Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 3

by Leah Brooke

  Resigned to the fact that she’d ruined everything, she swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m sorry if you’re offended, but you told me once, when I made up an excuse not to go out with you, that you preferred honesty between us.”

  “True. I insist on it.” He placed a hand on her arm, stopping her when she would have moved away. The unmistakable hurt in his eyes held a hint of anger. “Is that how you really see me? As some kind of monster?”

  Unsettled by the challenge in his voice, she took a step back, feeling as if she’d dared him in some way. “Not a monster. A Dominant.”

  Gabriel shrugged, watching her intently in a way that unnerved her. “I’ll admit to being a man who doesn’t back down from a challenge.” Inclining his head, he allowed a small smile, a smile that did nothing to dispel the anger in his eyes. “I can even admit to being ruthless on occasion, when the situation calls for it. The rest is insulting.”

  Kelsey raised a brow. “But true.”

  His brow went up, the censure in his eyes knotting her stomach. “I really thought you understood me better than that, Kelsey.” His gaze sharpened, the raw sexuality revealed in it making her pulse trip. “We’ll have plenty of time this week to get to know each other better, though, won’t we? Before we leave this island, we’ll understand each other very well.”

  Shaken with the knowledge that he’d hidden this intensity from her for so many months, Kelsey schooled her features, determined not to show any sign of weakness. “You confuse me. Just when I think I know you…” Swallowing a sob, she shrugged.

  Gabriel stared at her for several long seconds, his expression thoughtful. “Staying here this week will give you an insight into the lifestyle. You’ll understand me better, and perhaps even understand yourself a little better.”

  Kelsey snorted inelegantly. “I don’t want you to think you can change me into something I’m not. You’re doomed to be disappointed.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Gabriel tilted his head to the side, the compassion in his eyes nearly undoing her. “You’re scared. I understand that, Kelsey.”

  Lifting her chin, she struggled to hide her unease, afraid she’d somehow given something away. “You don’t scare me, Gabriel. I’m just not interested in getting involved with any man, least of all one who feels he has to dominate women.”

  She felt trapped—backed into a corner and defenseless against her own desires.

  After another lengthy pause, one in which he stared at her intently, Gabriel reached out to take her hand in his, firming his grip when she resisted. “Back to back lies. Interesting. I see the fear in your eyes. At first I thought you were just scared of me, and then I realized that you’re scared of all men—at least the ones you can’t control.”

  Kelsey tried to take a step back, gasping and crying out when Gabriel jerked her against his chest.

  “Let go of me. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  God help her if he ever found out that what she felt for him had become more than just desire.

  Clenching his jaw, he wrapped his arms around her. “Stop it before you hurt yourself.” He slid a hand under her skirt to her bare bottom and delivered a sharp slap, startling her into stilling. “That’s enough.”

  Gabriel gripped her upper arms and pulled her to her toes. “You have a look in your eyes, a wariness and fear whenever a man comes close that tells me that you’ve been hurt by one. You’ve discovered that the best defense is a good offense. Your attack first attitude is how you hide that fear, and it drives me crazy.”

  She opened her mouth to deny it, but before she could speak, he placed a finger on her lips, effectively silencing her. “Don’t bother to lie to me again. It pisses me off.” Cupping her jaw, he ran a thumb over her bottom lip, the possessiveness in his eyes and touch sharper than ever.

  “You don’t trust men. They make you nervous, and you’ve pretty much convinced yourself that you never want a relationship. Ever. But, you want me, and it confuses and angers you. Things changed over the last several months, haven’t they? You know there’s something between us, and it scares the hell out of you.”

  Threading his hands through her hair, he pushed it back, lifting her face to his. He bent close, so close that his warm breath caressed her lips. His gaze became tender, but no less watchful. “You’ve started to trust me, and that scares you even more.”

