Witch on the Fritz

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Witch on the Fritz Page 3

by Isabel Micheals

  Silas and his band of merry thieves were moving in closer on their territory every day. They needed to legitimize the business to hold the wolves at bay. There was only one obstacle in his way—the pig-headed fool standing in front of him. If looks could kill, he would be dead from the angry gleam in his brother’s ice blue eyes. Hunter was hungry for a fight and it was Liam’s job as his big brother and the alpha of the Mystic Shadow Wolf Pack to talk him down off the ledge. Only he didn’t have time to do that right now. He needed to get to Piper. Something was wrong because his wolf was agitated and worried.

  “We have no other options, Hunter. If you would listen to us instead of storming out of the room, you would know this,” Liam insisted.

  “Bullshit. Moonshining is in our blood. Our family has run moonshine through this Bayou for centuries and we’re not about to stop now because of a piece of shit like Silas Dupree. It’s time to grow a backbone Liam and fight for what’s yours,” Hunter yelled.

  Liam took two steps toward his middle brother and beta. When he spoke again, he was in Hunter’s face. The death glare he gave his younger brother would have had most men running for the hills, but Hunter stood his ground. “What did you just say to me?”

  Hunter sneered at his older brother and refused to back down. “You heard me. I didn’t stutter.”

  Liam rubbed the back of his neck in frustration. Hunter would be the death of him. Maybe he’d given his brother too much latitude and it was time to reign him in. “You always do this, Hunter. Running off half-cocked will not help this situation. We need to keep a level head and come up with a plan that will benefit the entire pack. I’m trying to do that, but you’re fighting me at every turn. Stop fucking taunting me. I’m not Skylar. I bite back. Don’t think I didn’t hear about your little stunt last night with Levi.”

  Hunter roared at the top of his lungs. “Fuck you, Liam. At least I’m doing something. You are too afraid to take what you want. Piper has permanently friend zoned you and you continue to let her. When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee? A woman wants to be pursued, so stop being a pussy. You’re an alpha of one of the most powerful packs in all of Louisiana. Start acting like it.”

  Liam’s fingers balled into a fist. He was about to knock Hunter on his ass. He’d had enough of his brother’s self-righteous attitude. Maybe, a fat lip and black eye were exactly what his little brother needed to remind him who was boss. He was about to throw the first punch when their younger brother, Asher, intervened. Liam felt his Omega’s calm presence soothe his angry wolf. The fire had left his brother’s eyes and their breathing had leveled out.

  Hunter was the first to push their brother’s hand away. “Stop manhandling us, Ash.”

  “No. You both need to calm down and discuss our situation like civilized adults.”

  Hunter glared at his baby brother. “That’s easy for you to say. You’re both in cahoots. I know you want to legitimize the business as much as he does. I’m not stupid. I’m the only hold out here. The only one who cares about our family legacy. I won’t do it. End of discussion.”

  Liam and Asher watched as Hunter stormed out of the room. They had to give it to their brother, he knew how to make an exit. They also knew they couldn’t move forward without him. The whole situation was a total clusterfuck of massive proportions.

  “You know that stubborn mule will never change his mind. What are we going to do Ash? We need Hunter’s help. It’s the only way the distillery will work. The bylaws are crystal clear. All three of us have to sign on the dotted line or our plans go up in smoke. There doesn’t have to be a war.”

  Asher nodded and squeezed Liam’s shoulder in understanding. “Give him time. He’ll warm up to the idea.”

  Liam rubbed the back of his neck again. He had a headache now. They always came with a vengeance after an argument with Hunter. “He’s had months Ash. We are running out of time. I feel it in my spirit and so does my wolf. He’s agitated and antsy, which doesn’t bode well for anyone.”

  Asher looked into his brother’s worried green eyes and nodded in understanding. “There’s a battle coming whether we like it or not. Go check on Piper and Sky. I’ll go talk to Hunter.”

