Legend of Love

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Legend of Love Page 11

by Kessler, Lisa

  She blinked back tears. Yeah, she didn’t want to go there.

  Trust was a tricky thing. You couldn’t just switch it on. It was earned.

  She stepped out of the building to find Hunter leaning against the back bumper of his SUV. He was in jeans, a distressed T-shirt that hugged his torso, and sunglasses. He took off the glasses as she approached, a crooked smile on his face.

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes,” he said.

  She grinned. “I could say the same for you.”

  He raised a brow but had the good sense not to mention her flirting instead of pushing him away.

  She was trying. Maybe he was, too.

  He opened the door for her and went around to the driver’s side. Before he started the engine, he glanced her way. “I have an appointment with Dr. Long on Monday.”

  That simple sentence crumbled her emotional defenses. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m glad.”

  He pulled out of the parking lot and headed for her place. Silence fell between them. Normally, Callie had no trouble getting people to open up, but she’d never met anyone like Hunter Armstrong before.

  She glanced over at him, memorizing every angle of his strong profile. “Did you see or…hear from any of the Order after I went back to work?”

  He nodded, keeping his gaze on the road. “I went with Nate to talk to Curtis today.”

  She blinked, but before she could say anything, he added, “Reed was off work, so he came over to keep an eye on your building.”

  She frowned. “You didn’t tell him, right?”

  Hunter turned onto her street and parked in her driveway before answering. “You probably didn’t notice it when we surfed with Reed this morning, but we have the same birthmark. It was the first thing that got us talking when we tried out for the surf team in high school.”

  She digested the information, frowning. “You’re sure?”

  He nodded. “His is on his ankle.”

  “So you think he’s a Guardian, too?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe? Probably? I don’t know. But he’s my closest friend and the only person I’d trust to keep you safe.” He paused and added, “Maybe Nate, too. I don’t know him well yet, but he seems like a good guy.”

  “You haven’t said anything to Reed about…us?”

  “You asked me not to, right?” Hunter pulled out the keys and glanced her way. “So no, I haven’t said anything.”

  She stared into his eyes. The gods couldn’t have chosen a better Guardian for her.

  He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Let’s get inside.”

  She unlocked the house and slipped in the door. Hunter secured the perimeter with trained precision while she reset the alarm. When he came back, he took her hand and walked her to the sofa. She couldn’t get over how natural being with him felt.

  “Curtis was shaken up to see the picture of the dead guy in the Kronos mask, by the way,” Hunter said. “He kept thinking about a guy named Ted. Nate’s chasing leads and thinks Belkin Oil is involved.” He stared at his hands. “Curtis loves my sister, though. I can tell. She also doesn’t know about the Order, and he wants to keep it that way.”

  The shadows in his eyes spoke more than the words on his lips. It didn’t take much effort to connect the dots. If Curtis threatened her safety, Hunter might be put in the position of hurting the man his sister loved. It sucked.

  She rested her hand on his thigh. “Curtis isn’t the enforcer, right? Maybe we can get information from him to stop all this.”

  Hunter nodded, but he didn’t seem convinced. “Nate’s working on it—”

  His words cut off, and before Callie realized what was happening, she was on the floor with Hunter shielding her with his body as glass shattered around them.


  Hunter’s pulse hammered in his ears. He’d barely gotten Callie out of the line of fire in time.

  He heard one stray thought seconds before the bullet shattered her window: I’ve got a clear shot. I’m taking it.

  Two more silent shots entered the room. One hit the sofa; the other exploded her television set. He kept Callie trapped underneath him until silence settled over the destruction.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered.

  She nodded against his chest.

  “Stay down.” He elbow-crawled across the shattered glass, toward the kitchen. Once he was hidden behind the cupboards, he crouched for a better view.

  Shit. Did I hit her? And what about the SEAL? If I didn’t get him, I can’t go in and check. I’ll wait. Reload and wait.

