Something About You

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Something About You Page 12

by Jerry Cole

  “Only guess?” Grant prompted with a grin.

  “All right, we definitely are.”

  Grant nodded decisively and checked the clock above Robert’s shoulder. “As much as I love hearing your certainty,” he said with a wry smile, “we should probably go and get your daughter from school.”

  Robert nodded. “She’ll want dinner almost immediately, you know that, right?”

  “We’ll have to figure something out before then, won’t we?” Grant tugged Robert out of his chair. “I saw Darcy upstairs. Can you afford to pay for her?”

  There was a hesitation and Grant didn’t know whether he’d made a mistake, but Robert made a face and sighed. “Not really, but I can’t do everything alone.” His expression shifted into something cheerier, though Grant wasn’t sure it was entirely genuine. “It’ll work out.”

  Grant wasn’t so sure, but he would find the right time to say something about it. “Come on then, let’s go get your daughter.”

  Robert jogged upstairs to let Darcy know they were leaving and that she could either leave with them or stay until they got back. “She’s gonna stay and finish the job.”

  “I would too,” Grant said, tugging on Robert’s hand. “Gotta make sure you’re getting the best from everybody.”

  “I didn’t decide that myself.”

  “No, I know,” Grant said, resting his arm around Robert’s waist as they left the B&B, somehow wanting the connection between them even though he wasn’t sure how Robert would feel about it. Thankfully, Robert grinned, leaning into him. “We just like you that much.”

  Grant managed to say like instead of the other L word, which was a good thing because he wasn’t sure they were ready for that just now.

  Robert’s good attitude kept up right to the school, where Morgan was just coming out of the gates along with the other children. She was excited to see them, leaping into her father’s arms and giving Grant a wave. “Daddy! Did you have a good day?”

  “I did, munchkin. Did you?”

  “Yep,” Morgan said. “What’s for dinner?”

  Grant laughed at Robert’s expression. “How about we eat out somewhere?”

  Morgan cheered, and clung to Robert’s neck. “Can we go to the cafe, Daddy?”

  Robert raised his eyebrows at Grant, checking whether that was okay.

  “Sure,” Grant said easily. “It’ll be my treat.”

  Robert’s eyes narrowed, obviously cottoning on to what Grant was doing, but Grant was unashamed. Eventually Robert sighed, and put Morgan back on the floor. “The cafe it is.”

  “Yay,” Morgan said, grabbing one of Robert’s hands and one of Grant’s, and pulling them down the path. “I don’t know what to have! Maybe spaghetti but I love Grant’s spaghetti!”

  Grant smiled fondly. He started to swing Morgan’s hand gently and Robert did the same, causing her to giggle and pretend to jump several steps ahead, eventually she let them swing her. Grant felt his heart clench with happiness, and when Morgan had enough of being swung back and forth, he picked her up, slinging her over his shoulder and pretending to swing her around. She was laughing, clutching at his shoulders.

  When Grant finally put her down, peering over his shoulder toward Robert, he was struck by the look on his face, the affection and emotion that Grant didn’t know how to begin to process.

  They were only a few meters from the cafe, and Morgan ran ahead, squealing for Natasha as she ran inside. Robert approached Grant slowly, and then tugged him forward, pressing a kiss to his lips and his fingers tightening around the back of Grant’s neck.

  “What was that for?” Grant said, when they pulled apart.

  Robert shrugged, grinning up. “Nothing. I just felt like it.”

  Grant couldn’t wipe the smile from his face, and he slid his hand into Robert’s hair, kissing him again more slowly. “Well, you can feel like it whenever you want.”

  Robert laughed, only to break away when Morgan yelled out the door.

  “Daddy! Are you and Grant coming?”

  “Yes, darling,” Robert said. He squeezed Grant’s hip.


  Grant laughed gently, turning to see Morgan’s annoyed expression. “I’m so sorry, Princess Morgan, I will be right there.”

  “Good,” Morgan said decisively. “Because I’m hungry!”

  As the door closed between them, Grant laughed. “I think we’re in trouble.”

