A Bond of Blood and Fire (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 2)

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A Bond of Blood and Fire (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 2) Page 8

by Karen Tomlinson

  Diamond froze completely, shocked that a complete stranger would dare touch her so intimately.

  “Hmm, glad to see your wound has healed. Rose did a good job of healing your lovely skin.” He tugged her shirt back in place, then traced his fingertips up the column of her throat.

  Diamond’s heart flipped and she jolted to life, slapping his hand away.

  No. Surely not Rose’s ex-lover? Diamond almost snorted. No wonder Rose’s friends had not approved. This creep was arrogant—and dangerous. Seeing her incredulous expression, his whole demeanour changed into one of complete charm. Almost like a switch had been flicked. It was incredible.

  “I can see that surprises you.” A charming smile curled his lips.

  Speechless at the change in him, Diamond just stared. He was definitely unbalanced, but she did not doubt that some women would find his charming mask hard to resist.

  “Rose is a lovely woman but, alas, she will never be enough to hold on to someone like me. I have told her we cannot be together any longer. Perhaps, though, you would honour me with a dance and afford me some of the attention you have been bestowing upon others?” He hooked her shirt and pulled it aside, brushing her scar again. “After all, I did help rescue you from the forest, and I am very good at keeping secrets,” he purred.

  Diamond shuddered, yanking herself backwards out of his reach. Revulsion coursed through her at his touch. “I have no idea what you mean, and if you touch me again I will break your fingers,” she hissed.

  Again his mask changed, poise and politeness vanishing. His voice and eyes turned icy. “Oh, yes you do. Commander Casimir, the Queen’s magic-wielding whore. I think I will tell her about the way he has been looking at you, about the way he is claiming you in front of all these people. Do you think she will believe he only wants to bed you, or will she finally believe he is a traitor? I wonder what she will do to break him?” he sneered.

  At that veiled threat to Hugo, Diamond did not hesitate. Using all her strength, she punched the warrior straight in the face. Pain erupted through her bruised knuckles. He staggered back, taking some of the crowd with him. A look of absolute rage crossed his face. Before she could react, a large hand slipped around her waist, spinning her into a protective embrace.

  Diamond tried to pull away, but Hugo tightened his grip.

  “Stay there,” he commanded, his voice like ice. His stare focused over her shoulder to Fedron, who had pulled himself upright.

  Hugo’s body stilled, controlled aggression pouring off him in waves. Diamond felt his muscles tense as the two fae warriors weighed each other up.

  Fedron had almost lost himself to his wild fae side but she prayed he was not unhinged enough to attack Hugo. She leaned into Hugo’s embrace and slipped her arms around his waist, longing for the other warrior to leave. Hugo would kill him right here, in this room full of people, and then the Queen would be informed. Her stomach plummeted knowing this situation could go so very wrong. She shouldn’t have punched the warrior; she should have walked away. Hugo didn’t need her to defend him.

  A low warning rumble rippled from Hugo’s chest, gently vibrating along her bones. His hand tightened, pulling her firmly against him as his other hand went to the hilt of a dagger on his hip. His head turned, tracking Fedron as he walked away. Diamond held her breath, aware that Attion had stepped up beside them. Both Queen’s guards had armoured their wings, indicating they were ready to fight.

  Despite Attion’s presence, it did not occur to Diamond to pull away. Being in Hugo’s arms felt right. Besides, Diamond could see Attion’s attention was focused entirely on Fedron. Hugo’s growl stopped, and he suddenly propelled her past Reese and the rest of the squadron. They too had gathered at Hugo’s back in a show of support. Wings still armoured, he guided her to their table. The others gave them some space but lingered nearby. Diamond sank into a chair without protest and stared at the table top, visibly shaking.

  “What did that warrior want?” Hugo asked quietly.

  “I don’t know,” she stammered and looked up.

  Hugo’s face was dark, his eyes swimming with shadow and a deep possessive rage. “Did he hurt you?”

  Diamond snorted a slightly hysterical laugh. “Err, no. I punched him.”

