Lunatic: Queens of Chaos

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Lunatic: Queens of Chaos Page 4

by J. N. Pack

Their faces sober, but they don’t say anything. They are staring at us with blank faces.

  “Where?” Bishop asks.

  Maddie kicks the ground with the toe of her boot, and she says, “She left.”

  Hux growls, “Bullshit. She’s not leaving without the two of you.”

  Ada Jade says, “We can’t drive. Didn’t exactly think this one through.”

  “Why can’t you drive?” Bishop asks.

  Ada Jade holds up a bottle of Russian Vodka and says, “Not a good idea.”

  My head snaps up, “She drank more than you.” They both look to the ground.

  “Where the fuck is she?” I growl.

  They don’t so much as flinch.

  “Give your keys to them and get in my truck.” I growl.

  Their heads snap up and both shake their heads no.

  “We all have bikes; we know how to drive them, and we’ve had maybe one beer.” Bishops says. Lying about the amount of alcohol we’ve had.

  They hand the keys over and climb in the backseat of my SUV.

  I climb in and ask where they want to go and they both say the beach.

  I start my truck and start in that direction with Hux and Bishop following on their bikes.

  A few minutes into the trip Ada Jade says, “She doesn’t drive drunk.” I look at her in the rearview mirror and then away again.

  Chapter 8


  After nearly wrecking my bike a dozen times I finally pull down the path to the beach. I didn’t have a choice though. I was about to have a melt down and I didn’t want anyone to see it. Not even the girls.

  I park my bike in the parking lot instead of where I normally do and trudged down to the ocean dropping my ass in the sand by the edge of the water. I turn up the bottle of Vodka I had swallowing mouthfuls feeling it burn its way down my throat.

  A tear leaks from the corner of my eye and I punch the sand with my fist.

  Fuck, that really does hurt.

  I do it again. My knuckles crack and start bleeding. I haven’t cared about anyone or anything in years, what the fuck was this. My chest was tight, and one bottle of alcohol wasn’t nearly enough to ease it. The shit with Broadway today had me spinning and I had to get this shit under control. There was a plan and I just had to stick to it even if it breaks me.

  I wasn’t sitting there long when I hear bikes pulling onto the path. I smirk. I knew they’d find me. They always do. I feel a presence behind me and then a body flop in the sand behind me.

  I turn to look and find Killian staring down at me. I jerk away from him and climb to my feet. I say the first words that pop into my mouth, “You fuckin’ marked me.”

  He laughs. “Is that what tonight was about?”

  I roll my eyes and start stalking down the beach with my bottle of Vodka. I didn’t make it far when his hands circle my waist and he drug me down to the sand in front of him. I try and elbow him, but he has his arms around me tight, so I don’t have any room to maneuver, my actions sluggish from the alcohol.

  He leans forward and nips at my neck sending waves of need through my body. Then he whispers in my ear, “I know your secret.”

  I growl trying to get away again. “I don’t have a fuckin’ secret.”

  He nips at the lower part of my ear and a moan escapes me. He spins me around and tugs me onto his lap so I’m straddling him, and he wraps my legs around him. I refuse look at him. “Luna?” he calls.

  I look away.


  I roll my eyes and turn my head to the water, “What?”

  He grips my chin forcing me to turn and look at him. “I know you want me.”

  I roll my eyes and jerk my head away. “I want a fuckin’ Bugatti and French toast every morning, you… you don’t fuckin’ play into that in the least.”

  He grips my chin and turns it back again, leans in and kisses me. I try to resist but my body doesn't listen as I melt into him. His body is rock hard under me. My hands come up to grip the back of his neck. He releases my chin and his hands go to the back of my head where he tangles his fingers and grips my hair, tilting my head to deepen the kiss.

  Regaining my senses, I snatch away from him and climb to my feet. I swing at him and he catches my arm quickly. I growl and turn marching to the bon fire the girls built when they arrived.

  I snatch the blunt from Ada Jade’s hand and she snickers at me. I drop to the sand and mumble, “Don’t you mother fuckers have somewhere else to be!”

  Killian laughs lightly and says, “Nope!” popping the p.

