Megan's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 1)

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Megan's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 1) Page 6

by Pixie Moon

  The reminder of the nasty male in our living room is like a blast of cold air. I pull back and Hilam turns to his brother. “Let me show you the last thing I need.”

  I watch the tall males go into Hilam’s lab. They don’t stay in there for long. From what I have heard of their conversation, I believe we must be getting close to a planet.

  Riflan nods at me and then leans down and grabs the mean alien’s arm. Hilam opens the front door and Riflan drags the male out of our home.

  Home. Yes, this place is starting to feel a lot like home.

  The stench of our unwelcome visitor lingers in the air. “What kind of being was that awful male?” I’ve got to start getting my aliens down. I’m so far away from Earth that I have to start changing and learning.

  Hilam’s purple eyebrows lower. “He’s a clocpinian. I don’t know what is wrong with him. They are usually all snarl and no bite. I’ve never seen one attack anyone physically. Riflan will take care of him. Yes, Mocso will being paying for his bad behavior. I’m sorry that happened to you, sweet one.”

  Yes, I now remember Riflan saying there was a clocpinian onboard. Now I know they are nasty beings. “I appreciate you defending me,” I say. I need him to understand that I’m happy he didn’t let that awful clocpinian have me. Next time I’ll scream if a mean alien touches me.

  “I’ll always protect you, sweet one.” He kisses me lightly and then looks around before his gaze swings back to me. “I need you to secure our belongings by putting them in the cabinets and then latching the cabinet doors. Riflan was here to see what I need on Hirope and to let me know we will be landing near the beginning of the next active cycle.”

  When he turns and goes into his lab and starts working, I shake my head. He’s back to his normal self. At least I know he’ll come out and defend me when necessary.

  With a last look at him, I start preparing for landing.

  I suppress the fear that tries to overtake me. We are not going to crash land on an alien planet and be eaten by wild beasts. Hilam is calm so I need to be calm as well.

  It’s going to be okay.



  ~ Megan ~


  I’m eating some sindot fruit bread when the craft suddenly starts feeling like it’s going downward. I look over at Hilam who just finished eating.

  “Are we about to land? Is this planet safe?” I ask. The thought of landing has all sorts of things whizzing through my mind.

  “Yes, soon you’ll feel the spacecraft touchdown. Don’t worry though. Riflan and Klimen are excellent at flying this ship,” he answers as he takes both of our dishes to the cleaner.

  I follow, worried about my future. “You didn’t answer my next question. Is this planet safe?”

  He shrugs nonchalantly. “As safe as any. But you won’t have to worry about it because you won’t be leaving this ship.”

  I don’t like his tone. “What if the hiropians come aboard uninvited?”

  Hilam doesn’t bat an eyelash. “Then I’ll kill them. Let’s go. I have work to do.”

  I silently growl at him. He seriously has no people skills whatsoever. I hear the guys shouting from the corridor and feel a little of their excitement.

  We only encounter two of the guys in the corridor on our way back to our quarters. They are too busy to stop and smell me or to talk.

  In our home, Hilam turns to me. “Stay sitting while we land. It shouldn’t be rough, but it will be different for you.” He gives me a quick nonsexual kiss and then heads into his lab.

  My guts twist as I wonder what I should do. The craft touching down startles me. It’s not a hard landing but it does rattle a few things in our cabinets. Hilam doesn’t miss a beat. He just keeps on working on the comm unit he’s got in his hands.

  I stay sitting and thinking. I hear the guys leave and wonder how many of them left the ship. Are we the only two people left aboard? I tap my thigh as I think. Surely not.

  I did hear a lot of feet pass by our door though. If I want to escape and try to find a ride back to Earth this is the time to do it. I worry my teeth over my lip. What should I do?

  Acting as normal as possible, I head to our front door and slip out. I bet Hilam won’t even know I’m gone. I go left toward the craft’s door that leads outside.

  My feet feel heavy. I don’t know what I should do. My heart is aching for Hilam. The socially stunted alien has gotten under my skin and is sinking deeper into my heart with each passing cycle.

