Stealing Grace

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Stealing Grace Page 17

by Shelby Fallon

  “Yep. Hey, be careful, the roads are awfully icy out there, with it being so cold and rainy tonight. Lot of wrecks coming over the wire.” He waved. “We’ll see ya.”

  Alex sped but Roger and Amy said nothing, understanding. He was quiet on the drive, saving his questions for later. There was nothing that mattered more than getting to Elena right now. He wondered what in the world could have happened to make her not come home. The thought that maybe she left with his mother crossed his mind and went right back out. No way. Not after the fits she pitched when he brought up that she could leave.

  Something was wrong.

  He sped up thinking about what the guard had said about it being icy with lots of wrecks. He tried not to think about his truck mangled off in the ditch somewhere with precious cargo inside.

  What if he got to the bus station and Elena wasn’t there? What if someone took her? What if the community found out? What if his mother had used her, to trick her at his fathers’ request?

  When he rounded the corner he saw the truck parked in the back of the dark lot. He screeched the truck to a stop skidding a little on the ice that he could see on the asphalt in the dim headlights.

  * * *

  Elena could see lights, waking her from her shivery stupor. When she tried to move she was stiff from being so cold and she felt fuzzy and drugged. He heart was beating so slow and sluggish.

  Someone was beating on the window, startling her. She was frightened, trying to decide if it was the cops or something worse. She managed to sit up and wipe a circle in the fog off enough to see Alex’s worried face looking back at her through the drivers’ side window. She reached for the handle and it flew open. Alex engulfed her in his arms.

  “El! Oh, baby, thank God you’re ok. What were you thinking?” he scolded, relieved.

  “I’m s-sorry, Alex, the tire, phone b-broken, I dropped the keys. I’m s-sorry,” Elena breathed, her throat feeling chaffed and constricted.

  He blew out a breath of relief from her speaking and kissed her freezing forehead. That was one thing he was worried about; her being awake and coherent.

  “If anything had happened to you, what would I do without you, huh?”

  “She made it Alex, s-she’s gone,” she breathed out.

  In all the commotion he had almost forgotten.

  “I know, I know. I can’t believe it. Elena, what you did for her-”

  “Don’t, d-don’t, Alex. We are in this t-together.” Elena was barely able to speak from shivering and her lips were an extreme shade of blue.

  Alex yanked her from the truck and carried her, sliding her in the backseat of Roger’s, jumping in behind her and cranking the heat. He took off her wet jacket and pulled her close into his chest, wrapping his own jacket around her. Roger began changing the flat as quick as he could.

  “Is she ok?” Amy asked, peeking from the front seat.

  “Not sure yet. I think she’s warming up now.”

  After a few minutes, she was beginning to be more animated, he even heard her murmur ‘so warm’ and move around, fidgeting in her sleep, she had all but passed out against Alex’s body after just a minute. The moving and murmuring had to be a good sign though, he thought.

  Roger was finished with the tire now and came to the window.


  “She said she dropped them.”

  “Ok, I got it.” Roger pulled a flashlight from the glove compartment and ran swiftly around the lot. Alex heard him yell that he had found them about ten minutes later. He then was cranking Alex’s truck. Amy ran up to the window.

  “I’ll drive this and Roger will drive your truck so you don’t have to move, ok. Why don’t you give me her cap and I’ll throw it on. Maybe that’ll help with the guard.”

  He did and was grateful now that Roger had insisted they come along.

  * * *

  Elena never woke, not even when he removed her limp body from the truck, carrying her inside. Miraculously, they had made it past the guards again with no incident.

  He thanked Roger and Amy quickly as he moved to the bedroom. They left knowing he needed to be with her and get her taken care of. They would talk tomorrow.

  Alex took off her wet clothes and then his and lay in the bed next to her freezing body under the covers trying to warm her up as fast as possible. Her skin was so cold that soon Alex was shivering himself.

  She still never woke during the night and Alex was getting more and more worried. Eventually he drifted off for a while but not for long. He fought his eyelids, hoping and praying that all would be ok in the morning.

  Alex woke up frequently checking her breathing, her forehead for fever. He just stayed up finally, unable to handle the waking up so often. Elena slept on through until almost lunch time.

  Roger had called two times already to check on her. She finally cracked her eyes opened, sighing relief to see she was at home and that she hadn’t been dreaming about Alex finding her. He heard her moving around and ran back into see her.

  He had only been away from her a few minutes at a time because it was so hard to leave her there. It was probably suspicious for him not to go to work today, but he couldn’t make himself go. He wouldn’t leave her.

  “Elena,” he breathed her name, a sigh of relief.

  He rushed to kneel on the floor next to her. He gazed at her for a few seconds, making sure she was really awake. When he saw recognition flash in her eyes, he grabbed her face with both hands, his face full of anguish.

  “Don’t ever do that to me again, ever.”

  “I’m sorry,” she rasped looking at him through weak eyes then pressing her forehead against his. “It was your mom, Alex. She flat out asked for my help. I had to. And I know I almost blew everything but, I couldn’t not help her. Alex, why didn’t you tell me you called her?” she asked, pulling back to see his face.

