shots of Emily and Chace with the other attendees. She was just here to enjoy herself, since she’d acquired a taste for anything to do with creativity.

  Emily had chosen to wear a simple black designer dress with a fringed knee-length hem and nude heels to go with a matching clutch. Her hair was parted just slightly off center and one side tucked behind her ear. Somehow though, even with all her finery, Emily felt that the one thing that looked best on her, was her gorgeous companion.

  Dressed in a double-breasted suit, he had that Gatsby-esque aura that made her weak at the knees. She couldn’t blame the other women in the room for sending him wistful glances. Just as long as they knew he wasn’t up for grabs because Emily definitely hated to share.

  Shoving her possessive thoughts to the side, Emily wondered how soon before they could leave. As if sensing her impatience, Chace glanced her way, eyes sparkling with amusement. “What do you say we make a couple of laps around, then head out of here?”

  “I definitely like the sound of that,” Emily said feelingly, while thinking to herself there was an extra large pepperoni pizza with her name on it at their favorite pizza place tonight. She begged off having to do any more circulating though because her heels were starting to kill her.

  Considerate as ever, Chace suggested she wait there for him and he’d go talk to a couple people he wanted to see before he left. Emily knew Chace regularly acquired worthwhile art pieces, for collection and investment from all over the world. She could only imagine what some of these works cost. But then there was also the fact that this gala helped support local artists, while receiving donations to benefit worthy causes.

  Emily was all for doing her bit for society, and she was glad that Chace shared her interest in giving back and not just with writing a check. Emily taught dance at a community center and Chace did a lot of mentoring. Emily could just imagine a fulfilled life they would have together, being so well suited not just physically and intellectually, but even in spirit.

  She sighed deeply, gazing up at a surrealist painting and daydreaming of the perfect future – kids, a career, and wedded bliss. It was all just within her grasp and in a matter of time she’d…

  “Hello, Emily.”

  She’d know that voice anywhere. It was a smooth baritone and had that ever-present hint of humor. Yes, Devan Chandler had always been a hell of a joker – Emily just hadn’t expected him to pull this gag, showing up at the same event.

  “What are you doing here?” she chewed out, staring at the tall handsome dark-skinned male standing beside her.

  “You’re not the only one with friends in high places,” he murmured, looking nonchalant. He glanced up at the painting while pushing his hands into his pockets. He was dressed to suit the occasion, with a fashionable jacket over dark jeans. Emily’s shock at seeing him was nothing compared to her anger that he’d deliberately sought her out. They’d never run into each other otherwise.

  Keeping her expression calm, she stared ahead and hoped no one would think they were together. She’d gladly have ignored him and walked off, but that was unnecessarily rude. He’d obviously gone through all this trouble to meet with her, and now she was curious to at l
east know what he was up to.

  Emily took a few moments to scan the room and couldn’t find Chace. She wasn’t sure if she should feel relief or dismay. At least he’d have been there to rescue her if she needed him. But then did she really want him facing her ex?

  “Don’t worry, I made sure your white knight was out of the vicinity before I approached,” drawled Devan, sending her a mocking look. “Though, I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever get my chance. I’ve had to observe you all evening, waiting for my moment – and asking myself how I could have been such a fool to ever let you go.”

  Emily let out an angry sigh and spun to face him. “Please tell me this isn’t about you getting back with me.”

  He held up a calming hand. “I’m not an idiot. I mean, I’ve seen your new man and come on, I’ve heard how much he’s worth. I can’t compete with that. So I’m not going to even try. All I can do to make it up to you for what I did is make sure you don’t get hurt again.”

  “Like you have anything to do with what happens to me. We’re not even friends and can never be,” Emily said on a huff. “You dumped me like a hot potato without even a heads-up. I don’t hear a peep from you for months and now suddenly, you care about whether I get hurt or not. Trust me, I can take care of myself.”

  “I’m sure you can. But there’s always going to be unforeseen threats, things you’d never have thought could bring your world crashing down. Believe me, I know what I’m saying,” said Devan with uncharacteristic sobriety. He faced Emily and his expression was anything but humorous. “I think I’m in trouble, Em. And if you don’t help me, I’m afraid it’s going to drag you down with me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Every second until this moment, Emily knew she was making a big mistake. In the past 48 hours since Devan had shown up at that art gala, Emily had thought of a million reasons not to meet with him. But then she’d had to recall his parting words.


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