Tanya's Torment

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Tanya's Torment Page 11

by Tessa Valmur

  ‘A lot of breast work on this one by a particular group of the crew; look at this.’

  Sturmberger fast-forwarded the tape once more.

  The girl was still bound to the cross but now the clamps and weights had been removed and as the girl begged between choked sobs for the men to stop, a nylon rope was bound in a figure of eight around her young breasts so that they became two trapped cones of swollen flesh that turned purple as they were cruelly constricted still further by means of binding yet tighter two fine cords around them. By now the girl was shaking her head vigorously and pleading desperately for the men to let her go. The men’s laughter could be heard and then one of the men caught hold of the girl by her hair with one hand and holding her chin with his other hand held her still whilst his friend inserted a hard rubber ring gag between her jaws and then whilst her head was dragged forwards and downwards by one man the other wrapped the straps of the gag around the back of her head and secured the buckle. When the girl was allowed to lift her head back, her mouth could been seen, jaws forced wide, saliva trickling out over the black leather ring jammed in her mouth as her pleading was reduced to an incoherent gurgling cry of anguish.

  ‘Would you like to see some of the third or fourth films?’

  ‘Sure,’ said Miles, replenishing his glass from the port decanter.

  Sturmberger switched tapes and pressed the play button again.

  The film started with the same girl being dragged, kicking and screaming across the room to the bench by three men and a dark skinned young woman. Held down on her back, the girl struggled desperately as the four accomplices set about restraining her with the straps hung ready from the sides of the bench.

  ‘It was a clever idea not to allow them access to the cases with the best equipment until the last days of the voyage, that way the most enjoyable watching is kept until the last film,’ said Sturmberger.

  ‘And of course you release the films one at a time at intervals, encouraging everyone of your clients to eagerly buy the next film, knowing that it should offer even more rewarding viewing,’ concluded Miles.

  The German nodded affirmatively, smiled with satisfaction and fast-forwarded the tape.

  Strapped down on the bench, the naked girl was blindfolded with a black scarf and whilst the three men stood watching, the young woman with them was stroking the tethered girl’s thighs which were pinned and spread by four leather straps, two just above her knees and two more as high up her thighs as was possible. The camera filming the scene was switched to one that was located almost directly above the bench and was zoomed in more closely. Stroking the tethered girl’s sex lips with one fingertip the young woman, herself striking pretty and wearing tight jeans and an even tighter white T-shirt, smiled with satisfaction as her blindfolded victim was soon tossing her head from side to side with arousal.

  Holding open a small black case one of the men, tall and broad shouldered, grinned with cruel amusement as the young woman took from the case some slender plastic coated wires whose exposed copper ends were fastened to small, serrated edged metal clasps. The young woman bent at the waist over her victim and lovingly kissed the tethered girl between her spread and tethered legs. She then drew back a little and whilst whispering something to bound girl she eased one of the serrated clasps over the girl’s labium, which she held proud from her sex between a finger and thumb. Slowly releasing her hold on the clasp the tiny metal jaws clamped shut around the distended flesh of the girl’s aroused sex drawing a plaintive cry from the victim. When the second clasp was fastened to the other of her outer sex lips the blindfolded girl gave a gasp of alarm and then began to whimper nervously as the young woman stepped back to regard her victim’s condition.

  ‘Is this the third or fourth film, Karl?’ Miles asked, hardly able to take his eyes for a moment from the screen before him.

  ‘This is the fourth but it’s only the beginning, by the end the girl’s in a pretty sorry state.’

  ‘What was her name, I forget.’

  ‘I don’t know, Amanda, Anna, something like that,’ answered Sturmberger, ‘ she was the one who tried to escape, remember?’

  ‘And tried to cause us trouble when the ship reached South America, yeah, I remember having to arrange some Police bribes to smooth things over,’ said Miles.

