Kraken My Heart

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Kraken My Heart Page 10

by K. L. Hiers

  “Your name is freakin’ Thiazi!” Ted argued. “What kinda name is that?”

  “It’s Asran, and it means ‘proud warrior,’ thank you!” Grell laughed. “Come now. Elliam is a bit strange for a human, isn’t it?”

  “Ha!” Ted triumphantly chomped down on his next bite of steak. “Just wait until I tell you mine.”

  “Eh?” Grell paused. “Isn’t it Theodore?”

  “Tedward,” Ted replied with a sly smile.

  “Fuck off!” Grell stared and burst out laughing. “Come on. You’re shitting me.”

  “Nope.” Ted grinned. “My full name is Tedward Beauseph Sturm, and my brother is Elliam Jimantha Sturm.”

  “Your parents are sick individuals.” Grell cackled. “Is that a rare Lucian tradition I didn’t know about? Giving your children ridiculous names? By all the gods, those are awful.”

  “What about you, huh?” Ted countered. “What’s your full name?”

  “Thiazi desu Grell Tirana Diago Tazha Mondet,” he replied dutifully.

  “Holy fuck, that’s a mouthful!” Ted exclaimed. “What the fuck does all that mean?”

  “It’s a family line,” Grell explained. “Thiazi is the name my parents gave me.”

  “And the rest?”

  “The surnames of the generations before mine, going all the way back to the Mondet revolution against the gods. We pass on names based on which parent carried the child. After all, they did all the real work, eh?”

  “It’s kinda beautiful,” Ted admitted. “I mean, I’ll never remember all that, but it’s nice.”

  “Thank you, Tedward.”

  “Why don’t people call you ‘King Thiazi’?”

  “We Asra are a bit funny about our names unless it’s being used by a member of our own family. We refer to one another by our surnames to avoid appearing too familiar with others we aren’t related to.”

  “But if you had a brother or something, wouldn’t they be called Grell too? And your mom, right? Because she would have been a Grell.”

  “I didn’t say it couldn’t be confusing.”

  “Well, you got any siblings, Thiazi day-soup whatever your name is?”

  “Only child I’m afraid. Ended up spoiled rotten.”

  “No shit.” Ted laughed.

  “The ‘desu’ part of my name actually means ‘single child.’ If my parents had had more children, I would be Thiazi aesu Grell because I would be the oldest out of many. My younger siblings would use mesu, leusu, and so on to indicate their order of birth.”

  “Is that the sort of personal stuff that’s on your ear doodle-bobbers?”

  “Indeed,” Grell replied. “It’s a good thing I didn’t have any brothers or sisters, you know. I don’t do well with sharing.”

  “I never would have thought.”

  “You get on with your little brother? Are you close?”

  “We used to be.” Ted paused to take another big bite of steak. “My parents got weird when he got older. Treated him like he was a bubble kid or something. Kept him cooped up in his room all the time.”

  “Why? Was he… eh… sickly?”

  “No. I figured it was because he was found, you know?” Ted shrugged. “They were fucking obsessed with keeping him safe. Meanwhile, heh, I was out partying and gettin’ into trouble….”

  “When the cat’s away overparenting, the rebellious older son will play?” Grell teased.

  “Yeah, maybe I was a little jealous,” Ted confessed. “I did try to kill him one time.”

  “Am I dining with an attempted murderer?” Grell raised his brows.

  “Yeah, I guess you are.” Ted grinned sheepishly.

  “Certainly don’t tell the court that. You’re already on trial for one murder.”

  “It was an accident! You know, sort of. When he was, like, six, I may have tried to smother him with some stuffed animals.”

  “And how old were you, my darling little Psycho Sally?”

  “Ten or eleven I think,” Ted said. “I was unsuccessful, obviously.”

  “Good to know.” Grell laughed, raising his glass in a toast.

  “What about you?” Ted asked as he took another big bite of steak. “Mm, any fun family drama?”

  “No, I’m afraid my family is quite boring and mostly dead.”

  “I’m sorry,” Ted said earnestly. “You know, uh… about Vael.”

