Releasing Me

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Releasing Me Page 23

by Jewel E. Ann

  Dinner was amazing; Addy was Da Vinci in the kitchen. Then, without warning, she transformed into my every fantasy when she stripped down to some red hot, ball busting, cock-hardening lingerie. My plans were slipping away. I had a goal for the night, and while it included her screaming my name in ecstasy, it wasn’t everything. But she had her own agenda, and once again I was sidetracked searching for my man card buried deep in her pussy. Deciding to go with the flow, and what a fucking amazing flow it was, I’d resigned to keep my surprise until later that night.

  That’s when the night turned into my own personal horror film. Fate stretched its vengeful hand from the sky and repeatedly stabbed a jagged blade into my happiness. Olivia called in a desperate panic on her way to the hospital. She was crying and totally losing it as she hysterically went on about painful cramping and bleeding. I couldn’t think. My thoughts were as jumbled as Olivia’s words. It wasn’t until I was out the door that I realized leaving Addy alone with her thoughts and insecurities about my relationship with Olivia was the worst possible thing I could do. Taking her to the hospital was a close second, but I had no other option. The whole way there I fought back the urge to tell Addy everything. I wanted to tell her what was going through my mind, but I couldn’t. She had been a mother, she loved all life … hell, she nearly cried every time she saw me crack open a damn egg. Flies were shooed and spiders were gently escorted out the window with Addy around. But damn, for some reason unbeknownst to myself, her quirkiness made me love her just that much more.

  I didn’t know what I really expected when we arrived at the hospital. Asking her to come with me to Olivia’s room wasn’t fair to either her or Olivia, but I felt like a total ass for leaving her behind. Olivia was curled on her side in the bed. A nurse was looking at a monitor that beeped with different numbers and lines on it. Olivia, although in a hospital gown, was in full makeup without a single hair out of place. The truth was she needed it. With it she looked like a tall thin model, without it she looked like a lanky, pale woman with pointy hip bones and sunken eyes. She wasn’t Addy. The love of my life was naturally beautiful. She stole my breath just the same with no makeup and six in the morning messy hair as she did in heels, makeup, and an all too revealing evening gown.

  Olivia was silent at first. The nurse told me my “wife” was doing fine, but the baby was being monitored. Much to Olivia’s displeasure, as was evident by the scowl on her face, I corrected the nurse by telling her I was the father, not the husband. When I sat in the chair by the bed, she reached for my hand. Reluctantly, I offered mine. She had tears in her eyes, but I had no words. There was nothing to say to the woman who was a recurrent mistake in my life. She represented the shallow, cold, man that existed before Addy. I did not miss that person. In fact, all I really wanted was for every reminder of him to vanish.

  My cell phone vibrated and it was a text from Chase. It was officially Christmas in Spain and he was wishing us a Merry Christmas. The nurse caught me looking at my phone and told me I had to go to the waiting room with it or shut it off. As I went to stand, Olivia tightened her grip on my hand and begged me to stay. Grinding my teeth … into my fucking tongue, I shut off my phone and sat back down.

  Eventually, Olivia drifted off to sleep. The nurse told me they would continue to monitor the baby overnight. She was in the beginning stages of a miscarriage and normally they would send her home to be on bed rest, but since she lived alone they agreed to keep her overnight. AKA, the guy who knocked her up is a complete prick to leave her pregnant and alone over Christmas. The fate of the baby was uncertain. The nurse told me the doctor said it had about a fifty-fifty chance.