  “Her stomach does rule the house,” Robert agreed, but he tugged on Grant’s hand, leading him into the cafe. Grant didn’t want to let go, and so he didn’t, not even when Robert came to a stop, trying to find where Morgan was sitting.

  “Boys,” Natasha said, sliding up to them. Her eyes darted to their joined hands, and Natasha raised her eyebrows at Grant, grinning. “Things working out okay?”

  “Obviously,” Grant said quickly, not wanting Natasha to give away just how ridiculous Grant had been about Robert.

  Robert rolled his eyes. “Nosy as always, Natasha, what a surprise.”

  Grant was surprised by the words, even while the tone of his voice was affectionate. “Robert,” he admonished quickly.

  Natasha was quick to respond, giving Robert the once over. “Dressing to impress as always, I see, Robert.”

  Robert was dressed attractively, as far as Grant was concerned. Sure, it was just jeans and t-shirt but there was no need for Natasha’s words.

  Robert laughed, and pulled Natasha in for a hug. Grant was stunned for a moment, until he realized that it was just the way their friendship apparently worked. To be fair, Grant had a similar relationship with Seb and Matt, so it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise.

  Grant squeezed Robert’s hand and then pulled away, eventually finding Morgan sitting at a table, talking to Maria who was perched on the edge of the table. Grant breathed a sigh of relief that Morgan hadn’t run off, and he approached the table.

  “Grant!” Morgan said. “Are we ready to order?”

  “I don’t think so,” Grant said amused, looking back over his shoulder at Robert. “I think Daddy is talking to Natasha. How about we have a little more time to look over the menu?”

  “Sure,” Maria said, ruffling Morgan’s hair and stepping away from the table.

  Morgan handed Grant a menu and he took a seat opposite her, looking over the menu for himself, even though he had been enough now that he knew most of the things that were on it. Morgan had already picked, deciding on chicken nuggets and chips. “Daddy!”

  “All right, sweetheart,” Robert said, finally coming to sit at the table. He slid along the bench, pushing Morgan gently by the thigh. She laughed and shoved a menu in his face. “Oh, I have to order, do I?”

  “Yes, you do,” Morgan told him primly. “Maria will be back soon, Daddy, and we can’t send her away again!”

  Grant shrugged when Robert glanced at him. He wasn’t getting involved in a Morgan dispute, not for love nor money. Robert rolled his eyes and leaned down, kissing Morgan’s face several times until she laughed, shoving at his face.

  “Daddy, stop,” she said.

  “Fine,” Robert said. “I’ll order something.”

  When Maria approached the table for a second time, all three of them placed their order. The dinner itself was nothing special, though Grant could not fault the cafe kitchen, but it felt so much more important. It was another meal together, only this time they were doing it out in public and Grant felt as if it was somehow more important.

  “What’s up?” Robert asked later that night, when Morgan had gone to bed, and they were left alone in the sitting room. He was on the couch, curled up next to Grant, and he had Grant’s arm around his shoulder.

  “I was just thinking,” Grant said slowly. “I kinda liked dinner tonight.”

  Robert turned to look at him, eyebrows raised, but his expression was open and interested. “Yeah?”

  “Yep,” Grant said, popping the P. He pressed a kiss to the top of Robert’s head. “I
can’t explain why,” Grant continued, his voice breaking slightly. He leaned into Robert’s head. “It felt… good, I guess.”

  Robert didn’t ask Grant to explain himself, just wrapped his fingers around Grant’s and squeezed gently. “I know what you mean.”

  Grant was sure that he did; he leaned down, turned Robert’s face so that he could kiss him properly. Perhaps things would work out between them after all.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Robert asked, staring at the boat in barely contained apprehension.

  Grant rolled his eyes and helped Morgan up onto the boat. She was giggling, even more so when Sval took her from Robert and swung her up onto his shoulders. She clutched at his neck, gasping in amazement at everything around the boat. Grant turned back to Robert, whose fear was more obvious.

  “Hey,” Grant said, tugging Robert forward. “I promise I wouldn’t have suggested this if I thought it was going to hurt her in any way.”

