Taming the Alpha

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Taming the Alpha Page 47

by Mandy M. Roth

  Sean in cougar-form tilted his head. He’s not convinced yet. “I’m going to raise my arm for you to get a better whiff, okay? Then you’ll really be able to smell the mixture of scents.”

  Before Lisa could tell her not to do it, Lauren slowly raised her arm until it was about six inches from the cougar’s nose. Despite how much she believed in her shifter, her heart was racing. One of Lisa’s theories about the drug used on Sean was that it would chemically damage a shifter’s brain in such a way that only the animal side could take control.

  Meaning, she might never get her man back.

  No. She wasn’t about to give up just yet.

  Her patience paid off as the cougar leaned closer and sniffed her arm. His nose even touched the sleeve of her shirt. Hopefully, the material would be enough to protect her just in case she could catch whatever Sean had.

  The big cat sniffed up her arm until it reached her neck. A small flash of fear shot through her body at that powerful jaw so close to her own, but she quickly pushed it aside. If she didn’t believe in Sean, then who would? Keeping still, she said, “The scent is strongest where my neck meets my shoulder. Take a deep sniff, kitty cat, and when your animal instincts recognize I’m telling the truth, allow the human half back in control.” She turned her head slightly to meet the cougar’s intense blue gaze. “I need him to help protect our baby. Please.”

  She swore she saw something flash in the cat’s eyes, but Lauren didn’t want to get her hopes up. Remaining logical and collected was her best chance at bringing Sean back.

  Since the room was dead quiet, the sound of the cougar sniffing her neck was especially loud. Normally, she loved it when he sniffed her neck in cat form before licking her jaw. The thought of Sean never doing that again squeezed her heart.

  As the cat continued to breathe in her scent, all Lauren could do was wait and hope for the best.

  Chapter Seven

  Sean was a prisoner inside his own body. He instinctively knew he was awake, yet all he saw was blackness. A few times in the past, when he’d been gravely injured, his cougar had taken control and pushed him to the back of their mind to force him to rest and heal.

  Yet this time was different. Unlike in the past when his cat would chirp or meow back at him when he mentally reached out to his cougar, whenever he tried to take control of his brain, his cougar snarled and pushed him back. It was almost as if his own inner cougar saw him as an enemy.

  No doubt, all of this had to do with that drug they’d sprayed on him. Since his human brain, albeit confined, seemed to be working, he needed to think of a plan.

  But before he had thought of anything that might work, he caught Lauren’s faint scent in his nose. Was she nearby? He hoped like hell his cat hadn’t hurt her or he’d never forgive himself.

  Again, he tried to shove the darkness away to take control of his brain, but his cat growled back at him.

  Fuck. If his cougar was acting that way with him, he was afraid of how it would act with Lauren since she was human.

  A stronger wave of Lauren’s scent reached him, but this time he noticed something—his scent was mixed with hers. While faint, it was still there, which meant only one thing: Lauren was pregnant with his child.

  Roaring inside his own mind, he again tried to push away his confinement. Not only did he need to protect his female, he also had his unborn child to take care of. He needed to reach both before Human Purity took their little one away from them.

  With a roar, he mentally pushed against the wall keeping him in. The darkness parted for a second and he caught a small glimpse of Lauren sitting next to him, but then the blackness returned. The small glimpse told him she was alive and offering him her neck. How did she know her scent might help bring his human-half back or that it was strongest there? He didn’t recall ever sharing that tidbit of information about shifters.

  He was hit with another wave of Lauren’s scent mixed with his, and he mentally growled at his cat. You can’t protect her alone. She needs both of us. Let me free.

  His cat ignored him.

  The bastard. Well, if the animal half of him wasn’t going to listen, he’d just have to force his way out.

  True, he could mentally go too far and burn out both him and his cougar, but it wasn’t like Sean had a choice. If he couldn’t get free of his prison, he couldn’t help his female, let alone protect her.