  Hugo raised his eyebrows, his aggression remaining despite his grin. “I know. I saw you. What in the goddess did he say to make you do that?” he asked, tenderly brushing her hair back so he could see her face. Gentle ripples of energy stroked her skin, soothing her.

  “He threatened you,” she whispered truthfully. “He called you the Queen’s whore and threatened to tell her…” Diamond’s voice trailed off. Embarrassed, the words she wanted to say stuck in her throat. She stared at the buttons on his shirt instead, unable to speak.

  “Tell her what?” he asked, his voice still gravelly despite the soothing touch of his magic.

  Diamond took a deep steadying breath. This was not the time to be shy. Her eyes met his steadily. “Of the way you have claimed me in public, in front of all these people,” she replied, trembling as she acknowledged what his behaviour toward her actually meant. “He said she would break you for it,” she whispered, her voice catching.

  Hugo’s eyes widened. “You are afraid for me,” he murmured, sounding awed. His eyes found Attion’s.

  Attion nodded, his face utterly cold, and then he left them.

  Diamond watched him thread his way through the crowd to leave the inn. She didn’t want to know where he was going.

  Hugo’s face loosened, softening. “It’s been a long time since anyone has been afraid for me,” he revealed gently.

  Diamond took a breath. This dancing around their feelings was ridiculous. “Hugo, I don’t know what’s going on between us. I don’t know if I can trust your behaviour towards me. You are fae, and Fedron is right—it’s obvious that you have some intentions toward me, but I don’t know what they are. I don’t know what to think, not after what happened before. I trusted you, Hugo, and you chose the Queen.”

  An uncomfortable silence descended between them. His throat bobbed as he swallowed. Then he leaned towards her and gently took her hands. She stared at the way his rough, calloused fingers enveloped her own.

  “Diamond, I cannot change who I am or what I’ve done, but I have never lied to you, and I am not lying now. I did what I needed to do to keep you safe. I wasn’t prepared to deal with that situation in the throne room, and for that I am sorry. But please believe that you can trust me. I will always do whatever I can to keep you safe.”

  “Will you, Hugo?” Her lips pressed into a thin line, still unsure but wanting so much to believe him.

  “Yes, I will. Look, I am interested in you. Deeply interested. But Fedron is right; the Queen knows I am in the urge and if she finds out I am pursuing you, especially after all her warnings, her wrath will not be pleasant—for either of us.” The rough skin of his thumbs grazed the back of her hand before he let go. Gently he tilted her head up to look directly into her eyes.

  Diamond’s heart was racing madly, her mind finding it difficult to process his words.

  “So I need to know: Do you want me to pursue you, or do you want me to leave you alone?” He seemed to hold his breath, waiting for her answer.

  Diamond tried to swallow, but her mouth was too dry. Her feelings for this elite guard had never been in question, even when her anger at him burned brightly. It was trusting him to stay true to her, and only her, that made her hesitate.

  Hugo’s eyes narrowed astutely. Expelling a breath, he nodded. “I understand. You don’t trust me. But perhaps you will give me a chance to gain your trust, then I will ask you that question again?”

  Diamond nodded, relieved he wasn’t going to push her for an answer. This was all happening so quickly. “I’d like that. But aren’t you already in danger? Fedron will likely go straight to the Queen,” she pointed out.

  Looking at their joined hands, she missed the flicker of silver fire in Hugo’s eyes. A
gainst her skin, his magic writhed.

  “No, he won’t. Attion will prevent him,” Hugo informed her coldly.

  Diamond lifted her eyes, not really wanting to know how Attion was going to do that. Fedron, she decided, had cast enough of a shadow upon them.

  “Fine. Then let’s trust Attion to protect you. Now, let’s forget about Fedron. This is our first evening out together, and if I remember rightly, we said we were going to try and enjoy ourselves,” she reminded him, squeezing his hands.

  Hugo gave her a tight smile.

  “Hugo, I know you have never lied to me, and I really do want to trust you again, but what happened in that throne room cannot be changed. I have forgiven you. I know you had no choice but to follow orders.” She paused, briefly closing her eyes. “I also know I didn’t kill General Edo of my own free will. I was manipulated into doing it. It doesn’t absolve me from his death and never will, but at least I can try and forgive myself.”

