Lunatic: Queens of Chaos

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Lunatic: Queens of Chaos Page 7

by J. N. Pack

  I finally make it to the shop and walk in. Frank is talking to an older version of Killian. They are arguing.

  I smirk at him and say, “Next time you want someone watching me, they better be ready to get fuckin’ bloody.”

  He smirks at me and turns back to Frank. When he goes to leave, I salute him and say, “Bye future Daddy in law!”

  He smirks again and this time I hear him laughing. “Good luck Frank! This one is going to be the death of you.”

  “Don’t I fuckin’ know it.” Frank growls and glares at me. “Do you have to fuckin’ push my buttons today?”

  I grin and say, “Of course I do!”

  “What’d you do with that prescription of Lithium?” he growls.

  I smirk and say, “Little Lucian took the whole bottle and flushed them!” It’s a lie, but I’m not about to tell Frank I flushed them, plus it feels good to put the blame on Killian. I want to do more than put the fuckin’ blame on him, but I’ll take this right now.

  “I’m calling Marco and getting more.” He grumbles.

  “Fuck that. I’m not taking that shit.” I growl and he glares at me before turning his attention back to the bike he is working on.

  He sends me home so I’m not irritating the shit out of him and I shower and pull on a pair of black joggers and a white t-shirt and call Ada Jade to take me back to the school to get my bike. When she drives up, I’m sitting on the front steps with my DC’s on.

  Ada Jade says, “Keep your hands off my ass.”

  I smirk and squeeze a handful of her ass and she giggles.

  When I get my bike, we meet up at the beach. Maddie is there waiting when we get there. We sit around the fire and they drink, but I stay completely sober. After overdosing I’ve laid off the alcohol for a while. After Ada Jade and Maddie pass out, I leave. I find myself in front of Killian’s house. I watch him as he walks out and leans over in his truck to get something. As he shuts the door, I rev the engine on my bike and spin the bike around in the road. I’m stopped in the road when his eyes meet mine and he takes a step towards me. I rev the engine a little more daring him to come close. He takes another step and I speed away.

  I can see him run his hands through his hair and turn back to the house.


  I’m sitting on my bike sucking my lollipop when Maddie and Ada Jade arrive at school Thursday morning. We’re passing a joint around when Killian pulls in the lot. He ignores me. Good for him. I watch him walk into the school with Bishop and Hux following behind.

  Ada Jade smirks, “You ready for ISS?”

  I grin, “They ain’t ready for me.” And laugh.

  Maddie laughs, “She ain’t wrong!”

  We make our way to the school and when we walk in my heart stutters. Killian has J’El pressed against a locker with his tongue down her throat. Bishop is leaned against his locker with Jasmine pressed against his side. Ada Jade’s steps falter, but then she storms past them to her locker, her feelings out on her sleeves.

  Rage fills me and I’m looking for an outlet when J’El turns grinning at me. I take a step towards them when I force myself to stop moving. Hux is the only one who looks uncomfortable. The only one not doing shady shit. I take a step back and grimace. Then I smirk and take another step back. Fuck that!

  When I turn my steps falter when Mr. Broadway opens the door to an empty classroom and steps to the side holding the door for me to go inside. My stomach flips. I know exactly what he is going to want, and I have no way out. My insides twist in knots and I feel like hurling. I step inside and he shuts the door behind him. I’m starting to sweat because I’m panicking. I don’t want him to touch me, but if I fight him McKayla’s gone. I can’t take that chance.

  He presses against my back and I have to swallow the bile rising up in my throat. He puts his hands on my hips and pushes me forward towards the desk at the front of the room. When I’m standing in front of it, he shoves me down across the desk. He holds me down with one hand and uses the other to shove my shorts to the side and shoves his finger inside of me. Tears fill my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I can feel him fidgeting with his pants and then there’s a loud bang in the hall. He curses and gets off of me. He makes his way to the door disappearing into the hall. I’m unable to get my legs to work so I just slide to the floor. Once I get myself together again, I straighten my clothes and rush to in school suspension. I feel like people are watching me. I feel like everyone’s eyes are on me. I feel fuckin’ filthy. I skip lunch and sit outside on my bike. Ada Jade and Maddie find me at the end as I’m walking back to class.