  Can I leave him? I stop near the massive door and just stare at it. What should I do? Hilam Braknee is so nice. He defended me. Plus his rospet helps him give me unbelievable pleasure. Here I’m well cared for and possibly even loved. Out there I could be eaten, beaten, or killed. Not all aliens are nice like the dagrinians.

  No, they are nothing like Hilam.

  I can’t leave him. I love him.

  I love him.

  The words sink into my soul. They are the truest words I know. I turn and head back to our home. I jump and squeal when I see Hilam in our doorway.

  Rizpa nin. Shit, I’m starting to sound like a dagrinian. Maybe that’s not a bad thing. Needing to find out what he’s seen, I ask in a casual tone, “How long have you been standing here.” Please tell me you just opened the door, I silently coach.

  His gaze heats with approval and lust and something else. “The whole time. I’m glad you chose me, sweet one.” He steps back and I enter our home.

  “I can’t help myself. I’ve fallen in love with you. Looks like you’re stuck with me forever. I love you too much to leave you,” I confess.

  “Good, because I love you too much to let you go,” he says as he starts taking his clothes off. “Strip,” he orders when I just stand staring at his fine body.

  I quickly throw my clothes off and follow him to our bedroom.

  I squeal when he tosses me on the bed and spreads my thighs. My squeal turns into a moan when he licks and sucks my pussy until I come. I peak again while he’s pumping his big cock in and out of me. The love in his eyes easily pushes me over the edge without the aid of his rospet. I’m still floating as he growls and comes too. Together we writhe in rapture.

  Breathing heavily, we snuggle as our bodies pulse with pleasure and love. I drift off as peace settles over me.

  I wake to the sound of a scared female and look around. Hilam is gone. I hear the female again and go into the living room and quickly get dressed. I’m seriously going to need some new clothes soon. Before I can open our door Hilam steps out of his lab and shakes his head.

  “I heard a scared female. We have to check on her. Help her,” I say. Surely he understands that I’m needed.

  He puts his arms around me and hugs me tightly. “Their males will take care of them. You’ll be able to talk to them after they are settled. Trust their males. None of the guys on this crew would hurt a vulnerable female.”

  It kills me to stay put, but deep down I know none of the guys onboard are bad. I force myself to relax into Hilam and trust him. It’s going to be okay. It has to be.

  I inhale his addictive scent and bask in the feeling of love coming from Hilam. It will be okay.



  ~ Megan ~


  Worry is eating me up.

  Soft material swirls around my thighs as I pace our small living room. I now know there are two females that were brought aboard. Klimen and his brother, Rylem both bought the women on Hirope.

  We left that planet early this morning. I hope the women didn’t get too scared when the spacecraft took flight. Do they need medical attention? I really want to see them.

  I can’t stand it anymore. I go to the lab doorway and stare a hole through Hilam. He doesn’t look up from his work. Humph. People skills will never be his forte.

  “I need to go see the females. I have to make sure they are alright. What if they are wounded?” I say as I stare him down.

  He sighs and
looks my way. “The Trillobe brothers have healing devices in their quarters. If their females are injured, they know how to heal them. Stop worrying, sweet one.”

  Much to my chagrin, he goes back to work. I go back to pacing. The caress of the blue dress I’m wearing is a nice distraction. The soft material is bound at the waist with an equally soft band of material that has to be slid on after the dress is put on. The wide band on this dress is a couple of shades darker than the dress. I wouldn’t bother with the band if it didn’t turn the dress into a shapely creation that makes Hilam’s eyes glaze with lust.

  The dress’s mid-thigh length makes it easy for Hilam to have access to my womanly parts. Riflan knew exactly what he was doing when he picked this dress out and the six others that are similar.

  My heart flutters at the thought of Hilam making sure I have everything I need. The pretty smelling shampoo, lotion, feminine pads and panties that I can only wear when menstruating are items I appreciate as well.