  Gathering what strength he had left, he mentally pushed against his invisible wall. Thinking of never seeing Lauren or their child ever again, he grew stronger, drawing even more from his remaining energy, and pushed harder.

  Something happened because suddenly the darkness was gone, and he could see out of his eyes in cougar form. Lauren was in front of him, her heart racing, and giving off a slight scent of fear.

  She was afraid of him.

  He was exhausted, but he used the last of his mental energy to shove his inner cat to the back of his mind and into a temporary prison at the same time as he imagined his body shifting into a human. Maybe this way Lauren would know it was him and not his cat in charge.

  He must have succeeded as he now felt the cold steel of the table under his ass, but before he could reach for Lauren, the world went black.


  It took a second for Lauren to process Sean’s shift, but the instant his human hand went limp and his eyes closed, she jumped up and placed a gloved hand on his chest. “Babe, talk to me.”

  He didn’t respond.

  Before she could yell for help, Lisa was on the opposite side of the table. The temptation to ask what was wrong was strong, but she resisted; wasting even one second could mean game over for her man.

  She merely watched as Lisa checked his pulse at his neck, reached for something out of the bag she’d brought in with her, and faced back toward Lauren with a syringe in her hand. The next second, the needle was in Sean’s neck.

  As the doctor pushed the plunger, Lauren took Sean’s hand and squeezed. She had no idea what was going on, but she trusted Lisa to do all that she could in the moment and explain the how and why of it later.

  A few other shifters came into the room and pushed her out of the way. One of the women told her to go back to the observation room. Lauren didn’t want to leave, but she’d dealt with her own share of crazy parents who’d had to be kicked out of the room while she worked on their children’s teeth, so with one last glance, she retreated into the smaller observation room.

  Despite the two-way mirror, she rarely caught more than a glimpse of Sean’s arm or leg over the next thirty minutes. By the time Lisa came into the room, Lauren was clenching her hands so hard they were more cream than brown. “Well? How is he?”

  “He’s stable for now. Sean suffered a mental burn out. It happens sometimes when the human and animal halves fight against each other.”

  “Will he be okay?”

  “That depends. Usually with adult shifters, they regain consciousness fifteen to thirty minutes after blacking out and end up recovering in full. But due to the unknown drugs in his system, I’m not exactly sure what will happen.”

  The door opened behind them and Lauren turned to find a man who looked a lot like Sylas with the same dark hair and green eyes, but whereas Sy had a cocky swagger, this man limped. But no matter what was wrong with his leg, his face was all business. Lisa said, “Kian.”

  Without thinking, she blurted out, “You’re Kian Murray, as in DarkStalker’s leader?”

  The corner of Kian’s mouth ticked up and he looked more like Sylas. “That would be me, Lauren Spencer. Sy told me all about you.” He looked to Lisa. “How’s Sean? Have we figured out what’s wrong with him yet?”

  Lisa recounted the basics of Sean’s case, including her latest news of his mental burn out. Then Kian said, “Sy and some of my clan members have been interrogating the Human Purity members Sean tied up back at that abandoned building, but nothing useful has come out yet. They’ll call me the second they know anything. For now, just do your bes
t.” Kian looked to Lauren. “You and I need to talk.”

  For a split second, she wanted to reach out to Lisa and ask her to stay, but then Lauren remembered that once she was Sean’s mate, this shifter male would be her clan leader too. How she acted now would dictate their future relationship.

  Provided, of course, he allowed for them to live on DarkStalker’s land. It was illegal to permanently house a human on shifter land, and Kian might think she and Sean were too much trouble and send them away.

  Kian nodded to Lisa and the woman went back into the room with Sean, leaving her alone with the tall, muscled shifter male. He scrutinized her for a second before saying, “I’ve known about you for a while, Lauren, and know everything I need to know for the decision I’m about to make. Listen to my proposition, and then I’ll give you the chance to back out. Sound fair?”