  “Fuck! Hux got into a fight with Graham this morning in the hall.” Maddie says.

  Thank fuck! “Really?” I ask.

  She nods and says, “Yeah it was fuckin’ stupid. Graham got his ass beat.”

  Ada Jade says, “Yeah, Hux and Graham now have ISS with you.”

  “Yay me!” I say.

  When we get back in the school, I can feel eyes all over me. I glance up and Killian has J’El on his arm again and he was looking at me. His face blank, but it was like he was looking for damage. Sorry Big boy, you can’t see the damage this time. He turns away and she grips him pulling him down to kiss her.

  My stomach rolls for a completely different reason this time. I’m so mad and I have nowhere to put my anger. When the hall is empty, I slam my hand into the closest locker. Wincing at the pain. I take my time getting to in school suspension. When I walk in Mrs. Walker says, “Lunch ended ten minutes ago Miss Marlow.”

  I flip her off over my shoulder and drop down in a desk. I pull my notebook from my bag and doodle for the rest of the day.

  I’m walking to my bike when J’El fuckin’ shoulder bumps me from behind. I look over at her and she smirks. Rage bubbles up and I pull my blade and flick it at her. She tenses and steps back. I step forward for every step she takes back.

  “Touch me a fuckin’ gain and I will fuckin’ slit you from your fuckin’ temple to your nasty ass cunt. Do not push me!” I growl.

  She glances over my shoulder and asks, “Why are you so fuckin’ crazy? Is this because of Killian? Are you angry?” and she pokes her bottom lip out faking it and then she laughs. I tense and glance behind me. He’s standing there with Bishop and Hux. I turn back to her and take another couple steps towards her when she trips and falls on her ass. I laugh and turn and leave. I shove through Killian and Bishop on my way to my bike.

  When I get home, I stand in a scalding hot shower until the water runs cold. It feels like everything is coming to a head and I’m trying to keep my head straight. I don’t know how much more I can take before I permanently break.

  All I want is my little sister away from Mr. Broadway. I want her to know my real name. I want her to know that I love her and I’m doing this for her.

  Seeing Killian with that bitch this morning fucked my head all the way up. Do I even have the right to be jealous? Was it her he was interested in anyways? Was the only reason he showed interest in me because of his Dad? What the fuck is wrong with me? Of course, it is.

  The next morning, I get to school early and sneak into in school suspension trying to avoid Mr. Broadway. Avoiding seeing Killian all over J’El.

  Hux walks in shortly after me and drops in a seat behind me. Graham sits seething a couple chairs over from me. I avoid either of them. I listen to everyone talking and I hear a couple of the girls talking about a party that the Lucian boys were having at their house Saturday night. I smirk because I’m definitely going to show up and show out. Maybe this is what will get me out of this fuckin’ shitty mood.

  Chapter 15

  I’m sitting on my bike in a pair of hip hugging leather pants and biker boots with a white tank top that shows about three inches of my belly and my black leather jacket waiting for Maddie and Ada Jade to get here.

  Frank walks out the front door and freezes. “I’m not fuckin’ bailing you out of jail tonight! Stay your ass out of trouble!”

  I smirk
. “Scouts Honor.”

  He grins, “If you were ever a fuckin’ scout we wouldn’t have these fuckin’ problems!”

  I laugh at him and he kisses my forehead growling, “Be careful kiddo.”

  I nod and unwrap a lollipop and pop it in my mouth as he pulls out of the driveway.

  Shortly after he leaves for Mayhem Bar, owned by the Kings of Mayhem, Maddie and Ada Jade show up. I start my bike and pull out when I hear them coming. They fall in behind me. It takes twenty minutes for us to get to Killian’s house. I park my bike out on the street with Maddie and Ada Jade’s. We pass a joint around and before going inside. We each take a shot of vodka. My first shot of alcohol since I overdosed. The sweet burn of the alcohol has it’s intended affect and the warmth causes me to slightly relax. I watch a couple of guys from Lux Island Prep walking towards the house with red solo cups. They make it no secret they are checking us out. Maddie and Ada Jade smirk at them. I roll my eyes knowing how simple minded the guys from prep are.

