Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1)

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Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1) Page 3

by Morgan Kearns

  Yeah, that’s not going to happen. A frown touched her lips, the bottom one jutting out in a pout. She’d given Jayson the not-until-we’re-married excuse, so he was out. And the only other man who had any hopes of getting between her legs had no desire to be there. Not for a single night much less a lifetime.

  Steam billowed over the top of the fogged glass shower door, filling the small bathroom with a humid mist that wafted through the archway into the adjoining bedroom.

  She stepped into the shower and sighed as hot water ran over her skin in rivulets. She still felt tight as a bow string.

  Yeah, loving one man while completely obsessed with another could do that to a girl.

  She forced all conscious thought from her head, allowing her mind to just go blank. Surprise, surprise, Niko crept his way into the mental picture anyway.

  “This is ridiculous.”

  Nikolai’s curses continued. He’d just vaporized onto Gabby’s balcony and stood in the dark, feeling like a damn stalker. He looked the part, too; clad in black jeans, a black long-sleeved t-shirt, and black Lugz. Hell, even his socks and boxers were black.

  He was going to kill Gustav if he ended up making a fool of himself!

  With a flick of his hand over the lock, a metal tumbling verified the door was now free to be opened.

  There weren’t many things that could send butterflies through his stomach, but Gabby could by simply being near him. Just knowing she was on the other side of the glass had him fighting to fill his lungs with air.

  He forced himself to breathe and made a space just large enough to slip through, then closed the door, locking it again.

  Thank the Goddess she doesn’t have a dog.

  Gabrielle’s apartment was dark except for lights coming from the bathroom down the hall. Not that he needed the light; he was perfectly capable of seeing clearly in the pitch blackness.

  The big leather chair, an exact replica of the one he had in his office dominated the room. Satisfaction flared, warming him from the inside out. Did she use it as a reminder of him?

  He smiled at the throw pillows dotting the couch, brightening the neutral, just as she did for his life.

  Running water drew his attention to the bathroom down the hall. He smiled. Much like Hansel’s breadcrumbs, Gabby had left a trail for him to follow. Her heels were on the floor next to the chair. He loved the way those shoes lengthened her legs, bringing her into kissing range.

  Once again he cursed his timidity. If only he’d bent that tiny bit and brought their lips together. He would remedy that very soon.

  A little further down the hall was a puddle resembling the khaki pants she’d been wearing when she’d left the office. A few feet later, Niko nearly tripped over her blue sweater. He bent down to scoop the cashmere into his hands. The soft fabric was the same shade as her eyes.

  Without conscious thought he brought the fabric to his face and inhaled. Her scent was so intoxicating; a combination of lemongrass and coconut and female. His female.

  A soft moan sounded from down the hall, returning his thoughts to what he was doing. He’d been so preoccupied by the discarded feminine clothing that the sound from the shower actually surprised him. He dropped the sweater and continued his quest, delving into uncharted territory.

  The little bedroom was clean, quaint. A queen-sized bed, with an old-fashioned white headboard, rested against the far wall, next to the window. The comforter looked like a flower shop had exploded, spewing its contents in two-dimensional glory; over-sized gerbera daisies scattered across a field of bright yellow sunshine.

  A doorless archway opened into a small bathroom, steam billowing out to coat the air around him. Her scent swirled up to engulf him. He held his breath hoping to absorb each molecule of bliss.

  Gabby made another small noise. He focused on the back of her elegant body barely obscured by the fogged shower glass. She was perfection wrapped up in a female form. Long legs, one of which was bent slightly, supported thin hips, a narrow waist, and a beautiful back made to fill the span on his hands.

  His body went rigid from head to toe. The pounding of his heart verified he was in the right place, although now might not be the right time if she were to find him eyeballing her from the shadows. He swallowed hard and tried to use the sandpaper he’d once called his tongue to wet his lips.

