Barefoot Bay: Castle in the Sand (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Barefoot Bay: Castle in the Sand (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 7

by Jeannie Moon

  “What if I told you that I’d rather have these few weeks with you than try to keep my distance?” she said, as his teeth grazed her earlobe. “That I just want to be with you. Even if you leave, I want this to end without any regrets. Without the hurt. I know where I stand now.”

  He kissed her with new enthusiasm, and the longing Josie felt pooling low in her belly intensified with each touch. He owned her, body and soul.

  “I would say I don’t deserve you.”

  “Take me to bed, Anton.”

  “Josie, it’s too soon. And you had a harrowing experience today.”

  “I miss you.”

  “Mon Dieu. You’re tempting, but I’ve been here just a week. You were angry with me for a long time, and today has been emotional.” She rested her head on his shoulder, hating how he made sense. “I want you more than you can know, but I need you to go into this with a clear head.”

  “Pssht. You’re so damn honorable.”

  “If I weren’t, you’d have nothing to do with me. Today, when I said you weren’t a convenience, I meant it.”

  “I’m sorry I said that.”

  “Don’t be sorry, there had to be something behind it. And I made so many mistakes with you. I’m not making them again.”

  As he lifted her into his arms, Josie could see he was still at odds with himself. His heart was warring with his head, and this time Josie was hoping his heart won the battle.

  But in spite of his hesitation, Anton carried her to her bed, setting her gently on the soft mattress. Josie heard her own sigh when he stretched out next to her, pulled her close, and drew the coverlet over them.

  “Are you staying?”

  “At least until you’re asleep.”

  There was safety with him. Strange, since he was such a risk to Josie’s heart, but she felt safe nonetheless. “I missed this,” she murmured. “Falling asleep with you.”

  “I have, too. We have a couple of weeks together, if we want them.”

  “I do.” Snuggling in, Josie relaxed against his warm, strong body. It didn’t take long for the fuzzy feel of sleep to settle over her. This was how it always was with him. She was content, her mind quiet.

  For the moment, as long as it lasted, Josie would take it.

  Chapter Six

  Tony woke with a raging erection. If he had any chance of keeping his promise to himself, and give Josie some space, he had to get out of bed. Put some distance between himself and the woman who put him in this condition.

  Bright sun streamed in the windows, allowing him to see the beach, which was calm and quiet. Very different from the scene yesterday. Lucky was lying at the end of the bed, watching his every move as he scooted a little closer to Josie’s feet. She and the little dog had formed a quick bond, probably because they were both scared to death during the rescue.

  He hadn’t been able to get Josie’s recounting of the events out of his head. The only thing that helped him sleep after hearing her say she was truly frightened she might not make it back to the beach, was to hold onto her all night. Which is exactly what he did.

  Once she was settled in her bed, Tony wrapped his arms around her, allowing her scent to calm him. It was the only way. The thought of losing her chilled him to the bone.

  And it made him think about every single decision he’d made regarding her.

  Talk about a wake-up call. All he wanted to do was protect her, keep her safe. He had the stupid idea of chartering a jet and taking her someplace where they could be completely alone. Of course, that would more than likely piss her off and get him a one-way ticket back to Europe. No, Josie didn’t need him to control her life; she needed someone who would love her, stand by her.

  That was all.

  Leaning over, Tony dropped a kiss on her soft cheek. “I’m going out for a run,” he whispered.

  She nodded and murmured something incoherent, but it was the smile that teased at her lips that made him realize he could get used to seeing that little grin every day for the rest of his life.

  Heading out of the house, he looked up and down the beach. There were a few neighbors out picking up debris, including an elegant older lady at the house next door. Leena Vandenburg. He’d heard all about her. Her house was similar in design to Josie’s, but it had a more ornate lanai and lush landscaping with tropical flowers everywhere. She turned when she caught sight of him, and the look on her face was half smirk, half glare. This was a woman with questions. And he wasn’t going to get out of answering them.