  A normal human might be afraid of the cougar-shifter leader, whose very voice seemed to make her want to listen to him, but she wasn’t about to cower. “I don’t know if it’s fair or not until I hear what you have to say.”

  Kian smiled. “You remind me a little of my mate.” His face became more serious. “I’ve found a way for you to legally live on my land.”

  She blinked. “What? How?”

  “Well, I should say that one of the ShadowClaw lawyers thinks they found a way, although I’m sure your human courts will test it.”

  Her heart thumped in her chest. If there was a legal way for her to be with Sean and his clan, she’d never heard about it before. “Then hurry up and tell me what it is.”

  “Sy was right about you. Anyway, the loophole exists because you’re pregnant with Sean’s cub.”

  She frowned. “I don’t follow.”

  “Well, as long as you carry his cub, you carry shifter DNA. The laws state only those with shifter DNA can legally marry another with shifter DNA. The ShadowClaw bears told me it was written that way because there were always half-shifters running around, and the US government didn’t want them marrying humans and spreading the genes.”

  “But once the baby is born, I’ll be one-hundred percent human again. And as much as I love Sean, it’s not like I want to carry one baby after another just to meet the requirements of this law.”

  “I have a whole clan of bear-shifter lawyers willing to help me defend your case, so that’s not the issue. However, if you do agree, you will have to live on my land. And until I say it’s safe enough to leave, you’ll be trapped in the mountains for the foreseeable future. Whatever your decision, I’m afraid I need it now.”

  “Before I can even discuss it with Sean?”

  Kian nodded. “As soon as Lisa gives the okay, we’re moving Sean back to the mountains. If you plan on coming, we need to move quickly to make the necessary preparations.”

  Lauren turned around to look at Sean through the glass. He was still unconscious in his human-form. She wished with her whole heart he would wake up so she could discuss this. Sure, he had proposed to her yesterday—had it only been yesterday?—but a lot had changed since then. Would he feel cornered if she said yes? Not only that, there was the matter of her family. Turning back toward Kian, she asked, “And what about my friends and family? Will I ever be able to see them again?”

  “I’m not going to lie to you, so I’m going to say I don’t know. If they pass the checks and can be trusted, then maybe. Usually Purity doesn’t go after family members since they’re focused solely on those having sex with shifters, but their tactics keep changing, which makes them unpredictable.”

  The thought of her family being in danger because of her decision squeezed her heart. “Then if that does happen, could my family move onto DarkStalker’s land?”

  He studied her a second and she feared she’d gone too far. Then Kian shook his head as he answered, “Why do I get the feeling you’d keep trying to bargain with me until I said yes?”

  Hope bubble in her chest. “Well, I always fight for those I love. Surely, as clan leader, you understand that trait all too well.”

  Kian smiled and Lauren knew she’d won. “Fine. As long as they check out and we can confirm they’re not a threat and don’t mind disappearing from the rest of the world, then yes, we’ll find a way to sneak them onto my land. But until that threat is certain, we’ll see about arrangements. Your family has been your own clan, and I don’t want to deny you access to them if I can help it.”

  Lauren clapped her hands together. “Yeah. Good. Then with those terms, I want to marry Sean and become part of your clan. I’ll set up a dental practice, and I’ll get to learn more about your interesting teeth.”

  Kian was about to say something when Lisa barged into the room saying, “Sean’s awake. Lauren, we need you.”

  At Lisa’s words, the light atmosphere of the room vanished. Lauren nodded and followed the doctor into the room. She grabbed a pair of gloves on her way in, and the other shifters in the room moved so she could see Sean. Despite the paleness of his face and the fatigue in his eyes, he was awake. When her eyes met his, he smiled and said, “Lauren.”


  Sean felt like his body had been dragged on the road behind a car for ten miles. He was so weak that he could barely move a finger, let alone a leg. The faces of his clan, and even some of the wolves, sent a flush of relief through his body; he was no longer a Human Purity captive.

  However, there was one face missing. Ignoring the questions being thrown his way, his voice was weak to his own ears when he said, “Where’s Lauren?”