  Maddie smirks at us both and pulls her phone from her pocket and says, “May as well make it a party then.”

  She sends out a couple text and a while later people start showing up in groups of three and four people at a time.

  I’m leaning back on my log when Graham drops to the ground beside me. I glance up smirking at his cheesy fuckin’ grin.

  He leans forward and whispers in my ear. I couldn’t hear a fuckin’ word he said, but I nod and grin anyways. I’m sure he’s making a lude comment and propositioning me to fuck. Like I said before, ass is ass.

  I can see over his shoulder Killian staring him down. I cock my eyebrow at him, and he smiles and turns away. He’s joined by Bishop and I keep seeing Bishop glance over his shoulder. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the vodka I’m inhaling. Maddie drops down beside me and quickly rolls a blunt. She takes the first hit and passes it to me.

  “You good?” she asks.

  I grin from ear to ear feeling the buzz through my entire body. “I’m fuckin’ peachy!”

  She grins and then asks, “You hittin’ that again?”

  I glance at Graham and smirk turning back to her, “Probably not! Just playing.”

  She laughs and says, “He know that?”

  I laugh and say, “Probably not.”

  I glance around and my eyes land on Killian who has J’El perched on his lap. Maddie giggles and says, “Ya boys gonna catch something ajax can’t scrub off.”

  Ada Jade drops down beside Maddie and we sit there watching the show and it was most definitely a show. J’El giggles and wiggles her hips around on his lap and he soaks the attention up. He grips her hips and his eyes catch mine and he doesn’t look away until I turn my attention to Ada Jade.

  “What the fuck is he doing?” she asks.

  Maddie giggles drunkenly and says, “About to catch the clap!”

  We all burst out laughing, but I don’t feel it. I desperately need to hit something or someone.

  Just what the fuck I need. Jasmine! The bitch has brass fuckin’ balls and I’m about the level her ass.

  She just came off the path and starts towards J’El and Killian. I climb to my feet and meet her halfway. She freezes just a few feet from me.

  I see the panic in her eyes before she can shield it. I stopped her before she got to her girls. Maddie and Ada Jade flank me. My knuckles are still busted from punching the sand earlier, but I won’t feel a thing.

  This bitch panics and tries to swing at me knowing she was going to have to fuck or fight and I don’t fuck bitches. I block her and laugh like a madwoman. I can feel her tremble and I say, “AJ, what’s this bitch shaking for?”

  Ada Jade walks closer and sniffs and says, “Bitch smells like a pussy.”

  Maddie stalks forward and says, “Nahhh can’t be! This bitch walks the halls of Lux like she’s a fuckin’ Queen, she can’t be scared.”

  Jasmine growls, “I’m not fuckin’ scared.” And crosses her arms over her small chest.

  I stalk around her with my blood burning in my veins desperate for a fight. I get just what the fuck I want when J’El shoves me from behind and Jasmine perks up knowing she’s not alone anymore, but neither am I. Jasmine comes at me swinging and I slam my fist into her gut. She sucks in a breath and comes at me again.

  Out of the corner of my eye I can see Ada Jade has J’EL pinned to the ground beating the fuck out of her and Maddie has some
other cheerleader bitch who got ballsy pinned to the ground.

  Jasmine uses me being distracted to land a blow to the corner of my eye. My vision blurs for a second, but it was honestly a bitch hit. I trip her with my foot and climb on top of her and start swinging. I can feel blood dribble down my face, and it enrages me more. I swing until the bitch stops moving and keep swinging. When I feel her blood on my skin, I feel well-built arms tighten around me and I’m grinning insanely. I can see that Bishop is restraining Ada Jade and Hux has Maddie pinned to his chest, but I’m not fuckin’ done. I break his hold and go for J’El. He grips my hips and I turn landing a blow to the corner of his mouth knocking his head sideways.

  He turns his face to me, and I can see the rage burning inside him. I smirk as he wipes the blood from his lip and looks at me like he could choke the life out of me. I grin widely. Come on Big Boy! I’m spoiling for a fight.

  I guess Hux let Maddie go because she shoves past Killian to stand by my side.