  I seized the opportunity to check on Addy, but when I got to the waiting room she wasn’t there. Remembering I had turned off my phone, I powered it back up to check for missed calls or messages. There was a missed text from her about a half hour earlier. She said she needed some air and was going to take a walk around the building. It was cold outside, and I couldn’t believe she was still out there. I texted her back to see where she was then waited. After ten minutes with no reply, I tried calling her. It went straight to her voicemail as if she had her phone shut off. Taking the elevator to the lower level, I tried her phone again. I searched the cafeteria, but she wasn’t there. After impatiently pounding the elevator button without it descending to the lower level, I hurried to the stairs. Taking them two and three at a time, I sprinted to the entrance of the hospital. My coat was in Olivia’s room, but I didn’t care. I ran around the parameter of the hospital in an eager search for Addy. By the time I made it all the way around, I was breathless and frantic. The only thing I could think of was her taking a cab home. She wanted to leave; being there and waiting for me was too much. I’d hurt her again. I had to get home to her and make things right. Jogging toward the Range Rover, I stopped as though my body had run into a wall. I realized my fucking key was in my coat pocket back in the room. The room where Olivia was most likely awake again. Fate’s wrath was raining down on me.

  Just as I started to turn, I saw something in the distance, specifically next to my vehicle a few rows straight ahead. The snow was obscuring my view as I squinted. One cautious step at a time, I walked ahead trying to figure out what I was seeing, but as the image came into focus, I found myself in a full-out sprint.

  “ADDY!” I yelled.



  The most bizarre dream had hold of me. I couldn’t wake up, at least not completely. It was as if I was caught between two worlds. Flashes of light and unfamiliar voices faded in and out. Then there were moments of bliss. I was pregnant with just a little bump showing. A large hand splayed across my belly, feeling an occasional little jolt of movement as I cried. It was heartbreak and relief. I was excited yet scared. The voice behind me was familiar and comforting.

  More flashes of white light blinded me as I struggled to recognize the voices and decipher the words that echoed around me.



  “Can you hear me?”


  “Can you hear me? Do you know where you are?”

  Yes … and no.

  My voice was lost. I struggled to speak and maybe I was, but nobody was listening. Then I heard a familiar sound … it was my own voice, but soft and slurred. As I focused on my tongue and my lips to make out the words, I realized my lips felt numb and swollen. Only a thin line of light appeared in my left eye and the pain started to radiate through my body. This was my reality. My face throbbed and I felt every beat of my heart in my face. I could move my left arm but my legs were shaking as my teeth began to chatter together. I tried to push my knees together but my feet were pressed against something, and it felt like someone was holding my legs open.

  “No––” I heard my own voice again. It was stronger but still barely audible.

  “Addy, you’re going to be fine. You’re safe now and we’re doing everything we can to take care of you. I know you must be confused and uncomfortable, but we’ll be done soon. Just stay with us, and try and relax your legs.”

  “No!” I said much louder. Then I let out a painful whimper as pain shot up my arm.

  “Addy!” another familiar voice called from a distance.

  “Sir, we’re not finished. You need to wait outside and let the doctors do their job.”

  “I’m done waiting—”

  “Sir, please, don’t make me call security.”


  Quinn … Quinn …

  “Quinn …” I managed when my mouth caught up with my brain.

  “Mr. Cohen can stay,” a man’s voice responded.

  “Addy, I’m here … I’m so sorry, baby …” his voice broke close to my ear.

  Inching my head toward him, I saw part of his face level with mine. My neck was too stiff to turn any farther, and I could barely open my left eye. Raw pain and anger were etched across his face. He was grinding his teeth but his eyes were soft. In the
midst of all the chaos, there was only one thing that was unmistakable. I was in the hospital––injured. Everything else, including why I was injured, was still a vast sea of uncertainty.

  “Was she?” Quinn’s voice had an edge to it.

  Was I what?

  “There are no other signs. We’ll move her to a room and keep her overnight for observation. The police are going to need to ask her some questions when she feels up to it.”

  “Thank you,” Quinn breathed out, but not so much to the man who was talking; it was more like a sentiment of gratitude to a higher power, a verbal sigh of extreme relief.

  My legs were removed from what I gathered by then to be stirrups, then I was covered with warm blankets. My good eye started to feel as heavy as my bad one, so I closed them.