  He’d always prided himself on being a gentleman, and he knew he should turn his back in order to allow her the privacy she deserved, but he couldn’t find the strength to look away. Hell, he couldn’t even force his lids over his eyes.


  Gabby turned, taking the air out of his lungs. She worked a loofa over her skin. He obsessed over the suds caressing down her body. She rubbed and stroked. Her breath hitched and his name left her lips on a breathless whisper. His entire body jerked as if he’d become intimate with a stun gun.

  She moaned again and through the fog in his brain he wondered if he’d only imagined her saying his name. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the balls to have imagined…


  Oh, for the love of all that is holy and good!

  His knees gave out and he grabbed onto the wall to steady himself before stumbling around the corner. He leaned back against the wall to keep himself upright. Deep inhale, slow exhale. He had to get his body under control.

  This was not how he’d expected this night to go. His mind and heart raced with the possibilities of what it all could mean. His name spoken in that way … at that time was definitely a good sign.

  As he thought of Gabrielle and what the future had to hold, he was afraid to hope for an eternity with her, but was more afraid not to.

  This can happen. She could be his—would be his. She has to.

  When the shower turned off, panic spurred him to action. He couldn’t chance getting caught. She’d never forgive him for spying on her when she thought she was alone.

  His options were limited at best.

  The easiest thing to do would be removing himself from her apartment all together, to just vaporize home and try again another night.

  Even as he considered it, he knew he would never be able to tear himself away from the possibilities.

  He needed to do something, though, because standing in the middle of her bedroom wasn’t a plausible alternative. He thought about sliding under the bed, going so far as to lift the dust ruffle, only to find the space was too small to fit.

  Dammit! He needed a place to hide. Fast.

  She was humming and his heightened senses could make out the sounds of the towel on her skin. He had to squeeze his eyes shut as that imagery crept into his mind’s eye.

  Something hit the counter and reminded him of the urgency in his retreat. His head whipped from one side to the other, searching. There had to be… Bingo!

  Over to his left, just down the wall, was a door. He ducked inside to find himself tucked into her small, jamb-packed, walk-in closet. Her scent washed over him. He buried his nose in the fabric of a silk shirt, inhaling deeply. Then he held his breath, praying this wouldn’t be the place where she’d search for something to wear.

  Her footsteps softly went in the other direction, and after his initial relief, curiosity got the better of him. Like a damned Peeping-Tom he gawked out the crack in the door, watching dumbstruck as Gabby crossed the room. She was wrapped in nothing but a fluffy fuchsia towel, and Nikolai suddenly wanted to be a piece of terrycloth more than anything.

  Her quiet humming continued as she riffled through the top drawer of her dresser. Pieces of lace and satin bubbled over the sides. When she finally settled on a minute piece of black lace he nearly swallowed his tongue. He choked on a cough. His eyes watered and he wiped at them with the back of his hand, only to have them nearly bugged out of his head. In the second it’d taken to swipe at his eyes, she’d dropped the towel and was leaning over to pull on the panties. The action gave him a full view of her toned rear, and completely bare…

  Holy shit!

sp; Every part of his body stiffened. Every inch poised and ready. His fangs lengthened and sank into his bottom lip. This evening, as beautiful and informative as it was, was surely going to kill him.

  As if to prove his point, she slowly slid the lace up her legs. The barely there panties hugged her bottom, showing off all of her feminine curves.

  She was going to drive him insane!

  He ran his tongue over his lip and swallowed the groan building in the back of his throat. Another soft scraping of the drawers brought his attention out of his x-rated thoughts and back to the sight in front of him.

  Gabby pulled out a black, completely transparent, piece of fabric and lifted it over her head. It left very little to the imagination and Niko wondered if he might get so more than he’d bargained for. If her new fiancé showed up, Niko might do something they’d all regret.

  “What a waste.” She ran her long, elegant fingers through her still-damp hair, easing the deep auburn locks away from her face.