  “I know, it was reckless. I just wanted to see if she would leave if given the opportunity. I had no idea she would put it all together. Elena, I can’t thank you enough for what you did.”

  “I broke the rules all the way around with her. I couldn’t help myself. I know where she is, Alex. She’s waiting for you with my favorite sweater, the one she made for you.”

  Alex broke down, laying his face in her lap.

  Elena had never seen him cry. She knew why he was and was so happy for him, of course she cried too. She reached over slowly and hugged him tight around the shoulders. This was his whole reason for him bringing Elena here, for them helping the other girls, and now...she was gone.

  She was safe.

  They sat like that for a minute and then Alex, clearly embarrassed, wiped his face and looked up to Elena.

  “I still can’t believe that she asked you for help. I totally misjudged her,” Alex said, looking off in space.

  “I was more surprised than you to find her standing at the door. She was so happy, so relieved stepping on that bus. She was so proud of you.”

  “Thank you, El, really, but next time, wait for me. You can’t do this alone. I thought I lost you. You are my whole life. Please don’t do things that would make you have to leave me.”

  “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, I promise, not that my promises mean much lately. I was supposed to be taking it easy, remember.” She smiled her sheepish smile.

  “Yeah...I do. I’m gonna have to keep my eye on you from now on. Two in fact.” He lifted her up gently, gauging her face for a hint of pain, setting her on his lap. “I love you, Elena. So, so much.”

  “I love you, too. Nothing makes me happier than hearing you say it.” Elena kissed him easy and smooth.

  He held her on his lap and tried his best to be gentle and take it easy with his battered girl.

  * * *

  Alex made her some soup and crackers for a late lunch and brought it to her, insisting she eat it before anything else. He fussed over her, checking her temperature, wrapping the blanket tightly around her up to her chin.

  “I co
uld use a serious shower,” Elena stated, after she ate her soup.

  “Let me start you a hot bath. Roger and Amy will be here in a little bit. You can relax a little while before they get here, maybe take a nap.”

  “Babe, I’m fine, ok?” She pulled him down to her eye level. “I know you’ve been worried but I’m fine. I feel so much better. Nothing was more beautiful than your face looking at me through that truck window. You saved me again and I’m gonna be just fine.”

  “Ok, ok. Let me at least get you to the bath tub.” He picked her up in one swift movement and carried her down the hall the open bathroom door.

  She rested against his chest and thought about how good it felt to have someone take care of you. He set her down while he drew her water, she was already undressed so he helped her in. He stayed with her, still unsure and not wanting to leave her alone yet.

  He washed her back and rubbed her scalp. She looked so much better now, the color coming back into her face. He knew she would be fine. She had done something so wonderful and dangerous for him and his mother, and had almost paid the ultimate price.

  She wouldn’t have made it until morning in that freezing wet cold truck, Alex knew that. He squinted his eyes and shook off the thought. He wondered if Elena understood how close she had actually come.

  * * *

  Alex hadn’t heard from his dad yet, but he wasn’t surprised. His dad’s pride probably kept him from telling anyone as a matter of fact. Alex was tempted to call and ask to speak to his mom so his dad would be forced to tell him, but thought that might be too suspicious since he just talked to her yesterday.

  He would just wait for his dad to call. They would leave Saturday and probably would still have not heard from him. Alex thought that might just be best.

  Alex forced Elena, against her will, to stay warm and blanketed on the couch for the duration of Roger and Amy’s visit. He just wanted her to take it easy and not get sick from her brush with hypothermia.

  Alex and Roger grilled burgers and Amy made some homemade steak fries. Elena hated feeling helpless but let them continue to make a fuss over her. They ate in the living room, Amy’s feet folded in the arm chair under her. Roger and Alex sat on the floor beside their wives. Elena felt fine now, and though she was a little irritated at Alex’s over protectiveness, she did appreciate his concern for her.

  It was nice to be catered to every now and then she supposed. They all talked and laughed when they finished. Alex put a CD in and now sitting on the couch with Elena was rubbing her feet under her blanket. The couples enjoyed each others company. The only people that each could even be real around or talk to anymore.

  “So, are we still on for the festival Saturday?” Roger asked Alex, biting his thumb nail.

  “Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that. All of you.” He glanced at Elena and then back to Roger. Oh it comes. “I think we need to end this, now. It’s getting too risky and people will start wondering about what’s going on soon if not already. They’ll start looking deeper. I think we need to go...for good. Go to the festival and never come back. I found a guy on a website, kinda shady but, he does ID’s and he can meet me in the city that day. We can still work to help the girls from somewhere else, try to figure out a way to shut down the community. I don’t think we need to physically be here for that.”

  Elena knew he was reacting to her incident, but then again, he was right. His mother had put it together so it was feasible that someone else might too and they were cracking down on security.

  “I agree.” Elena stated.

  She would stand by him, no matter what, from now on. They all turned to look at her, Alex’s face shocked more than anyone, as he was prepared for a fight from her. So she went on.

  “I told you I would trust you from now on and you’re right. We aren’t going to help anyone if we get caught and they are starting to be more suspicious that this isn’t just random runaways.”

