A Bond of Blood and Fire (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 2)

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A Bond of Blood and Fire (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 2) Page 16

by Karen Tomlinson

  Hugo’s swords were ripped from his grip by a flick of the Queen’s wrists.

  “You do not need those, commander,” she informed him coldly. “Calm yourself.”

  Hugo ground his teeth, his chest heaving as he fought to control his rage. He slowly folded his wings down into his back.

  “There, that’s better. Now, come to me,” the Queen ordered.

  Diamond blinked at that command. Hugo’s jaw muscles tensed, and his eyes were full of pain as they met hers. Then, like an obedient dog, Hugo stalked to the Queen’s side. Diamond swallowed her nausea, pain jolting through her heart. In return, sorrow seeped through his magic, which flickered like the touch of a butterfly’s wings against hers before it was gone.

  Ream remained close behind his queen, his eyes not leaving Hugo for a second.

  The immortal monarch twisted gracefully. Her venomous green eyes lingered on Diamond before she raked them wantonly up and down Hugo’s body. Her tongue flicked around those ruby red lips as if wanting to taste him.

  Hugo ignored his monarch’s attention, fixing his gaze on the far wall.

  The blue-skinned stranger, however, observed the Queen and Hugo steadily. The lord carefully took in every detail of the unfolding events before he turned his deep blue eyes back to Diamond. There was something strangely familiar about that gaze.

  Diamond swallowed, holding that ocean-blue stare. She would not give into the fear poisoning her heart and mind. She could survive this. For Hugo, for everyone else, she had to.


  At a nod from the Queen, the elite guard formed a circle around Diamond. She blanched, her legs shaking. Her head twisted to behold the circle of fearsome warriors. They all wore light, leather breast plates over linen shirts, knee-high leather boots with re-enforced shin guards and close-fitting leggings. Diamond gulped. She had no weapons, only her hands and feet.

  There was no warning before a boot landed in her back, but she had been waiting, her senses alert. Throwing out her front leg was instinctive. She bent her knee to stop her forward momentum and kept her body upright, even as her spine screamed in pain. Directly in front of her, a guard shifted his weight sideways, aiming a kick at her ribs. Diamond swiftly dropped onto her side, and his boot passed harmlessly above her. Bending her upper knee, she kicked him with all her strength between his legs. A high pitched yelp of pain filled the air as her boot connected with his groin. The guard sank to his knees at her side.

  Thanking the goddess for the weakness of males, Diamond grunted with effort, swung her leg in an arc over the back of his neck and swiftly slammed his face down into the floor as hard as she could, leaving him unconscious.

  Without a doubt, Diamond knew she fought for the life of her friends. If she showed any fear or hesitation, the Queen would see it as failure. Wrapping her heart in ice and blocking out Kitty’s corpse, Diamond moved swiftly and efficiently. All those long, painful days of training, of drilling now took over. The elite guards did not hesitate to attack, intent on breaking her into little pieces. Randomly, they struck, one opponent at a time. Diamond fought and fought, constantly holding back her magic as her fists struck leather and flesh.

  Will there be no end to this?

  Her muscles and bones throbbed with agony, tiredness slamming into her in great waves. It became harder and harder to ignore it. They were deliberately wearing her down, destroying her piece by piece. A mistake now would cost her dearly. Moving swiftly, her bruised arms blocked a barrage of vicious punches from a sinewy guard. Her lungs burned and she blinked away stars from her vision.

  Sensing her fatigue, the Queen laughingly instructed two guards to attack simultaneously.

  Diamond did not have time to think, only react as Attion complied. Rapid and powerful, he moved against her right as she threw her last opponent over her shoulder. Spinning on the balls of her feet she blocked and struck against Attion and the other guard until her forearms screamed and her knuckles—already split and bruised—splattered blood across the floor. Dragging in ragged breaths, her chest burned. The air seemed too hot, too thin to appease her body’s demands.

  Fatigue slammed into her. Trembling violently, her weak legs sent her off-balance as she spun to defend an attack from behind. Mis-timing her block, Attion’s large fist collided with her bruised cheek and nose.

  A sickening snap—and her nose broke. Pain raged through her face. Diamond screamed. Her legs immediately buckled, and she fell face-first into the hard floor. Her forehead struck the flagstones, rattling her brain and stealing her sight.