  On the screen before them, the girl’s arms and legs were twisting and straining urgently against the straps that held her down as the young woman stood over her flicked on and off a switch on a black box from which trailed the wires that were now clamped to her pussy. Between each brief electric shock that the girl was subjected to the woman torturing her would stop to finger the girl’s sex, making her cry out in tear choked gasps, pleading for her to stop and let her rest. After half a dozen short, sharp shocks the girl was sighing and tossing her head from side to side as this time when the woman masturbated her she was brought to a climax that made her tethered body strain against the straps.

  ‘I take it the electric shocks from that thing aren’t anything too serious?’ asked Miles.

  ‘No, of course not,’ answered Sturmberger, ‘ enough to make the girl struggle but mild enough to not really hurt. Anyway Miles, take the tape home and enjoy it... the poor girl has so many orgasms I quite lost count. There’s some good viewing later... the girl is a natural for the camera, her face is very expressive... pity she wasn’t up to making the return journey. What did happen to her in the end?’

  ‘The Police Chief at Santiago del Feunta took her as sweetener for his kind adjustment of our paperwork for the special consignment we got through last month. When I last saw her she was in a Police cell being serviced by four of Rodriguez’s men.’

  ‘I dare say she’d have enjoyed that,’ Sturmberger suggested with more than a trace of irony.

  ‘I think she was wondering how she had gone from trying to press charges against us to being charged with smuggling in the space of twenty-four hours,’ said Miles, ‘ it didn’t take long for her agree to drop her charges against the ship’s Captain and crew and to sign an admission of guilt to petty smuggling charges statement in exchange for not spending six months in a prison cell awaiting trial.’

  ‘I take it she signed that before she knew the local Police were going to keep her in their jail overnight?’ said Sturmberger.

  ‘Of course, that was the threat that finally persuaded her to sign the statement.’

  ‘But the Police Chief still held her overnight?’

  ‘Of course... still I dare say the silly girl has learnt a good lesson.’

  ‘Including to check the small print on her contract of employment with Sturmberger Shipping!’ Sturmberger gave a short laugh as he refilled their port glasses. ‘Do you realise that out of the eight girls so far only one has read the contract carefully enough to realise that they she would only get paid the full amount if she agreed to make the return journey under the same conditions?’

  ‘Yes... I’ve been quite surprised by that, I guess that must be quite a blow to the ones that really needed the money.’

  ‘Miles, my dear friend,’ said Sturmberger, ‘ you mustn’t worry about taking advantage of these girls’ natures. They want to be treated like this; deep down they enjoy it, that’s why they sign up. The money is secondary. All the girls you have found me are naturally submissive... some stern discipline, a little tormenting, a judicious mixture of pain with the pleasure we give them, this is what they crave.’

  ‘Except perhaps for Anna or whatever her name was?’ Miles suggested

  recalling the last time he had seen the girl and the plight she had ended up in.

  Shut in the cell of a remote little Police station in a shanty suburb of one of the big ports that Sturmberger Shipping used, Miles had watched as the four Policemen had stripped her of her clothes and then dragged her across a rough wooden table. As the girl had looked beggingly at Mi
les to intervene, handcuffs had been used to fasten her wrists to the far legs of the table as she was forced to bend over the table. With her bare feet scraping and scuffing the concrete floor two of the men pulled the belts from their trousers, each looped a belt around one of her thighs and from opposite sides of their victim they then jerked on the belt ends dragging the girl’s legs apart. Another of their number stood behind the girl and with the minimum of fuss, even as Miles watched, unzipped his flies and speared his engorged cock into the girl’s exposed sex.

  Assured by the Police Chief who was also watching that she wouldn’t get harmed and that she’d be released the next morning, Miles had left the building and walked briskly up the muddy road until he caught the attention of a rusting old taxi that he flagged down and had drive him back across town to his hotel. In the hotel bar he settled his nerves with a couple of large gin and tonics and then went to his room to shower. Outside the humidity and heat combined was oppressive in the extreme but at least the hotel was air-conditioned. Stepping into the marble tiled walk-in shower he stood under the refreshing jets of water and recalled the fetid atmosphere of the police cell.