  Time to turn on the charm. “Good morning!” Tony waved cheerfully. “That was quite a storm last night, did you have any damage?”

  “No, thankfully. None. You’re a new face. I saw you come in with Josie’s brother last week, but I thought you must have left with him too.”

  Approaching the woman, who was wearing a slim tan skirt and a blue t-shirt, Tony extended his hand. “I’m Tony Granville, a friend of Nick and Josie’s.”

  Cocking her blonde head to the side, the woman smiled. “Leena Vandenberg, and based on how pretty you talk, you are not from around here,” she said, noting his accent.

  “No, dear lady, I’m…Belgian, and it’s my first time in Florida.” That was a lie. He’d spent quite a bit of time in Miami and the Keys, and Belgium wasn’t true either, but it was close enough. “I went fishing last week, and I’m looking forward to exploring a bit more.”

  “You’re staying here with Josie? Hmm. And this is the first time I’ve talked to you?”

  “I apologize for the lapse in my manners.”

  This lady was quite astute. Leena was most definitely curious about him, and she was no one’s fool.

  “So, how long did Nick stay? A day?”

  “He made it just about twelve hours before he hopped on a plane,” Tony informed her.

  “That boy does not stay still. His grandmother used to say he was born with wheels.”

  “I think that’s an excellent description,” he chuckled.

  “How did you and Josie fare during the storm?”

  “All right. Had a little excitement when Josie went after a little black dog that got himself swept into the water. All is well, thankfully.”

  Leena froze, her smile dropping. “She did what? She could have gotten herself killed.”

  “She was feeling it last night. Realized how dangerous it was after she’d done it.”

  “That girl. Always thinking with her heart, rather than her head. It’s going to be the end of her someday.”

  Tony thought about those words, and Josie’s words last night, and his stomach lurched. I would have drowned.

  I. Would. Have. Drowned.

  “Are you all right?” Leena’s hand touched his forearm, but all he could think was that he and Josie both could have drowned, because he would have gone in after her if she’d needed help. He wouldn’t have thought twice.

  “Yes,” he lied again. “Yes. Fine. Just relieved today is quieter.”

  “Of course. So what is Josie going to do with a dog?”

  “We’re going to head out to pick up some provisions for the pup. We’ll need some food and a leash until we can find his owner.”

  “Hmpf. Good luck with that. Probably abandoned.”


  Leena frowned. “Every now and then, some idiot motors up in a boat and lets a dog loose on the beach. Happens a few times a year, best we can tell. They know there’s a humane shelter here, and a lot of big hearted people.”

  “The person should be strung up,” Tony muttered.

  “What do you need?” Leena asked. “I have an old leash and collar you can borrow for now. You could pick up a couple cans of dog food at the Super Min. They won’t have any of that fancy gluten free, organic, chicken only food, but it will do until you can get off the island and into Naples.”

  “The Super Min?”

  “Our local convenience store. It’s at the gas station right as you come off the causeway from Naples.”

“You’ve lost me.”

  “Josie has been neglecting her duties as host if she hasn’t taken you to meet the Sisters of the Holy Super Min, Charity and Patti. I know they’ll want to meet you.”

  He was going to make a point to ask Josie about the Super Min and the alleged Holy Sisters. Leena was proving to be a fountain of information.

  “That will have to go on my list. Can I get the leash on my way back from my run?”

  “I’m heading to town, but I’ll leave it on the table in the corner there.” Leena extended a long finger toward a small round table holding a pot of large pink flowers.

  “Thank you,” he said. “Lucky will appreciate it.”

  “Lucky?” she asked.

  “The dog.” Bowing his head ever so slightly, Tony smiled. “It was wonderful meeting you, Leena, and I’m sure we’ll bump into each other again. Thank you for the leash.”

  “Have a lovely day…Tony.”