  Before she could even attempt to struggle up, Attion dropped to his knees and grabbed her. With no remorse, he wrapped his fist in her hair and yanked her head back until she had to struggle onto her knees or lose a chunk of hair. Choking and coughing on the blood that filled her airway, Diamond stared into his eyes. His hand rose to strike at her throat. Realisation made her heart miss a beat. Unless the Queen said otherwise, he would kill her.

  I will not yield! She snarled and fought, frantically sucking blood into her mouth. Gambling that somewhere under his mask was the male who had trained her, who had patiently corrected her time and again, who could respect another, she forcefully spat in his face. As she hoped, big clots landed in his eyes and shot into his mouth.

  Attion recoiled and approval flashed in his eyes before he loosened his grip.

  Grabbing that small advantage, Diamond spun herself about in his grasp, ignoring the pain as a patch of her hair ripped out. Mustering her remaining strength, she drove her elbow up into his jaw. A loud crack, and his teeth smashed together. Attion toppled backwards into a heap, landing with a disgusting squelch in Kitty’s congealed blood.

  “Enough!” yelled the Queen.

  Diamond was still on her knees breathing hard. Blood ran down her chin, dripping onto her shirt. Blowing the bright red drops from her damaged nose, Diamond pushed herself shakily to her feet. Her glare at the Queen was demonic and full of hate. Rage buzzed through Diamond’s veins, dulling the pain in her face as she watched the Queen reach out her long slim fingers and wrap them around Hugo’s hand, possession oozing from her.

  Hugo flinched at her touch, but his eyes remained forward, his hand limp in hers. His face blanched of colour but no matter how much Diamond willed it, he would not look at her. Her heart lurched painfully at the sight of his hand clutched in the Queen’s. It seemed such an obscene, intimate gesture above Kitty’s glassy-eyed corpse.

  Grief and guilt and raging, jealous anger at Hugo’s impotence threatened to tear Diamond apart. But she fought. Fought with everything she had for control of her emotions and panic. Blood dripped from her nose, pain sparking stars across her vision as she gingerly wiped her nostrils.

  It did not matter that Diamond was managing to control her emotions. The tempestuous force of her magic escaped her control, swirling around her in an invisible storm.

  Hugo’s eyes widened in alarm as his own reeled forward.

  None could see the wave of shadow and serpents that merged desperately into the ribbons of Diamond’s light. Mere seconds passed as anguish seeped from Hugo’s raw magic into her, belying the blankness on his face. She could feel him pushing through her skin into her blood, his magic licking along her bones. Dark magic pushed hers to react, almost as though he had lost the ability to control it. She smothered her gasp, feeling his need to protect, to rage against the threat surrounding her.

  Almost using up her remaining energy, Diamond forced Hugo from her body, pushing him away and suppressing her power with sheer effort of will.

  Directing a snarl at him, she hoped he would understand. He needed to take control of himself, and quickly. It was stupid to think the Queen would allow Diamond to live if she sensed her magic was not subdued by the shield and the Queen’s influence.

  With no warning, a wave of exhaustion hit Diamond and the room spun. She took a shaky step forward to regain her balance. Of course the Queen chose to misread her action.

p; “Really? You think to attack me?” Her laugh was pure venom. “Oh, I don’t think so. Hugo.” An order. “Let’s see how well student and teacher are matched, shall we?”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Diamond saw Lord Firan straighten up and uncross his arms. A strange reaction from someone supposedly neutral to the events unfolding in front of him.

  Attion, who had regained consciousness, grunted as he quickly pushed himself across the floor. Spitting blood from his mouth, he shook his head as if trying to regain his equilibrium. But for the first time, Diamond saw a flash of revulsion in the elite guard’s eyes as he looked at the Queen.

  Hugo stepped past Attion, his eyes wholly black, his face dark and unforgiving.

  Diamond’s throat hurt. It’s only a mask, she told herself, but gulped as fear shuddered through her whole body. It was clear Diamond could never triumph against Hugo, not broken and bleeding as she was. It seemed the Queen was amusing herself at their expense, and even Lord Firan had realised it.