  “It’s all right.” Grell smiled, but there was still a hint of sadness. “We had a wonderful life together. My parents have been passed on for ages, and it’s just me, my darling spawn, and a handful of cousins who like to keep too close at court.”

  “Do you actually like being king?” Ted asked, drinking his wine and neglecting the water entirely.

  “Of course.” Grell cackled. “I get to tell everyone what to do. Everyone always wants something. They’re all whining about someone insulting somebody else’s honor or this person owes some other person something. Ha, never a dull moment.”

  “You’re being sarcastic,” Ted accused.

  “Mmm. I love how perceptive you are.”

  “Asshole,” Ted sniped affectionately.

  “How is everything? Need another steak, my gorgeous carnivore?”

  “Shit,” Ted wheezed. “I’ll be doing good to finish this one. Everything is fucking awesome. This is the most fun I’ve had on a date in… fuck. Forever?”

  “Good,” Grell said, looking very pleased with himself. “I do have some exciting plans for dessert, if you’re interested.”

  “Oh?” Ted knew immediately by the coy twinkle in Grell’s eye that he meant something physical. His heart thudded as he innocently asked, “What kinda plans exactly? Am I gonna like ’em?”

  “Considering how you destroyed that steak, I’m willing to bet you’re a fan of big meat,” Grell teased lewdly.

  “I do enjoy some protein now and again,” Ted flirted back. “I thought we were gonna go check out the library after dinner?”

  “I’d rather check you out.”

  “Noted. We also still need to go to the pits, you know.”


  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Would you like to go for a little stroll?”

  “Uh, where?”

  “You haven’t actually seen the city proper yet,” Grell replied, reaching for Ted’s hand. “Yes, my castle is beautiful, but so is my city. You told me, and I quote, no trial stuff until after dessert. I want to take you to my absolute favorite spot for dessert, and after that maybe the sort of dessert that doesn’t require clothing.”

  “Sure,” Ted said, squeezing his hand. “That sounds—”

  The world shifted, and they were now standing in a giant marketplace.

  “Ugh. Good. Sounds good.”

  There were dozens of stalls selling various wares, and all the buildings around them were constructed with a mix of the glowing lavender masonry like the castle and dull black brick. The smell was a thick cloud of frying food and sweet perfumes, with an undercurrent of dry musk that reminded Ted of going to the county fair.

  Everywhere Ted looked, he saw fantastic and horrifying creatures. He saw lots of Asra, but there were no other humans here—or anything pretending to be human, anyway. He recognized one being as an Eldress with two small foals at its side, and there was a group of Vulgora haggling over some bolts of cloth.

  The rest? He had no idea.

  There were pale behemoths with tiny gossamer wings whose skin didn’t seem to fit their bodies and hung off their bones in thick folds, and some slimy gremlins with giant heads sprouting fat manes of tentacles. He saw gaunt trolls who had huge tusks jutting out of their mouths and long pointed tails. The closest thing he saw to a human was a large monster with black skin and a hunchback whose face was painted up like a twisted clown.

  “Shall we?” Grell offered his arm to Ted.

  “Yeah, sure, but you know, just one tiny thing.” Ted dropped his voice down to a frantic whisper as he hissed, “What the
fuck am I looking at?”

  “Right now, me.”

  “No! All of this!”

  “A market. A place where people can come together to exchange goods and services.”

  Ted glared.

  Grell laughed, patting Ted’s shoulder. “Oh, the look on your face….” He gestured to the crowd. “You have met an Eldress before. They’re the fourth race made by Great Azaethoth.”

  “And the fish-worm dudes are Vulgora?”

  “Very good,” Grell purred, walking into the market and keeping Ted close. “They’re the second race Azaethoth created. All the beautiful big cats are Asra, of course. We were the first. Those pasty-looking giants with the little wings are Faedra, number five.”

  Ted made a face when he noticed none of the Faedra had eyes. Or noses. Just big mouths with—what else—crooked pointy teeth.

  “The chaps with the tusks are the Absola, and the painted fellow is a Mostaistlis. They’re six and seven respectively, the last races before Great Azaethoth made humans. Oh! And those goblins running around with tentacles are the Devarach. They were the third. Watch your pockets, they love to take things.”

