Stealing Grace

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Stealing Grace Page 27

by Shelby Fallon

  There it was.

  The realization took her breath as she stood frozen and wide eyed. The Franz Oerder “Magnolia” painting that had hung in her grandma’s living room every since she could remember.

  She had never thought twice about that painting. It wasn’t particularly appealing to her, but here she was, crying in the middle of a small town furniture store like a baby.

  She wanted to snatch it and run to the truck with it, feeling an onslaught of memories and grief at an unexpected moment.

  She could feel warm breath on her neck behind her.

  “You like that? That doesn’t really seem,” Alex commented, placing his holds on her hips behind her.

  Elena didn’t want to turn around, feeling silly but not wanting to look away from the painting itself, as though it might not be there when she glanced back.

  It had come out of nowhere, it could be gone just as quick, just like her grandma. Her death had not been expected and the only reason Elena even found out about it was because of an old neighbor of her grandmas who was friends with her and felt like she should know, not telling her family that fact of course. Elena didn’t even get to go to the funeral.

  “El?” He peeked around and his amused expression turned to horror. “El! What is it? What happened?” he said searching around the store and then searching Elena’s body for injury.

  “She was eighty seven, perfect health.” She tried to laugh at the oxymoron but couldn’t manage it. She kept looking at the picture, refusing to take her eyes from it, even as she spoke. “Grandma wasn’t the kind of person to sit at home. And she, like me, wasn’t into all the family...drama. She loved Bingo. Loved it, every Tuesday and Thursday you could just scratch her off your list. She wouldn’t miss it for anything. I tagged along a couple times when I was a teenager. My grandma’s neighbor is the one who told me she had died. Bingo got out late at night. The drunk driver didn’t even swerve before he hit her. This painting hung in her living room, over the couch, even before I was born. For as long as I can remember.” She peeked up from under her eyelashes at him knowing he hated to see her cry and still feeling a bit silly.

  “El, I’m so sorry. I just assumed she died from natural causes the way you talked.” He pulled her to him. “I know you miss her, you feel like you don’t have anyone. But I know she would love to see you now, she’d of been proud of all the things you’ve been up to.”

  “I do have someone. I have you, but I just miss her so much. She was the only one who really understood what I was dealing with and didn’t see me as...trash. She used to call me Grace. ‘Girly, you should’ve been named Grace, cause you’re overflowing...’” she couldn’t finish the sentence or her grandmas’ impression.

  The tears spilled over faster than before and she couldn’t contain the sob that was waiting in her throat any longer. Alex pulled her into his chest tighter to absorb the tears in his shirt.

  “Baby, I’m sorry.”

  He shh’ed her and comforted her in the far corner of the store, running his hands over her hair, their bodies swaying back and forth. It was almost closing time and he knew that they would be interrupted soon but knew she needed to just cry it out for a minute. And once she did, she spoke.

  “I’m sorry. The just took me off guard. I haven’t seen that painting in years and never anywhere but my grandma’s house. I’m sorry,” she said pulling back to wipe her eyes, “I’m embarrassing you.”

  “Absolutely not. Besides, crying is always a good first impression with new towns, with girls anyway. Makes you look sweet and vulnerable,” he laughed, trying to cheer her up.

  It worked as it always did. She leaned into him smiling as they exited the store and he placed her in the drivers side of the truck to slide over.

  “I love you. Thanks,” she said still holding his arm tightly as they drove to their new home, sadly, without a bed in tow.

  “I love you, too.” He continued carefully, not wanting to bring the tears back. “Grace, huh? I gotta say, I agree with her on that one. You are overflowing with grace, babe. How else could you explain how you love me...or Roger.”

  “Easy, I just see you for who you are. You’re both good guys.”

  “Yeah...but we weren’t always.”

  “Yeah and I used to steal library books and pens from the doctors office. Nobody is perfect and nobody is a saint. Everyone has a closet full of stuff waiting to fall out when you open the door.”

  “I don’t think the crimes are equal in this case,” he muttered softly.

  “It doesn’t matter. I want you to forget that life. Forget everything up until the day you met me.” She flashed a beauty queen smile.

  * * *

  He knew she was trying to cheer him up now and bring the subject back around.

  He thought his chest would bust as he looked at his women, clinging to his arm like a vise, wanting nothing more than to please him and cheer him. He had never experienced physical pain before by love, but the splitting in his chest was proof to the fact that it did exist, like his heart was stretching to fit around the new love that grew for her everyday.

  He would take the pain, and like it. He knew beyond doubt that there was a God and He knew exactly what he was doing. He had brought Elena to him, knowing she was just what he needed; an angel, full of grace.

  Chapter 15


  They pulled out the comforter and pillows that they had grabbed at the local stop and shop. It was still early in the night but they were beat.

  They both showered and dressed in their PJ’s. After arranging the comforter on the floor like a pallet and she handed Alex his box of Chinese they picked up on the way home, she settled next to him before digging in. Not only was she extremely tired, but she was ravenous, for food and for Alex.

  Once they finished eating they lay next to each other with only a lamp in the room on the floor, staring at the popcorn ceiling.