  “Hugo?” Diamond wheezed through ravaged lips. “Please. Don’t do this,” she ended on a desperate whisper.

  But no matter what emotion Diamond had sensed a moment ago, one look at Hugo’s unbearably blank face told her he would not hold back. Without hesitation, he launched himself through the air, kicking out sideways at her stomach.

  With no hope of stopping him, Diamond spun agilely out of his reach. On any other day she could swiftly outmanoeuvre his bulk, but she was so tired. Her arms and legs quivered with pain and exhaustion. It was impossible to hold back a sob of despair at the lack of emotion in his face and even harder to take control of her panic.

  One long stride and Hugo spun on his leading foot, swinging his shoulder into a vicious back fist that would have taken her out and broken all the bones in her face if it had connected. She stumbled out of his reach, knowing neither of them had a choice but to fight. That knowledge did not stop her anger at the Queen, at Hugo and at the whole gods damned situation.

  Diamond blinked, forcing her magical sight in to play. Breath-taking colours and energy swirled around the living souls in the room, filling it with a kaleidoscope of light. Diamond paid no heed to such beauty. She hardened her heart and her resolve. Her life would be worth nothing if her friends died.

  I will not give the Queen reason to brand me weak or a coward! Suppressing her fear, Diamond bunched her fists and cricked her neck. She would fight with every last bit of her strength to keep them alive.

  With sudden clarity, Diamond saw the midnight shroud of Hugo’s energy. Silver serpents snapped wildly through the sapphire-stained shadow. They pulsed right before Hugo attacked again. Like lightening, Diamond dipped under his punch, twisted fluidly and landed her fist with as much force as she could muster into his ribs. Her knuckles screamed as yet more skin ripped off against the tough leather. Swiftly, she shifted her stance and slammed a foot down onto the back of his knee, screaming with effort.

  A grunt and a flicker of surprise registered in Hugo’s eyes as she passed from his line of sight. Not having the luxury of satisfaction, Diamond pivoted on her standing foot and aimed a kick at his back. Her instep smashed hard into his kidneys before she snapped her leg back, then shifted to swing her leg upwards and slam her heel into his jaw. Hugo grunted and there was a sharp intake of breath from the Queen.

  Lord Firan smiled broadly.

  Too experienced to falter, Hugo whirled to face her.

  His face blurred and the room tilted. No. She couldn’t faint, not now. No one else was going to die today because of her. Anger and grief raged in her heart as her eyes found Kitty’s drained corpse.

  Attion stared wide-eyed from Diamond to Hugo to the Queen, using the pause to drag himself to his feet and out of harm’s way.

  A slight snarl curled Hugo’s lips, his obsidian eyes narrowed as he noticed Diamond sway unsteadily on her feet.

  Her body was almost done. Spitting a globule of blood and saliva at his feet, Diamond raised her chin defiantly even as her heart fractured. This was not the fae who had sought her company night after night, who had proudly escorted her around his city or who had held her in his arms so gently and vowed to save her life. This unfeeling warrior was not that friend. Logic told her Hugo was doing this because he had no choice, but Diamond did not want to listen to logic. All she understood was, just as before, his promises had become hopeless dreams. Once again, Hugo had become the Queen’s cold-hearted killer.

  Violet eyes met endless shadow and—time stopped. His eyelashes flickered, then Hugo launched into a barrage of punches at a frightening speed. Now she knew how much he had been holding back all these weeks. Hugo was not fatigued and far outmatched Diamond in both strength and experience. Quelling her despair, she fought as hard as she could, managing to evade his fists for mere seconds only. He swung a vicious hook punch. Diamond jumped back. Her foot slipped in Kitty’s blood. Unbalanced, she flailed her arms.

  Hugo swiftly kicked her off her feet.

  Air left Diamond’s body in a rush. Retching, she plummeted onto her back, her head slamming into the stone floor. Blinding light shot through her skull, stars exploding across her vision as she lay choking on her own blood.

  Before she could comprehend what had happened, Hugo’s bulk landed on her. Somehow he did not crush her. His powerful thighs squeezed just enough to pin her battered body down.

  Goddess help me! I can’t breathe! He’s going to suffocate me!

