Stealing Grace

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Stealing Grace Page 5

by Shelby Fallon

  “I wasn’t trying to make you feel worse. I just wanted to know and as strange as it seems I feel like I could do good here. Maybe be some kind of encouragement for the other girls or something. I’ve had a lot of experience with weird in my life. Just don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Everything happens for a reason...” She trailed off always feeling like she had said too much or something she shouldn’t have.

  He turned his hand over and clasped her fingers in his.

  “I believe that you could do that, Elena,” he said softly. “I just want you to be happy and comfortable. Tell me anything you need or want that would make you that way and I’ll do whatever I can to do it for you.”

  His thumb rubbed across the inside of her wrist once, her breath caught at the zing of pleasure in it and she felt a blush creep across her face and neck. How can I feel like that? Oh. He must think I’m nuts. He saw her reaction and watched her even more closely. He did it again, letting his thumb graze across her skin and Elena cleared her throat and pulled away, pretending to shuffle papers to cover her confusion and furious blushing.

  * * *

  Alex was terribly confused. Elena looked struck by his a good way. But how could that be? He’d kidnapped her, well not him but it might as well have been. He never imagined she might develop feelings for him, never. He always assumed this was a cause to help someone and he’d live with the consequences. That being a long lonely life with a woman who hated his guts for doing this to her.

  But maybe...No. Elena didn’t feel that way, she was just adjusting, like him, just being nice. She was a sweet beautiful girl that he never expected to live with let alone start to feel something for and he would stop trying to provoke a response of out her.

  * * *

  Alex had to run next door to pick up some papers for a client and left her there alone. He would only be gone a few minutes and be right outside but he must have trusted her a little, not like anyone would ever dream of running through the middle of town.

  Mr. Barnes, as he had informed her, came in while Alex was out to pick up some documents for his bank. He wasn’t happy that Elena was left alone so soon after her arrival there and also the fact that she wouldn’t give him his papers without Alex’s approval.

  Alex came in just in time to see Mr. Barnes grabbing Elena’s arms, pulling her from the chair and yelling in her face.

  “Give me those papers, girl.”

  Déjà vu.

  Alex ran over and pulled her from the man’s grasp, placing her aside carefully. Then he grabbed Barnes arm and pulled him outside. After a few minutes of him explaining to Mr. Barnes that he didn’t appreciate the discipline of his wife and that Elena was not allowed to give out anything without him being there because he didn’t notarize until right before he placed it in the persons hand, it was just good business, Mr. Barnes settled and huffed away with a later appointment time from Alex.

  When Alex came back in Elena could see the shameful look on his face. He couldn’t protect her like he wanted to.

  “I’m so sorry, Elena,” he said gruffly.

  He came to stand flush in front of her and took her arm so carefully, turning it over and around checking for bruising. He was so close and she felt something strange for him and his kindness; a warmth spreading over her skin. Jeez, Elena! You’ve got some kinda damsel-in-distress syndrome. Just cool off!

  Her breathing had accelerated unwontedly. He could tell and his face was confused as he looked at her, studying her. He cocked his head slightly to the side trying to figure out what had changed about her. Why the sudden reaction to him? She bit her lower lip trying to look more casual but it didn’t help. Now he was breathing faster too and searching her face with his gaze. What am I doing?

  Closer, closer he leaned in.

  Still both confused about this whole thing and yet not wanting to stop. He dropped her arm and took her face in both his hands, careful of her bruised cheek, slowly. She was leaning against the desk and he was still standing in front of her.

  He moved forward the last few inches and let his lips touch hers, barely brushing them so slowly and softly, not sure if he should go on. Elena answered that with her own slow cautious advance, her hands resting on his chest. He pushed their lips together again and she bunched his shirt in her fist and felt shocked at her own boldness.

  That encouraged him and he took her lips with more force, his body moving to press against hers. They kissed for just a moment and then the phone rang on the desk behind them, startling them both to pull apart, but he was still holding her. It rang again. He sighed, released her reluctantly and answered the phone after walking around the desk away from her.

  “Mr. Peters. Sure come on over and I’ll get them ready for you.”

  * * *

  That night another husband and innocent wife came over for dinner. Alex had told her they do this regularly when the new wives arrive, checking up on each other for the first few months. You were supposed to have her under control by then. Next week they would have to go to Howard and Pam’s as it was their turn.

  It was the same scenario. Elena had learned her lesson about not asking before doing something around the monsters and she always gave the same advice to the girls.

  “Just be his wife, pretend, find a happy place, be a good wife.”

  Hopefully it would help and make their lives easier somehow.

  Howard was not nice by any stretch of the imagination. He berated his wife and laughed about her and at her. He made fun of Elena’s cooking more than once and of Alex for letting her get away with it. Everything tasted fine to her and Alex reassured her that it was fine, to which, Howard laughed harder and louder and told Alex to grow a certain pair of round objects that males often referred to when talking about gumption.

  Alex had waived him off and asked for desert. Him and Howard watched some football while the girls cleaned the kitchen and then stood around in the there, waiting for the men to be done. Elena personally didn’t want to sit in there with Howard and didn’t think Pam did either.

