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Play Page 4

by Olivia Devon

  Katie ignored her, raised a finger for the bartender and ordered a whisky neat. “Whaddya want?” She said, glancing at Aiko.


  The bartender left to make their drinks, Katie sat back on her stool and threw the small red clutch up on the bar.

  “Where’s Tessa?” she asked. “She coming?”

  “She texted me that she went home and not to tell Jack.”

  “Jack Calvert?” asked Katie.

  “Yeah,” Aiko said, waving a hand. “They probably had a fight. They’re always fighting. Those two need to just fuck and get it over with already.” She crossed her arms over her chest and stared Katie down. “Never mind them. Don’t think you can weasel out of my question by changing the subject.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Katie picked invisible threads off the hem of her dress and avoided Aiko’s gaze.

  “C’mon. What gives?”

  Katie sighed and peered around Aiko, scanning the room again. Then she saw him, laughing with a small group of people, nursing his own whiskey and smiling at a joke.

  “Shit! There he is,” she said, ducking behind Aiko just as the bartender delivered their drinks. She grabbed the whiskey and chugged it, coughing as the liquid burned her throat.

  Aiko patted her on the back as she sipped her own drink. “Yeah. Sure. You don’t like him at all,” she said, laughing.

  “Okay he’s fucking hot alright? And a genius.”

  “That’s what I’m saying, you two are–”

  “Oh my god Aik, no. Just drop it.”

  Aiko frowned at her and narrowed her eyes. “No,” she said sternly. “You’re not doing this. I’m not letting you do this.”

  Katie averted her gaze, and concentrated on swirling the remaining inch of whiskey in her glass.

  “Katalina Gabriela Martinez,” Aiko said. “I can sense that toxic little hamster-wheel of negativity starting up in your brain right now. And I’m gonna shut that shit right down.”

  “Aik, he literally dates super models.”

  “So the fuck what? You’re not good enough for him because you don’t model silly string underwear on a runway?”

  “No, it’s not that. I’ve just been down that road before, ya know.”

  “What?” Said Aiko, frowning. “You’re talking about Steven aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Aik,” said Katie. “I cannot go through that again. He stole the company I co-founded and all my ideas and….tech guys are intimidated by smart women. It just doesn’t work.”

  “No. Assholes are intimidated by smart women. Aaron’s not like that Kat,” said Aiko. “Seriously, not every guy in the industry is a pathetic, thieving ass like Steven was.”

  Katie sighed and traced her fingers over the condensation on her whiskey glass. “Even so. It’s still super dorky. He doesn’t know me as a game developer. To him, I’m like a fangirl or something. I don’t want to feel like the lesser half of a relationship ever again.”

  “Your head is up your ass.” Aiko glared at her.


  “Sorry. Tough love time.” Aiko held up her fingers to the bartender to let him know they’d be needing two more drinks, then she settled onto the stool beside Katie and leaned into her. “You’re a visionary. You’ve built something amazing with Celestia. How can you say Steven stole all your ideas, when Celestia is the most incredible world you’ve ever created?”

  Katie blushed and scrunched her nose up, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to break out.

  “Dude, don’t even with that cute little nose squishing. I know when I’ve won a round with you.” The bartender set their fresh drinks down and Aiko picked hers up, clinking it against Katie’s. “Go on, say it. Say I won.”

  Katie picked up her drink and clinked back. “Yeah okay, you won.”

  “Good. So, to sum up.”

  “Must we?”

  “We must always sum up, dear KitKat, it’s how I celebrate my victories.”

  “By rubbing it in?”

  “Yes, stop stalling. So to sum up. You’re hot and smart and a genius at utilizing the very tech that your crush invented. Frankly, that’s an ego trip in his favor. He won’t think it’s dorky, he’ll eat that shit up with a spoon.”

  “He’s not my crush. I just said he’s hot.”

  “And smart and rich. Which doesn’t matter because so are you, okay smart, not the rich part, but again, that doesn’t matter, because, point is, you’re totally in his league, and if my vote counts for anything–”

  “Not sure that it does.”