  Niko nearly melted when her lips formed a seductive smile. The puddle was complete when she blew a kiss to her reflection in the mirror, then she winked, flirting with herself. She did a little turn and the bottom hem flared out just slightly, giving him a flash of her panties and perfect cheeks. She sashayed in the direction of the bed one slow, graceful step at a time.

  Her performance had been innocent and adorable—and erotic as hell. She hadn’t meant to turn him on. She didn’t know he ready to burst into flames at any moment.

  Nikolai bit down on his bottom lip to keep from moaning and had to once again remind himself that he couldn’t just jump out. It didn’t matter that she was moaning his name while she pleasured herself. It didn’t matter that she was sexy as hell. Or that she looked good enough to eat. His sudden appearance would scare the shit out of her–even if he were fully clothed.

  She crawled into bed and curled up against one pillow, wrapping her arms around it, while laying her head on another.

  Forget wanting to be a towel, now Nikolai ached to be her pillow.

  A low, sweet moan vibrated through the air as she relaxed. Her breathing and heartbeat slowed then steadied.

  He waited, listening to the silence, trying to slow his own heartbeat and control himself enough to be able to walk without limping. He peeked around the corner. When she didn’t stir, he escaped the confines of the closet.

  One slow footstep at a time took him closer and closer to the heaven he hoped awaited him. She laid on her side, her bare back exposed to him. A small birthmark, almost a perfect heart, adorned her shoulder blade. He reached out to touch it, only to have his finger pause midair. There he stood, just waiting…

  For what, he wasn’t sure. A sign of some kind.

  “Niko,” she sighed and snuggled deeper into the pillows.

  A smile touched his lips as heat spread through his body, carried by his now beating heart. “I’m here, love.”

  She shook her head. Her brows furrowed to form a deep V and her eyelids fluttered. “I shouldn’t … Wrong. So wrong.”

  “No, not wrong.” He caressed her forehead with a feather-light touch, initiating a dream-like state. “Shhh.”

  He toed off his shoes then slid into the bed next to her, and she snuggled right into him. Her entire body wrapped around him. Her fist grasped so hard in his t-shirt her knuckles turned white under the strain. He waited until she relaxed again.

  “Oh, sweetness.” He smoothed her hair back and brushed his lips over the top of her head.

  “Niko,” she murmured again.

  An overwhelming need struck him with the intensity of a lightning bolt. His long buried Romanian accent was thick as he pleaded, “Please, Gabrielle, call me Nikolai.”

  “Nikolai,” she purred.

  His heart skipped a beat and then jumped twice trying to catch up. That word on her lips was the most precious sound he’d ever heard. He could hardly believe that this beautiful creature was meant to be his other half, the one to complete him, to fill his life with hope, happiness, and love.

  “Yes, my love.”

  A tear welled up under the closed lids of his angel and Niko tenderly caught the first one to fall on the tip of his finger. He kissed her damp cheek.

  “What is it, love?”

  “Why?” she whimpered, more tears formed and fell.

  “Why, what?”

  “Why now? Engaged. Oh—” Her whole body tensed next to his, and Nikolai prepared himself for a quick retreat, only to tighten his hold as a sob ribbed from her throat. “Too late.”

  “No. It’s not too late.”

  As more tears dampened his chest through his shirt, he ached to shake her awake, to show her he was here, that it was not too late. And then spend the hours until sunrise convincing her exactly how not-too-late it was for them. But as he held her, he noticed the ring on her finger. She’d made her choice, hadn’t she?

  He shook his head. He shouldn’t be here. He should never have put either of them in this situation. He should have claimed her long ago. Her fist tightened in his shirt. She pressed a kiss to the soaked cotton of his shirt.

  “Not real.”

  “This can be reality.” And he wanted this reality with her, every night for the rest of forever. But the choice needed to be hers. “Come to me, Gabrielle. There is nothing I want more than for you to come to me.”

  She mumbled something unintelligible and eased against his chest. And for the first time in over four-hundred years, Nikolai completely relaxed.