  Hunter cursed under his breath at the man’s thoughts. They were sitting ducks with the lights on, but if he turned them out, the assassin would have his answer. Hunter’s best chance of catching the bastard was waiting for him to come inside to inspect his work.

  But he couldn’t risk it. If the guy came in guns blazing, he didn’t have a weapon to defend them, and Callie’s trusty croquet mallet would be useless against bullets.

  He crawled back to the living room, the glass shards tearing the crap out of his arms. Callie rocked onto her forearms and knees.

  She’s not in shock. Good.

  He kept his voice hushed. “He’s still out there reloading. We need to get the hell out of dodge.”

  She nodded. “If we can reach the front door, I can hit the panic button on the alarm.”

  “Good idea.” He checked the distance to the door. “That might scare him off. Buy us some time to get away.” He glanced back at the window. “He’s got a rifle scope. Right after I heard his thoughts, there was a red dot on your hair.”

  “There weren’t any gunshots…”

  “He’s using a silencer.”

  Tactical plans were running through Hunter’s head. He needed a distraction. He scanned the room for anything that could be a dual-purpose shield and a way to pull the shooter’s focus. “I’m going to grab the coffee table and toss it toward the kitchen. Hopefully he’ll shoot that while we haul ass out the door to the car. The shots came through the kitchen window so he doesn’t have a clear view of the front door. If we can make it over there, we should be in the clear.”

  That fire was in her eyes again. She’d probably blame it on the muse inside her, but that wasn’t how he saw it. Callie O’Connor was a fighter, and she damned sure wasn’t going to curl up into a ball and wait for this asshole to hunt her down. She didn’t have Hunter’s training, but he recognized the indomitable spirit.

  He bumped her fist, encouraged to see her lips curve. Then he reached for the coffee table. “Ready?”

  She nodded.

  “Haul ass.” He chucked the table as hard as he could toward the kitchen and all hell broke loose.

  Glass and drywall erupted around her as silent bullets entered her home. Callie ran with tunnel vision to the front door. She smacked the panic button on the alarm as she passed it, powering her legs to the next target.

  The SUV.

  Hunter was behind her. The locks popped, and she dove inside. He was already starting the engine and peeling out before she had her seat belt fastened. She watched the side mirror for any sign that they were being followed.

  Gradually, Hunter eased up on the accelerator. “Are you okay?”

  Callie rested her head on the seat and nodded. “Just scrapes. Well, and I bit my tongue when you knocked me off the couch, but I’m all right.”

  He glanced her way. “Nice job on the panic button.”

  “You did all the heavy lifting. Although my coffee table is probably toast.”

  Hunter chuckled. “I’ll get you another one.”

  She grinned, shaking her head. “Nah. Small price to pay for saving my life.”

  “You’re not going to like my next suggestion,” he said.

  She tensed up. “You’re making me nervous.”

  “You need to take time off work until we stop these guys.”

  Callie shook her head. “My office is the only place they haven’t come afte
r me. Plus, they’d have to clear security just to get on the base.”

  “And for all we know, there are members of the Order who work on base. It’s too risky.”

  Callie sighed, trying to picture her office calendar. Tomorrow was Friday anyway, and she did have some vacation time. Wait. Tomorrow was Friday.

  “Oh God.”

  He frowned glancing her way. “What?”

  “Tomorrow we’re taking Mel to Disneyland for her bachelorette party.”

  He was already shaking his head. “Bad idea. Postpone it.”

  Callie stared out the window, weighing their options. Finally, she crossed her arms. “No. I won’t let these masked freaks scare me. We inspire people. We can’t do that if we’re hiding. Fear is what they want.”

  He parked in front of the hotel on base. “What they want, is you out of the picture. That was pretty clear tonight.”

  “They won’t even know where I am.”

  “So you think.”

