Stealing Grace

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Stealing Grace Page 2

by Shelby Fallon

  All the girls were lined up on the wall and she was shoved over in the corner with them. They threw a white powder on their skin that burned. They instructed the girls to rub it into their skin and hair. Once they had done that they sprayed them all down with water hoses.

  The water was freezing and made the burning powder run into their eyes and mouth as they gasped from the cold. Some of the girls were crying loudly. Some whimpering. Some quiet and numb. Elena wasn’t sure what category she wanted to fit into but she stayed quiet.

  They pulled them to the next room through a connected door and told them to stand in front of three industrial size fans. They turned them on and blasted freezing cold air on the already cold girls to dry them quickly.

  The men slapped at them and pushed them apart when the girls tried to huddle for warmth. It mostly dried their bodies and hair but their underwear were still wet.

  They marched them to the other end of the warehouse. Past rooms with tool and lace curtains, some were just plain white sheets tacked to the doorways. They heard the noises. Some were agonizing screams, some deep moans and grunts, some yelling and cursing, some were all of them blended together as the girls passed the rooms. So many rooms. There were so many rooms with drawn curtains and awful noises coming from them.

  Some of the girls were standing outside their rooms, waiting, wearing torn negligees and robes. Their makeup was way over the top and smeared. Some looked beaten, some looked scared. Most of them were American but not all. Some stray men were wandering the halls too, most wearing business suits and loose ties, eyeing them like they were next on their agenda.

  Elena knew exactly what was going on behind those curtains. Oh, God, No! We’re being sold as sex slaves! I’m a virgin! I can’t. I can’t! She felt bile coming into her throat and knew she was going to be sick. She passed a trash can in the hall and was sick over and over in it as she felt her stomach heave violently causing hot tears to prick in her eyes. One of the men stayed behind with her and told the others to keep going.

  He told her gruffly to hurry up. She tried but how did you hurry up vomiting? He pressed his groin against her rear and pulled her hair back, licking her cheek, and told her if she didn’t hurry up, he’d take her to a room and make use of her right then and there. That got Elena up and going. She practically sprinted down the hall to catch up with the others.

  They pushed the girls into a room with nothing in it. Elena could still hear the beat of the music from the hall they’d just come through. There was a stack of clothes in the corner placed on an old dresser drawer, the only furniture in the room. They were instructed to find something closest to their size and put it on.

  After the strange men were gone she heard one of the women say “Why did they have us strip? Why give us more clothes to put on us again?”

  Elena wondered that herself.

  She was eager to get clothes on before they came back and found a pair of jeans and tank top with flip flops, and from the look of the other girls that must’ve been standard issue. Elena couldn’t think. She couldn’t pay attention. She couldn’t cry. She couldn’t speak. She could barely breathe, waiting for something to happen. Her skin itched and burned but wasn’t red or splotchy and Elena thought that was weird.

  * * *

  After a while a few more girls were brought in and told to get dressed as well. The men had been in and out several times. Looking them up and down. Not sexually, but like they were a car they were inspecting. Writing down things on pads of paper and checking their teeth.

  Most of the men looked tan, foreign, a couple scruffy Americans also. None of them said names or said much of anything to the women. The one woman who did ask what was going on was slapped in front of them without a moment’s hesitation - an example to the rest - so the women were so scared. They didn’t speak another word.

  They were baffled as to what could be going on. Apparently they’d all been warned as Elena had in the van. ‘Don’t move, don’t scream, don’t try anything and you might live to see daylight’.

  * * *

  That first night passed slowly. The men hadn’t fed them or given them anything to drink. The women had slept on the concrete floor, the little bit they could sleep. Staying close to each other, trying to find comfort in anything they could, like somehow huddling together would keep them alive and safe. Most were too scared to sleep.

  There was a disgusting toilet in a little closet sized room with no door, sink or faucet. No windows in there either, nothing. Elena’s thoughts ran wild as to what could be the cause for this. She wasn’t anything special. She was a nobody with nobody. Or could that be the reason?

  She had no family. She wasn’t important so no one would miss her. People quit the concert hall all the time with no notice. They wouldn’t think anything of it, especially since she picked up her paycheck last night.

  The next day was much of the same. Not fed, not given anything to drink until that afternoon when they placed a big bowl of water in the room with no cups. They also gave them a plate of plain sandwich bread slices, like they were feeding dogs. The girls were all so hungry that they rushed it and chomped it down like it was the best thing they’d ever tasted.

  They took turns with the huge bowl of water and all got a few gulps in. Immediately, Elena knew something was wrong. Her vision started to blur, her tongue felt fat and she couldn’t stand up. The other girls started to act weird too. They lay in a haze for the rest of the day, not able to move or do anything. Just lay there, thinking and worrying in a fog of confusion and nausea.

  That was it, nothing else for the rest of the day and night and no one spoke to them.

  That night, a few of the girls were grabbed while they were sleeping. All of the girls had passed out from sheer exhaustion and hunger. They woke up in the commotion and watched as three girls were dragged away. They were brought back an hour or so later. Disheveled and dirty.