  Alex let Elena use his arm as a pillow and she ran her fingers up and down that same arm very lightly. Her hair was laying over his shoulder and he could smell her shampoo, peaches. She kept glancing at him and realized how tired he was so she didn’t try anything frisky tonight, though she wanted to.

  The house was so quiet. Elena wasn’t a quiet kind of person. As she lay there she’d wished she had flipped the fan on it the bathroom. In a new house and new town, the quiet was a little unsettling for her

  She began humming, since there was no television or radio to distract her, and she assumed Alex was asleep. ‘Dream On’ by Aerosmith was what it was. She hadn’t even heard nor thought of that song in ages and had no idea why it came to mind now.

  She slowly moved on from humming to breathing the words, to barely letting a sound escape as she mouthed them, still running her fingers up and down his arm. She could hear him start to hum along with her and immediately stopped in embarrassment.

  “Don’t stop,” he said hugging her tightly in reassurance. “It was awesome.”

  “And I thought you asleep or I never would’ve even started.” She recoiled into his chest.

  “Ah, come on. It’s just me. You can’t be embarrassed by me.”

  “Oh, yes I can. I don’t sing.”

  He was trying to hold in the chuckle he so wanted to let out. Now, he thought, she’s being silly.

  “Ok. Ok,” he said in surrender before looking back up to ceiling.

  Without warning he started belting out the words.

  “Sing with me! Sing for the year! Sing for the laugh and sing for the tears!”

  It was so loud it startled her. She reached over and poked him in the ribs but he kept singing and laughing so she starting playfully punching his arms in protest. He grabbed her and they wrestled playfully until he was holding her down with her arms above her head. She knew she never stood a chance up against him, but it was fun to try.

  “You give? Say uncle.”

  “Never! Get off me you monster!” She feigned a horro
r expression and distressed damsel accent.

  “Oh, you want me to get off now, and you won’t say uncle?” he said leaning in now so close to her lips but not letting them touch.

  She reached up to kiss him but he pulled back just enough so she couldn’t touch his lips with hers. She started biting her bottom lip in happy frustration as she laughed.

  “Say it,” he commanded.

  “Never,” she said and tried to reach him again.

  “Say it, woman.”

  “Only brute force will make me say it.”

  “Really?” he said and let his lips barely graze hers and breathed against her mouth. Moved to her neck and again let his lips barely graze her skin. He heard her intake of breath then quickly pulled away. She squirmed to reach him and groaned at him. “Say it,” he whispered and knew by the look in her eyes he had her.

  “Uncle. There, you happy?”

  His breath was still blowing in her face making it impossible to do much else but obey the gorgeous man who could hold her captive any day.

  “Mmmm. Not quite,” he breathed the words as he let their lips touch softly.

  The butterflies were ever present and she began to melt under him. She bit his lower lip easy and heard him let out an impatient breath. He pushed his mouth to hers harder and let her arms go gently so they could grab onto his neck as they always did.

  Predictable and wonderful.

  * * *

  Afterwards, Alex marveled if other guys were as lucky as he was. Couldn’t be, he thought. They made love almost every single night and it was never routine or robotic. It felt different every time, yet also the same, familiar. He wondered if it was because they had waited and not experimented like everyone else in the world with multiple partners.

  He was thankful for that, for both of them. It was wonderful knowing he was the only one for her, in every way possible. Elena thought the same thing, though they never spoke it aloud. Very thankful for waiting and wondering if Amy and Roger were just as happy.

  She had seen her parents’ love life and it certainly wasn’t a pretty picture. She didn’t even know people could love each other like this.

  The next morning as Alex headed off to work Elena walked to the flower shop, only 5 blocks, so perfect.

  Or so she thought. She was winded and her legs felt like jelly by the time she got there. She was silently scolding herself for being lazy lately and getting so out of shape.

  The manager hired her instantly, mumbling something

  about ‘anyone is better than those darn kids’. She assumed he must’ve gotten lots of applications from high school kids, then wondered if she was selling herself short in light of that fact, or maybe she should have been insulted.

  No, it’s temporary anyway. Besides, I’ve always wanted to know all the flower names. It sounds fun. He introduced himself as Mr. Pete and informed her she was to call him that and nothing else. He also introduced her to his wife in the back room, sitting in her chair watching television with a half burned cigarette in her mouth.

  He explained that she never came out, she was sick and couldn’t do much. That was all he said about it before putting her to work.

  First he showed her how to cauterize the stems to keep the flowers alive longer, and how to add corn syrup to adjust the PH levels. That was about all the actual flower touching she would do. Mostly he wanted her to take orders, answer the phones, and man the front desk while he worked in the back, doing the arrangements. In other words, the fun stuff.

  Elena was still excited.

  Grateful for something to do, she was surprised at the amount of people coming into the store in such a small town. Once she started looking at the orders though, she realized why. She’d never thought about how many businesses use flower arrangements and such. All the churches order some every week for Sunday services. The hospitals and nursing homes ordered a lot for their own gift shops. Some of the restaurants and doctors offices liked to have fresh flowers on their tables daily. It wound up being a lot of work, but still fun.