  Waving as he left Leena behind, Tony had to smile. It was just his luck Josie would have a nosy neighbor. He would bet the holy sisters would know all about Josie’s Belgian visitor before he ever set foot in their market.

  Josie awoke to the enthusiastic licks and kisses of one very affectionate puppy. Reaching out, she wondered where Tony had gone for just a split second, and then she remembered his gentle kiss before telling her he was going out for a run.

  Wrapping herself in the memory of his kisses and warm embrace, she went about her morning routine, fed the dog some scrambled eggs, and made a list of what they might need from the pet store. There was a big box store in Naples, which could be a pain to get to, but they would have everything she needed for the dog.

  She was also going to check with the shelter to see if anyone had reported a lost dog. Josie hoped that he was a stray who needed a home, because she really wanted to keep him. She and the dog had bonded over their harrowing experience in the water yesterday, but more than that, she liked the idea of having some company.

  Tony wasn’t forever, no matter how much her inner voice wished it. He was wonderful, sexy, and sweet, but he’d be out of her life in few weeks, and she could move on knowing this time they’d ended things well. He wanted so many things for them, but she wasn’t going to fit into his life.

  His very royal life.

  Lucky started dancing around letting out little yips and yaps at the back door, then progressed to full-fledged barking and leaping when Tony walked into the room. His skin was coated with a sheen of sweat, his breathing was heavy, and he’d removed his T-shirt to mop his brow.

  “Damn. It’s getting hot,” he said.

  Josie licked her lips. “No kidding.”

  There wasn’t a breathing woman in the world that wouldn’t have wanted this man. Holy hell. What a way to start her day.

  Tony squatted down to pet the dog, but kept his eyes trained on her. He knew what she was thinking, and his stare melted her from the inside out. “You are a trouble maker, Miss DeMarco. Stop it.”

  “Who, me?”

  Standing, he plucked a grape from the fruit bowl and popped it in his mouth. “Yes, you.”

  Rolling her eyes with mock attitude, Josie took in the gorgeous man standing in her kitchen. “Did you have a good run?”

  “Yes. Oh, here.” He held out his hand, passing her a leash and collar. “From Leena.”

  “Leena? You met her?”

  “Yes. Finally. Lovely lady, quite curious about our arrangement. Said you’d been remiss about not taking me to some market. The Super something.”

  “The Super Min? Oh, hell to the no.”

  “What?” He followed her as she hung the dog leash on a hook by the door. “Why? She said there were two ladies there I should meet. Sisters.”

  “Charity and Patti. Yup. Gossips. They live to tell stories about other people. You’re trying to stay out of sight? I’m not taking you there.”

  “I have a car, you know?” His words slid out like a challenge.

  “You wouldn’t, would you? You’d go there yourself?”

  “Sure.” His grin was quick and cheesy. “I believe in living dangerously. This whole hiding out thing isn’t in my nature.”

  “It’s a good thing I don’t.” As soon as she said it, she regretted it. Now she was going to get an earful.

  “Are you bloody serious?” he said with total disbelief. “After what happened yesterday, how can you say that? I’m talking about meeting a couple of local gossips. You risked your life.”

  “You’re right. But I knew what I was doing.”

  “Really? You apparently have a very short memory, because you fell apart last night you were so terrified. Do you remember that?”

  His Highness was making his point all too well. “Okay, I get it. You can stop now.”

  “I can? Are you certain? Because I wonder if you don’t need another reminder. While I was on my run, I came across quite a few people, including Clay. Is that his name, the guy who runs the Casa Blanca resort? Nice chap. Told me two people drowned yesterday in that surf.”

  “Tony, stop! You don’t need to treat me like a child.”

  “Maybe not, but please promise me you won’t do anything like that again. God, Josie.”

  Pulling her into his arms, Josie felt how tense he was when he banded his arms around her. “Promise me.”

  “I promise,” she said. “Don’t worry.”

  “Okay. Good.”

  “You had some run. Met a lot of people, it sounds like.”