  Liam used the thirty-minute drive to Piper’s condominium to calm down. The heated conversation with his brother had left him rattled. He couldn’t ignore that some of what Hunter had said was true. He needed to get off his ass and let Piper know how he felt about her. Would she keep him in the friend zone? Would his admission put a strain on their relationship? He didn’t want to lose her, but he couldn’t stand by and watch her marry someone else.

  He knew their business was an issue that needed to be resolved, which was the reason he was determined to turn things around. Hunter may not see it now, but opening up the Mystic Shadow Moonshine Distillery would be the best of both worlds. They could make and sell moonshine legally. It would also resolve the issue with Silas and Linus Dupree. Those good ole boys weren’t playing with a full deck and someone was going to get hurt. He hoped and prayed it wasn’t anyone close to them.

  When Liam pulled into Piper’s driveway and parked next to Skylar’s car, he let out a sigh of relief and braced himself for the ass chewing. Hunter’s stunt last night had crossed a line and Skylar wouldn’t be so forgiving this time. If he knew anything about Piper’s cousin, she would be out for blood. A small part of him felt sorry for his brother, but only a small part. Whatever punishment Skylar exacted on his brother, he deserved it. Their idea of foreplay was exhausting. He preferred a more subtle approach.

  Liam exited his Toyota Tundra, walked to the porch and immediately began ringing the doorbell. He heard raised voices from upstairs, which had the hairs on the back of his neck rising. Piper’s voice was a mix of frustration, anger and panic. The intensity of her emotions washed over him and had him ringing the doorbell again.

  The anxiety in her voice confirmed his suspicions. Something was wrong because she never missed her nightly check-in with him. He loved hearing her sultry voice at the end of the day. It made his naughty dreams of her even sweeter, but she didn’t need to know this. Or the way his hands itched to caress her curvy body. He longed to devour her from head-to-toe. When a voice yelled for him to wait, he adjusted himself and began solving multiplication problems in his head. He couldn’t show up on her doorstep with a hard-on.

  As his impatience grew stronger, he was about to ring the doorbell again when he heard a spine-chilling scream that set his nerves on edge. His first instinct was to kick the damn door down, but thought better of it. Instead, he rang the doorbell again with a sense of urgency that had his wolf growling to be set free. If Piper was hurt, he needed to get to her. The raised voices were closer now, yet no one had opened the door. Liam rang the doorbell again as he paced back and forth on the porch. What in the hell is going on in there? Surely, someone heard me ringing the doorbell. He was about to bust the damn thing down, when it suddenly flew open and an irritated Cassie was standing in front of him. Shit, this couldn’t be good.

  Cassie sneered at Liam in disgust. She mouthed a litany of expletives and stomped away. “This is all your fault Liam Alexander.”

  I am so fucked. Liam groaned and followed Piper’s cousin into the living room. He was shocked at the scene in front of him. Piper kneeled on the floor comforting Skylar who was in a world of pain. Her arm was bent at an odd angle that told him she had broken it. The anguish on Piper’s face had him immediately taking action.

  “We need to get her to a hospital,” Piper whispered in a soft voice.

  Liam nodded in agreement and stepped forward to lift Skylar until the venom in her voice stopped him dead in his tracks. “You,” she yelled. “This is all your fault. Your asshole brother is a menace to society. Someone needs to keep him on a short leash. Preferably one that will electrocute his ass when he tries to leave the Bayou and meddle in my love life. You Alexander men are nothing but trouble.”

  Liam closed his eyes and counted to ten. Woul
d this fucking day never end? A man could only take so much abuse and he was at his limit. Ignoring Skylar’s protests, he slowly lifted the angry woman and placed her in the back seat of his truck. It didn’t stop the profanity spewing from her mouth, but at least she stopped trying to kick him in the balls. The woman was a spitfire who would give his brother a run for his money. This thought made him smile.

  “Don’t you dare smile at me Liam Alexander. I’m still mad at you and your idiot brother,” Skylar yelled as he shut the back door.

  When he hopped in the driver’s seat, Piper and Cassie were buckled up and ready to go. “How did she break her arm?”

  “It’s a long story Liam. We can discuss it later. Right now, we need to get her to the hospital,” Piper said in a voice that brokered no argument.