  Remorse flashed in Hugo’s eyes at the same time merciful shadow swamped Diamond’s thoughts. Cool and dark, it stole her conscious mind, willing her away from the pain in her body. She gladly let herself fall into the blackness, right before his punch landed on her jaw.


  The Queen narrowed her attention on Hugo. He could feel the heavy weight of it bowing his shoulders. Leaving Diamond inert and bleeding beside him, he changed position, bending onto one knee. This act was one of necessity, not respect. He could do nothing else. He was utterly drained.

  What have I done?

  Pain and remorse ripped at his heart. He clamped his teeth together so hard they hurt, bitter in the knowledge his reaction to this test had been what the Queen wanted to see. She had used his desperation to help Diamond against both of them. This despicable female had ordered him to guard her chambers this week in order to keep him and Diamond apart. The Queen had learned of the time Hugo had spent by Diamond’s side, but no punishment had been given, which had only served to increase Hugo’s anxiety. His only orders had been to conduct Diamond’s training via Tallo and Attion, and not return to the barracks. Hugo had, of course, requested daily reports about Diamond’s progress. Tallo and Attion had wanted to ask what was going on. Neither did, and Hugo had ignored both their silent questions and the pity in their eyes.

  It had not come as a surprise to learn the Queen had summoned Diamond this morning. And no matter how stupid he knew it to be, he could not stop his desperate need to protect her. The knowledge that Diamond was alone and facing the Queen had stolen his common sense. As soon as he had entered the training room, a savage urge to rip the Queen limb from limb had taken hold of Hugo. He would have destroyed everyone in that room if that wave of magic hadn’t knocked him off his feet. The force of it had shocked him from his protective rage.

  Beside him, Diamond gurgled and moaned.

  Once again he had failed her. Once again he had capitulated to the Queen to save Diamond from further pain. Head down, Hugo stared at the blood-covered floor, thankful beyond reason for the venom bond that had allowed him to sweep Diamond into unconsciousness before his fist had landed on her jaw.

  A wicked smile crossed the Queen’s perfect features as the noise of Diamond’s bubbling breaths filled the room. Hugo’s heart beat a rapid rhythm against his ribs. She was choking, drowning in her own blood.

  He needed to help her.

  To stop himself from reaching out, he gripped his own thighs until his nails broke the skin under his leggings.
  The Queen approached and placed a slim finger under his chin, raising his face. She looked into his eyes and smiled. Hugo knew he had condemned himself to her bite. It was only a question of when. Tenderly, she stroked a finger down the line of his scar. His teeth clenched at the contact, a wave of disgust rippling through him. His stomach tightened, but he hid his fear at that contact.

  “You have done well. Her body certainly has become a weapon. Maybe in more ways than one,” she mused in a purr of satisfaction. Icy green eyes glittered as she glanced at Tallo.

  The master-at-arms sagged with relief as the two daggers were pulled from his skin. Blood ran freely down his neck, adding to the metallic stench already filling Hugo’s nose. It was hard to prevent his sigh of relief at seeing his friend free.

  “I’m so pleased my master-at-arms will not die today. Although maybe that whore of a healer needs to. Her lover informed me she is working with the rebels. A pity he has disappeared. I should like to have spoken with him further about that group of betraying filth.” Contemplating Rose, the Queen addressed the quaking healer. “Oh, don’t worry, child. We will soon see how much—or how little—you know. Lord Commander Ream is going to have a little fun with you when we get back to the palace.”

  Rose cried out in terror as Ream grabbed her arm.

  Hugo kept his eyes on the cold green depths of the Queen’s, not daring to look at Rose even as his gut twisted in alarm.

  “Hugo, you will take my new weapon to the wall. I have released my hold on her magic. She will be able to summon more than just a spark now, and the further from the city she gets, the less influence the shield will have. Make her use her legacy. I want it to grow. She needs to stop the Wraith Lord, especially now that I have the necklace. Oh, and whilst you are away from my chambers, do not think to visit hers.” She laughed coldly. “Remember what happened to your last whore, Hugo. Spare her that fate. You are there to stop her losing control, that’s all.” Sharp fingernails curled around his jaw and dug into the sensitive scar tissue on his face. Hugo forced himself not to wince.


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