  I hear Bishop growl, “Don’t fuckin’ slap me when I let you go, got it!” and he releases her. She tries to ram her knee in his nuts, but he blocks and tries to grab her again and she smacks the taste out of his mouth before turning and stomping her way over to us. He growls at her, “Fuckin’ bitch!”

  Killian is still staring me down when I turn my attention back to him and I can feel him searching my eyes like he’s looking for some sign I’m human.

  I smirk and growl, “Look all you want you want find what you want.”

  He turns and stalks away with Bishop and Hux following close behind.

  Chapter 9


  Her eyes are crazy, and she is high on rage. I walked away to keep her breathing because I was seriously considering strangling her to death right there in front of everyone. The ride home was a fuckin’ long one with Bishop whining in the passenger seat about Ada Jade slapping him.

  “TWICE! Two fuckin’ times in one week. I’ve never had a girl ballsy enough to do it once more or less twice. These bitches are crazy. If she fuckin’ slaps me again I’m going to…. I’m going to… I’m going to fuckin’ spank her.” He grumbles.

  Mine and Hux’s eyes dart to his and Hux bursts out laughing. “That’d be fun to watch. I’m afraid she may fuckin’ strangle you with your own dick if you spank her.”

  “Really B? Spank?” I say amused.

  He smirks and then rolls his eyes, “You have no fuckin’ idea the lengths of my depravity.”

  A few minutes of silence and Hux says, “Unc has no clue about this girl, does he?”

  Bishop glances at me.

  I shake my head and say, “He has no fuckin’ idea. He thinks she’s some protected princess. She doesn’t need protection from anyone, except maybe herself. If Frank finds out she is being watched to make sure he follows through with the deal him and my Dad have, he’s going to go ballistic.”

  Bishop says, “Do you think Frank will follow through?”

  I shrug and say, “I have no reason to believe he won’t. He’s always followed through before. Why would now be any different?”

  “Then why’d Uncle Linc send us to babysit that psycho and her band of misfits?” Hux asks.

  “I guess Frank and Dad had some words because of Gina and he thinks Frank’s going to bail on their deal.” I say.

  Hux nods.

  Bishop smirks, “If we have to go further, I’m at the fuckin’ back. I’ve been slapped twice, it’s you dicks turn.”

  I can’t help but laugh at him. He acts like such a fuckin’ pussy sometimes.



  The next morning, I wake up feeling like death and tasting stale vodka on my lips and in my mouth. I roll over from beside the log I’m lying against and climb to my feet a little unsteady at first. I smell a hint of blood and look down at my hands and body and groan. Frank’s going to fuckin’ love this.

  I nudge Maddie with my foot, and she rolls over and grimaces. “I’m out! Frank wants me in the shop today.”

  She waves and rolls back over.

  I slowly walk back to my bike and sit there trying to adjust my eyes for a minute before pulling my helmet on. I start the bike and pull onto the road.

  I have ten minutes to get to the park before shit gets fucked up. Thank fuck I have an extra shirt in my bag. I make it to the park in five minutes and quickly pull the bloody shirt off and pull the clean white t-shirt over my head. Tucking the front into my shorts. I check my face in the mirror of my bike and toss the bloody shirt in the trash bin. I make my way to the swings and drop down into one to wait.


  I got to the parking lot to the beach just as she was pulling away. I follow far enough behind so she doesn’t see me. She’s not going home and she’s not going to the shop, I know for sure. She pulls into a park parking lot and cuts the engine. She climbs from the bike and pulls the bloody shirt from her body, quickly pulling on a clean white t-shirt and tucking it into the front of her shorts. She looks anxious. Nervous. She checks herself in the bikes mirror and tosses the shirt. She walks over and drops into a swing and rocks herself back and forth slowly with her feet in the sand.

  At exactly nine thirty a girl around eight, nine, maybe ten drops into the swing beside her. She looks up and her face is overtaken by a huge smile. The little girl grips her fingers and gives them a little squeeze. The girl closely examines the cuts and scrapes I know cover Luna’s hands.

  Who the hell is this girl?

