Outside the Wire

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Outside the Wire Page 24

by Holly Copella

  Right on cue, the two guards patrolling the jockey’s lounge ran to investigate the crash. Zack dropped from the rafters behind the guards while Jackie rolled across the floor to avoid their rifle fire that immediately followed. Zack tackled the first man to the floor, flipping him several times by his neck, and landed in a crouched position. The second guard had been thrown slightly off balance but recovered, setting his sights on Zack. Jackie ran two quick steps for Zack and used his bent leg to leap into the air. She somersaulted through the air and kicked the guard in the head on her way down. The guard was thrown several feet across the snack bar area and struck the nearby wall with a loud crack. Jackie hit the floor with less precision due to her minor leg injury and ended up on her ass. She grimaced at the pain it caused and noted the blood seeping through the thick gauze pad Zack had secured over her injury on the drive over.

  Zack stood over her while grinning and extended his hand to assist her. She accepted his hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet. As his custom and much to her disapproval, he pulled her against him and kissed her quickly on the lips in celebration. When he pulled back, Jackie punched him in the mouth, starting a new custom. Zack jumped back with surprise, not used to it working that way, and held his mouth. He dabbed his bleeding lip then gave her an innocent look.

  “Too soon, huh?”

  She glared at him then headed across the betting area without a word.

  Zack groaned and followed her. “Well, at least you didn’t shoot me,” he remarked with noted enthusiasm.

  “Days not over yet,” she called back.

  “Kirk was over it in five minutes. That’s what’s great about guys,” he informed her while maintaining his distance. “You women take things too personally.”

  “So pair up with Kirk,” she snarled without looking back at him.

  He playfully pouted at the comment. “But I’d rather play with you.”


  Two guards walked past the outside stadium seating and headed toward the track itself. Everything seemed quiet. The dim lighting cast shadows in just about every corner, making detecting anyone difficult. They were about to give up when they heard faint gunshots from inside the building. Both were about to return to the building to investigate when they heard a woman’s shrill scream. The guards ran toward the parade paddock with their assault rifles prepared to shoot the first thing that moved. They entered the paddock and looked around only to find it empty. As the first guard turned, the butt of a rifle struck him in the face. He dropped to the ground before Kirk. The second guard spun around, having seen the man next to him fall. Bogart threw a punch for the guard’s face. He immediately dodged Bogart’s flying fist and punched him in the mouth, startling the conman.

  As the guard turned and aimed his assault rifle at Kirk, Kirk kicked it from his hands. Bogart threw another punch at the guard. His attention left Kirk and focused on Bogart. The guard blocked his fist and punched him in the abdomen then across the face, forcing Bogart to stumble backward. Bogart wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth then looked at Kirk, who casually leaned against the fence with his arms folded across his chest.

  “You’re just going to stand there?” Bogart demanded with astonishment.

  “You’ll never learn if I keep fighting your battles for you,” Kirk remarked.

  “Thanks a lot,” Bogart snarled.

  Kirk casually nodded, indicating the guard. “You’ll want to duck.”

  As Bogart turned, the guard punched him in the face and nearly knocked him to the ground. “Prick,” Bogart scoffed at Kirk while catching his balance.

  While partially bent over, Bogart charged the guard and tackled him to the ground. Both men wrestled around the sand covered paddock attempting to punch each other with little success. The guard got to his feet first and kicked Bogart in the ribs as he attempted to stand then went for another kick. Bogart caught his foot and twisted it, knocking the man back to the ground. Bogart pulled himself to his feet as the guard sprang back up effortlessly. As the guard straightened and prepared to throw another punch, Bogart snap kicked him in the groin. The man clutched himself and started to drop to his knees. On his way down, Bogart spun into a roundhouse kick and struck the man in the head, driving him the rest of the way to the ground. Bogart stood over the fallen man and stared at him with surprise while panting heavily.

  “I’ll be damned,” Bogart gasped. “That karate crap works.” He glanced at Kirk, who appeared surprised to see the man out cold beneath Bogart’s feet. Bogart smirked and gave a slight nod. “You may want to duck.”

  Kirk looked behind him. The guard he’d taken out now stood behind him and punched him in the face. Kirk, barely fazed by the hit, glared at the man. The guard stared with surprise and some concern. Bogart pressed a button on his cell phone and grinned as the app of a woman screaming filled the paddock. Kirk sneered with annoyance and punched the stunned guard in the face.

  Chapter Forty-four

  In order to avoid the guards patrolling the common areas, Lee, Alma, and Kelsey took the out-of-the way service elevator from the penthouse to the basement. It was a long hike across the basement until they finally reached the laundry room. Kelsey led them across the massive, dimly lit laundry area that appeared to have been abandoned a long time. Lee looked around as they passed large washing machines, presses, and dryers. Everything was coated with thick cobwebs and dust.

  “It doesn’t look as if anyone’s been here in quite a while,” Lee remarked while nervously rubbing her chilled arms.

  “When they closed the restaurant, they shut down the laundry room,” Kelsey informed her then paused before an old maintenance elevator. “No one comes down here. It’s easily overlooked.” She then indicated the elevator. “This in particular.”