  If only the stupid girl hadn’t caused such a fuss when they’d arrived then she could have been on plane home by now, he had thought, remembering the dismayed expression on her face as she gazed forlornly up at him from the table she was held down over whilst the four Policemen took it in turns to enjoy her defenceless young body.

  After that he had resolved to make absolutely sure that any girls he recruited for Sturmberger were totally right for what was expected from them. He was almost a hundred percent certain he’d made a good choice with Tanya. From the way she’d responded to the filming sessions in the Scottish highlands he was confident that she’d get to enjoy her time on Sturmberger’s prize container ship as on-board entertainment. Of course, the sessions in the ship’s games room would get pretty hard on her over the eighteen days she was subjected to the regime but Tanya seemed to be just the sort of randy submissive who’d secretly revel in such a situation.

  Chapter Ten

  The ship’s second mate and quartermaster using short crowbars levered the wooden box open.

  ‘Did the boss tell you what was inside?’

  ‘No, he only said it was some new equipment for the games room and that the Englishman, Miles, isn’t to be told about it either. Herr Sturmberger says that the Englishman has got a soft spot for the girls and he might object. The Englishman thinks that the electrocution box and some of the other hard torture stuff is restricted to being used on the girls for just the last few days of the trip.’

  ‘But it’s on the films? How can the Englishman be so stupid?’

  ‘Herr Sturmberger edits the films so that the best stuff is only put on what he calls the third and fourth films, irrespective of when it was really filmed, so that the Englishman thinks that the girls only get subjected to the hardest sessions in the last few days.’

  ‘So what’s the point in not telling the Englishman about this new equipment, he’ll see it in use on the films?’

  ‘The boss is going to keep it secret and just put it on a separate fifth film.’

  ‘So the Englishman will never even know, what a shame! Well, let’s see what it is.’

  The two men finished prizing open the small wooden crate and then pulled away the packing to reveal what inside. When they saw it their eyes widened in surprise and then one grinned in amusement.

  ‘I’ve seen pictures of these on the Internet, this new bitch we’ve got on board is in for a hard time, that’s for sure.’

  The man picked up an instruction manual and flicked it open. A couple of simple black and white drawings demonstrated quite graphically the purpose of the machine and passing it to his colleague he gazed at the chrome, steel and rubber contraption.

  ‘So in principal it is just like a piston really that could be used to power a propeller.’

  ‘Or in this case to drive a rubber phallus rapidly back and forth into whoever is put on the receiving end!’

  ‘And look at the size of some of those things!’

  ‘I’ve seen our pretty little new recruit, this machine is going to bring tears to her eyes!’

  ‘Listen to these instructions in the manual: it says that adequate lubrication must always be used, the recipient must be introduced gradually to the fastest speeds and that the two largest heads should only be used on the slowest speed and that they are unsuitable for anal penetration.’

  ‘So do you think we should leave these instructions for the crew to read?’

  ‘There’s no point, they’ll be too excited to bother to waste time reading all this.’

  ‘But don’t you think some of the men may think this is all going a bit far? What is the Captain going to say when he finds out about Herr Sturmberger’s latest toy? He’s never been very happy about the last lot of equipment for the games room, never mind this new machine. I’m just waiting to see what happens when he finds out the games room has got hidden cameras and Sturmberger’s making a bundle of money by making films from what goes on in that room.’

  ‘No-one knows about the cameras apart from you, me and the boss and the Englishman and no-one is else is going to find out.’

  ‘But this new machine, the men will talk, the Captain will get to hear of it and...’

  ‘The men won’t talk about it because they’ll never know about it, no-one is going to know about it except for Tony’s gang of four. Sturmberger wants them to use it on the girl then we hide it away under lock and key.’

  ‘But all the crew share the room and have access to the equipment, how...’