  So they stood in the kitchen, finishing off the last chunk of cobbler together at the counter. Elena asked her questions but Pam seemed embarrassed to talk about anything. Elena knew Howard belittled her so, maybe she was self conscious.

  After the guests were gone, it was approaching bedtime and Elena wondered more about the sleeping arrangements. They were married after all. She had seen the marriage certificate. It wasn’t fair to make Alex sleep on the couch every night. It had been a month. He was a gentleman and she believed he would do anything she didn’t want to. In fact, he had told her just that.

  Elena didn’t know how to exactly bring that up gracefully, especially after that kiss... They hadn’t spoken of it or brought up the kiss in any way. He hadn’t touched her either or gotten near her really. She wondered about it and knew for a fact he had too. Whether he was thinking it was good or bad was left to be seen.

  Alex was sitting in his chair reading so she grabbed a glass of tea and brought it to him and tried to make small talk instead. He said thanks but looked up at her a little awestruck by her gesture. She realized she’d been only doing things that she knew needed done or that he asked her to do. She had never just done something nice for him before this, for no reason.

  “Is there anything you particularly like to eat that you want me to start making?”

  “Uh...not really. You’re a really good cook. I’m fine with whatever you want to make. I wasn’t exactly allowed to be picky growing up so, I’m not picky now.”

  She nodded and then went on.

  “OK...well if you think of anything, just let me know. I’m basically just making my grandma’s old recipes so...”

  “Your grandma likes to cook?”

  “Yeah, you could say that. I do too. I used to cook with her all the time, when she was alive.”

  “I’m sorry about that, but I guess it’s good you like to cook. I don’t like taxes, so being the tax man kinda g
ets old.” He smiled and chuckled a little but she could tell he meant it.

  “I know how that is. I never really found a job I absolutely loved either.”

  “Well, you’re a good housewife.”

  “Thanks,” she said thoughtfully.

  He sighed and closed his book, frowning.

  “I didn’t mean it like that...I just...”

  “I know, its fine. At least I do like those things. You’re right.”

  He continued to stare at her, guilt on his face. Guilt over feeling like he was making her do something she didn’t want to, even though neither had much of a choice at this point.

  Elena stood up, looking down and walked to the kitchen to get a snack. There was a jar of green olives in the fridge and she couldn’t resist them nor the exit she needed from Alex’s guilty expression. Also, sweet Alex had heard her say something about Diet Cherry Coke and had picked her up a case. He was trying to make her as comfortable as prying eyes would allow.

  She grabbed the cold can and jar from the fridge and bumped into him as she turned around, spilling olive juice down his shirt. How does he do that? He’s like some

  “Sorry,” they both muttered in unison, feeling awkward as their faces almost bumped into the others.

  As she ran to the sink to grab a towel and try to clean him up, he was already unbuttoning his shirt to remove it as he spoke.

  “Elena, look, I’m sorry. I feel like I’m making you...I want you to be happy here but I’m still trying to stay under their radar, ya know? Is there anything you want or need? Something I can get for you?” Alex said fumbling.

  “Well,” she started as she wiped at his shirt, ”you already got my favorite thing,” she said motioning to the can, smiling shyly. “It’s ok, Alex, I know you’re trying. I’m fine, really. I’m a simple girl.”

  Alex threw his shirt towards the laundry room door at the end of the hall while she wiped the spill on the floor.

  There were things she could think of that she wanted and missed but didn’t want to give him a list to add to his guilt. Plus she was trying to concentrate on the spill but Alex’s shirt being off was offering her more than a little distraction.

  “Well if you think of anything-”

  “I will let you know,” Elena finished his sentence just as she reached for the jar of olives with her wet fingers and it slipped from her grasp and shattered to the floor at their feet.

  They both quickly bent down and bumped heads for real this time. Elena plopped back on the floor leaning on the cabinets. Wow. That hurt. Alex rubbed his own head but quickly was beside her to inspect.

  “Are you ok? I’m not being a very good husband today.” They chuckled at his joke. “First I insult you then I injure you,” he said as he felt her head for an injury.

  “No worries,” she said lightly.

  She looked up at him and wondered why she was so clumsy and fragile feeling around him. She shook her head and began to stand up. He grabbed her arm to stabilize her.

  Once they were both standing, Elena thanked him while apologizing for dropping the olives in the same sentence as she tip toed around the broken glass to get the dust pan. He grabbed a towel to dry up the vinegar.

  Once everything was cleaned she decided it was definitely time to walk away before she could do any more damage.

  “I’m gonna...go to bed I think,” Elena said turning in embarrassment, still holding her soda can. “Sorry, again.”

  Elena decided a shower before bed would be best to wash off sprinkles of olive juice. She needed to clear her head. She was being silly, she thought, dropping things, stubbing toes, bumping heads, spilling. She had never been clumsy and didn’t understand exactly what was going on with her usually concentrative body.