  Astounded at the power emanating from him and the sudden shift in the erotic atmosphere, she found herself more alarmed by the tenderness in the way he looked at her. It became increasingly difficult to hide from his intense scrutiny, and since his hold wouldn’t allow her to turn away, she lowered her eyes, hating her weakness. “I don’t know what you mean.” Her denial sounded lame even to her.

  Gabriel lifted her chin higher, waiting until she met his gaze again before smiling. “Of course you do, but I’m willing to spell it out for you. I don’t want any misunderstandings between us.”

  Taking her hand in his, he lifted it to his lips, his eyes steady and searching on hers. “Admit it—if not to me, at least to yourself. You know I won’t hurt you. You’re not afraid of me that way. You’re afraid of the way I make you feel. That’s why you’re so determined to stay away from me. You want this as much as I do, but you’re too scared to go after what you know, deep in your soul, is missing from your life.”

  When she would have pulled away, he tightened his grip, pressing her palm to his strong jaw. “Talk to me, Kelsey.”

  Swallowing heavily, she struggled to keep her tone firm. “That’s ridiculous, and there’s nothing to talk about.” If she messed it up, or couldn’t be what he needed, she’d ruin the friendship they’d just begun to build and solidify her belief that having a relationship with a man she could trust and respect was impossible.

  Turning his hand, he pressed a kiss into her palm, sending a riot of delightful shivers up her arm. “It’s not ridiculous at all, and I think we have a great deal to talk about. You don’t want to want me, but you do. You didn’t expect to ever trust me, but you do.”

  Drawing her close, he ran his hand up and down her back, increasing the sense of possessiveness. His gaze held hers, the affection in it so like the look she’d become used to, that she found herself relaxing enough to flatten a hand on his chest. “That means a great deal to me. I promise to never betray that trust. I just want to spend the week getting to know you, and I’d like you to get to know me. You’ve already taught me things about myself. Give me the chance to show you things about yourself. Let me prove to you that you’re strong enough to have a man in your life.”

  Very much afraid that Gabriel was the only man she could even tolerate in her life, she pushed against his chest and slipped past him, knowing that she’d been able to only because he’d allowed it.

  How could she compete with the women he’d known, when she didn’t even know the rules of the game?

  He’d think her gauche and naïve, and his interest would quickly turn to boredom.

  Determined to hide how desperately she wanted to give in, she turned to him as he matched his steps to hers. “I know I’m strong enough to have a man in my life. I just don’t want one, and I don’t particularly care to be an experiment for you. If you want to be friends, fine, but I’m not interested in what I think you’re proposing.”

  Gabriel’s eyes narrowed, his amusement unmistakable. “And what is it that you think I’m proposing?”

  “You want me to be your lover.” Frowning, she shook her head. “No. Lover isn’t the right word. You’re looking for someone to play your games with you. You want a woman you can dominate.”

  Stopping, she turned to face him fully. “You intrigue me, Gabriel. You’re handsome and charming and I’m sure you have no shortage of women. But, like I said, I’m not interested.”

  Surprised that she didn’t choke on the lie, she averted her gaze, glancing at Gabriel out of the corner of her eye to see if he believed her.

  Gabriel didn’t seem the least
bit offended—or surprised.

  Nothing she ever said or did seemed to surprise Gabriel.

  Damn, she hated being predictable.

  Inclining his head, he released her, clearly not believing her. “I won’t push you into anything, honey, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Running a fingertip over her shoulder, he smiled. “Don’t worry, Kelsey. Nothing will happen between us that you don’t want to happen.”

  Sharply aware of his gaze on her breasts, she fought not to cover herself. “That sounds ominous.”

  A dark brow went up. “Not at all. You need a vacation. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself this week. I’m not going to do anything to ruin it for you.”

  A laugh escaped before she could prevent it, shocking her. “Are you kidding? I can’t even go to dinner unless you’re with me. If I’m seen alone, one of the guards will just take me back to your room. Stupid bracelet.”