  She sighed. “I’m not letting them ruin this. Nate will be there, too. He’s bringing Maggie and meeting us at Sleeping Beauty’s castle to surprise Mel.” The more she thought about the joy this weekend would bring, the more determined she became. “We’re not canceling. We’ll be in a public area with lots of people and a police detective.”

  “You’re their target, Callie. A crowded place like Disneyland would make it easy to make a grab and hustle you out of the park.”

  “I’ll be careful.” She took his hand, a smile curving her lips. “You could come, too. Like, as my bodyguard.”

  His gaze wandered over her face, and he shook his head. “This is going to come back to bite me in the ass.”

  “It’ll be fun. And you can meet the rest of my sisters.”

  He nodded slowly, but he still didn’t look happy. “And what do I tell them?”

  She sobered, not sure where the conversation was heading. “I already told them you’re my Guardian.”

  His eyes met hers. “But is that all I am?”

  A familiar fear coiled in her belly. Before she could answer, the dome light came to life. Hunter got out of the SUV. She sighed and followed him. They entered the hotel and waited for an elevator.

  Callie stood beside him, struggling to muster some righteous indignation. Anything to escape the sick feeling of regret for hurting him. The doors opened, and they stepped inside. Hunter pressed a button and resumed his stance, eyes on the doors.

  She groaned. “I get why you’re upset. I understand, and you have every right to be.”

  His gaze never moved, but a muscle in his jaw tensed. He was listening.

  The doors opened, and he exited without checking to see if she followed. When he got to his door, he slid the key card in and held it open for her. She went inside without bothering to look up at him. He wasn’t the only master of the silent treatment.

  The door closed behind her, and the safety latch engaged. She crossed to the window looking down at the parking lot below. He came to stand beside her, the heat of his body teasing her with his closeness until she ached to touch him.

  His voice was husky and raw. “It’s too late for you to protect me.”

  She blinked, focusing on the lights outside. “Last night was a mis—”

  Suddenly he had her in his arms, her body pressed tightly against his, stealing her voice. His lips were so close to kissing her that his breath became an intimate caress. “Stop it.”

  She lost herself in the intensity in his eyes. “Stop what?”

  “Stop trying to convince yourself that I’m better off without you.” He shook his head. “I’m not. I was empty inside until I walked into your office.”

  She started to reply, but he kissed her, silencing her until her heart thumped in her ears.

  “I’m a warrior, and I’ll defend you with my life,” he whispered against her mouth. “But I want to be more than your Guardian.”


  His tongue parted her lips. She moaned against him, her hands sliding up his chest and clasping around the back of his neck. His teeth dragged along her lower lip. “It’s too late to protect me, Callie. Too fucking late.”

  He scooped her up into his arms, a sob escaping her as he crushed his mouth to hers and carried her toward the bed. God, she wanted this, wanted him… But at what cost? She slid her hands under his shirt. His skin was already hot, his muscles tight. He got up on his knees, stripping off his T-shirt. The sight of his dog tags on his bare chest reminded her again of his sacrifices for others.

  His bloodied forearms rested on either side of her head as he held himself over her. He saved her life today, and he fed her soul riding the waves. Everything about this man called to her—not only to her, but to the muse, too. There were no guarantees what the future might hold, but right now…he was all that mattered.

  And she wanted him more than she’d ever desired anyone or anything.

  His gaze searched her face.

  She reached up to cup his cheek. “It’s too late for me, too.”

  A spark came alive in his eyes as he bent to kiss her again. Her fingers caressed his back and over the curve of his jeans. His hips pressed forward, his erection throbbing against her.

  She gasped between urgent kisses. “Need…you…now.”

  He got up, chest heaving as he stripped off his pants and shoes. She followed suit, getting her clothes off as quickly as possible. The hunger in his eyes was already seducing her. Her breasts were heavy, nipples taut, as heat pooled low in her abdomen. He straightened, naked, every part of him hard and chiseled.

  Crossing to her, he whispered, “You’re so damned beautiful.”