  I put my helmet on my seat and we start walking up to the front stoop. Of course, we don’t knock, nobody is knocking and with the amount of people here it wouldn’t have mattered, nobody would have heard us. I grab a beer off the counter and pop the top. We are weaving our way through people looking for no one in particular, when I spot J’El and Jasmine sitting on Killian and Bishops lap out by the pool. My chest tightens, but I suck that shit up and move along. As we move past them, I can feel his eyes burning into me. I find Graham and Codie and a couple other football players in the kitchen at the counter taking shots and bullshitting around. When I walk between Codie and Graham, I have their full attention. I hop up on the counter to sit while Ada Jade plays some drinking game with a guy, I think maybe his name is Mickey, but I can’t be sure and Maddie is playing beer pong with some prep chick and a some dude from prep.

  An annoying giggle catches my attention and I glance over to see J’El doing everything in her power to get me to watch her with Killian, but I have no use for that shit to be rubbed in my face. I won’t lie and say it doesn’t get to me. I won’t say that it’s not bothering me, but I fuckin’ refuse to feel like complete shit because he is allowing her to rub all over him. I don’t understand dudes and at this rate I don’t think I want to know that dude.

  I had a right to be angry. I still have a right to be angry. After I told Frank about the text I saw, he went to Lincoln Lucian and they had it out. He put a rush on the Lucian order, and it was taken care of within thirty-six hours. He even allowed me to help. I went on the run with them and stepped up to the plate when they needed me. This put me in the good graces of the Louisiana chapter of Kings of Mayhem. Which means after graduation, the Queens have an in and we can start building our reputation with other crews. I’m not even mad about the whole thing anymore honestly, because what has he done. I had intended to talk to him after I cooled off, which is not something I do. I guess I kind of felt like I owed it to him to let him explain himself because he saved my life. Then I came back to school and he wouldn’t even look my direction. Then I walked in school and J’fuckin’El happened. My head was and is still fucked up.

  “….doing here?” someone says. I turn my attention to some familiar bitch from Prep.

  “What?” I say bringing my thoughts back to the present.

  “What are you doing here psycho?” she sneers.

  I smirk at her and shake my empty beer bottle in her face, “Make yourself useful and get me a beer Barbie.”

  She curls her hands at her sides, and I start grinning. You do not want to do that princess!

  “Nobody wants you here! Why don’t you get the fuck out!” she growls angrily.

  I poke out my bottom lip and say, “I’m pretty sure nobody, but you and a couple other bitches care that I’m here. I think I’ll stay.”

  She’s bumped from behind by Ada Jade who sneers at her.

  She tenses, and glances around to see if she has backup.

  “Charlie?” a quiet girl says.

  Hmmm. Not just a quiet girl. Killian’s pretty little quiet girl.

  “Yeah Phoebe?” the girl standing in front of me says.

  “You okay.” She asks her.

  I turn my attention on her, and I hop off the counter and do a little circle around her. Then I lean in and whisper, “I fucked your boytoy.”

  She tenses and stutters, “I’m not with Killian anymore.”

  I smirk and glance up to find him standing in the doorway watching.

  I grin and point at J’El and say, “Now he’s sticking his dick in that cesspool.”

  I look away and then back at the encounter.

  Charlie growls, “She doesn’t give a fuck.”

  I turn my attention to her and growl, “Ooo but you do. Little sister had what you wanted and now that she’s not with him, you want to run me off and get rid of the competition. Surprise, surprise, he’s all yours. Make sure he wraps it though because she’s been around Lux Island a time or two.”

  J’El sneers and growls, “Fuck off bitch!”

  Charlie laughs deviously, “I think I sense some jealousy. Are you pining after our dear Killian? Do you want him? Is that what this is? You want Kill, but he won’t give you the time of day?”

  My face fills with rage and I’m done having words with these bitches. My body empties of all emotions and I rear back and slam my fist into her mouth. She moans as her eyes roll back into her head and she stumbles back. Phoebe gasps and runs to her sisters’ side. J’El laughs and leans into Killian and says, “Take me to bed Kill. This shit is getting old.”

  He takes her hand and doesn’t look back at me, which is good because I’m sure the heartbreak is all over my face before I’m able to hide it. He disappears upstairs with her.