  Lifting her arm, she grimaced at the silver band they’d put on her when she’d checked in, a band that had Gabriel’s name on it. “It feels like a brand. And these outfits! I can’t believe men actually get women to come here.”

  Gabriel grinned. “You came here with me, didn’t you?”

  She glared at him, finding it harder and harder to hold back her amusement. “I came here for my best friend’s wedding. You just somehow managed to convince Nick and Steve to make sure I had to stay with you the entire time.”

  A faint smile curled his lips. “Rules of the island, darling. You knew that before we left.”

  “Yes, I knew. I also knew there wouldn’t be any way to come here without agreeing to the terms—and stop calling me that.”

  It gave her a warm feeling inside, one that she could get used to far too easily—and miss a great deal when this week was over.

  Taking her hand, he began to stroll farther down the beach. “Nevertheless, you did agree to the terms, and we have a week together.”

  Blowing out a breath, she hid a smile. “I haven’t had a vacation in years, and it seems this is the only chance I’ll have to take one. I just don’t want to spend it fighting off advances.”

  Gabriel’s smile, pure sin, sent another wave of longing through her, making her pussy clench with the need to be filled. “Kelsey, when I take you, you won’t be fighting off anything. In fact, I can promise you, I won’t take you until you beg for it.”

  Lifting her chin, she met his gaze squarely. “Well, that will never happen.”

  Hell, she was close to begging now.

  “Then you don’t have anything to worry about, do you?”

  Not trusting his tone or the knowing look in his eyes, Kelsey eyed him warily. “Good. I want a vacation, and some time to think about some things.”

  She wanted to sleep, read, and lie on the beach and forget about employee schedules and rising prices. She’d built a good business, but a lot of people had started cutting back on take-out coffee, and her business had taken a hit.

  None of that would have mattered to her, though, if her heart had been in it.

  She was seriously considering Gina’s offer. She wanted some time to think about it, and getting away for a week seemed like a good time to do it.

  The business had served its purpose, but the restlessness inside her to do something else couldn’t be ignored.

  Meeting Gabriel had only made it worse.

  At least she could enjoy Gabriel’s company while she figured out what she wanted to do.

  A sudden breeze lifted her skirt, blowing over her bottom and mound before she could gather the material and press it against her thigh. Knowing that if Gabriel had been on the other side of her, he would have seen everything, Kelsey kept her hand fisted in the silky material, struggling to keep her breathing slow and even.

  “Just keep your end of the bargain.”

  Gabriel smiled, and took her arm. “I always do, Kelsey.”

  Kelsey narrowed her eyes, not trusting the look of anticipation gleaming in his. “Good.”

  Lifting her hand to his lips, he kissed her knuckles, sending that now familiar tingling sensation up her arm. It spread to her nipples, making them bead even tighter, and tingle with the need for his touch. “I always keep my promises, Kelsey—something you’ll learn soon enough.”

  Chapter Three

  “How did you get to be a Dominant? I mean, what made you decide that that’s what you wanted?”

  Gabriel met her gaze, his eyes dancing. “I never liked boring and was always looking for a thrill. I drove my parents crazy. I was a daredevil who always looked for an adrenaline rush. I think that’s why I got into business for myself. I made money gambling and then took it from there. The same applied to sex. I have a very high sex drive and vanilla just wasn’t enough. I like the challenge of bringing a woman pleasure even when she fights it. To turn pain into pleasure. To turn anger into passion.”

  Pausing, he ran his fingers down her back. “I like a hardheaded, stubborn woman who won’t give in meekly to her pleasure. I like the battle of wills. A strong woman’s submission makes the victory even sweeter.”

  The mental image of trying to resist the pleasure he forced on her sent a warm rush of desire through her, one so intense it gave her a small orgasm. Her steps faltered, and shocked at the brief flare of pleasure, she struggled to hide it.

  She stumbled once, unsurprised that Gabriel caught her immediately. Shaken by the feel of his hands on her arms, and the look of hunger in his eyes, she pushed away. “Thank you. I’m fine.”