  All the tension that was there a few minutes before vanished and she seemed genuinely happy. The little girl keeps glancing around, like she was looking for someone.

  For thirty minutes they are in bliss. She pushes the little girl on the swings, and they run around the park playing like two little girls.

  At exactly ten the tension returns ten times worse than before. The little girl glances up and I follow her line of sight.

  Fuckin’ Broadway!

  The little girl runs to him and he walks over to where they are standing. He holds the little girl’s hand and Luna looks nervous. Her eyes never leave the ground. He is talking to her, but she refuses to look at him. The little girl looks nervous now as well.

  I see the anger as soon as it starts to surface. The same anger Luna has beats strong through the little girl. Broadway snatches the little girl by the arm and starts pulling her across the park. Luna runs to his side and grabs his arm. I don’t know what’s being said, but I can see she is begging him for something. That does not sit well with me.

  He swings around gripping Luna by the arm and whispers something in her ear and she stiffens. He leans forward and kisses her. She doesn’t kiss him back and the little girl tries to snatch from his arms. Luna doesn’t fight him. She just freezes up and lets it happen.

  What the fuck?

  I put my truck in gear and gently pull out of the parking lot when Luna starts back towards the parking lot and Broadway and the girl are walking out of the park on the opposite side.


  After emptying my stomach contents in the garbage, I climb on my bike and drive to Frank’s shop.

  I’m quiet when I walk in the shop and he smirks, “You look like shit!”

  I roll my eyes at him and say, “Thanks!”

  He watches me closely for a few minutes and then asks, “You good Luna? You don’t look so good. I could call Marco and get you back on your meds.”

  I growl, “No Frank! I’m good. Just tired.”

  I drop down on a stool beside the bike I’ve been helping Frank fix and start fiddling with it. Lucky for me he drops the subject. I don’t feel like arguing with Frank about him putting me back on the meds. I can’t function on that shit. Without them I can be happy, but on them I’m completely fuckin’ numb. I don’t want to be numb. I’ve got to keep my head straight or I could lose it all.

  I spend the rest of my weekend working in Frank’s shop.

  Chapter 10

  I’m sitt
ing on my bike when Maddie and Ada Jade pull up. We smoke a joint and then I pop a blue raspberry lollipop in my mouth before we start towards the school. My nerves have been all over the place this weekend and I need to get my head straight again. I grab my shit from my locker and toss in my helmet. I make my way to my first class. Luckily Jasmine and J’El took a personal day after this weekend so I didn’t have to deal with their shit today.

  Maddie and Ada Jade must have noticed I wasn’t in a great mood because they weren’t as talkative as normal.

  Classes were dull and unfortunately, I couldn’t fall asleep in any of them. It wasn’t for the lack of trying though. I dropped my head on my desk in all of my classes and let myself sink into a depressive state. I hated feeling like this.

  At lunch I drop down at our table without eating. Maddie and Ada Jade are shoveling food in their mouth when two large arms cage me in, and I glance up into the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen.

  “Who’s the girl?” Killian asks quietly.

  I quickly cover the panicked expression and sneer at him, “Get fucked pretty boy!” I growl.

  Maddie and Ada Jade are watching us both closely.

  He smirks at me and says, “Maybe I’ll go ask Broadway who she is.”

  I glance back at Ada Jade and Maddie. They don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, but they want question me either.

  I shove past him and stalk out of the cafeteria. The panic is starting to control my breathing. I can feel him a few feet behind me as I stalk outside and over to my bike. I’m almost there when he grabs my arm and swings me around. I grimace and he pulls up the sleeve of my t-shirt to find the bruise Mr. Broadway left on my arm.

  “What’s he got on you?” he growls.

  I pull my sleeve back down and snatch out of his arm, “Mind your fuckin’ business Lucian!”

  He gets an inch from my face and gets eye level with me. “You can either give me the answers I want, or I will dig it up on my own.”

  I straddle my bike and start the engine. “Good luck with that mother fucker!” and I speed out of the parking lot. My body is trembling, and I need something to take the edge off. I pull into the parking lot at the beach and call Marco.


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