  “Would you have done it, if you had kept your own will? Would you have killed him to save the boy?” Hugo asked.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered truthfully, then looked him straight in the eye. “Would you have whipped me if I hadn’t?”

  Hugo held her stare. His throat bobbed as he swallowed. “Yes,” he replied hoarsely. “I am sorry, but yes, if it were the only way to save you from worse punishment at another’s hand, I would do it.”

  Tears stung her eyes. She could feel the truth of his words, and the heavy regret he pushed through his magic to touch her.

  “Well, let’s hope it never comes to that and move on from that awful day, shall we?” After a moment of silence, she shifted uncomfortably then bravely met his gaze. “I do like you, Hugo,” she told him, her cheeks flushing pink at her candour, “very much, but you are still a Queen’s guard.”

  “For now,” he interrupted. “But only as long as you need me to be, then who knows? Maybe I will find another calling.” He shrugged, an amused smile curling his lips as she gaped.

  Tallo declared they needed more wine and ale. He grabbed Hugo by the shoulder and yanked him backwards. Hugo allowed himself to be pulled up and to the bar where he dropped more coins into the waiting hands of the barmaid.

  Diamond pushed the incident with Fedron aside and chose not to think about Attion—or what he was doing right now. Instead, she enjoyed the nerves bubbling in her belly every time she glanced at Hugo, both amazed and scared that he had declared his interest in her so openly.

  Choosing to only sip her wine, she noticed Hugo did the same with his ale. Tallo gave her a beaming smile as he reached over and grabbed the pitcher of wine. She returned the smile, giggling at his gleeful expression as he swore colourfully at Reese, who slapped his hand away.

  As the music and laughter became louder and raucous singing began, Hugo pushed himself up. “Stay there and don’t go anywhere by yourself. I’ll be back soon.” He smiled down at her.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, suddenly not wanting to be alone with all these drunken, loud people.

  He raised his eyebrows, his eyes sparkling with mischief, “I’m going to relieve myself. Why? Do you want to come with me?”

  “Oh, no, I don’t,” she said quickly, her face burning.

  With a snort of laughter, Hugo walked away.

  Diamond watched him push through the throng of people, brushing aside the barmaid as she grabbed him around his waist, her ample cleavage almost falling out of her bodice. Diamond’s stomach lurched and she had to resist the urge to march over and slap the woman.


  “D’ you know?” Tallo slurred, smiling bleary-eyed at her. “I’ve known that male since ‘e was a youngster. I ‘elped,” he hiccoughed and tried again. “I ‘elped train ‘im, and I ‘aven’t known anyone at all t’ land a punch on ‘im in a training fight. Not since ‘e was ‘bout thirteen.” He tapped his nose, his finger slipping off as he toppled forward slightly. “I think ‘e did it to distract you and make you ver’ ver’ mad,” he finished, blinking furiously, like he was trying to clear his vision.

  Diamond stared at Tallo, wanting very much to believe he was wrong, that it was the drink talking.

  “What? No one has managed to hit him for that long?” she asked incredulously.

  Tallo grinned stupidly. “I know ‘e’s one of the Queen’s special guards. But I’d say ‘e has a very soft spot for your pretty face and ‘e let you ‘it ‘im so ‘e could make you feel better.” A low chuckle huffed from his huge lungs, “And take you out for the night.” He looked inordinately pleased with himself after that last statement.

  Diamond jerkily swallowed some wine, nearly gagging on the vinegary taste. It had not been difficult to figure out Hugo had riled her enough to lift her from a cloak of self-pity and grief. And he had already apologised for using Jack to do just that. But managed to hit him? Caught between a warm feeling in her chest and seething irritation, she crossed her arms. I’m an idiot! Of course I’m not good enough to have landed that first punch—not when he expected it!

  Tallo wandered off, leaving her to sit and stew. No one else noticed her stand up and walk to the back of the bar. She would ask him. Her feet ground to a halt, her heart stopping in shock at the sight that greeted her. So much for learning to trust him! she seethed.