  Lisa, the GreyFire wolves’ head medical researcher, pushed to his side and said, “I’ll get her, but first, I need to know if you have your cougar under control. I won’t risk her safety.”

  He remembered trapping the cat in the back of his mind, but he did a check and mentally sent out a question. Are you better now?

  His inner cougar chirped, so Sean allowed the cat a little more free rein. His cougar hesitated before mentally reaching out to him and giving another chirp. Sean could tell his cat was back to normal, and sad that they had frightened their female.

  Aware that his cougar’s behavior had been a result of the drugs, Sean sent thoughts of forgiveness to his cat before he looked back to Lisa. “He’s fine now. Whatever you did while I was unconscious returned him back to normal.”

  Lisa studied him a second before nodding. “Good. Let my colleagues do a once-over while I go get Lauren.”

  The wolf doctor disappeared. As her colleagues checked his temperature and did a quick exam, he vaguely remembered Lauren’s scent giving him the strength to regain control. Wait, not just her scent, but his as well.

  That’s right; she was carrying his child.

  Neither one had planned on it happening, but he couldn’t help but feel a small thrill of joy at the prospect of a child. And not just any child, one made by him and Lauren.

  Before his doubts about their future could take hold, the love of his life was at his side. She placed a gloved hand on his forehead. As she stroked him, her eyes filled with tears. She whispered, “Sean, is it true? Are you okay?”

  He gave a weak smile, wishing he had the strength to wrap his female in his arms and reassure her with his touch. Instead, he said, “I’m not going to lie. I feel like shit right now, but it’s nothing I can’t lick.” A tear slid down Lauren’s cheek and his heart squeezed. “Baby, please don’t cry. Somehow we’ll be fine. We always find a way to make it work.”

  “I know, but, Sean, so much is happening and I don’t even know where to begin. I only have a few minutes with you before you’re supposed to rest again.”

  “Then let’s cut to the chase. Was it a hallucination, or are you pregnant, love?”

  His female’s eyes widened. “So you remember?” He gave a slight nod, and she continued, “It was unplanned, but I swear I was going to tell you. It was my second Christmas gift to you.”

  Even through his tiredness, his humor refused to sit by the wayside. “Considering how shitty my first Christmas has been thu
s far, I’ll take whatever I can get to make it better.”

  His humor worked, and Lauren gave him a playful smack on the chest. “Our baby is worth much more than ‘whatever I can get’, Sean Fisher. Keep on like that, and I’ll have more than enough stories to make me the favorite parent of the two.”

  He smiled. “I can live with that since it means you’re sticking around.”

  He said it in a lighthearted way, but in reality, it took everything he had not to hold his breath as he waited for Lauren’s reaction. Just because she seemed to want their baby didn’t mean she wanted to stay with him after the scare he’d given earlier.

  Especially since he still didn’t know if she’d been taken by Human Purity.

  Then she smiled and it wiped away most of his fears. “Since Kian found a way for us to marry that might be legal, yes, I’m sticking around.”

  He might be exhausted, but he was awake enough to make the connection. “So you’re saying yes to being my mate?”

  “If you still want me, then yes, Sean Fisher, I’ll be your mate.”

  Before he could think better of it, he added, “Even though I failed you with Human Purity? You still want me despite that?”

  She frowned. “Human Purity only took you, not me. I was left in the car. I used your cell phone to call Kian, and, well, the rest of that story can wait for later. Just know that I’ve come to like the shifters I’ve met so far.”

  He let out a sigh of relief. “Thank fuck. When I was trapped, all I could think about was getting to you before they tried to rehabilitate you.”

  “Nope, if anything, I’m more of a shifter lover than ever before. Especially for this one shifter, who still hasn’t said anything about me accepting his offer.”

  She wants to be my mate. Happiness warmed his entire body. “I’m sort of pro-human myself. This one woman has sort of ruined me for all others.”


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