  She walked home and wondered what she would do for dinner. They hadn’t been grocery shopping yet and she was starving. She could feel someone walking behind her, so she turned to look. She saw a young guy with an earring and a t-shirt with holes in it on following a little too close for her taste. So she scooted over to let him past and slowed down but instead, he stopped and stared at her.

  Elena was now only three feet from this man she didn’t know. Not even a man, a boy, who couldn’t be more than eighteen. When he didn’t speak she decided she’d have a go at it.

  “Yes?” she said politely, trying not to sound patronizing though that was exactly how she felt.

  He continued to stare wordlessly so she started inching back down the sidewalk but he inched with her. She no longer felt annoyed. She was scared. It was broad daylight though, only 4:00 in the afternoon. Would he really hurt her right here in the middle of town where everyone could see?

  “My parents and I,” he said quickly, seeing her about to bolt, “we live next door to you. You just moved in right?” he said, still staring.

  “Uh...I don’t know if you’re my neighbor or not. We’ve only been there one night.”

  She could feel the blood starting to move again from its scared stand still. What a strange kid.

  “Well, my mom wanted me to tell you ‘Welcome to the Neighborhood’. She told me to run out and meet you when you passed by. I passed your house,” he said and pointed back the way she’d just come.

  When she glanced around, she realized in her deep thought of dinner she had past the house. As they stood three houses down she smiled a little before speaking, wanting to reprimand him for scaring her so.

  “You know, you’re right. Well, tell her I said thanks.”

  “Sure. No problem.”

  “I’m Elena. Elena Brooks.” She reached her hand out to shake his.

  “Mack Grandy,” he said politely and shook her hand firmly.

  “Mack, do you go to school here?”

  “Yeah. I’m a senior this year.”

  “Well that’s nice. You, uh, kinda scared me, Mack, you know that? Shouldn’t sneak up on people, especially women,” she said and tried to laugh so it would be so harsh.

  “Sorry. My mom is always making me do this kinda stuff and never does it herself.” He put his hands in his pockets and rolled his eyes. “It’s embarrassing. I’m really sorry. Anyway, see ya.”

  “Yeah...see ya.”

  Elena was perplexed as she watched him swiftly stride back to his house, next door to hers, and up the path quickly. She walked back to her new house and went inside after checking the mailbox, knowing there wouldn’t be anything in there yet.

  She’d wait for Alex to get home before making any decisions on supper, but she was starving. It was humorous to her how slowly time passed when you have a bear in your stomach yelling at you ever two minutes. She couldn’t believe how hungry she was and realized how much running around she’d actually done today. Alex would be here any minute, she reassured herself.

  When Alex walked in the door, she heard him from the other room. She peeked around the corner and when he saw her and smiled she ran to him and jumped in his arms. He was so cute to her with his briefcase and suit. He hated it of course. She wrapped her legs around him and kissed him as he stood in the doorway. He held her up with ease.

  “Hey,” he laughed, “how was your day? I guess you got the job?” He managed to get out through kisses.

  “Yes! It was so great. I love it there. It’” She chuckled remembering the odd man and his wife. “How was your first day, sir,” she said yanking on his tie knot.

  “Ha ha. You know I hate this monkey suit. But it was good. I have my own office, which is nice.”

  “Good, I’m glad. Now can we go eat please! I’m starving!”

  “Ok, ok! Let me change. Hmmm.” He smelled her neck, letting his nose and lips skim her skin. “You coming home s
melling like gardenias, I could get use to that.” He laughed as he put her down and shuffled to the bedroom quickly, not closing the door.

  She watched him get dressed from the hall. Gorgeous. He returned wearing a green polo and jeans. Elena couldn’t contain herself from reaching out and grabbing him in a more than casual kiss. Looking at him just now and now seeing him with his jeans... What’s wrong with me?

  He ended the kiss laughing and shaking his head at her like he could read her thoughts, grabbed her hand then they walked out to the truck.

  The restaurant wasn’t really busy, which was fine because that meant they should get the food sooner. They enjoyed eating at the local eateries as opposed to the food chains. These small towns seemed to have good food.

  Their choice for the night was “Angie’s Table”, attached to the old bank on one side and the hardware store on the other. No doubt this building had been around long before most of these people, and they were still using them. It was sweet that they tried to preserve their heritage this way, Elena thought.

  Alex ordered an order of cheese sticks for an appetizer. Then Elena ordered a smoked turkey sandwich on wheat and steak fries with a vanilla shake. Alex said he’d have the same. She scarfed that down then asked the waitress for a piece of their apple pie with ice cream. ‘World Famous’ said the sign.

  “You want something else, babe?” Elena asked Alex before the waitress left to retrieve her desert.

  “Uh, yeah, I’ll try the pecan pie, I guess, since we’re ordering desert.”

  He stared at Elena bewildered and amused.


  “Are you ok? I’ve never seen you eat so much. Not since the day I first met you.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just hungry. I stood up and walked all day, maybe that’s it. I’ve been starving all day,” she said as she sucked down the last of her shake and started on the water beside it.


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