  Yes, these guys are now my family. They have proven that some aliens are compassionate and worth loving.

  Speaking of compassion, I start worrying about the females again. I go to the doorway of the lab again. “I can help them. I was new here not that long ago. Will you take me to them, please?”

  He sighs again and looks at me. “No, Megan. Stop worrying about them Klimen and Rylem are taking care of them. And I’m about to start working on a replicator that can fill female needs. If you want to do something nice for them, I suggest that you go make them some bread and some sindot muffins.”

  My heart lightens immediately. “I love that idea. After I make them some food, I’ll take it to them.” Yes, this will work out. I whirl around to leave.

  “Black star,” Hilam growls.

  That doesn’t sound good. Black star is the dagrinian equivalent to hell. Not waiting around, I rush to the door. Six purple fingers wrap around my wrist before I can even open the door.

  “Rizpa nin. How do you move so fast?” I ask as frustration climbs my spine and spreads to all my cells.

  Laughter rumbles from his chest. “I love it when you use our words.” He lifts me up and sniffs my neck.

  My scent seems to help him just like his scent helps me. I inhale his aroma and let it glide through me. My frustration eases away.

  “Why are you stopping me from cooking?” I ask. I need to get going. The otho does take some time to cook as much food as I plan on preparing.

  “I’m not stopping you from cooking, but I am letting you know that you are not going to bring the food to the females. I’ll take it to them or get one the others to do it.” His lips lightly brush mine and then he sets me on my feet. “Now go on. I have work to do.”

  Humph. As absorbed as Hilam gets in work, I can probably bring the food to the females without him knowing anything about it. All I have to do is knock on doors until I find the rooms with the humans in them.

  Piece of cake.

  Right before I open the door six purple fingers curl around my wrist again. I look up into serious eyes. “Riflan and the others know that I don’t want you near the new females. So don’t try anything.”

  He releases me and then turns and heads to his precious lab. Humph. I can’t believe he told the others not to let me near the women. That dirty dog.

  He’s worried about you, my soft side whispers.

  Hmmm. What would make him act this way? The only thing I can figure out is that he’s afraid they will try to get me to help them escape and possibly talk me into escaping with them.

  I love him too much to leave him. But if the females see me they may think I’ll help them escape. I shiver as I remember how other aliens act compared to the dagrinians. The women are better off here. That’s for sure.

  I’m heading down the corridor when Drandok steps out of a connecting corridor. His eyes light up when he sees me. In a flash, I’m being hugged and sniffed. The firmness of his body reminds me of Hilam but his scent doesn’t. Since dagrinians are sniffers I’m glad they all smell good.

  His muscular arms release me and he gives me a lopsided smile. “I see Hilam is doing his duty and staying nice and healthy.”

  I’m not about to ask what that duty is. When Zefrom said those words to me I fell for it and he gladly let me know that a dagrinian’s duty to a female is to mate her as often as possible and to openly let others watch them mate for claiming purposes whenever the mood strikes. After the shock wore off I realized my inner thighs were damp from the juices coming out of me. Looks like I’m more outgoing than I ever realized.

  “Yes, he is. I’m going to cook some food for the new women. Do you know how they are doing?” I ask in my sweetest tone.

  “They are fine. Otherwise Klimen and Rylem would have gone to Riflan for help.” His pretty eyes harden like a commander. “You are not to go near them right now. Let their males take care of them.”

  When my lips twist unhappily, Drandok chuckles. “I see Hilam has his hands full with you, little human. Be good,” he orders and then disappears through one of the doors I’m not allowed to go through.

  I rub my hands as I go into the kitchen and start preparing some food. I want the new women to feel good and to see that this place is not bad. At least I know that the women are okay. Looks like that will have to be enough for now. Sometimes protective males are not easy to be around. This is definitely one of those times.

  Several hours later, I happily look around at all the food and am satisfied with the amount. I go get Hilam and hope he’s changed his mind about letting me go to deliver it. I’ll make sure they know this place is safe and good.