  She wet her lips as she ran her hands up the outside of his thighs. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

  “Good.” He bent his knees and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he slid deep inside her, growling against her shoulder. “You were made for me.” He gripped her ass and thrust up into her. “Mine.”

  Her nails dug into his shoulders as she kissed her way up his neck, tasting the salt of his skin. “You make me weak.”

  He turned and caught her lips, his tongue invading her mouth. She writhed against him, working into his thrusts. He growled against her lips, gasping. “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known.”

  Her smile stole his breath, and her kiss set his world on fire. She slid her hands into the back of his hair as he laid her down on the bed without separating their bodies. He stayed on his feet, standing at the edge of the mattress. He lifted her hips, enjoying the view of his body buried inside hers.

  Damn. So hot.

  He put her legs over his shoulders while he slowly ground his hips into her, and her gaze moved down his chest to where they joined. Knowing she was watching every inch of him disappear inside her had him throbbing, aching for release. He brought one hand down to her hip, splaying his fingers as he caressed her skin before sliding his finger between them until she shivered.

  Yeah. Right there.

  Her eyes drifted closed, her mouth open. He rubbed her faster in time with his thrusts, her breasts jarring each time their bodies slammed together.

  “Come for me, Callie.”

  She opened her eyes, her gaze locked on his as her inner muscles clamped onto him, milking him until he could barely stand it. He erupted deep inside her as she called his name. And for a second, the entire world vanished. They were the only people on Earth. He trembled with the force and intensity of their orgasm.

  He stood, frozen over her for a long moment before he slid her legs off his shoulders and joined her on the bed. She rolled over and snuggled against his chest. Damn, he never wanted to move.

  She lifted her head, her voice a spent whisper. “I need to get under the covers, but I’m too exhausted to bother.”

  He chuckled. “Spent is a good look on you.” Forcing his limbs into action, he got up, taking her with him.

  Callie laughed. “I didn’t mean for
you to carry me.”

  “Please, you weigh half of what my pack does, and I swim with that damned thing.” He yanked the covers back with his other hand, then laid her down. He climbed in with her, sliding his arm around her to keep her close. “Better?”

  She nodded. “We should get you to the medic. You need some first aid for those cuts on your arms.”

  “Scratches.” He traced his lips along her shoulder. “I’m fine.”

  She lifted her head with a playful smile he’d never seen before. “Were you always so tough, or did they teach you that in Navy SEAL school?”

  “It’s called training, not school.” He kissed her chin. “And I’m tough when I need to be.”

  She rested against his chest again. “Why did you become a SEAL? Why risk your life for a living?”

  He ran his thumb along the soft skin of her back. “I didn’t plan on being a SEAL.” He swallowed, an unexpected lump in his throat. “I wanted to open my own surf shop.”

  Her lips caressed the spot right over his heart. “So why the detour?”

  He fought the knee-jerk reaction to change the subject. “My dad had a car accident. He’d been drinking, and my sister was trapped in the car.”

  She must’ve noticed the way his body tensed because she shifted to lay on her side, her dark hair framing her face as she stared down at him. “I’m sorry.”

  “We didn’t know if she’d ever walk again.” He looked up at the ceiling. “My dad couldn’t handle it, I guess. He and my mom started fighting. He kept drinking. And she kicked him out.”

  Callie’s hand moved up his chest, covering his dog tags. “How old were you?”

  “I was a senior in high school when my dad left for good. My sister needed lots of help, and my mom could barely keep a roof over our heads.”

  “So you enlisted…”

  He nodded. God, he could remember it like it happened yesterday. “It was the only way I could think of that my mom wouldn’t have to pay to feed and clothe me, and I could send her money to help.”

  He rolled onto his side, facing her. “But during boot camp, they found out I was a strong swimmer.” He ran a finger down the side of her face. “And I heard I could make a difference. So as soon as the opportunity came up, I started training. Toughest thing I’ve ever done.”


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