  I awoke with a killer headache. In fact, everything ached. It became very obvious … I’d been run over by a large truck. There was a heavy feeling over the top of my legs and the palm of my hand was pressed against something rough. My right eye managed to open, although protested the light that filtered through the partially opened shades. Quinn was sitting in a chair next to me, hunched over with his head on my bed. He had one arm draped over my legs while his other hand held mine next to his face. His eyes were shut and his lips were parted.

  My fingers twitched against his cheek, and his groggy eyes opened. He turned his head and pressed his lips to my palm as he momentarily closed his eyes again. When he opened them back up, I saw the extent of my injuries reflected as pain in his eyes. He surveyed my face, and I could feel the sadness seeping from them.

  “That bad?” My throat was dry and my voice was gravelly.

  Meeting my gaze again he forced a pained smile. “You’re beautiful … always beautiful.”

  “Liar,” I mumbled as I moved my tongue over my swollen upper lip. “What happened?”

  He sat up and caressed his hand over the blanket on top of my legs. Pursing his lips while he chewed on the inside of his cheek, he wrinkled his forehead in nervous apprehension. “You don’t remember?”

  I turned my head side to side.

  “They’re reviewing the security camera footage from the parking lot to see if anything was captured on tape, but there was quite a bit of snow blowing so they’re not too optimistic.”

  “I remember going to look for my gloves in the Range Rover … but that’s all I can remember.”

  Quinn nodded his head and took a deep swallow. The lingering grimace on his face was heartbreaking. “I found you…” he cleared his throat “…on the ground by the passenger door.”

  A nurse came in before I had a chance to question him more.

  “Merry Christmas, Addy. My name is Christine and I’m going to take your vitals before Dr. Wilson comes in to check you over. If everything looks good you should be discharged within the hour.”

  I laughed despite the pain to my ribs. “If everything has to ‘look good’ for me to be discharged, then I’m quite certain I won’t be leaving anytime soon.”

  Nurse Christine’s eyes widened, then she looked at Quinn. “I didn’t mean …”

  “She’s just giving you crap. Welcome to my life. Her timing with her dry sense of humor is impeccable.”

  She smiled and her gaze lingered on my Latin sex god a little too long. I couldn’t blame her. Even after a long night of sleeping in a chair, he looked deliciously sexy.

  “I have this feeling that if I weren’t laughing I’d be crying … and it is Christmas so––”

  “Well, your vitals are good. Blood pressure is normal and your temperature is back up. Dr. Wilson will be in shortly.”

  “Thank you,” we both said in unison.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “What happened with Olivia and the—”

  “Merry Christmas. How’s our patient doing this morning?”

  “Hey, Todd.” Quinn shook the doctor’s hand.

  “Good morning, Addy, I’m Dr. Wilson or Todd. Quinn and I run in the same maniac circle. It’s nice to meet you. However, I wish it were under better circumstances.”

  “Maniac circle?” I questioned.

  “Todd is a bit of an adventure buff like yours truly. We see each other quite a bit, especially on the slopes,” Quinn replied.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” Dr. Wilson asked as he looked at a computer monitor.

  “I imagine not much better than I look. I ache everywhere, especially my head, left shoulder, and ribs.”

  “That sounds about right. I’m not sure what you’ve been told yet, but you sustained a concussion, dislocated left shoulder, and your ribs are bruised, but not fractured. You have numerous cuts and contusions, but those will heal quickly. Your eye received a pretty severe blow and we’ll want to do a follow-up on it, but there doesn’t appear to be any permanent damage. However, if you still have blurred vision after it heals you should let us know. Now, the rape exam showed no signs of bruising, tearing, or sperm, so without further evidence, including your memory of the incident, we have no reason to believe you were raped. You’re lucky Quinn found you when he did. You only suffered a mild case of hypothermia, but it could have been much worse given the adverse conditions.”

  Rape exam?!