  ‘We let Tony in to use the girl at night when she’s supposed to be off duty and sleeping. They get to enjoy her and we get some really good action for the fifth film, the Englishman knows nothing, the Captain knows nothing, the rest of the crew know nothing.’

  ‘But the girl might talk?’

  ‘None of the crew speak more than a few words of English, the officers who do don’t use the games room.’

  ‘But at meal times she could speak with any of the other junior officers, if she...’

  ‘She has said that she wants to have all her meals in her own room.’

  ‘Has she?’

  ‘Of course, she told me herself.’

  The two men grinned conspiratorially at each other.

  ‘We’ll drug her meal or drink then once she’s eaten and fallen asleep you and I can move her into the games room and we leave her for Tony and his gang to enjoy. They’ll not say anything, so everyone else will be none the wiser.’

  ‘So when does this happen? The girl will say what’s happened to someone just as soon as she gets a chance. Isn’t Herr Sturmberger taking an unnecessary chance? There was nearly a load of trouble with that Anna girl, remember?’

  ‘The boss has worked out all the details, don’t worry. On the last night before we reach port, you and I are ship’s duty officers for the night shift. We’ll be the only people to see Tony and his friends go into the games room. We’ll have the new girl waiting for them and we’ll move the machine in ready for them when no one is around beforehand. We film the action and once we’ve got enough the girl gets a few sleeping pills and she’ll be out of it until we’re docked. We keep her sedated; I say she’s sick and offer to escort her ashore and to her hotel where a doctor is called to check her out. The doctor has already been bribed to give her some pills that will keep her feeling ill and in bed for a few days. We tell her that Sturmberger is paying for her to rest in the hotel for a week and that she has a ticket for a return flight. The ship reloads and sails out. The hotel has been told that she is to pay her own bill there. As she won’t have any money she’ll most likely get thrown in jail. The airline ticket she has got, if she does manage to get to use it, is on an internal flight into the jun
gle to a backwater, logging township. If she arrives there, it’s safe to assume that she’ll not last long enough to make it on the once a week flight back to the coast. The area is thick with bandits, natives and drug smugglers. One way or the other the boss has made sure that we’ll not be troubled by Tanya once she’s served her purpose.’

  Chapter Eleven

  Tanya woke up feeling as if she’d drunk too much and was for a moment too drowsy to realise what had happened. She had a vague recollection of having eaten some of the pizza that had been brought to her room for her and she’d had a couple of drinks from the fridge. She’d had a shower then, feeling tired had lain down on her bunk. Quite suddenly she’d felt exhausted, almost as if the eighteen days of hard physical work she’d been subject to had finally all caught up on her. Never mind, she thought, she’d done it, she’d given the crew what they’d wanted from her, she had a few sore muscles and aches and pains from struggling too hard against some of the restraints they’d bound her with but she’d coped pretty well, she congratulated herself. What’s more, she’d been fucked enough times to last her a month of Sundays! There had been some times when she’d really felt she’d bitten off more than she could chew but somehow she’d managed and at least now it was all over.

  Trying to focus her senses now though Tanya had a strange feeling that all was not right. In fact something was seriously wrong. For a start rather than waking up in her bunk she found that she was now lying face down across the double bed that was in the games room. Lifting herself up on one elbow, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and saw that she was not wearing the baggy T-shirt that she had gone to bed in but her slim body was dressed in some of the skimpy underwear that she’d brought with her.

  What the hell is going on, she wondered, rolling onto her back and drawing the fingers of both hands through her long hair to clear it from her face. From the corner of her eye she glimpsed the large mirror fastened to the ceiling above the bench where she’d spent many hours over the last couple of weeks being tied down and tormented. As if she hadn’t given them enough of a good time for her money, someone must have decided that on her last night she’d be made to endure one last session of sexual subjugation. Somehow they must have drugged her food or drink and moved her into the games room. The bastards...


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