  Alma appeared equally surprised while staring at the old elevator. “Does it work?”

  “Of course it does,” Kelsey remarked with a sly grin on her face. “It’s how I sneak out of the building when I need to get away from my charmed life. It takes you to the back corridor in the old kitchen, which hasn’t been used in years either. It’s quite a haul from the penthouse, but this is the only way to avoid the heavily guarded areas. Once we’re in the kitchen, we just slip out the back door to the parade paddock, pass the main barn, and head out the back exit. We can hike through the woods and stay hidden for hours. In the morning, we can go to town and get help.”

  “But Ross--” Lee protested.

  “Ross doesn’t need you here,” Kelsey insisted while casting a sharp look at her. “You’re the reason he’s going to get killed. If you really love him, you’ll leave this place and give him a fighting chance.”

  They heard someone enter the laundry room. Kelsey shoved her mother and Lee into the old elevator. Jason and the second guard came into view, catching a glimpse of her but not the elevator. She pushed the first-floor button.

  “I’ll hold them off then meet you in the woods,” Kelsey whispered.

  “Kelsey,” Alma gasped as the doors closed.

  Kelsey waited until she was sure the guards saw her then took off across the laundry room, luring them away from the elevator they probably had no idea existed. The second guard cut off her path while Jason circled around from behind. Both aimed their weapons at her, giving her nowhere to run.

  “It’s just me,” she attempted to explain while holding her hands in the air. “I couldn’t sleep, so I went for a walk.”

  “Where are they?” the second guard demanded.

  “Who?” she asked.

  “Your mother and the girl,” he snarled.

  “In the suite,” she replied innocently. “Where else would they be?”

  “Sorry, Kelsey. Wrong answer,” the second guard announced with little emotion. “Your services are no longer required.”

  His finger tightened on the assault rifle trigger. Kelsey let out a slight gasp and shut her eyes as a shot rang out, echoing across the laundry room. She opened her eyes and saw the seco
nd guard spitting up blood as he sank to the floor. She looked at Jason where he stood several feet behind her.

  Jason lowered his assault rifle and raised a cocky brow. “I don’t share that opinion,” he casually replied.

  Kelsey exhaled as her legs nearly gave out. She smiled at Jason and laughed softly. “I owe you.”

  “I’ll be sure to collect if any of us makes it out of here alive,” Jason informed her. “Pendleton called in the ‘dogs of war’. Once those guys get here, it’s going to be a bloodbath. Is your mother safe?”

  “I think so,” she replied.

  They heard someone entering the laundry room from the main entrance. “They heard the gunfire,” he announced with concern. “We can’t risk taking your secret way out. I’ll get you out another way.”

  “You knew about the elevator?”

  “I’ve kept tabs on you and your little walks,” he replied with a humored smirk. He then indicated an area toward the back. “There’s a service door to the boiler room.”


  Lee attempted to hurry Alma along the darkened, abandoned kitchen, but Alma lagged behind while looking back, waiting for her daughter.

  “What about Kelsey?” Alma whispered with concern. “They’ll kill her.”

  “You have to trust her, Alma,” Lee announced while attempting to keep the worried woman moving. “If we don’t get out of here, they’ll kill us for sure. We need to keep moving.”

  Lee hurried her toward the back door. A guard appeared in the dim lighting between them and the kitchen door with his assault rifle aimed. Lee suddenly stopped and blocked Alma with her body while staring at the guard. Wexler stared at her with surprise and lowered his rifle.

  “Lee?” Wexler gasped with surprise.

  She stared at the man with a puzzled look, not knowing him, although he seemed to know her. Darth bolted across the kitchen past Alma and Lee and leaped on top of Wexler, knocking him against the door while tearing into his jacket sleeve and some flesh. His assault rifle clattered to the floor as he attempted to remove the dog attacking him.

  “Darth, oust!”

  Darth released Wexler’s arm and snarled at him from less than a foot away. Wexler clutched his injured arm and looked up to see Gil standing in front of Lee. Gil had his gun aimed at Wexler’s face and his finger tight on the trigger.

  “It’s nothing personal,” Gil announced, about to shoot the man.

  “No!” Alma screamed when she saw the guard’s face and realized it was her son.

  Wexler stared with panic at the gun then Gil. “Ross Madrid. Alpha Mike Foxtrot,” he cried out.

  Gil’s expression immediately changed as he stared at the frightened man and lowered his gun. “What’s your name?”

  “Wexler,” he gasped. “I’m Wexler.”

  Gil shrugged with something resembling disinterest. “In that case, you get to live.”

  Alma ran past Gil and hugged her son. He was surprised to see her and returned the warm embrace. She sobbed while clinging to him.

  Gil turned to Lee and gave her a quick, concerned once over. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “I’m fine,” Lee announced then hugged him. “I’m really glad to see you.” She pulled away and stared at him with concern. “They have Ross.”

  “Technically,” Gil remarked, “we have Ross.”

  “Thank God,” she gasped and felt relief for the first time.