  “Still,” Aiko said, huffing loudly for emphasis. “I vote you jump his bones, first opportunity, then call me and tell me all about.”

  Katie’s gaze met Aiko’s, and the two squared off, staring unblinking until Katie’s eyes started to water and she finally caved.

  “Ha!” Aiko bounced in her seat and pumped a fist in the air. “Can we dump the pity party now and move on to the sex party?”

  “Jeez.” Katie rolled her eyes. “I want to try the gear, yes, but I’m not having virtual sex with anyone.”

  “Heh.” Aiko tossed back her whiskey and hopped off her stool. “We’ll see about that.”

  “Aik,” Katie warned. “I mean it.”

  “Relax pumpkin, that’s not a threat, just a prediction.” Aiko’s smile flashed wide.

  “Katie! Aiko!” It was Aaron’s voice, he was headed their way. Katie gulped another mouthful of whiskey, stood, smoothed the lines of her dress, and turned to face Aaron as he approached them.

  “Glad you made it.” He beamed at them both, and then took a step back, unabashedly appraising Katie’s form.

  She flushed crimson under his scrutiny, and wondered what exactly he was staring at. Maybe Aiko was right, maybe the attraction was mutual?

  “Wow,” he said, pointing to her breasts. “Tessa got the tea out.”

  “Oh! Right.” Katie cleared her throat and smiled. “Yep, good ole Tessa.” She laughed nervously and glanced down at the floor.

  Aaron cleared his throat now, and Katie looked up, certain that her cheeks were burning as red as her dress.

  “Um, so I meant to ask you before the presentation,” said Aaron. “But there wasn’t really time. Katie Martinez, are you, I mean do you go by Kate? Kate Martinez? I think I recognize that name. Are you the creator of–”

  “Quest of the Crystal Knight?” Aiko interrupted loudly. “Yes, yes she is.”

  Katie turned to snarl at Aiko, but Aiko snarled first and shoved her hard enough that Katie had to side step to avoid bumping into Aaron.

  “Uh, yeah,” Katie said, laughing to hide her embarrassment. “I was the lead story writer on that game, the world builder, the art director, 3D artist, uh–”

  “That was the best fucking game!” Aaron said loudly. “I loved that game. That’s amazing. Are you working on anything now? I’d love to see it.”

  This was getting weird. Katie glanced at Aiko imploringly. She really didn’t want to be having this conversation. All she wanted to do was try the VR rig and go home. A long sob story about the company she founded, and was subsequently run out of by her college sweetheart, was just not her idea of a fun Friday night.

  “Uh, ya know, I’m kind of between–”

  “You said you’re in HyperLyfe?” Aaron was pointing again. “I would love to see what you’ve been doing in there. I bet it’s incredible. Man. Seriously. You are so talented. Goddamn.”

  He stopped gushing. The room got a little quiet and Katie felt like a thousand eyes were staring at them. Staring at her.

  She picked up her whiskey glass, drained the contents, swallowed and forced herself to smile.

  “Thank you so much,” she said. “That’s really kind of you.”

  “Kind’s got nothing to do with it,” Aaron said, shaking his head. “It’s just the truth. C’mon.” He jerked his thumb, beckoning them to follow. “Let me show you the new rigs. I can’t wait to get your thoughts.”
/>   Aaron led them through a set of doors at a the back of the party room, and down a short hallway into another large room, the perimeter of which was ringed with single doors, about a dozen in total. In the center, lounging on plush sofa, was Jack Calvert, co-owner of Lux, and Aiko’s former boss…or current? Katie was never sure.

  “Do you still work for him?” Katie whispered to Aiko as they walked to the sofa.

  Aiko shook her head. “Yeah. But it’s complicated,” she said. Standing tall in front of Jack, she put her hands on her hips like she was ready to do battle. “Is he here with you?” she demanded.

  Jack tilted his head, cocked an eyebrow and smirked. “I assume you mean Malcolm?”


  “No, I don’t know where he is at this precise moment. Why? Do you need him for something?”

  “Ha!” Aiko plopped down on another sofa. “He wishes. Fucking psycho.”