  He nodded in understanding and backed out of the driveway. When they exited the cul-de-sac, Skylar started whimpering from the pain. Liam closed his eyes and begged to the Goddess for mercy. He couldn’t handle a crying woman. Not today. Not ever. It was his one weakness. Well, crying and Piper. It ripped his heart to shreds every time she cried over some loser she had been dating. This was all his brother’s fault. He was going to kick Hunter’s ass when he saw him again.

  Skylar started rambling incoherently as Cassie tried to comfort her. “Pipes do you think they will give me an epidural for the pain? I promise not to yell if they make the pain stop. What are we going to do about The Great Wiccan Cake Off? I can’t cook like this. Cass burns water, so she will be of no help. You can’t compete alone. This is all Lizzy’s fault. I hate that damn rabbit’s foot.”

  Liam tried not to laugh when Cassie looked insulted by Skylar’s comment. “Hey, I can burn more than water. You take that back Skylar Eleanor Tate.”

  Skylar waved her good hand in the air as a sign of surrender. “Fine. You almost burned down the condo last week trying to make gumbo. Are you happy now? It still doesn’t mean you can help Piper. She needs a real baker with magic, especially since she can’t find Lizzy. Are we almost there Liam? I need my epidural because my arm hurts like a mother humper.”

  Liam didn’t know whether to answer Skylar or remain quiet. He was relieved when Cassie continued the conversation without missing a beat.

  “An epidural will require them to stick a long needle in your spinal cord and is usually administered to pregnant women. It won’t help with your broken arm, Sky.”

  “Why are you raining on my parade Cass? I need drugs for the pain. Don’t deny me my last request on death row. I’m about to walk the Green Mile for Goddess’s sake,” Skylar whined.

  “Enough,” Piper yelled, which had everyone in the vehicle jumping. “I can’t think with you two jabber jaws going at each other.”

  Liam had never heard Piper yell at her cousins. The situation had to be dire, which he had suspected, but the proof was in the pudding. There were a million questions he wanted to ask her, but knew now was not the time. He ignored the pain in his heart of being left out of the loop. When had she gotten the news about The Great Wiccan Cake Off? Why hadn’t she told him? What was all this mess about Lizzy and what did it have to do with Skylar breaking her arm? Why hadn’t she used her magic to heal Skylar? All the unanswered questions made his headache worse. Once Skylar was settled in the hospital, he would corner her and get the answers to his questions. There was more going on here than she was admitting. He still needed to know why she hadn’t called him last night.

  Three hours later, Skylar’s arm was in a splint and wrapped in an ace bandage. The doctor couldn’t put a cast on because of the swelling, so she had to return in two weeks. Now, she was in the back seat blissfully enjoying the pain meds and excitedly rambling about her upcoming date with the E.R. doctor who patched her up. Liam hoped Dr. Feelgood was a lover and a fighter because Hunter was going to lose his shit when he found out. Maybe this would teach his headstrong brother a lesson, but he doubted it.

  Liam was also grateful for the reprieve because he couldn’t handle another crying session on the way home. He was still in the dark about last night because Piper had avoided him at the hospital. He had considered interrogating Cassie, but she had spent her time on the phone talking to Ash. Looked like he wasn’t the only one who had a thing for the Witches of Mystic Grove. His only satisfaction of the day was knowing that Hunter would be furious when he discovered Skylar had a date with someone other than him.

  It took a village to get Skylar settled into the guest room. The pain meds were wearing off because of Skylar’s fast metabolism and grumpy, pissed off Sky was returning with a vengeance. Liam made a quick exit as Piper and Cassie calmed their cousin down. By the time they joined him downstairs, he had cleaned up the mess in the living room and was pacing back and forth like a caged animal. His patience had flown the coup.

  “Someone tell me what the hell is going on.” Liam knew his sudden demand for answers had startled the women, but he didn’t care. Something was amiss and he wanted to know sooner rather than later. Piper was avoiding eye contact and Cassie was being Cassie—aloof. Skylar was filled with rage and pain meds, so she was no help. He needed answers, which left the two women standing in front of him.