  They ran to the corners and cried and sobbed clutching their shirts, which were pulled up or off and in their arms, and their hair. Someone finally got out of one of them that they’d been raped by the men keeping them here.

  That brought another round of hysteria from the rest of them and eventually someone came in and told them all to shut up or they’d get worse.

  Elena couldn’t stop herself. She scooted over and hugged the girl close to her who’d been taken. She had a bloodied nose but otherwise wasn’t injured, well on her face anyway. She chanted over and over again that she had been a virgin. How could they do this to her? She was saving herself, it hurt, it hurt so badly, they wouldn’t stop.

  Elena eventually shh’ed her and ran her hand down her hair to make her be quiet. She couldn’t listen to it anymore. The pain in her voice was choking her up and she couldn’t handle it. She rocked the girl until she fell asleep. She had to be no more than seventeen years old. She couldn’t think about the things they had done to those girls.

  The next morning, Elena woke to devastating hunger pains, cotton mouth and a headache that stretched for miles. It’d been two days since she’d really eaten or drank anything. The girl from last night was laying on her, using her stomach as a pillow.

  The men came back and got the same girls they’d taken last night and pulled them away screaming again. They didn’t see them again for the rest of the morning.

  The biggest man she’d seen so far, whom she took to be the leader, came in and stopped in front of them. His 7/11 t-shirt had a hole ripped on the front pocket. His jeans were dirty and stained as were his scuffed boots. This must be the boss, Elena assumed, since he seemed to be the one throwing around all the orders, English and Spanish and who knew what else.

  “Alright, ladies, up, up. I want you all to stand against the wall with your backs. Some gentleman are gonna come and take a look at you. Just be quiet and still, don’t try anything funny. And smile why don’t you? You never know who you might meet.” He was smiling condescendingly as he spoke and laughed as he walked out.

>   What was he talking about? Who would we be meeting? Why were men coming to look at us? Then Elena glanced around the room. All the girls were petite, no wedding band lines on their fingers, all seemed to be pretty enough under the circumstances. They’d gotten rid of the older ones and the ones that didn’t meet standards. Elena didn’t see herself as pretty but didn’t think she was hideous either.

  Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. The answer she had been searching for since she was abducted from the bus stop. All these things combined and she’d bet anything she knew the answer. They are selling us. Human trafficking? Really? Seriously? Is this happening to me right now? Now it all made sense.

  She couldn’t think, couldn’t process. She felt she might faint, then a new face stepped in to the room. This was one of them. He was choosing his prize now. It’d started already and Elena struggled to keep a grip. She hadn’t had time to prepare yet. He was eyeing all their bodies but looking none of them in the eyes.

  “Her,” he finally said after what seemed like an eternity.

  The clean shaved fairly handsome dark haired man pointed to the brunette on the end. I wanted to cry for her, the look of terror on her face. Was Elena the only one who had understood what was going on here? Or did they all realize but knew there was nothing that could be done? Did it even matter?

  * * *

  Elena wanted to just shut down, turn off the switch, stop thinking, stop breathing. In a moment the brunette was pulled away with tear filled eyes. She didn’t make a sound though. Her face almost looked numb. Good for you. Don’t let them enjoy your pain.

  Elena made the same promise to herself. And she’d have to test it quicker than she thought she would as the next man in the room who barely glanced over the girls was pointing his tan finger at her.

  Elena swallowed hard and glanced at the other girls’ wide eyes as she made her way out the door to her new life, whatever it may be.

  Chapter 2

  Apparently all the transactions had been taken care of because the man took Elena straight to his truck parked outside, under a large canopy or carport. The man opened the door for her and she climbed in and sat on the cold leather. No point in fighting now. She was tried, hungry and she knew no one would care if she was gone or not.

  The man got in and she could see the high barbed fenced yard before the highway. He reached over towards her and she flinched back. He gently pulled her closer to him by her arm and placed a necktie around her eyes as a blindfold, then started the truck. They said nothing as he drove.

  There was complete silence except for the radio. She didn’t even know his name. Not a word was spoken to her from any of the men as she was pulled away from building either. They didn’t even look at them. He just collected me up as his purchase and left like it was no big deal.

  They drove for a long time, but Elena had no concept of it. Then he pulled the blindfold off her, still saying nothing. They had crossed the border as she had assumed, and from the looks of things were staying there. All these years, living a couple miles away and Elena had never made her way across the border.

  She wished she had now. Maybe she could figure out where she was and escape somehow.

  * * *

  Alex was apprehensive. He was surprised she couldn’t hear his heartbeat over there in the next seat. He took no joy in choosing one woman out of however many there had been. It didn’t matter to him. He just pointed and took her. Now she was his. He wondered what in the world he was going to do with her now.

  * * *

  A long while later as they pulled in a bumpy driveway fairly hidden by bushes, Elena noticed the house at the end. It was small but pleasing to the eye; green with white trim and shutters. Lots of hedges, bushes and trees adorned the yard and driveway and a wrap around porch in front.