  Gabriel released her slowly, his eyes narrowing. “I know how you are, Kelsey. Maybe while we’re here, you’ll have the courage to explore your needs.”

  “There’s nothing to explore. Tell me about the new condos.”

  Inclining his head, he gave her a knowing smile. “We’ll change the subject, if you like, at least until you calm down. We’ll get back to it.”

  Before she knew it, they’d arrived back at the hotel, only to find the lobby silent and empty.

  As they walked across the large expanse of smooth marble, Kelsey frowned and looked around at the opulent surroundings. “I haven’t seen anyone except the staff and Steve and Nick’s security men. Aren’t there any other guests?”

  “No.” With a hot hand at her back, Gabriel led her across the lobby and to the bank of elevators. “We’re the only ones here this week, and visits will be restricted to potential buyers until the condos are finished. They’re training staff for the condo complex here at the hotel, and they don’t want a lot of people running around until everything’s ready.”

  Trailing a finger up her spine, he smiled at her shiver and followed her into the elevator. “That means we’re nearly alone. Security will stay out of sight and will mostly be monitoring to make sure the island has no uninvited guests. Steve asked if we could eat in the dining room occasionally while they’re training the new waiters, but tonight we’ll stay in our room.”

  He met her look with a cool smile, his eyes unreadable. “You look like you need something to calm your nerves. We can sit and have a drink on the balcony.”

  Inwardly cringing that he found her so easy to read, Kelsey nodded and said nothing, wrapping her arms around her waist.

  “That’s fine. I want to take a shower first, though. I feel sticky from the spray of the water, and even though I rinsed my feet, I still feel sandy.”

  “Of course. I think we could both use a shower. Besides, I bought several of those becoming outfits for you in an assortment of fabrics and colors, and although you look beautiful in that one, I can’t wait to see you in all of them.”

  Kelsey groaned. “That’s what I was afraid of. I wish you’d let me pay for them. I hate the feeling of being in someone’s debt.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Kelsey. I enjoyed it very much. I’ve looked forward to every aspect of our week together.”

  They’d arrived at their floor, and when the elevator opened, she rushed out, but Gabriel apparently had no diff
iculty in keeping up with her.

  Producing a key card, he kept his steps even with hers. “Is there a problem?”

  She’d never before felt so out of her element, and feeling so vulnerable put her at a disadvantage. Her arousal made it even worse, leaving her feeling exposed, and it had begun to fray her temper. “I don’t know how to do this!”

  He unlocked the door and pushed it open, gesturing for her to precede him. “You look beautiful, darling, but I can understand that feeling so vulnerable would shake you. Seeing you dressed that way, knowing that only two jeweled clasps stand between me and having you naked is testing my control to the limits.”

  “Don’t. Please, Gabriel, don’t lie to me. I know you’ve been with many beautiful women who know how to play this game, and I must seem really naïve to you. But please don’t play with me that way.”

  She felt stupid and confused, a feeling she hated.

  Still, she found her gaze drawn to him, wanting his hands on her so badly she trembled. “Please, Gabriel. Try to understand. I don’t know how to play your games.”

  Frowning, Gabriel folded his arms across his chest and stared at her with narrowed eyes. “If you were mine, you’d pay for calling me a liar.”

  Swallowing heavily, she studied his expression, trying to figure out if he was serious or teasing her. “What would you do? Spank me? Beat me? Whip me? I mean, if you were dominating me, what kind of things would you do to me if I called you a liar?”

  She sucked in a breath at the feel of Gabriel’s hot hands on her shoulders. She panicked at the surge of need and tried to pull away, but he tightened his hold, keeping her firmly in place with an ease that impressed her.

  Bending close, he brushed his lips against her ear, sending arrows of electricity to her nipples and clit. “I would make you very aware of the fact that you’d displeased me.”

  She knew just how easily he could overpower her, but she wasn’t afraid of him.


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