  “So they’re thieves?”

  “Not quite. They believe in communal property. Everything belongs to everyone, so they can’t steal what is already theirs.”

  As they moved through the market, all the creatures made way and bowed respectfully as they passed. Some of the smaller ones stared up at Ted in total amazement. One started to cry, quickly hiding behind its parent.

  “Why is everybody looking at me all crazy?” Ted mumbled, not sure if he liked all of the attention.

  “Most of them have never seen a human before,” Grell explained. “Not many of my fine citizens ever venture over to Aeon.”

  “Is that why nobody looks human?”

  “Not all of the everlasting can change their shape on their own, not without magic. Besides, there’s no need for them to hide what they are. This is their home.”

  Ted tried to wave at a few of them, and he mostly got growls and hisses in reply. He didn’t know if that was good or bad.

  As they explored the market, Grell stopped often to chat with his people, checking in on those who had been sick or were in recovery following some injury. He congratulated a mother Eldress on the birth of her children, wished luck to a Faedra who was going to learn a new trade, and cautioned a fellow Asra about drinking too much.

  They stopped at one of the vendors, a Faedra that was selling giant hunks of spun sugar wrapped around what looked like rock candy to Ted. The Faedra refused any payment, but Grell definitely snapped his fingers and made some coins appear on the counter as they left.

  “You know, you’re actually a pretty decent king,” Ted noted.

  “Don’t sound so surprised.” Grell smirked smugly, the world shifting again beneath their feet. “I’m an awesome king.”

  Ted now found himself on top of one of the tallest buildings, looking down on the beautiful city below. Behind them was the castle and the bridge, and the eerie forest surrounded everything outside the walls as far as Ted could see, except for a single break where a large spiky mountain range loomed.

  “Wow.” Ted took a bite of the spun sugar, and he nearly gagged when he tasted sweet alcohol. He swallowed it down, clearing his throat as he said, “This, uh, this is a nice view.”

  “I come here sometimes to think,” Grell said, eating his spun sugar all the way down to the crunchy rock candy center. “Keeps me humble, relaxes me, reminds me of what I must protect.”

  “It’s pretty badass,” Ted said, “but maybe you should hang out here more often.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Because you are so not fuckin’ humble.” Ted snickered.

  “Nothing wrong with being confident,” Grell teased. “I can’t help that I’m amazing, and no one else notices.”

  “Well, I noticed.” Ted smiled, leaning over to nudge Grell’s side. “A few of your subjects down there might have too. Hard to avoid it with an ego as big as yours.”

  “You’re rather amazing yourself, Tedward,” Grell said with a little wink.

  “Uh… thanks.” Ted kept staring at Grell’s golden eyes, and there was a fluttering rush of excitement as their hands brushed together.

  “My pleasure,” Grell said, taking Ted’s hand and laying a soft kiss upon it.

  Ted couldn’t remember ever being so attracted to someone, and he already had some ideas in mind to explore this new desire. Grell had talked about a very special kind of dessert, and Ted was hungry for something other than sweets. He quickly finished his sugary treat, asking as casually as he could, “Now, about these two cocks…?”

  “Oh?” Grell nibbled on a piece of crystal sugar. “Still curious about those?”

  “Yeah, I wanna know—”

  “If you can take both? With lots of lube and plenty of willpower, anything is possible.”


  “Right now?” Grell pretended to be bashful. “We’ve barely finished our dessert, love. While I do admire the balls you have to order a king around—”

  “Right now, Grell,” Ted said firmly.

  “Oh.” Grell daintily wiped off his mouth and flashed a toothy grin. “Why yes, sir.”

  Chapter 8.

  TED HAD no idea what he was in for, but he wanted it. He wanted Grell in a way he couldn’t describe, and his desire was bolstered by the extreme situation he’d been thrown into.

  Murder charges, his own death, and that the world he once thought was ruled by the Lord of Light was wrong.

  He was out of his element, helpless, and he wanted to take back some kind of control. With Grell, he could have that. At least for a little while, he could grab the reins of his life, and what would happen would only be because he wanted it to.