  “Do you know where Tessa is?” Jack asked.

  “No idea,” said Aiko. “Last I saw her, you were pissing her off. So if she’s run off in her crystal carriage again I’m gonna go ahead and assume it’s probably your fault.”

  “No doubt,” Jack said wryly.

  “No doubt,” Aiko echoed.

  “Hello again, Katie,” Jack said, ignoring Aiko’s dig, and rising to shake Katie’s hand. “So nice of you to help us out of our bind.”


  “I have a vested interest in HyperLyfe,” said Jack smiling. “When Aaron’s video games do well, I do well.”

  “Not a video game!” Aaron shouted as he crossed to them, dragging his hands through his hair until it stood up at crazy angles. “It’s a virtual reality three-dimensional simulated environment. Don’t make me tell you again!”

  “Noted,” said Jack, raising his glass.

  “What are you drinking, Jack?” asked Aaron. “It’s gotta be something good.”

  Jack held his glass up to the light and admired it. “Macallen Lalique ,” he said. “Fifty year old–”

  Aaron grabbed the glass, drained it, and handed it back to Jack.


  “I’ve got more.” Jack shrugged.

  “Today has been a fucking minefield of stress,” Aaron said. “Food poisoning. The presentation. That sneaky reporter.” Aaron removed his jacket, tossing it on the sofa as he began loosening his tie. He stopped, stood still for a moment, as though he was silently gathering his thoughts. Then he threw his tie on the sofa. “I can’t believe I fell right into her trap. God, what the hell was I thinking?”

  Aaron began unbuttoning his shirt, and Katie hugged her arms across her chest, trying hard to not look as though she was helping him undo those buttons with her eyes. But she totally was. One. Two. Three-four-five. Ohhhh, all the way now. So much naked hunky man chest. She licked her lips and wondered if she could mentally help him out of the rest of his clothes. Maybe if she really concentrated?

  “No, you know what?” said Aaron, his tone defiant. “I don’t want to think about that right now. Tomorrow, I can get with our marketing team, see how we can spin this into great press. Right now, I just want to relax and have fun with my friends.” He flashed a dimply smile at Katie. “Both old and new.” Aaron shrugged his shirt the rest of the way off and threw it down on the sofa next to his tie. “Whaddya say? Let’s get fucked up and screw around.”

  Chapter Five

  Jack was telling the truth. He had way more whiskey. A huge, limited edition crystal bottle of Macallen that Aiko whispered cost about sixty-thousand dollars. Tasted like it too.

  After a celebratory toast, they finished their drinks, and Aaron directed them each to empty rig-bays. Turned out the doors Katie had seen around the perimeter were individual virtual reality rooms, each with state of the art gear, soundproofing, and climate control. Lux wanted their customers to have complete comfort and total privacy when they got their virtual groove on. In fact, most of the rooms were already occupied, which Katie found surprising. She hadn’t heard a peep. Pretty good soundproofing.

  Katie’s rig-bay was next to Aiko’s, so she caught her friend by the arm before she went inside. “Hey when he said ‘screw around’ he didn’t mean...he doesn’t think we’re…he didn’t mean like screw around mess around?”

  “Relax,” said Aiko. “No sex. Just virtual adventuring. That’s all.” She tilted her head and smirked. “I mean unless you’re saying you want to, I could let him know.”

  “Shhh. No!” Katie smacked her friend on the arm and glared.

  “Alright, alright. But let me know if you change your mind. Or just go ahead and jump him, whatever works.”

  “Noted.” Jerking a thumb at the door to her rig-bay she asked: “Are there instructions or something in there? Because I’m feeling that whiskey right now. I don’t want to get in there and find out it needs some kind of IKEA assembly.”

  “It’ll be fine. The system guides you. Just go in. You’ll see.” Aiko grinned, opened the door to her rig-bay, and disappeared.

  Katie opened the door to her own room, walked in, and when the door shut behind her, she was plunged into darkness. But almost immediately a teal light began to glow around the lower perimeter of the wall. Slowly her eyes adjusted, and she took a few hesitant steps into the room.