  My mind reeled. I was frantic, trying to remember something from the attack, but I couldn’t remember anything. Rape? I couldn’t imagine why they would suspect rape. Dr. Wilson did a thorough exam and talked with me about wearing a sling on the shoulder that had been dislocated. I had trouble concentrating because all I could think about was the possibility of having been raped. I heard something about pain medication and making an appointment with an ophthalmologist and gynecologist within the next few weeks and even something about counseling, but it was all an echoed blur in my head.


  “Huh?” I startled from my daze.

  “Todd asked you if you have any questions before he releases you,” Quinn said.

  “Uh … no, I’m good.”

  Not good at all!

  “Okay then, Quinn has my cell number if you need anything,” he said as he shook Quinn’s hand again and walked out.

  “I’m going to go pull the Rover around to the entrance. Todd is going to have the nurse get you some scrubs to wear home. I’ll be back up to help you get dressed. Okay?” He leaned in and kissed the top of my head.

  “Where are my clothes?” I whispered.

  He moved to the door as if he didn’t hear me, but I know he did.

  “Be right back.” Then he was gone.


  The ride home was quiet. I had so many questions and Quinn wasn’t offering much information. As we pulled into the parking garage, he broke the silence.

  “A couple of detectives will be showing up soon to take your statement. I told them to make it quick.”

  “What am I supposed to tell them? I don’t know anything. Hell, you know more than I do.” I tried to hide the frustration in my voice, but I couldn’t.

  He parked and came around to my side. After he opened the door, he rested one hand on my leg and the other behind my head as he brushed his lips over mine with a gentle reverence. “I gave them my statement last night. You’re the victim so they need to at least say they questioned you. It won’t take long. Okay, baby?”

  He helped me out as I winced from the pain when he touched my ribs. “What was your statement?” I asked as I tottered to the elevator.

  “I’ll tell you later. Let’s just get you upstairs, showered, and in your own clothes before they show up.”

  Quinn dodged my questions quicker than I could think of them. I wasn’t sure if it was to protect me or himself. What I did know was I needed the truth. When he got me upstairs, he started the shower then helped me out of the scrubs. After removing the sling, I protectively held my left arm to my body as we walked into the bathroom. Quinn disposed of his clothes and opened the shower door, but I continued past the shower to the mirror.
r />   “Addy, don’t!” he called, trying to stop me, but it was too late.

  Shock. That was all I felt. The whole left side of my face and upper lip was swollen and bruised with numerous cuts. The right side had a few small cuts with bruising, but it was nothing compared to the left. I looked like a monster. Aside from my messy hair, I barely recognized myself. Then my eyes ventured down my reflection to my torso. It was mottled with bruises and cuts as well. Turning to the side, I got a small glimpse of my back and butt. I was a mess. From the look of the bruising, it was a miracle I didn’t have multiple fractures.

  Quinn stood behind me, and my gaze met his in the mirror. He looked so helpless with his sagging posture and eyes that struggled to focus on mine. I felt his pain nearly as much as my own.

  “I think we should keep the holiday pictures to a minimum. Don’t you think?” I flashed him what was officially my ugly smile. Then I leaned forward toward the mirror and carefully pulled my lips apart. “At least I still have all my teeth.”

  “Jesus, Addy … as I said, impeccable timing.” He clasped my right hand in his and led me to the shower.

  The hot water felt so good but stung a little as it trickled over my cuts. He squirted bath gel into his hands and soaped up my body. His movements were slow and cautious. As he worked his way down my torso, he knelt on the tile floor and gently worked the soap over my legs. After hesitating for a moment, he eased his fingers between my folds to gently cleanse that area. I pushed my fingers through his hair and he looked up at me. His tears faded into the water, but I still saw them bleeding from his crimson streaked eyes.

  “I’m fine … we’re fine.”

  He finished washing me then wrapped his arms around my legs, clinging to me. It was a tender moment laced with heartbreaking anguish. All I wanted was to hold him in my arms, but everything above my waist was too bruised and sensitive

  “I love you, Quinn.”


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