  His face now looked relieved and he let out a breath.

  “Well, that’s our plan, Roger. We’ll take a few things, clothes, ect, but everything else, we’ll leave behind. Start over completely,” Alex announced to Roger, waiting for his response.

  Roger looked at Amy and back to him.

  “We’re with you, man. We’re ready. Do you think we get to pick our own new names? Cause I was thinking “Comanche”! He drug out the word dramatically and put his hands in the air like Broadway lights, trying to lighten the mood.

  “That’s a good one, baby. It suits you,” Amy said laughing.

  They all laughed and started on their own funny names.

  They spent the rest of the night entertaining each other. They couldn’t wait for the weekend to come so the last official escape – theirs - could be put into action.

  * * *

  The online ad for the festival said their would be rides, games, live music, food, every kind of entertainment you could think of, even a video gamers lounge. Elena was looking forward to it for more reason that one. Not only was Alex marrying her that day, again, but it was also a real couple like thing for them to do. Just have fun and enjoy each others company.

  They didn’t get much of that around here. There was a little church in the town that’s doors never closed. You could go in anytime. Since they were legally just renewing their vows, he was sure there wouldn’t be a problem with any paperwork. He was excited.

  Of course, as Elena remembered, he was excited the first time too, but for different reasons she guessed. She smiled just thinking about it. She loved him fiercely. She never met anyone who could give her butterflies and goose bumps, yet felt completely safe with all at the same time.

  Alex was glowing and antsy. Elena could tell he was excited and ready to be done with this chapter, well book, of his life. He wasn’t hesitant at all, even though this was the only life he had ever known. Did he understand that other ‘communities’ or suburbs and cities as the rest of the world called them, didn’t behave this way with each other?

  Elena couldn’t remember ever seeing her neighbors for more than a minute in passing the mailbox. She guessed she probably wasn’t the best subject case on that one. Nevertheless she was excited that he was excited. Please let all this work out without a hitch. After, all he has done for me, he deserves a break.

  * * *

  They spent that whole day, tying up loose ends. He wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything left by accident to link them or leave clues for where there might be or what they were doing so they could prepare. It wasn’t very likely but Alex was nothing if not thorough. Elena was shredding papers and going through his desk. She looked up as she heard the bell on the door, indicating someone had come in.

  “What’s all this?” the tall, slender man now standing in from of her desk asked.

  “Spring cleaning,” Elena answered, almost forgetting her need for a facade.

  “Alex? Where is he?”

  “In the back room going through some things. Just one minute, I’ll get him for you.” Elena walked to the back quickly and she and Alex both emerged.

  “Edmond! How are you?” Alex was smiling at the man, then Elena remembered the name and who he was.

  “Oh, you know, same old, same old. That’s what happens when you’re an old man.”

  “I guess you wouldn’t know then,” Alex joked and winked at him.

  “Ha! You flatter me, Alex! So, down to business. I’m got a proposition for you. We have decided in light of the recent wife problems that we might change things up a bit. It’s hard on the ones who lost wives, let alone the ones still on a waiting list. We are in great competition with the traffickers other clients. We wanted to give the ones who were…not enjoying their wives, or maybe wanted to swap, or even to put themselves back on the list an opportunity to do so. We are asking around to see if anyone would be interested in that. I’ve already had a few takers this morning. It seems women on the outside aren’t what they use to be. So, what do you say?”

  “Well, Edmond, I’m fine right where I am, thanks.”

  “Yes, I assumed you would say that. I know this is all unorthodox, but open your mind and think of the nice possibilities here. Wife swapping. It’s a system that’s designed very well to be fair. You would never get tired of the same cook. You would never get tired of your bed mate. We know of other communities that wife swap as well. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We’ve also thought about adoption. Getting some of the men and wives to adopt older girls...ah, it’s just a thought. Alright, I must be off. I’ve got a lot of calls to make on folks. Think about it. Meeting is tomorrow night at 7. We’ll see you there!”

  Alex felt sick to his stomach and when he looked over to Elena she was pale.

  “Alex, how can we leave now?” she whispered a look of udder disbelief on her face.

  “Elena, it’ll be ok.” He walked to her and rubbed her arms. “They have to have a town hall meeting before this all happens. They’ll still follow procedures. We’ll just have to work quickly. The week after the festival, we’ll take what we have to the news station and the police. We should be far enough away for the community’s arms not to reach but still close enough for the police to care- Wait! Wait! I’ve got it. They’ll give us some kinda list to choose from or draw names or something at the meeting. There is a registry somewhere with everybody’s names on it, husbands and wives. If I go to the meeting, I can try to get my hands on a list but I’m gonna have to act like...I don’t want you anymore.”

  “You’re right, they probably will have something like that, and it would be nice to get our hands on it for evidence. This isn’t a trick is it? A trap?”

  “No, I don’t think so. They wouldn’t sneak around like this, they would just get it over with as soon as possible so as not to stir something up in someone else. This will work. Alright we got everything done here at the office. Let’s go home and why don’t we make a production out of it?” he smiled at her cunningly.


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