  Chapter Four

  Gabrielle buried her face into her pillow, tightening her fist around the fabric beneath her cheek. She filled her lungs with the delicious scent she recognized.

  “Nikolai,” she moaned.

  The falling sensation stopped suddenly when her body fell into the mattress. She jolted to awareness, disoriented and completely confused.

  “What the hell?”

  She pushed herself up and looked around the room. Everything was exactly as it had been when she’d climbed into bed, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was … off. She stretched her arms over her head, feeling completely revived, like she’d slept for days instead of hours. All of the muscles that had been ready to snap last night were loose. Yet her entire body was buzzing, like a beehive had taken up residence just below her skin.

  She rubbed her hands up and down her forearms, which did nothing to alleviate the sensation. Maybe she should pop a few Benadryl before heading to the office. It would be just her luck to have an allergic reaction to the oil used in her massage. She rolled her eyes and flopped back onto the pillows. The smell that enveloped her made her heart skip a beat.


  And why the hell wasn’t she calling him Niko?

  She hopped up on her knees, frantically pulling the bedding to her nose. The comforter, sheets, blankets, pillows; they all smelled like him. She tipped her head to the side and inhaled a lock of her hair. Damn, even she smelled like him.

  This was one hell of a hangover. Too bad she hadn’t drunk anything. She frowned. Her mind raced, replaying everything she could remember about the last—she glanced at the clock—eight hours! She’d slept for eight hours? Normally she couldn’t keep her eyes closed for six.

  Maybe she was coming down the flu. Slapping a hand over her forehead, she felt for a fever. No. She cleared her throat. Not even a tickle.

  So what was wrong with her?

  Her dreams from the night before flooded her memory. She’d dreamt of Niko. But that wasn’t exactly out of the norm, he starred in her erotic dreams every night.

  There was one difference.

  Last night’s dreams weren’t erotic. They were sweet. They were comforting. They were everything she’d expect him to be. He’d held her, ran his fingers through her hair, spoke softly, and asked her to call him Nikolai.

  She giggled nervously, twisting a lock of hair around her finger. Well, that explained the name change.

  “Nikolai.” A smile
spread to her lips.

  “Nikolai.” The word flowed over her tongue like sweet, melted chocolate.

  “Nikolai.” Her insides bubbled with the excitement she always felt when he touched her.

  With his name on her lips and the rest of him in her thoughts, Gabrielle glided into the bathroom, oblivious to everything but the cloud she floated on. Her reflection was of a dreamy-eyed girl, grinning like a fool.

  “Oh, good hell!” She slapped a palm against her cheek. “Get a grip, Gabby.”

  She reached into the shower to turn on the water. The forward motion brought her hair down around her face and with it came the scent that just had to be her overactive imagination. Her hand gathered the auburn strands, pulling them to her nose.

  Crazy or not, she smelled Nikolai.

  She reached in to turn off the water. There would be no shower this morning because the thought of washing her delusions down the drain caused an actual physical pain in her chest. His scent was a comfort, as if filling an emptiness she didn’t realize she had.

  A shake of her head and a sigh to clear her lungs, and she was ready to admit she was nuts. Certifiable. Get out the straight-jacket and the rubber room. Bat shit crazy!

  There was no way Nikolai had been here. She’d have known if the man of her dreams was, in fact, reality. Wouldn’t she?

  Nikolai vaporized into his bedroom and panted like he’d run across the entire country. He bent at the waist, resting his hands on his thighs and sucked in breath after breath.

  “That was close!”

  He’d been so comfortable with Gabrielle sleeping in his arms, he’d actually fallen asleep, too. It wasn’t until she’d started stirring and said his name that he’d realized his mistake.

  He hated leaving the way he did, evaporating right out from under her was the coward’s way. But it wasn’t as though he’d really had a choice.

  His toes wiggled freely which drew his attention.


  Hopefully she wouldn’t find his shoes. There wasn’t an explanation that would make sense—except the truth. And the truth was out of the question.


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