  He smiled now that he’d calmed down. “It was nice. The coast is beautiful and that resort is spectacular. I think we should have dinner there before I leave.” He grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured some water from the pitcher in the fridge. He was relaxed and at home.

  But this wasn’t his home. Josie tried not to internalize the words, but just hearing him say the word leave, pricked at her heart. But he wasn’t staying, and this wasn’t news to her. He had a different life. One that was governed by rules and traditions. One that didn’t include her.

  “Let me put on a little makeup and we’ll go the Super Min.”

  “You changed your mind?”

  “You want to meet the sisters, let’s go for it. Then we can go to the pet store in Naples.”

  “I’ll jump in the shower. Is there a place we can grab some breakfast? I’m famished.”

  “Sure, we’ll find someplace.” How many more breakfasts would they have together?

  He started to make his way out of the kitchen when he turned, his blue eyes questioning. “Are you all right?”

  “Of course. I’m fine. Go shower.”

  “Josie? I mean it. Is something wrong?”

  “No,” she snapped. “Go shower so we can leave. Now that you mentioned food I’m starving.”

  He nodded, his expression confused, but she had no intention of telling him that the thought of him leaving was turning her inside out. It was her problem.

  Several hours later, with the dog riding happily in his new car seat, Josie and Tony pulled into the Super Min. He was excited to take on the queens of Mimosa Key, and Josie had no idea why.

  “Are you sure about this? Deep down they’re sweet women, sort of, and they love the town, but you are going to be talked about to every single person who passes through here for the next few weeks. Maybe longer if they find out who you are.”

  “Am I that much of a curiosity?”

  “You’re handsome, charming, and European. You reek of money and status, and you’re an unknown. You can bet your behind they’re going to try to find out who you are. I’m sure there are already stories floating around.”

  “Splendid. Let’s go have some fun.”

  “Tony! You wanted to lay low. This is NOT laying low.”

  “Josie, it’s a tiny town. I bet most people won’t have even heard of my country.”

  “You’re cocky. Do not underestimate these people.”

  Getting out of the car, he took Lucky from the back seat and heade
d toward the front door of Mimosa’s gossip center. Not only would Tony be the target of their curiosity, but Josie would too, with everyone wondering if they were an item.

  The Super Min was central to the town in that it had pretty much anything you needed, especially in a pinch. It could also satisfy your craving for candy, salty chips and the odd snack cake, should you need something.

  Josie figured she’d need a lot of junk food after today’s visit. She was a champ at eating her feelings.

  “Josie DeMarco! Is that you?” The voice was unmistakably Patti Vail. “Your grandmother would be disappointed you don’t come around much.”

  “Sorry Patti. This is—”

  “Tony Granville. Leena already called, bless her heart. You’re the foreigner who’s staying with Josie. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Mimosa. It’s our little piece of paradise.”

  “Thank you, Patti. You and your sister are legends in town.”

  “We have a knack for knowing things. Is this the dog you rescued, Josie? Cute little thing. Probably a stray.”

  “Probably,” Josie said as she placed a pile of sweets on the counter. “I’ll give him a good home if he doesn’t belong to anyone.”

  “That’s nice of you, but can you take care of a dog? I mean you live all alone.”

  Josie did not need this. “Gee, thanks for reminding me, Patti. But if I have Lucky with me I won’t be alone, will I?”

  “Hmmpf. I’m only saying that a young woman like you, living alone…” Patti glanced at Tony. “How nice that you have company for a little while. And such handsome company at that.”

  She was fishing, which didn’t surprise Josie at all. It’s what the sisters did. Their need to know everything that was happening on the island wasn’t just about curiosity; their know-it-all status gave them a certain amount of power. And they used it.

  Pushing her stash of cakes and candy across the counter towards Patti, Josie indicated it was time to go. “Could you ring these up, please?”

  Patti examined the goods and frowned. “You need to eat some fruit, honey. This stuff is not good for your girlish figure.”


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