  She also didn’t understand why she couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. She thought that he must have been just trying to comfort her and then got sucked into it by her obvious attraction to him being so close to her. She remembered her heavy breaths. Ugh... So Embarrassing. I wonder what he must think of me, a bumbling idiot. Why she cared, even now, what he thought was still beyond her.

  She turned to the radio on the bathroom shelf and turned it to whatever station came in first. Rap...uh no. The next station was eighties rock and she smiled slightly. There was always an eighties station anywhere you went.

  She took a slow hot bath, thinking he would probably be asleep on the couch when she was done. She brushed her teeth and hair, leaving it down this time and pulled it around the side of her neck. She wrapped the towel around herself, under her arms, and opened the door into the hall...running right into Alex. Are you kidding me?

  “Oh! Jeez, I’m so sorry.” She had almost rammed him into the wall and he grabbed onto her arms to keep them both from falling over. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight. I’m usually this.” She squeezed her eyes shut for just a second. “Jeez,” she sighed.

  She was biting her lip in aggravation with herself. Once again they were entirely too close and his hands were still on her arms.

  “It’s alright. Are you ok? You seem extra agitated.”

  “I just don’t know why I can’t seem to... never mind. I’m really sorry I keep bothering you. Jeez,” she repeated agitated.

  “Jeez?” he said chuckling. “I never heard anyone say ‘jeez’ except my mother.”

  She wrinkled her nose.

  “Sorry. I hung out with my grandma a lot.”

  “Don’t apologize, it’s cute. Like, I reminds me of my mom,” he said endearingly and smiled.

  Her heart did weird things behind her ribs. She’d never been so affected by a man before, never. Even Chuck had never made her feel like this. She wanted to get closer but also run. She wanted to kiss him again but also slap herself for even thinking it. She was going insane, she thought. This man is making me insane. He probably thought she was, too.

  She tried to laugh it off, ducking her head and tucking her hair behind her ear but he was still holding her arm and she could feel her breathing start to quicken again as she glanced up into his kind bright eyes.

  Once again they stood, looking at each other, feeling something electric but soon Elena remembered she was in her towel and laughed uncomfortably as she gently pulled away and said sorry one more time before heading into the bedroom and closing the door.

  The next day was a quiet sweet rainy day. They didn’t converse much, as usual, but just spent the day reading and relaxing in each others company.

  Alex thought it felt nice to be able to have someone to share his secret with and pleasantly surprised that Elena was so agreeable, not to mention very attractive and thoughtful.

  Elena was struggling with why she couldn’t control her heartbeats let alone her breathing whenever Alex got within two feet of her. She felt like she was in high school. Well, she never really had many crushes in high school but this is what she imagined it would have felt like.

  She had plenty of time to think and ponder on things today. Alex was good about not trying to fill silence with unnecessary noise and chatter. She wondered what home school must have been like for him. She wondered how his mother had lasted this long in this life. Especially with a husband described as horrible as Alex had.

  She wondered what her life would look like in five years. She wondered what her family was doing right now and if they would ever care that she would never return. She wondered what she would fix for supper.

  * * *

  When it was time for bed she decided she wouldn’t wait any longer for that ever so embarrassing subject she had been avoiding.

  She approached him while he sat in his easy chair and folded her arms behind her back.

  “Alex, I don’t think its fair to you to be stuck on the couch anymore. It’s fine if you want to sleep in your own bed,” she said not sure how he would respond.

  “I’m not gonna make you sleep on the couch, Elena,” he said amused.

  “I didn’t mea
n that, I...” she trailed off regretting even bringing it up now but is was too late.

  Alex had caught on.

  “Oh.” He cleared his throat. “Elena, don’t...don’t do anything you don’t want to, ok, I’m fine out here, really.”

  “I want to or I wouldn’t have offered. I mean, we are married. It’s fine. Look, whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m gonna hit the sack. I’m tired. Come if you want to,” Elena said as she walked in to the bedroom leaving Alex to his thoughts.

  * * *

  Alex wasn’t sure what to do. He hadn’t imagined actually being attracted to whoever his wife was going to be. More than that, he was actually falling for this women. He hadn’t expected that either.

  She was right about one thing, they were married. It had been a month. It would be perfectly suitable for them to sleep in the same bed and the couch was taking a toll on his shoulder. Alex assured himself that would be all, sleep, nothing to worry about, and then he headed down the hall.

  Chapter 4

  After Alex took a quick shower and brushed his teeth, he debated combing his hair, then decided against it. What was he so worried about? He wasn’t trying to impress her, was he?

  He turned off the light and walked down the hall to the cracked door at the end. He opened it slowly to see her laying there, hair pulled down from her ponytail, it laying across the pillow and her neck. He thought she was beautiful right then. The most beautiful and peaceful she’d been since she got there.

  He climbed in next to her, turning himself so as not to face her and fell asleep quickly after murmuring a good night.

  The next night was a different story all together.

  * * *

  After lunch the next day she was bringing a load of clothes out from the laundry room. There was an old wobbly step leading into the kitchen and she missed it, not seeing it over her basket. She tripped and split her knee on the rough wooden step.


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