  “I know,” Robert said, resting his hands on Grant’s chest. “Father’s prerogative. It’s just new.”

  “I wouldn’t let anything happen to her,” Grant promised, injecting every inch of sincerity he possessed into his voice. It was the truth; he would rather turn tail and leave Maine for good than have anything happen to Morgan. Her laughter came over the bow of the ship, and Grant turned to see Sval standing with her at the railings, letting her throw her arms out and pretend they were already moving. Sval had her in a lifejacket, and she was safe in the circle of his arms. “None of us will.”

  Robert blew out a slow breath. “Come on. I’ll be fine.”

  “We don’t have to,” Grant pressed, needing Robert to understand that Grant would abandon this idea in a heartbeat if it was what Robert wanted.

  “No, come on,” Robert said, finally smiling, and Grant tugged on his arm, gesturing at the boat. “I won’t hear the end of it if we drag Morgan away now, and I don’t want to be the reason she doesn’t get to do what she loves.”

  “I’ll be here to protect you,” Grant said, only half joking, and from the look Robert gave him, he knew it too.

  Grant had packed some food for everyone, telling Derek and Sval that he would handle it, and made sure to have something distracting for Morgan in the way of his phone and some books and her toys, including Gary and Lulu, who he was sure would spend some time out on the deck.

  Sval and Derek had taken care of the drinks; they had some juice for Morgan and Grant – who didn’t drink much at all – and some alcohol for the others. Robert took a beer almost immediately, but he nursed it almost the entire way out to open sea. He was nervous to start with, but Grant could see him relax almost all the way as they rounded the cove and Morgan’s awe increased at the sight of the ocean being so big.

  “Wow, Daddy, look,” she said, her eyes wide. “There’s nothing but water!”

  “I can see it, baby,” Robert said, and though he had spent most of the time in the same place, he was staring out at the water with just as much appreciation as his daughter. “I can’t believe it’s so wide and open.”

  Grant nudged him gently. “How is it now you’re out here?”

  “All right, I suppose,” Robert said, leaning against him. Sval was busy showing Morgan the parts of the boat she had been too excited to pay attention to at the beginning, and Derek was busy driving the boat, so Grant knew they had a moment to themselves for the moment.

  “Only all right?” Grant asked with a grin.

  Robert rolled his eyes. “Stop fishing, Grant. You know I’m having a great time otherwise I’d have told Derek to turn the boat around.”

  “I don’t doubt it.” Grant wrapped an arm around Robert’s shoulder. Robert gave him a look, but he didn’t pull away. Leaned closer, in fact, and Grant let himself sink into the moment. Like dinner at the restaurant, it was nothing special, but it had significance for Grant. It was starting to get serious in his head, in his heart, but he didn’t know what to do about it; Robert was content with things for now, but what if he changed his mind? What if he decided that he was sick of Maine but wanted to move further away? Grant doubted that Robert wouldn’t want the hustle and bustle of Maine, and Canada was definitely further afield than everything else.

  “What are you thinking about?” Robert asked.

  “Nothing much,” Grant lied. “Just about this trip, about Morgan.”


  “Yeah,” Grant said quietly, not sure what to say. “I keep wondering whether she’s really happy having me around.”

  It wasn’t supposed to be a dig for compliments, even if it came out sounding like that. It was part of what Grant was worried about; he knew that if Morgan said something, Robert would drop him in a heartbeat, and though he wasn’t going out of his way to lie and get Morgan on his side–he genuinely liked her and wanted her around–but he couldn’t help but think she’d grow tired of having him around and he would lose Robert.

  Robert turned so that he could look Grant in the eye and his expression said it all. Namely, that Grant was an idiot and he needed to get a reality check. “Are you kidding? Morgan worships the ground you walk on, Grant. Even when we’d been fighting and you weren’t around, you were all I heard about – especially that I had driven you away and she might never speak to me again.”

  Grant winced. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be the cause of that.”

  “That’s not what I’m saying it for, and you know it,” Robert said. “Grant, don’t be an idiot. Morgan’s not going to decide she wants you gone.”