  I enter our home and see that he’s still in his lab. Maybe he’s working on the replicator. That thing will come in handy. “I have the food ready. Since I know more about it than most here onboard, I think it would be good for me to deliver it with you.”

  Hilam puts down the device he was working on and sighs long-sufferingly. “What would they need to know? It’s just food,” he answers as we leave our home and head toward the kitchen.

  “Well, one of them could be allergic to some of the ingredients. I could stay and look for signs of human allergies.” That sounds good. I really want to see the women. Maybe one of them will end up being friendly like Hallie was. I could use a female friend.

  Hilam wraps his arm around me in a comforting manner. “Not this time, Megan. Within seven or eight active cycles you’ll be able to meet them. Have patience, sweet one.” He touches my dress and a passionate gleam enters his unique eyes. “You look pretty in this dress.”

  His compliment makes me feel better. “Thanks,” I answer as we enter the kitchen and dining area. Riflan, Drandok, Rivlok, Zefrom, and Trilom are already here snacking.

  I’m pleasantly surprised when I recognize that being around so many massive males doesn’t bother me at all. I know how good they are. Being a foot shorter than everyone else was weird and scary at first but it’s not anymore.

  I show Hilam the trays I’ve prepared and he asks Trilom to deliver them. The huge male quickly takes the trays away. I hope the new couples enjoy the food. I’ll make sure they get a tray every day. It’s the least I can do.

  My aunt would be pleased to see me spreading happiness. As I look around at the enthusiastically eating males, I realize that making them happy makes me happy.

  Shortly after we sit next to Riflan and Zefrom, Riflan looks at Hilam and asks, “Did you figure out the latest comm problem or have you been too busy mating your little human to get the job done?”

  Is he kidding? The serious look on Riflan’s face says no. Anger fires my blood. I glare at Riflan and don’t care at all that he’s nearly twice my size or that he could drop me off or sell me on the next planet. Nobody insults Hilam.

  “Hilam works harder than anyone I know. You have no right to talk to him that way. You’re mean.” I don’t look to Hilam for conformation because I know I’m one hundred percent right. When Riflan grins, I glare at him.

nbsp; His eyes light up contentedly. “I knew you’d be good for my brother.” Riflan’s gaze shifts to Hilam. “Now you know she truly cares for you.”

  What? I turn and glare at Hilam. “Did you set me up?”

  “No, I had nothing to do with this, sweet one.” He smiles approvingly. “But it was rather arousing watching you defend me.”

  The lust that fills his eyes sparks my own desire. There is something about Hilam Braknee that turns my world upside down and makes me want to please him like no other.

  “Show us that she’s yours,” Rivlok encourages and the others hardily agree.

  I know it’s their way and I’m nervous about being taken in front of them but none of them have ever hurt me and I know Hilam wouldn’t allow it. When he takes me in his arms and his mouth devours mine, I sink into his embrace and trust him completely.

  Our tongues duel and caress as we taste each other. Without breaking the kiss, Hilam urges me to straddle him. I’m pretty sure the guys got an eyeful of my ass when my dress was raised for a moment. When Hilam’s hands start massaging my rounded cheeks, I no longer care what they saw.

  My hands clutch at his muscular shoulders as I ride the hard ridge that is steadily growing between Hilam’s legs. Knowing how good he feels inside me, I grind my clit against his erection seeking relief. I hear a groan from somewhere behind me. The sexy sound only intensifies my need.

  Hilam’s hands stop massaging my butt. I vaguely grasp that he is clearing the spot in front of him. Zefrom and Drandok clear a larger spot and I briefly wonder why.

  A breath later, I’m being set on the table and Hilam is sliding my arms out of the armholes of my dress. I suck in a loud breath when he pushes my dress down revealing my breasts.

  “She’s lovely,” Zefrom says in a hushed tone.

  “Yes, she is,” Hilam agrees right before he takes one of my nipples into his hot mouth.

  When he draws on the taut bud liquid seeps from between my legs. The tension that is coiling in my core is starting to rage out of control. I need to be fucked.


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