  Hugo was holding either side of the woman’s head. She had wrapped her arms around his waist and gazed invitingly up into his face. The sight sent Diamond into an instant rage. He wasn’t even trying to get away! The barmaid’s long fingers clutched at his back, running seductively over his wings as Hugo’s eyes drifted down and lingered on the woman’s bare cleavage. Diamond lost sight of his face as he leaned down to speak in her ear.

  Trust indeed! she fumed, choking on her rage. Let him have the barmaid then. But I’m not sitting here like a naive school girl waiting for him to finish with the big-breasted tart.

  Suddenly tired of the inn’s raucous atmosphere, Diamond pushed her way through the crowd to the door. An icy blast of wind and the sight of the refugees huddled against the far wall of the quay almost sent her running back inside, but the image of Hugo being groped by the barmaid strengthened her resolve. She would make her own way back to the palace.


  Frigid, salt-laced air stung Diamond’s exposed skin as she stomped along. Away from the docks the street lamps had been extinguished. Around her the shadows rippled with menace, worsened by the frequent flashes of lightning. Thunder rolled across the sky.

  Images of Hugo and the slutty barmaid drove her past the pleasure houses and through the dark streets, too incensed to pay attention to the huddled groups of refugees.

  Her hands curled into fists, her fingernails biting into her skin. Not once in the months since she had met him had she considered Hugo could be with another woman. It hadn’t even crossed Diamond’s mind that he may have physical needs that he would seek to fulfil. Queen’s guards were prohibited from finding a life mate, but it had been made clear to Diamond that bedding whores—and barmaids— wasn’t. Thoughts of becoming Hugo’s mate had filled Diamond’s mind more than once since she had met him. She ground her teeth with frustration.

  Her eyes flickered shut as she imagined taking Hugo’s blood. She was half fae, and it wasn’t only Hugo who had desires, but having him was such a dangerous want, one that might break more than her heart if the Queen found out. Especially if he wants to bed other women whilst pursuing me, she thought, enraged. Magic blasted from her core and rocked the air around her. Her feet ground to a halt in shock. She was jealous—uncontrollably and insanely jealous.

  Biting her lip as she walked, Diamond tried to bring her feelings under control. Concentrating on the shadows for anything suspicious seemed a lot more sensible than thinking about the way Hugo’s hands had held her against him tonight or of the possessive way he had acted if another man wanted her attention. Hope and regret fluttered through her chest. She was running away again instead of fighting for him. I’m a fool

  Splats of icy rain landed on her head. She rolled her eyes. Great, getting soaked will make things so much better. It suddenly dawned on her how alone she was. The gloomy isolation of the enclosed street was unnerving. This is ridiculous! What am I doing? Her boot heel crunched on the ground as she turned to return to the inn. It was a shorter distance back to the inn than it was to the palace. At least she would be safe and dry back there. Besides, going back was the only way to persuade Hugo he didn’t want that barmaid.

  “Hello, pretty,” came a reedy voice from a recessed doorway. A skinny man with broken teeth and a predator’s smile stepped from the shadows.

  Her heart sank in a flash of recognition. “Freddy,” she breathed. Cold fingers of fear gripped her heart as she stared at the thief who had attacked her and Jack in the forest. Four more men crept out of the shadows, two staying in front and two circling behind her.

  “Aw! That’s nice, you remember me.” Freddy smiled, his salacious gaze raking over her body. A blade glinted in his hand. “Now, where’s that necklace?”


  Hugo firmly pushed the barmaid up against the wall and pulled her groping hands off him. He didn’t want to hurt the woman, but he had already tried walking away once.

  “I told you, I’m spoken for,” he growled resolutely. It was true. He had not taken any female to bed since he had returned from the forest. He couldn’t stand the thought of touching another woman’s skin, not now. Diamond was the only woman he wanted. Aching to be back by her side, he pushed his way through the crowded inn only to find her seat empty. Blood roared in his ears. He reached out with his magic, panicking when he couldn’t sense her.

  Spotting Tallo staggering around the floor, Hugo rushed over and grabbed the big male’s tunic, hauling him up off his feet.


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