  “Please state your name.” It was a woman’s voice, computer-generated but not robotic, she had inflection and a warm tone.

  “Katie Martinez.”

  “Ms. Martinez,” said the voice. “Welcome to Lux Virtual Reality experience, please step into the circle.”

  On the floor in the center of the room, there now shone a circle of light. Katie stepped forward into it, and in front of her, an enormous flat screen illuminated. The light allowed the details of the room to be seen more easily now, and she glanced around, noting that the room was mostly covered in a firm black padding.

  “Please remain still,” said the voice. “I’ll now scan you for your S-suit.”

  The bright circle on the floor pulsed for a moment and there was a low hum. Then the voice spoke again.

  “S-suit scanning complete.”

  To the right, a piece of the wall retracted and a spotlight shone on what looked like a closet, rows of black suits hanging inside. The light tracked over the suits and then stopped, singling out one in particular. “Katie Martinez, this suit should fit you nicely. Please strip completely and put on the suit. Notify me when you are dressed by saying “Command: Play”.

  “Get completely naked?”

  “Yes. S-suits require direct contact with bare skin in order to operate properly. Please watch the instructional video for further assistance.”

  An image appeared on the flat screen, an animation of a room like the one Katie was in now. The animated person on the screen was pulling on an S-suit. The animation played on a loop, with the same actions repeating over and over like the flight safety instructions on an airplane.

  Katie watched for a moment, then figured she probably had seen enough to figure out to dress herself. She stripped, hung her dress on an empty hanger in the closet, stowed her shoes and undergarments on a shelf she saw beneath it, and pulled out the suit.

  “Here goes nothing,” she said, giving it a once over.

  The S-suit was stretchy and covered in a tiny honeycomb pattern, black on the outside and a kind of shimmery gray on the inside. She pulled the suit on, noting that it hugged her curves very closely. It fit over her feet, and the soles were covered in a non-skid, textured surface. Her hands were completely covered too, each sleeve ending in gloves. It zipped up the front, all the way to her chin, and seemed to have a bit of extra fabric there. She peered up at the screen. Yup, the animated guy was pulling that little extra bit up his neck, and letting it rest right under his jaw. She did the same, then said the magic words.

  “Command: Play.”

  “Ms. Martinez, please return to the circle and remain there.”

  Katie walked to the circle. So did the little animated man.

  “Your HL2 VR rig is now descending. Please remain in the circle.”

  Two thick, springy ropes descended from the ceiling. Suspended between them was a circle of stiff fabric that looked like a belt.

  “Please step forward and secure the belt around your waist,” said the voice.

  The animated man on the screen stepped up to the harness and fastened himself into the belt. This time Katie was ahead of both of them, and already doing just that.

  “Done,” said Katie.

  “Thank you,” said the voice.

  There was a high whirring sound above her, and she looked up just in time to see a panel on the ceiling open and something black and strappy descend.

  “This is your HL2 VR visor. Please secure the visor to your head. Follow the visuals on the screen for assistance.”

  The animated guy put on the visor, so Katie did too. As soon as she did, he was gone, and for a moment, it was pitch black. But then animated guy was back, showing her how to properly adjust the device. She followed his movements, tightening where necessary and was pleased to discover that the visor was quite comfortable.

  “Katie Martinez, please remain still and breathe normally while we initialize your S-suit and your HL2 VR visor.”

  “Yeah okay, Command,” she said, calling the voice by the word she was already thinking of it as its name. “You do what you gotta…oh–”

  Her toes were tickling. Buzzing, like when your foot falls asleep and you have to wake it up, except the sensation wasn’t at all unpleasant like it normally is. Instead it felt warm, relaxing and ooohhhh. She wiggled her toes.

  “Katie Martinez, please remain still.”


  The tingling spread, up her legs, over her torso, her fingertips, arms, across her chest and….whoo. Her nipples were really liking this suit already.

  She heard sounds. Birds. Wind. She turned her head and the sounds altered, some louder, some softer, affected by the direction of her head. Apparently, there were hidden speakers in this little room. Surround sound.


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