  Gil touched his ear transmitter. “Ross, we have Lee. She’s in good health.” He gave her a quick once over. “Even smells good. I guess her accommodations were better than yours. We found your buddy Wexler and a woman I can only guess is his mother.”


  Ross and Beck stopped in the penthouse corridor and listened to Gil through their ear transmitters. Ross shut his eyes a moment and let a breath escape, sighing with relief. Beck shared his relief. Ross’s eyes then opened, revealing a psychotic side rarely ever seen.

  “Zack,” Ross announced through his transmitter as his lips twisted into a snarl. “Time to mark your territory. Level the fucking place.”

  Beck placed his hands over his eyes, looked away, and groaned softly.

  Ross cast a glare at Beck standing alongside him and noted his expression. “Problem?” he demanded with a look that would easily frighten.

  “No, Ross,” Beck replied with some apprehension then shook his head. “I know what you’re feeling. I’d do the same if someone took Pinto.”

  “Good, glad to hear,” Ross remarked then touched his ear transmitter. “Everyone out!”


  Jackie listened to Ross’s order through her ear transmitter and expressed her shock and disbelief by his words. She looked at the equally surprised Zack standing alongside her. Ross was not one to arbitrarily blow up any installation.

  “Has he gone mad?” she proclaimed.

  “A little,” Zack replied casually. “Don’t we all go a little mad once in a while?” He gave her a quick once over and cleverly raised his brows. “I saw your ‘woman on the edge’ email.”

  She frowned and attempted to hide her embarrassment. “Not quite the same thing,” Jackie informed him then became concerned. “Do you have any idea what this means?”

  “Yeah,” Zack announced and grinned with enthusiasm. “I get to make a bomb!” His devious smile increased as he stared at her. “And you get to help. This is going to be so much fun. I love couple’s therapy!”

  Jackie attempted to protest when Zack grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him, nearly taking her off her feet.


  Melissa continued to pace the temporary security office while the guard in front of the security monitor attempted to find any movement on the working cameras. When he came up empty, he made several attempts to reach the guards on their hand radios, but no one was responding. His expression reported his worst fears, although Melissa didn’t seem to catch on nearly as fast.

  “Where are they?” she demanded becoming animated. “Where are the guards?”

  The guard shook his head while frowning. “My guess would be they’re all gone.”

  She glared at the man behind the security monitor. “Gone? You think they took out all my guards?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied casually. “I do.”

  “Where are my bounty hunters?” she practically cried out nearing hysteria.

  The guard flipped through a few camera images and found one of the main entrance. A black SUV crashed through the gates with five others following.

  “I’m guessing that’s them now,” he replied while indicating the first screen.

  “It’s about time,” she snarled then glared at the guard behind the monitor. “Go out there and greet them.”

  The guard stood from behind the desk, removed his semiautomatic from his shoulder holster, and cocked it. He looked at her and managed a nervous laugh. “You greet them,” he announced. “I’m out of here. Have a nice life, Ms. Pendleton.”

  Melissa stared after him in disbelief as he left her alone in the control room.


  Monroe watched the parade of black SUVs race up to the main building as he headed up the steps to the control tower booth. He touched his ear transmitter.

  “Boys, the second-string has arrived,” Monroe announced then entered the tower booth.

  He sat behind the large panel and eyed the dozen or more switches and buttons. He flipped several switches. Lights came on across the entire track, lighting the area. The scoreboard came on as well. He typed on the keyboard then stopped to touch his ear transmitter.

  “Talk to me, Zack.”

  “I need another minute,” Zack replied.

  “You’re getting slow,” Monroe remarked while leaning back in his chair. “You used to be able to throw a bomb together in a matter of minutes.”

  “Jackie’s being a whining little bitch,” Zack casually replied. “She’s sucking all the fun out of conceiving our first love

  “Yeah, I copy that,” Monroe remarked with a soft chuckle at Jackie’s expense.

  Jackie was heard screaming in the background. “There’s no way in hell I’m shaking my ass while you sing, ‘I love big bombs’. Deal with it!”

  Monroe snickered softly, possibly entertaining the image in his mind. “Waiting for the countdown,” he replied.

  “On my mark,” Zack announced. “Three, two, one. Mark.”

  Monroe pressed enter on the keyboard. A message flashed on the scoreboard. It simply read, ‘bomb go boom countdown’ with the time counting down from fifteen minutes. He pressed another button, causing an alarm to wail. Monroe then jumped up from his seat and left the tower booth.


  Nearly a dozen bounty hunters stormed into the main building with their weapons drawn. It was possible they made a pact to split the bounties in order to work together. As the bounty hunters fanned out into the room, gunshots suddenly rang out. Three lost their weapons while clutching their bleeding wrists and four others took shots to their legs, falling to the floor in agony. The other three looked around while attempting to reach cover. Gunshots exploded on the floor not far from their feet with the ricochet nearly striking them. They immediately dropped their weapons. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot stepped out from their hidden positions with their assault rifles leveled and ready to fire.

  Ross shook his head as they approached the surrendering bounty hunters. “Not a single shot fired,” he remarked and grimaced. “That’s pretty embarrassing, boys.”


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