  He watched as the cousins silently argued back and forth. When they were done, Cassie was the first to speak. But instead of answering his question, she began chanting a spell.

  * * *

  I call upon the witching hour

  To cloak this house in witch’s light

  Deceive all evil dark as night

  And give us time to flee or fight

  Hide us from any demon’s sight

  Until it’s time to shed our light

  Three times three

  Dispel all evil

  Three times three

  Cloak us in Goddess light

  Three times three

  So mote it be

  * * *

  Liam stared at both women in disbelief. “What the hell was that? Why do we need to be cloaked?”

  Cassie shoved her cousin toward Liam. “Piper will explain on the way to Sky’s house.”

  Chapter 4

  When everything seems overwhelming, don’t forget to breathe. Piper focused on Aunt Jean’s sage advice as the silence in the truck became unbearable. She needed to say something, but didn’t know where to start. Since losing Lizzy, everything in her life was falling apart. Skylar had broken her arm and now they were in jeopardy of losing The Great Wiccan Cake Off before the competition even began. Cassie was cloaking the house and Liam was glaring at her. He never glared at her. She was about to cave into the pressure when he spoke.

  “Why did Cassie cast a protection spell over your house? How did Skylar break her arm? Where is Lizzy?”

  His voice was calm, cool and collected, which made her squirm in her seat. She had only seen this side of Liam once when Hunter totaled his 1965 mustang in high school. Those were dark days for everyone. Liam didn’t speak to his brother for six months. It’s still a sore subject between them to this day. So, this is how it feels to be in the hot seat. I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.

  Resigned to her fate, Piper sighed heavily and started at the beginning. “I lost Lizzy last night when two goons attacked me in The Thirsty Squirrel parking lot. In all the commotion, I forgot to check-in with you. Skylar broke her arm because I can’t find my lucky rabbit’s foot. Cassie cloaked the house to prevent my abductors from discovering where we live.”

  Liam was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles had turned white as snow. He tried to regulate his breathing, but it wasn’t working. He was going to fucking kill someone. He just needed to know who. There had to be more to this story.

  With a calmness he didn’t feel, Liam asked one more question. “Who?”

  Piper turned and glared at him. “What?”

  Patience gone, his voice was low and deadly. “Who tried to harm you last night?”

  Piper had reached her limit. Hands flying in the air, she started rambling incoh
erently. “I don’t know Liam. They were two creepy guys who had been hanging around the bar all night. When I realized they had followed me, I rubbed Lizzy and grabbed my pepper spray. When the first one grasped my arm, I sprayed him and made a run for the car. But his buddy was waiting for me. I waited until he was distracted and began to SING.”

  The more Liam heard, the angrier he got. “What the hell Paddycakes? Did you really think that was the appropriate time to start singing? Those men could have hurt you.”

  Piper rolled her eyes in frustration. “I didn’t start singing Liam. I used Gracie Lou Freebush’s SING technique to get away from them.” When Liam gave her a confused look, she elaborated. “Solar plexus, Instep, Nose, Groin? Miss Congeniality?” When he still didn’t get it, she put it in layman’s terms. “Oh, for Goddess’s sakes. I kicked him in the balls.”

  Liam flinched and then smirked with pride. His woman was a bona fide badass. “You still didn’t answer my question. Who tried to kidnap you?”

  Piper shrugged her shoulders. “I honestly don’t know. Until last night, I’d never seen those men. But…”

  “But what?” Liam asked.

  “For some reason, they thought I was your woman,” she said with air quotes. “Their boss was convinced that abducting me would be the key to persuading you to sell your business. I think they said his name was Silas. I have no idea how they connected me to you or why they thought I was your woman. Isn’t that the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard. Yeah, we’re best friends, but that’s it. We’ve never…”

  Liam glanced over to see Piper’s face was flushed with embarrassment. He could have saved her from herself, but where was the fun in that. She had denied their feelings for one another long enough. It’s the reason his response turned up the heat and set her cheeks on fire. “We’ve never what Paddycakes?”


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