  Grant should have known that Robert would get to the bottom of it. “Who said that was the problem?”

  Robert raised his eyebrows.

  “Fine,” Grant admitted. “That’s part of the worry, but it’s only because I’m so happy.”

  Robert’s eyes widened at that announcement and Grant panicked for a beat until Robert’s expression shifted into one of happiness. “Yeah?”

  “Duh,” Grant said, but he figured that Robert would see through it without a problem. “Did I not say?”

  “Not in so many words,” Robert said, but he hauled Grant in for a kiss. “But I can forgive you after that.”

  Grant laughed against Robert’s mouth. “I’m so pleased about that.”

  “Daddy! Grant!” Morgan’s whine cut through their moment and they turned to see her exasperated frown, Sval’s amused grin. “Don’t be gross on the deck!”

  “Sorry, Morgan,” Grant said at the same time Robert said, “Sorry, sweetheart.”

  Grant didn’t know what Morgan thought of their kissing, especially as she hadn’t seen it before, but she just turned back to Sval and asked to go and see Derek, who wouldn’t be as yucky.

  “I’m guessing she doesn’t have a problem with it?” Grant hedged.

  “I’m sure we’ll find out soon,” Robert said, though he didn’t sound apprehensive about it.

  Thankfully, they didn’t have long to wait. When Grant took a break to make his way around the boat, staring out at the ocean and getting ready to sort out lunch, Morgan came to find him at the rear, looking cute in her little life vest and the way she was affecting a serious and almost adult expression.


  “Yes, Morgan?” Grant gave Morgan his full attention, wanting her to know he took her seriously.

  “Do you love my Daddy?”

  It was, perhaps, a little more forward than Grant was expecting, but he shouldn’t have been surprised. “I think so. Is that a problem?”

  Morgan thought about it, coming to stand next to him near the railing. She stepped a little closer, keeping her hands tight on the rail. “No, I don’t think so. I want my daddy to be happy.”

  “I want your daddy to be happy too,” Grant said looking down at her. “I also want you to be happy.”

  “I know Daddy’s not happy,” Morgan said. “He didn’t used to be, anyway,” she continued, giving Grant a big smile. “But he’s been smiling and laug
hing more since you came. And I think you like me.” Morgan’s face was a little more apprehensive, so Grant crouched down in front of her, taking her hands and tapping her under the chin.

  “You’re the reason I even stayed at the B&B with your daddy. I think you’re smart and beautiful and you love your daddy with all your heart. What’s not to like?”

  Morgan’s smile was brilliant, and it reminded Grant starkly of Robert. “You mean it?”

  “I do,” Grant promised. “I promise, no matter what happens between your Daddy and I, I’ll always be around for you to talk to, all right?”

  Almost immediately, Morgan burst into tears and threw her arms around Grant’s neck, and he panicked, not sure what was wrong with her, running his hand up and down her back.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I’m just happy,” Morgan managed through her tears.

  Grant relaxed, breathing slowly, and kept stroking her back until she’d calmed down some. He picked her up, turning toward the main hub of the ship, and kissing the top of her head. “It’s all right, darling, you don’t have to cry.”

  Robert looked up in panic when he saw them, but Grant held up a hand. It didn’t stop Robert rising to his feet, or Derek and Sval stick their heads out of the cabin. “What’s the matter?”

  “Apparently she’s happy,” Grant said, not wholly certain himself.

  Morgan pulled back, still sniffling, but wiping at her arms. She looked at Robert and tried for a smile as best she could with a tear-stained face. “I’m sorry, Daddy, but Grant made me happy.”

  Robert blew out a breath and when he held out his arms, Grant handed her over and she went willingly. “Sweetheart, why?”

  “Because he says he likes me,” Morgan said, around her sobs.

  Derek and Sval exchanged a smile, before ducking back into the cabin, and Grant felt a little uncomfortable, not sure how to handle everything going on, but he distracted himself by grabbing the picnic box and setting out everything for lunch. When Derek and Sval had idled the boat and joined them on the deck, Robert had calmed Morgan enough that she was excited once again about eating on a boat and having fun with the seagulls.


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