  Why does this guy need to buy a woman when he lives in a place like this? He’s good looking. He must be terrible or mean, awful. Women are afraid of him. Maybe he’s crazy. Maybe he’s violent. Maybe this is some religious cult and I’ll be forced to have 15 babies. She let her thoughts go as the truck pulled to stop just short of the open garage.

  He got out and came to her door. He paused. Elena wondered what in the world he could be thinking right now. Is he embarrassed? She couldn’t see his face and didn’t want to turn and look at him. Maybe he’s having second thoughts or regrets? Maybe not. The door opened slowly and he reached out his hand for her to take. The truck was ginormous and she kind of did need his help to not fall on her butt but so didn’t want it.

  She took it reluctantly, wrinkling her nose as he helped her out, then he let go as soon as she was down and stable. He motioned for her to walk up the steps to the porch in front of him and inside the house.

  Once inside, Elena looked around the room and saw that it was nothing spectacular but nice enough. Then it hit her. What am I thinking? Nice enough? Nice enough for what? Am I actually considering going along with this? I’ve got to figure a way out of here. All those girls, all gone to God knows where and who knows what is being done to them.

  She wanted to throw herself on the floor and cry. Scream. Shout. Fight. She didn’t want this. Surely there could be something done; call the police or something. But if it was that easy then why would these men risk it? Can’t I go back to my pathetic life at the concert hall? I wouldn’t tell anybody, just let me go! Do I have a choice?

  He shut and padlocked the door behind him, putting the key in his front pocket. Standing there, looking at her, he reached for the light switch beside her. She flinched and turned her head as if he were going to hit her. He saw and finally spoke. She refused to look at him.

  “My name’s Alex,” his told her, his voice was so deep and smooth, not a hint of anything but certainty. “I know you’re scared right now but you don’t have to be. I’m not going to hurt you. Your name is Elena?” he asked not waiting for the answer. “I like that name. It’s very...pretty.” He paused, then started again. “Alright, it’s almost supper time. Are you hungry? When’s the last time you ate something?”

  Elena paused, debating whether to answer or just continue to stare past him.

  “Two days ago, at lunch,” she answered, surprised with her dry throat and raspy voice. “They didn’t give us any water either,” she added dryly not believing she’d even mustered up the gall to speak at all.

  “I’m really sorry about that. Here.” He went to the kitchen and brought back a glass. “Have a glass of water and grab a banana or something.” He pulled a banana from the bunch on the table beside him and gave it to her. She hated to show him weakness but she was starving so she gulped the water and scarfed the banana down as lady-like as she could. He continued to talk as he watched her. “You can take a shower and freshen up. There are a couple things on the bed for you to wear, last room on the right down the hall. I’ve got some calls to make and things like that so you can fix some supper if you like when you’re done and we can get better acquainted. Sound good?” he sounded so at ease, it made her sick to her stomach.

  So smug and yet his face was so endearing like he really meant it. She hated the waiting for the unknown. Having no idea what was in store for her later she had no choice but to follow his instructions.

  So she headed off to the bathroom without a word, feeling his eyes on her back the whole way.

  * * *

  The reflection in the mirror was just as much a saboteur as the man in the other room. Elena’s normally tame dark blonde hair was beyond disheveled and dirty looking, her face still red on her cheeks from the scratchy bag that had been over her head and laying on the hard floor. Her green eyes were red and itchy and tired looking, the bags underneath not helping.

  She realized something with a sickening jolt in her gut. She had nothing, absolutely nothing. They had taken all her things including clothes and jewelry, so the women would have nothing of home with them.

  Elena stared at herself for a long time before starting the shower, wading in hopelessness. I
need to get out of here. Could she survive this? Would she survive this? She remembered being burned on her arm by her uncles lit cigarettes while her mother watched, doing nothing, when she was thirteen. But this wouldn’t be the same. This would be the epitome of torture, she thought.

  The unknown was brutal.

  She didn’t stay in the shower too long for fear of upsetting the mysterious man in the other room, waiting for her. She wanted to stay and not come out, ever. The water was so hot it scalded her skin, trying to wash away the dirtiness she felt. She wanted to just stay and not find out what she was so dreading.

  Clothes were on the bed as he’d said. How did he know my size? Do they have specifications or prerequisites? Guidelines? Oh wait... He didn’t know her size at all. The jeans were two sizes too big and so was the shirt. She made do with his belt hanging on the door knob and tucked her shirt in. Deep breath...everything happens for a reason, Elena. Deep breath...

  As she stepped out of the bedroom she felt like she would be sick again, but she breathed and sauntered toward the kitchen past Alex in the chair without making eye contact nor saying a word.

  Stopping at the door frame she asked without turning around what he wanted for supper. He said to ‘surprise him’ so she stepped forward and took in the big white kitchen.

  It was beautiful. Everything a kitchen should be. She instantly despised it. Peering into the refrigerator she saw chicken legs and fresh broccoli spears. Weird food for a bachelor. She pulled it out and began to make her grandmas’ fried chicken recipe. The secret was extra pepper and lemon juice, then battered and deep fried.


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