  Ada Jade and Maddie drag me from the room to the living room and shove alcohol at me left and right. They saw what others missed. They know that this shit is affecting me. They saw that Killian was affecting me. Way more than I should be letting him.

  An hour later and I’m pretty fuckin’ drunk. I’m going to go up there and beat her ass and then his, and I hope that motherfucker fights back.

  Both Maddie and Ada Jade burst out laughing. “You do that.”

  Did I say that shit out loud?

  They laugh again and nod, “That would be a yes.”

  “Fuck!” I growl.

  They giggle and I stumble back to the kitchen and fall into one of the kitchen chairs and drop my head on my arms on the table. I need to find someone else to fuck to get him out of my system.

  I hear someone snort and look up to find Hux and Bishop standing in the doorway and Ada Jade and Maddie laughing behind me. FUCK!

  Bishop turns his attention to Ada Jade and growls, “How fuckin’ drunk is she?”

  Maddie giggles, “Get fucked Lucian!”

  “I’m not drunk.” I stumble over my words.

  Ada Jade, “Obviously not drunk enough to get pretty boy out of her fuckin’ head.”

  Bishop glares at her and then after realizing what she just said turns open mouthed staring at me. He glances at Hux and they both race for the stairs. I laugh at them.

  Maddie grumbles, “Fuckin’ asses! That’s what the Lucian boys are! ASSES!”

  I smirk. Fine asses!

  That really gets them going. They are nearly on the floor dying laughing.

  Sweet Jesus! How do I shut this shit down!

  And it gets worse.

  There’s a commotion and everyone is running towards the front door. I hear someone saying something about a fire and we stumble out to the front stoop and when I get there, the air is sucked out of my lungs. I can’t catch my breath as the rage starts to suffocate me. Phoebe and fuckin’ Charlie have set fire to my bike and were grinning as they watch it burn.

  Chapter 16

  I stumble down the steps and stumble in the direction of my bike and my chest wheezes trying to find air.

  I’m going to kill these bitches. I know Maddie carri
es a nine at all times and I reach into her jacket and grab it when she wraps her arms around me trying to calm me down, but there’s no calming me down right now. When she leans back the gun is in my hands hanging at my side. I’m numb, completely empty.

  I stumble a few steps forward and hear Maddie panic and say, “Fuck Ada, she’s got my gun, she’s going to fuckin’ kill somebody.” Both their eyes dart to me and they take a few slow calculated steps towards me.

  I keep stumbling in the direction of my bike not feeling anything. I raise the gun and aim it at Phoebe the bitch with the biggest grin on her face. I pull the trigger, but because I’m fucked up and my hands have started shaking vigorously, I miss. The gunshot gets everyone’s attention and people fuckin’ scatter in every direction. I keep the gun trained on the bitch who burnt my bike. Her sister is frozen, and I can see her trembling. “What the fuck are you doing?” she whimpers.

  “Luna, come on, it’s not worth it. Give me the gun.” Maddie says calmly beside me, but I’m feeling anything but calm. I’m past fuckin’ rage, I’m numb.

  Ada Jade begs, “Come on Luna! Don’t fuckin’ do this!”

  I hear a commotion behind me, and I pull the trigger again. I miss. A strong body wraps around me, pulling the gun from my hands and handing it off to someone else.

  “Get them the fuck away from here before she doesn’t miss.” Killian growls.

  I fight his hold, but his grip is firm. He’s shirtless and his chest is pressed against my back. My body shivers at his touch.

  Bishop and Hux get Phoebe and Charlie to their car so they can leave, and the anger turns into hurt. I lay my head back on his chest and my chest heaves as a single tear runs down my cheek. I’m doing everything to get control of my breathing, to pull air in my lungs. He runs his hand through my hair and mumbles, “It’s okay, Shhh.”

  “It’s not. It’s not okay.” I mumble. My brain is still feeling the effects of the alcohol and I’m confused and pissed off and hurt.

  He runs his hands through my hair, and he leans down and presses his lips to mine and my mind blanks. When he pulls back a soft moan leaves my mouth. He’s staring at me when we hear someone approaching us.


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