  And Grell was stupidly hot.

  Not to mention funny, charming, and undeniably kind beneath his wicked snark.

  As Ted found himself back in Grell’s lavish bedroom, he let himself fully admire the king’s handsome face. Though Grell was much shorter than Ted, his arms were thick and strong as they wrapped around him.

  “We can do as much or as little as you’d like,” Grell said, rubbing Ted’s back and leaning up for a kiss.

  “Mm. All of it. I want all of it.” Ted kissed him back passionately, surrendering himself to Grell’s tongue and hot lips.

  “Come along, then,” Grell said breathlessly, “and I’ll take care of you.”

  Ted’s head spun as Grell teleported them both into bed, and he grunted when Grell pushed him down onto his back. Grell was completely taking charge, and Ted loved it.

  Their clothes magically melted away, and Ted moaned when Grell’s hand slid down his stomach. He was already half-hard, turned on by Grell’s dominant poise and his searing kiss. “Fuck….”

  “All in good time, love,” Grell teased, swiping his tongue across Ted’s lower lip. “Mmm….”

  “I’m sorry,” Ted said suddenly, his nerves bubbling away when Grell’s hand dipped between his legs. “If I’m not better, I mean. Like I told you before, it’s been a while, and… uh… I don’t usually do it like this.”

  “Love,” Grell soothed, “I’ve not done this in centuries. I’m sure you will be fantastic. If you prefer, I’ll gladly switch—”

  “No,” Ted said, bashful in his eagerness. “I want you like this. Please. But can… can I see, uh, what you’re working with?”

  “Of course,” Grell replied, rolling over onto his side and bending his knee. His cock appeared human at first glance, thick and uncut, but Ted could see two slick heads peeking out from the edge of his foreskin.

  “Can I….” Ted started to reach out, but he hesitated.

  “Go right ahead, love,” Grell urged. “They don’t bite.”

  Ted burst out laughing. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I just, well, with everything else around here and all these crazy monsters? I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  Grell chuckled. �
�It’s quite all right.”

  Ted kissed Grell, still chuckling and letting his hand slide down Grell’s broad chest. He swept over Grell’s stomach and finally reached his destination. He grabbed hold of Grell’s cocks, unable to wrap his fingers around his full girth. “Wow.”

  “Uh-huh,” Grell said with a cheeky grin.

  Ted wanted to keep kissing, but he had to see. He watched as Grell’s foreskin drew back as he got harder, two thick shafts now leaking in his hand.

  He stroked one and then the other, marveling at their size and heat. His cheeks were burning at the idea of taking just one of these monsters, and thinking about both made his loins clench with lust. He didn’t know if he could, but hell, he really wanted to try.

  The cocks seemed to be about the same size, though one was seated a bit farther back beneath its twin. Ted kept touching and playing, watching them leak and glisten in the low light. “Fuck, you’re so wet….”

  “Mmm, normal for Asra,” Grell said, reaching down to grab hold of Ted’s and give him a firm squeeze. “Mm, and so are you, love. Eager for me, are you?”

  “Yes.” Ted rocked into Grell’s hand and gave one of his cocks a responding stroke. “I’m… mm… I’m ready. I wanna do this. I want you.”

  Smiling warmly, Grell kissed Ted and promised him, “Then prepare to have your mind blown, love.”

  Ted watched Grell slide down his body and grunted in surprise as he spread his legs wide. He felt a surge of heat from the firm way Grell positioned him, and he tucked his arms up behind his head.

  Grell stroked Ted’s muscular thighs, dragging his fingers down the underside of them and cupping Ted’s butt. “You have the most spectacular body, love.” Grell bowed his head, running his long tongue from the tip of Ted’s cock, over his balls, and right to his hole. “Mmmph, and your ass is absolutely perfect.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” Ted teased. His grin dropped when Grell’s tongue lapped at his hole, slick and hot, and he groaned, “Oh fuck.”

  Grell licked all around the tight muscle, clearly enjoying himself and taking his time. His hands stroked Ted’s thighs with such reverence, and the tip of his tongue started to push inside.


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